Tags are generated automatically from the petition contents, so sometimes they do end up being a bit imprecise. But manually tagging over a 100,000 petitions would be a bit of a stretch, so we'll just have to put up with the occasional dodgy tag. Sorry about that.
Implement a windfall tax on UK billionaires to fund effort to fight Covid-19
Open from Friday 1st May 2020 to Sunday 1st November 2020
946 signatures
Increase exemptions on cash gifts from inheritance tax during Covid-19
Open from Friday 1st May 2020 to Sunday 1st November 2020
12 signatures
Reward our healthcare heroes now for risking their lives to fight Covid-19.
Open from Friday 1st May 2020 to Sunday 1st November 2020
9,403 signatures
Identify and reward all key workers due to Covid-19
Open from Tuesday 5th May 2020 to Thursday 5th November 2020
150 signatures
6 Month Road Tax Exemption Due To UK Lockdown
Open from Wednesday 6th May 2020 to Friday 6th November 2020
39 signatures
Offer 80% financial support to persons in the 'Construction Industry Scheme'
Open from Thursday 7th May 2020 to Saturday 7th November 2020
147 signatures
Create a National Health Insurance Tax for the NHS
Open from Wednesday 13th May 2020 to Friday 13th November 2020
18 signatures
Create future tax relief for businesses who don't receive Covid-19 support
Open from Monday 18th May 2020 to Wednesday 18th November 2020
24 signatures
A windfall tax on banks and hedge funds to save the economy.
Open from Monday 18th May 2020 to Wednesday 18th November 2020
21 signatures
Tax 1p to the NHS (and others) every time you shop
Open from Monday 18th May 2020 to Wednesday 18th November 2020
29 signatures
Extend the Job Retention Scheme to UK citizens employed by overseas companies
Open from Tuesday 19th May 2020 to Thursday 19th November 2020
15 signatures
Remove the £2,500 cap on salary reimbursed through Covid-19 job retention scheme
Open from Tuesday 19th May 2020 to Thursday 19th November 2020
17 signatures
Exempt income from the Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme from taxes
Open from Wednesday 20th May 2020 to Friday 20th November 2020
17 signatures
Increase Child Tax Credit payments during Covid-19
Open from Wednesday 20th May 2020 to Friday 20th November 2020
27 signatures
80% Rental income guarantee for landlords. For income lost due to Coronavirus
Open from Wednesday 20th May 2020 to Friday 20th November 2020
21 signatures
Ban all that engage in tax avoidance and evasion from receiving Corona relief
Open from Thursday 21st May 2020 to Saturday 21st November 2020
988 signatures
Suspend corporation tax for small businesses.
Open from Friday 22nd May 2020 to Sunday 22nd November 2020
37 signatures
Raise the rate of income tax and corporation tax to fund the NHS.
Open from Tuesday 26th May 2020 to Thursday 26th November 2020
37 signatures
Fund council tax for our all our NHS workers
Open from Tuesday 26th May 2020 to Thursday 26th November 2020
31 signatures
Increase uniform tax reliefs, especially for healthcare staff
Open from Wednesday 27th May 2020 to Friday 27th November 2020
10,614 signatures
Prevent increases to bills including council tax and NHS charges this year
Open from Wednesday 27th May 2020 to Friday 27th November 2020
34 signatures
Exempt persons ineligible for coronavirus support from future tax/NI increases
Open from Wednesday 27th May 2020 to Friday 27th November 2020
13 signatures
Implement emergency legislation to allow volunteering in key businesses
Open from Wednesday 27th May 2020 to Friday 27th November 2020
8 signatures
Increase the benefit cap in line with increases to state benefits
Open from Thursday 28th May 2020 to Saturday 28th November 2020
37 signatures
Base self employed income support grant on 2019-20 tax returns
Open from Monday 1st June 2020 to Tuesday 1st December 2020
314 signatures
Extend Self-Employment income support in alignment with the Job Retention scheme
Open from Monday 1st June 2020 to Tuesday 1st December 2020
4,244 signatures
Those having to work during covid-19 should not be subject to tax increases
Open from Monday 1st June 2020 to Tuesday 1st December 2020
624 signatures
Exempt non-Furloughed employees from any tax rises to pay for Furlough scheme
Open from Monday 1st June 2020 to Tuesday 1st December 2020
365 signatures
All private healthcare policies to be subject to 50% tax to go directly to NHS.
Open from Tuesday 2nd June 2020 to Wednesday 2nd December 2020
16 signatures
Prevent applying for Universal Credit automatically ending legacy benefits
Open from Wednesday 3rd June 2020 to Thursday 3rd December 2020
26 signatures
Protect Child Tax Credit renewal for Key Workers working extra hours covid19
Open from Wednesday 3rd June 2020 to Thursday 3rd December 2020
17 signatures
Provide all small companies not entitled to existing support a grant of £25,000
Open from Thursday 4th June 2020 to Friday 4th December 2020
737 signatures
Introduce mandatory Identity Cards
Open from Friday 5th June 2020 to Saturday 5th December 2020
1,783 signatures
Abolish the extra charges on vehicle tax for paying in instalments.
Open from Monday 8th June 2020 to Tuesday 8th December 2020
41 signatures
Exempt essential workers from income tax in perpetuity for maintaining services
Open from Wednesday 10th June 2020 to Thursday 10th December 2020
10 signatures
Stop Universal Credit taking peoples work bonus during the COVID-19 crisis.
Open from Thursday 11th June 2020 to Friday 11th December 2020
17 signatures
Heavy tax and public awareness on all 'Not Yet Recycled' plastics
Open from Monday 15th June 2020 to Tuesday 15th December 2020
181 signatures
Increase Gift Aid for all charities to 50% for the 2020/21 tax year
Open from Monday 15th June 2020 to Tuesday 15th December 2020
193 signatures
Allow tax free bonuses
Open from Monday 15th June 2020 to Tuesday 15th December 2020
13 signatures
Apply VAT to all newspaper sales to help fund the NHS
Open from Tuesday 16th June 2020 to Wednesday 16th December 2020
18 signatures
Extend RTI CJRS deadline for Ltd Company Directors on Annual Payroll Scheme
Open from Tuesday 16th June 2020 to Wednesday 16th December 2020
850 signatures
Increase income tax for those above the basic rate to fund increased NHS pay
Open from Wednesday 17th June 2020 to Thursday 17th December 2020
13 signatures
Stop automatic migration of Child Tax Credit claimants to Universal Credit
Open from Thursday 18th June 2020 to Friday 18th December 2020
20 signatures
Pay Slavery Reparations to all Caribbean & African Descendants
Open from Thursday 18th June 2020 to Friday 18th December 2020
20,585 signatures
Refund taxes used to pay slavery abolition debt to British descendants of slaves
Open from Thursday 18th June 2020 to Friday 18th December 2020
11,769 signatures
Reimburse tax payers for monies used to compensate slave owners
Open from Thursday 18th June 2020 to Friday 18th December 2020
10,036 signatures
Extend grants to businesses eligible for SBRR during 2019/2020 tax year
Open from Tuesday 23rd June 2020 to Wednesday 23rd December 2020
21 signatures
Provide jobseekers support equivalent to furloughed workers during the lockdown
Open from Tuesday 23rd June 2020 to Wednesday 23rd December 2020
25 signatures
Lower VAT to 5% on UK hotels and holidays after we leave the EU
Open from Saturday 27th June 2020 to Sunday 27th December 2020
11 signatures
Mandate an 80% reduction in rent and council tax for social housing
Open from Tuesday 30th June 2020 to Wednesday 30th December 2020
18 signatures
Abolish stamp duty for home buyers now
Open from Wednesday 1st July 2020 to Friday 1st January 2021
58 signatures
Extend Covid-19 benefit increases to legacy benefit claimants
Open from Friday 3rd July 2020 to Sunday 3rd January 2021
255 signatures
Get British businesses ready for COVID19 recovery through Corporation Tax relief
Open from Tuesday 7th July 2020 to Thursday 7th January 2021
1,015 signatures
Hold Welsh referendum to return power to the UK government.
Open from Tuesday 7th July 2020 to Thursday 7th January 2021
8,043 signatures
Create NHS immunity from prosecution for negligence claims.
Open from Friday 10th July 2020 to Sunday 10th January 2021
14 signatures
Incentivise companies to get more people working from home
Open from Tuesday 14th July 2020 to Thursday 14th January 2021
41 signatures
Tax reliefs for SMEs & larger Companies who use Micro-entities & SE as suppliers
Open from Wednesday 15th July 2020 to Friday 15th January 2021
10 signatures
Reform child maintenance support from self-employed non-resident parents
Open from Thursday 16th July 2020 to Saturday 16th January 2021
5,039 signatures
Recognise period pants as a menstrual product so that they can be taxed fairly
Open from Monday 20th July 2020 to Wednesday 20th January 2021
18,161 signatures
DVLA must refund partial road tax in full
Open from Monday 20th July 2020 to Wednesday 20th January 2021
91 signatures
Reduce tax for single parent with no financial support
Open from Tuesday 21st July 2020 to Thursday 21st January 2021
43 signatures
Exempt overtime pay and bonuses from income tax
Open from Wednesday 22nd July 2020 to Friday 22nd January 2021
54 signatures
National services to be public owned reverse privatisation and fund HM Treasury
Open from Friday 24th July 2020 to Sunday 24th January 2021
26 signatures
No further public sector pay freeze, no attack on the pension triple lock
Open from Friday 24th July 2020 to Sunday 24th January 2021
102 signatures
Give all key workers a £10,000 tax break (in addition to the existing allowance)
Open from Friday 24th July 2020 to Sunday 24th January 2021
82 signatures
Provide housing allowance for Care leavers aged 16 to 25
Open from Friday 24th July 2020 to Sunday 24th January 2021
11,297 signatures
Halt all plans to build new roads & use money to repay coronavirus debt.
Open from Monday 27th July 2020 to Wednesday 27th January 2021
88 signatures
Increase Corporation Tax and tackle tax avoidance to fund economic recovery
Open from Monday 27th July 2020 to Wednesday 27th January 2021
78 signatures
Equalise Income Tax and Capital Gains Tax
Open from Monday 27th July 2020 to Wednesday 27th January 2021
33 signatures
Make nieces and nephews "closely inherited" for RNRB purposes
Open from Wednesday 29th July 2020 to Friday 29th January 2021
364 signatures
Reduce VAT on cafe and restaurant food and increase VAT on alcohol sold in shops
Open from Wednesday 29th July 2020 to Friday 29th January 2021
105 signatures
Increase the income threshold for people repaying student loans under Plan 1
Open from Thursday 30th July 2020 to Saturday 30th January 2021
19 signatures
Exempt payments in lieu of notices from income tax and national insurance
Open from Thursday 30th July 2020 to Saturday 30th January 2021
13 signatures
End Isolation for people returning from Spain
Open from Friday 31st July 2020 to Sunday 31st January 2021
360 signatures
Introduce a carbon tax
Open from Monday 3rd August 2020 to Wednesday 3rd February 2021
125 signatures
Take action to end factory farming and reduce meat and dairy consumption
Open from Monday 3rd August 2020 to Wednesday 3rd February 2021
37,254 signatures
Make empty properties that are up for sale exempt from council tax
Open from Monday 3rd August 2020 to Wednesday 3rd February 2021
33 signatures
Lower income tax for members of the Armed Forces.
Open from Monday 3rd August 2020 to Wednesday 3rd February 2021
18 signatures
Reduce dividend tax to help directors of small businesses survive
Open from Monday 3rd August 2020 to Wednesday 3rd February 2021
128 signatures
Remove income tax from savings, annuities and pensions for those over state pens
Open from Tuesday 4th August 2020 to Thursday 4th February 2021
633 signatures
Do not increase tax for over 40s to fix the Social Care Crisis.
Open from Thursday 6th August 2020 to Saturday 6th February 2021
22 signatures
Council Tax reduction for people paying Estate Management fees
Open from Thursday 6th August 2020 to Saturday 6th February 2021
11,488 signatures
Create a new tax on food and toiletry products that contain known carcinogens
Open from Friday 7th August 2020 to Sunday 7th February 2021
14 signatures
Reverse the change to Small Brewers Relief.
Open from Monday 10th August 2020 to Wednesday 10th February 2021
51,609 signatures
Calculate vehicle tax on a daily basis
Open from Monday 10th August 2020 to Wednesday 10th February 2021
24 signatures
Lower fuel duty tax based on the mixture of renewable matter in it
Open from Tuesday 11th August 2020 to Thursday 11th February 2021
63 signatures
Make carbon monoxide and smoke alarms vat exempt.
Open from Tuesday 11th August 2020 to Thursday 11th February 2021
31 signatures
Remove Insurance Premium Tax (IPT) from insurances that are a legal requirement.
Open from Tuesday 11th August 2020 to Thursday 11th February 2021
22 signatures
Extend Freedom of Information to private firms carrying out public services
Open from Wednesday 12th August 2020 to Friday 12th February 2021
70 signatures
Increase £30,000 redundancy pay tax free threshold to £60,000 or fully tax free.
Open from Thursday 13th August 2020 to Saturday 13th February 2021
94 signatures
Request RAF Battle of Britain Memorial Flight to fly over the UK to boost morale
Open from Tuesday 18th August 2020 to Thursday 18th February 2021
147 signatures
Change the way The Self employed income support grants are calculated
Open from Wednesday 19th August 2020 to Friday 19th February 2021
17 signatures
Enable furloughed engineers to carry out R&D to create world class IP for the UK
Open from Wednesday 19th August 2020 to Friday 19th February 2021
11 signatures
Allow Notice Pay to be tax exempt for those receiving zero redundancy pay.
Open from Wednesday 26th August 2020 to Friday 26th February 2021
103 signatures
Impose a tax on the racing industry, to fund the care of all ex-race horses
Open from Friday 28th August 2020 to Sunday 28th February 2021
17 signatures
Ban large enterprises engaged in tax avoidance from receiving taxpayer subsidies
Open from Tuesday 1st September 2020 to Monday 1st March 2021
18 signatures
Reduce the number of Members of Parliament by 50%
Open from Wednesday 2nd September 2020 to Tuesday 2nd March 2021
17 signatures
Allow parents of EU citizens to live in UK without a visa
Open from Thursday 3rd September 2020 to Wednesday 3rd March 2021
129 signatures
Hold a public inquiry into Government contracts granted during Covid-19
Open from Thursday 3rd September 2020 to Wednesday 3rd March 2021
126,876 signatures
Waive any Income Tax & National Insurance contribution increases for NHS staff.
Open from Friday 4th September 2020 to Thursday 4th March 2021
18 signatures Tue, 04 Mar 2025 09:42:06 +0000