Tags are generated automatically from the petition contents, so sometimes they do end up being a bit imprecise. But manually tagging over a 100,000 petitions would be a bit of a stretch, so we'll just have to put up with the occasional dodgy tag. Sorry about that.
Reconsider the NHS fees for visa extensions as they are too high and unfair.
Open from Friday 18th December 2015 to Saturday 18th June 2016
28 signatures
Allow a person to be able to buy 5g of cannabis a day through coffeeshops
Open from Thursday 17th December 2015 to Friday 17th June 2016
555 signatures
Meat is without a doubt a demerit good, why is it not taxed like one?
Open from Wednesday 16th December 2015 to Thursday 16th June 2016
16 signatures
Reverse the decision to restrict legitimate expenses claims under new tax laws
Open from Wednesday 16th December 2015 to Thursday 16th June 2016
140 signatures
Reverse the decision to withdraw the competition funding for CCS Technolgy
Open from Wednesday 16th December 2015 to Thursday 16th June 2016
27 signatures
Tax major international companies on their UK sales, not their reported profit
Open from Wednesday 16th December 2015 to Thursday 16th June 2016
42 signatures
Create a carbon dioxide emissions tax for industry.
Open from Wednesday 16th December 2015 to Thursday 16th June 2016
61 signatures
Scrap plans forcing self employed & small business to do 4 tax returns yearly
Open from Wednesday 16th December 2015 to Thursday 16th June 2016
114,504 signatures
Reverse decision to limit social sector housing benefit to private sector rate
Open from Tuesday 15th December 2015 to Wednesday 15th June 2016
457 signatures
Re-Instate the requirement to display a Vehicle Road Tax Disc
Open from Monday 14th December 2015 to Tuesday 14th June 2016
18 signatures
Drug tests for parents on benefits with vouchers for necessities if they fail
Open from Monday 14th December 2015 to Tuesday 14th June 2016
28 signatures
Outlaw premium rate number providers redirecting calls to Government Agencies
Open from Monday 14th December 2015 to Tuesday 14th June 2016
12 signatures
Stop HMRC retrospectively taxing by backdating new or clarified tax laws.
Open from Monday 14th December 2015 to Tuesday 14th June 2016
17 signatures
Abolish vehicle excise duty and replace it with an additional fuel tax.
Open from Monday 14th December 2015 to Tuesday 14th June 2016
34 signatures
Make all sanctions on e-cigarettes the same as cigarettes, see below
Open from Monday 14th December 2015 to Tuesday 14th June 2016
15 signatures
Raise the minimum legal smoking age by 12 months, each year.
Open from Monday 14th December 2015 to Tuesday 14th June 2016
29 signatures
Government Pay Reform: People instead pay their taxes to the party they support.
Open from Thursday 10th December 2015 to Friday 10th June 2016
11 signatures
Make companies who haven't paid tax in the UK brand their products to show this.
Open from Thursday 10th December 2015 to Friday 10th June 2016
112 signatures
Introduce a revenue-neutral carbon tax
Open from Wednesday 9th December 2015 to Thursday 9th June 2016
47 signatures
Change the current benefit and tax credit system
Open from Wednesday 9th December 2015 to Thursday 9th June 2016
13 signatures
Make the new Mersey Gateway crossing free for all
Open from Monday 7th December 2015 to Tuesday 7th June 2016
3,796 signatures
Allow for VAT rebate on costs incurred travelling to work.
Open from Friday 4th December 2015 to Saturday 4th June 2016
24 signatures
Stop the use of HADECS 3 speed cameras or bring them in line with existing rules
Open from Friday 4th December 2015 to Saturday 4th June 2016
25 signatures
Abolish the Monarchy and distribute the resources to the people through councils
Open from Thursday 3rd December 2015 to Friday 3rd June 2016
857 signatures
Add 1% to income tax as an "NHS tax" with all funds direct to the NHS
Open from Thursday 3rd December 2015 to Friday 3rd June 2016
55 signatures
The Chancellor’s intent to hike BTL stamp duty is wrong. It has to be reversed.
Open from Thursday 3rd December 2015 to Friday 3rd June 2016
2,008 signatures
Make employed migrants exempt from paying the NHS Health Surcharge
Open from Thursday 3rd December 2015 to Friday 3rd June 2016
308 signatures
Make every female entitled to a free reusable menstrual cup on the NHS.
Open from Thursday 3rd December 2015 to Friday 3rd June 2016
85 signatures
Meat tax to fund research for lab grown meat
Open from Wednesday 2nd December 2015 to Thursday 2nd June 2016
15 signatures
Petitions, gaining signatures from 2% of the electorate, are put to referendum.
Open from Wednesday 2nd December 2015 to Thursday 2nd June 2016
27 signatures
No privatising the national health without a commons vote
Open from Wednesday 2nd December 2015 to Thursday 2nd June 2016
13 signatures
Require all high ranking public officials to openly disclose all finances.
Open from Thursday 26th November 2015 to Thursday 26th May 2016
27 signatures
No Devolved Welsh Income Tax powers unless we have a Referendum.
Open from Thursday 26th November 2015 to Thursday 26th May 2016
69 signatures
Allow a 5 month trial of televised 3pm kick off football matches
Open from Thursday 26th November 2015 to Thursday 26th May 2016
12 signatures
Abolish 1p and 2p Coins from circulation and production
Open from Wednesday 25th November 2015 to Wednesday 25th May 2016
37 signatures
Publish the full amount of GBP lost every year in corporate tax avoidance.
Open from Monday 23rd November 2015 to Monday 23rd May 2016
13 signatures
Pay parents more money who claim child tax benefits
Open from Sunday 22nd November 2015 to Sunday 22nd May 2016
8 signatures
Change the start of Vehicle Excise Duty to the exact day that it is purchased
Open from Sunday 22nd November 2015 to Sunday 22nd May 2016
986 signatures
Spend Trident money on public sector services and welfare (e.g NHS, schools etc)
Open from Friday 20th November 2015 to Friday 20th May 2016
29 signatures
Show us how “Your 2015 plans” will get us living within our means by 2020.
Open from Friday 20th November 2015 to Friday 20th May 2016
8 signatures
Crown Estates should offer horse riders the option of purchasing a daily permit
Open from Friday 20th November 2015 to Friday 20th May 2016
18 signatures
Stop plans to spend £10 million of tax payers money on Government private plane
Open from Friday 20th November 2015 to Friday 20th May 2016
738 signatures
Create a new voting system where (we) The people have ultimate authority.
Open from Friday 20th November 2015 to Friday 20th May 2016
12 signatures
Make the CSA take into account your monthly outgoings for non-resident parents
Open from Thursday 19th November 2015 to Thursday 19th May 2016
22 signatures
Change policies and tax religious groups and property.
Open from Wednesday 18th November 2015 to Wednesday 18th May 2016
55 signatures
Stop all council tax no more paying councils
Open from Wednesday 18th November 2015 to Wednesday 18th May 2016
178 signatures
Any law that will affect privacy/security of UK citizens must go to vote
Open from Wednesday 18th November 2015 to Wednesday 18th May 2016
37 signatures
British Soldiers who serve 12+ years to be employed directly into the Police.
Open from Monday 16th November 2015 to Monday 16th May 2016
21 signatures
Nationally block the privatisation of public facing police staff jobs
Open from Monday 16th November 2015 to Monday 16th May 2016
120 signatures
Stop the destructive 'building our future' office closure programme in HMRC
Open from Monday 16th November 2015 to Monday 16th May 2016
2,585 signatures
Scrap the TV licence and make the BBC a SUBSCRIPTION channel.
Open from Monday 16th November 2015 to Monday 16th May 2016
5,280 signatures
Improve entrepreneurial schemes and their implementation
Open from Monday 16th November 2015 to Monday 16th May 2016
36 signatures
Make it compulsory for foreign drivers in uk to sit intensive course and test!
Open from Monday 16th November 2015 to Monday 16th May 2016
18 signatures
Support non resident parents where a court order is in place.
Open from Monday 16th November 2015 to Monday 16th May 2016
20 signatures
The UK Government should block the proposal to close Cumbernauld Tax Office.
Open from Monday 16th November 2015 to Monday 16th May 2016
10 signatures
Fully address tax loopholes. Tackle corporate tax avoidance and tax evasion.
Open from Tuesday 10th November 2015 to Tuesday 10th May 2016
207 signatures
Allow non resident British tax payers ...to vote .
Open from Tuesday 10th November 2015 to Tuesday 10th May 2016
28 signatures
Allow local authorities to set the fees charged for planning applications
Open from Tuesday 10th November 2015 to Tuesday 10th May 2016
7 signatures
The Government to rethink Social housing rent increase of 80% of market rate.
Open from Monday 9th November 2015 to Monday 9th May 2016
1,677 signatures
Bring about stricter corporate regulations for the UK's largest tax evaders.
Open from Monday 9th November 2015 to Monday 9th May 2016
60 signatures
Raise taxes to fund the NHS
Open from Thursday 5th November 2015 to Thursday 5th May 2016
26 signatures
Make overtime payment tax free for people earning less than £25,000 a year.
Open from Tuesday 3rd November 2015 to Tuesday 3rd May 2016
13 signatures
Cap Child Benefit paid to any mother at a maximum of two children from Sept 2016
Open from Monday 2nd November 2015 to Monday 2nd May 2016
55 signatures
Remove VAT on bicycles and cycling equipment
Open from Monday 2nd November 2015 to Monday 2nd May 2016
52 signatures
Reduce the higher rate of income tax from 40% to 25%
Open from Sunday 1st November 2015 to Sunday 1st May 2016
24 signatures
Stop the creation of additional peers to deliberately constrain the Hse of Lords
Open from Sunday 1st November 2015 to Sunday 1st May 2016
154 signatures
New rule: if a manifesto promise is broken, it triggers a general election
Open from Sunday 1st November 2015 to Sunday 1st May 2016
417 signatures
London's Tax Revenues to be spent on London.
Open from Sunday 1st November 2015 to Sunday 1st May 2016
22 signatures
Donate all taxes from women's sanitary products to 3rd world women and girls
Open from Sunday 1st November 2015 to Sunday 1st May 2016
30 signatures
Replace the House of Lords with a proportionally elected second chamber.
Open from Friday 30th October 2015 to Saturday 30th April 2016
172 signatures
Ignore EU rules and give TATA Steel a tax break in order to save the 1,200 jobs
Open from Thursday 29th October 2015 to Friday 29th April 2016
211 signatures
Stop state sanctioned age discrimination - pay under 25s the living wage too!
Open from Thursday 29th October 2015 to Friday 29th April 2016
4,423 signatures
Make it a criminal offence for politicians to renege on election promises.
Open from Tuesday 27th October 2015 to Wednesday 27th April 2016
2,802 signatures
Introduce 20% VAT on all forms of betting including online gambling etc
Open from Tuesday 27th October 2015 to Wednesday 27th April 2016
15 signatures
Stop local councils charging additional for services we already pay for.
Open from Tuesday 27th October 2015 to Wednesday 27th April 2016
18 signatures
We the undersigned call upon HM Government to introduce The English Income Tax
Open from Tuesday 27th October 2015 to Wednesday 27th April 2016
185 signatures
Create a level tax playing field in the hairdressing Industry.
Open from Monday 26th October 2015 to Tuesday 26th April 2016
16 signatures
Make the price of State Visits clear to the public
Open from Monday 26th October 2015 to Tuesday 26th April 2016
7 signatures
Do not put a tax on sugary drinks, its not fair to people that are not obese.
Open from Friday 23rd October 2015 to Saturday 23rd April 2016
9 signatures
Reimburse Annual NHS Contributions To Working Migrants Paying Health Surcharge
Open from Friday 23rd October 2015 to Saturday 23rd April 2016
22 signatures
Free dentistry and prescriptions for all taxpayers in England
Open from Wednesday 21st October 2015 to Thursday 21st April 2016
43 signatures
Rethink 2015 budget priorities: raise £10 billion but not from working families
Open from Tuesday 20th October 2015 to Wednesday 20th April 2016
127 signatures
Stop UK Armed Forces on Operations from paying tax during their deployment.
Open from Monday 19th October 2015 to Tuesday 19th April 2016
4,057 signatures
Change criteria for child benefit tax to be based on household annual income
Open from Monday 19th October 2015 to Tuesday 19th April 2016
323 signatures
Make it easier for commonwealth soldiers to obtain uk citizenship
Open from Monday 19th October 2015 to Tuesday 19th April 2016
12 signatures
Allow the creation of new tax-payer funded grammar schools.
Open from Monday 19th October 2015 to Tuesday 19th April 2016
349 signatures
End corporation tax on technological industries to start a scientific revolution
Open from Friday 16th October 2015 to Saturday 16th April 2016
9 signatures
Reverse the government decision to give a £3m football grant to China.
Open from Friday 16th October 2015 to Saturday 16th April 2016
68 signatures
Cancel or half overtime tax
Open from Friday 16th October 2015 to Saturday 16th April 2016
141 signatures
Change Building regulations to include a renewable energy source for new homes.
Open from Thursday 15th October 2015 to Friday 15th April 2016
75 signatures
Stop penalising people for over payments for tax credits own errors
Open from Thursday 15th October 2015 to Friday 15th April 2016
26 signatures
Reinstate the personal income tax allowance for people earning over £100,000pa.
Open from Monday 12th October 2015 to Tuesday 12th April 2016
2,896 signatures
We need more police! We need to see them on the streets and driving around!
Open from Monday 12th October 2015 to Tuesday 12th April 2016
26 signatures
Give benefit recipients at least 3 months notice of impending benefit cuts
Open from Monday 12th October 2015 to Tuesday 12th April 2016
12 signatures
Road tax rebate for petrol car owners
Open from Monday 12th October 2015 to Tuesday 12th April 2016
25 signatures
Make dog breeding licensed to avoid over breeding, puppy farms & dog destruction
Open from Monday 12th October 2015 to Tuesday 12th April 2016
46 signatures
Long term visas for parents of British Citizens
Open from Monday 12th October 2015 to Tuesday 12th April 2016
812 signatures
Tax Relief on Workers working over 48hrs a week
Open from Friday 9th October 2015 to Saturday 9th April 2016
12 signatures
Stop the deep and dangerous cuts to our Fire and Rescue Services.
Open from Friday 9th October 2015 to Saturday 9th April 2016
12,598 signatures
Stop removal of tax relief on Accommodation and Meals
Open from Wednesday 7th October 2015 to Thursday 7th April 2016
111 signatures Wed, 05 Mar 2025 01:12:05 +0000