Tags are generated automatically from the petition contents, so sometimes they do end up being a bit imprecise. But manually tagging over a 100,000 petitions would be a bit of a stretch, so we'll just have to put up with the occasional dodgy tag. Sorry about that.
Use the Tampon Tax to subsidise sanitary products for girls of school age.
Open from Thursday 23rd March 2017 to Tuesday 2nd May 2017
104 signatures
End Eurobond tax loopholes exploited by corporations
Open from Wednesday 23rd October 2013 to Thursday 23rd January 2014
104 signatures
Incentives to employ workers over fifty years of age.
Open from Tuesday 16th August 2011 to Thursday 16th February 2012
104 signatures
Let the UK have a Referendum on EU Membership in 2014
Open from Thursday 2nd January 2014 to Wednesday 2nd July 2014
103 signatures
Increase Air Passenger Duty and introduce taxes for aviation fuel
Open from Wednesday 17th February 2021 to Tuesday 17th August 2021
103 signatures
Allow Notice Pay to be tax exempt for those receiving zero redundancy pay.
Open from Wednesday 26th August 2020 to Friday 26th February 2021
103 signatures
child benefit for all!
Open from Wednesday 10th October 2012 to Thursday 10th October 2013
103 signatures
Public Servants paying for Millionaire Tax deductions.
Open from Thursday 22nd March 2012 to Friday 22nd March 2013
103 signatures
Immediately stop ALL child benefit payments to any child who is NOT resident inside the UK.
Open from Thursday 24th January 2013 to Friday 24th January 2014
103 signatures
Introduce traffic light system on products to rate/reward environmental impact
Open from Thursday 1st August 2019 to Wednesday 6th November 2019
103 signatures
Make cyclists pay road tax and insurance, and have a licence plate.
Open from Friday 23rd September 2016 to Thursday 23rd March 2017
102 signatures
Reduce interest on ALL extant student loans to zero
Open from Tuesday 15th December 2020 to Tuesday 15th June 2021
102 signatures
reconsider new changes for abolition of vehicle tax disc
Open from Monday 6th October 2014 to Monday 30th March 2015
102 signatures
No further public sector pay freeze, no attack on the pension triple lock
Open from Friday 24th July 2020 to Sunday 24th January 2021
102 signatures
Increase the Savings Limit for Means Tested State Benefits
Open from Monday 12th July 2021 to Wednesday 12th January 2022
102 signatures
Make it law that cyclists have to have insurance the same as car drivers
Open from Monday 25th April 2016 to Tuesday 25th October 2016
101 signatures
Divorced fathers equal CSA payment rights
Open from Monday 8th August 2011 to Wednesday 8th August 2012
101 signatures
No to Severn Barrage proposal
Open from Friday 11th January 2013 to Saturday 11th January 2014
101 signatures
Stop the CSA/CMEC from creating NRP and NRPP financial hardship and poverty
Open from Wednesday 26th October 2011 to Thursday 26th April 2012
100 signatures
Make maternity pay full pay for 1 year.
Open from Monday 15th July 2019 to Wednesday 6th November 2019
100 signatures
Abolish road tax, as it is a tax on ownership.
Open from Friday 5th August 2011 to Sunday 5th August 2012
100 signatures
Increase pay for Nurses and Ambulance workers in line with union demands
Open from Thursday 12th January 2023 to Wednesday 12th July 2023
100 signatures
Fund free public transport for all
Open from Wednesday 12th October 2022 to Wednesday 12th April 2023
100 signatures
Stop the EU dictating UK benefits policy - Say No to unemployed EU citizens taking part in UK Benefits Tourism
Open from Monday 3rd October 2011 to Tuesday 3rd April 2012
100 signatures
Return the Road Fund Licence, back to weight of vehicle and NOT emissions.
Open from Thursday 19th April 2018 to Friday 19th October 2018
100 signatures
Abolish Inheritance Tax!
Open from Friday 20th October 2017 to Friday 20th April 2018
99 signatures
Abolish the uncompetitive and inequitable Child Trust Fund scheme and allow immediate transfers to junior ISAs during the transition period
Open from Monday 23rd July 2012 to Wednesday 23rd January 2013
99 signatures
Seagull nuisance
Open from Monday 11th August 2014 to Monday 30th March 2015
99 signatures
Make the minimum hourly wage for residential & domicilary care workers £10phr.
Open from Monday 6th June 2016 to Tuesday 6th December 2016
99 signatures
Increase the defence budget and our standing army strength to 100,000
Open from Wednesday 31st March 2021 to Thursday 30th September 2021
98 signatures
Do not reduce or remove tax relief from pension contirbutions
Open from Monday 25th January 2016 to Monday 25th July 2016
98 signatures
Scrap Prescription Charges.
Open from Wednesday 12th March 2014 to Thursday 12th March 2015
98 signatures
Abolish or reduce Vehicle Excise Duty (Road Tax) for Motorcycles
Open from Friday 9th September 2016 to Thursday 9th March 2017
98 signatures
Single Person Council Tax Discount Cut
Open from Thursday 24th May 2012 to Friday 24th May 2013
98 signatures
DVLA should immediately restore the paper tax disc for disabled drivers of tax exempt vehicles
Open from Monday 6th October 2014 to Monday 30th March 2015
98 signatures
Allow energy bills to be paid as part of salary sacrifice, saving Tax & NI
Open from Thursday 11th August 2022 to Saturday 25th February 2023
97 signatures
Remove all tolls
Open from Thursday 4th August 2011 to Saturday 4th August 2012
97 signatures
Make music event ticket resales illegal
Open from Thursday 7th March 2013 to Friday 7th March 2014
97 signatures
cyclists to undertake theory and road tests and pay road tax and be insured
Open from Thursday 25th February 2016 to Thursday 25th August 2016
97 signatures
Scrap the tax on child support for victims of domestic abuse.
Open from Thursday 8th February 2018 to Wednesday 8th August 2018
97 signatures
Lower the Voting age to 16
Open from Monday 30th April 2018 to Tuesday 30th October 2018
97 signatures
Set Time Limits for HMRC Tax Enquiries
Open from Wednesday 20th March 2019 to Friday 20th September 2019
96 signatures
Suspend Air Passenger Duty until 2022
Open from Wednesday 30th September 2020 to Tuesday 30th March 2021
96 signatures
Iain Duncan Smith to shun all his expenses
Open from Monday 29th April 2013 to Tuesday 29th April 2014
96 signatures
Fund free broadband and heating bills during school closures
Open from Wednesday 27th January 2021 to Tuesday 27th July 2021
96 signatures
Cycling awareness
Open from Thursday 30th May 2013 to Friday 30th May 2014
95 signatures
Stop the planned reduction of the tax free dividend from £5k to £2k in April '18
Open from Monday 20th March 2017 to Tuesday 2nd May 2017
95 signatures
Increase £30,000 redundancy pay tax free threshold to £60,000 or fully tax free.
Open from Thursday 13th August 2020 to Saturday 13th February 2021
94 signatures
Fund payments to energy customers to cover price rises by taxing oil companies
Open from Thursday 17th February 2022 to Wednesday 17th August 2022
94 signatures
Scrap the mini-budget and ensure independent review of any replacement package
Open from Thursday 29th September 2022 to Wednesday 29th March 2023
94 signatures
Make public transport free like it is in Luxembourg
Open from Friday 12th November 2021 to Thursday 12th May 2022
94 signatures
We, the people, demand full public revelation of all governmental representatives use of tax avoidance schemes.
Open from Monday 25th June 2012 to Tuesday 25th September 2012
94 signatures
Introduce the Meningitis B vaccine into the routine childhood immunisation schedule - make it available on the NHS
Open from Thursday 30th January 2014 to Wednesday 30th July 2014
94 signatures
Consider replacing the tax system with an automated tax on all transactions
Open from Tuesday 4th October 2022 to Tuesday 4th April 2023
94 signatures
Stop the double taxation of fuel through Duty and VAT
Open from Thursday 31st March 2016 to Friday 30th September 2016
93 signatures
Against immigrants recieving greater amount of money than pensioners
Open from Thursday 10th January 2013 to Friday 10th January 2014
93 signatures
Stop taxing overtime, to allow us an opportunity to better ourselves.
Open from Wednesday 8th February 2017 to Tuesday 2nd May 2017
93 signatures
Ban bankers bonuses
Open from Monday 15th August 2011 to Wednesday 15th August 2012
93 signatures
Make General Medical Council tax-payer funded, not funded by doctors
Open from Thursday 5th September 2019 to Wednesday 6th November 2019
93 signatures
Change rules around royal taxation
Opened on Wednesday 8th January 2025
93 signatures so far
Teach taxes, financial situations, bills, and how to handle money, in schools
Open from Thursday 12th January 2017 to Tuesday 2nd May 2017
93 signatures
Petition for tax transparency
Open from Thursday 6th October 2011 to Saturday 6th October 2012
93 signatures
Stop 2 child tax credit limit so we can buy the things they need during Covid-19
Open from Monday 6th April 2020 to Tuesday 6th October 2020
93 signatures
Abolish Bedroom tax
Open from Friday 18th July 2014 to Monday 30th March 2015
93 signatures
Open from Tuesday 16th April 2013 to Wednesday 16th April 2014
92 signatures
Open from Thursday 8th November 2012 to Friday 8th November 2013
92 signatures
Make stamp duty on house purchases progressive
Open from Monday 23rd January 2012 to Wednesday 23rd January 2013
92 signatures
lower diesel fuel duty
Open from Monday 13th October 2014 to Monday 30th March 2015
92 signatures
Scrap Air Passenger Duty Tax (APD)
Open from Tuesday 10th April 2012 to Wednesday 10th April 2013
92 signatures
Prevent the termination of 4000 Temporary employment contracts within HMRC
Open from Thursday 5th December 2013 to Wednesday 5th March 2014
92 signatures
Support business by stopping the free provision of PPE to the private sector
Open from Wednesday 5th May 2021 to Friday 5th November 2021
91 signatures
Life skills should be compulsory education from the age of 5 yrs to 18 yrs
Open from Monday 27th November 2017 to Sunday 27th May 2018
91 signatures
Give EU nationals with settled status the British Nationality for free.
Open from Thursday 5th September 2019 to Wednesday 6th November 2019
91 signatures
Devolve Air Passenger Duty to the Welsh Government
Open from Wednesday 27th March 2019 to Friday 27th September 2019
91 signatures
Introduce an 'Luxury Polluter' tax on high CO2 output luxury cars.
Open from Tuesday 7th September 2021 to Monday 7th March 2022
91 signatures
DVLA must refund partial road tax in full
Open from Monday 20th July 2020 to Wednesday 20th January 2021
91 signatures
Raise annual mental health budget by 3 billion now to protect future generations
Open from Thursday 28th January 2016 to Thursday 28th July 2016
91 signatures
Export Tax Credit
Open from Monday 25th June 2012 to Tuesday 25th June 2013
91 signatures
Stop wasting taxpayers money on Blair's security.
Open from Tuesday 26th March 2013 to Wednesday 26th March 2014
91 signatures
Low or interest free loans for leaseholders affected by cladding regs and EWS1.
Open from Monday 5th October 2020 to Monday 5th April 2021
91 signatures
I want you to scrap MTD - Making Tax Digital.
Open from Monday 1st April 2019 to Tuesday 1st October 2019
90 signatures
Change the Energy Profits Levy (EPL) to help UK households and the climate.
Open from Monday 8th August 2022 to Wednesday 22nd February 2023
90 signatures
Stop Polish abusing our benefit system
Open from Thursday 27th September 2012 to Friday 27th September 2013
89 signatures
Fund free residential care for dementia sufferers
Open from Wednesday 7th July 2021 to Friday 7th January 2022
89 signatures
Halt all plans to build new roads & use money to repay coronavirus debt.
Open from Monday 27th July 2020 to Wednesday 27th January 2021
88 signatures
Take policy action to bring down and stabilise house prices
Open from Sunday 1st May 2016 to Tuesday 1st November 2016
88 signatures
Exempt NHS workers from being taxed for accommodation as a Benefit in Kind
Open from Wednesday 23rd September 2020 to Tuesday 23rd March 2021
88 signatures
Protect jobs and businesses in the travel and tourism industry during COVID-19
Open from Thursday 19th March 2020 to Saturday 19th September 2020
88 signatures
Ensure carers are paid every hour they are in work place including sleep in duty
Open from Thursday 29th November 2018 to Wednesday 29th May 2019
88 signatures
Save the NHS with a 1p in the pound increase in income tax/national insurance.
Open from Monday 11th June 2018 to Tuesday 11th December 2018
88 signatures
Allow commuters to claim income tax relief on the cost of travelling to work.
Open from Monday 23rd May 2016 to Wednesday 23rd November 2016
88 signatures
Legalise drugs
Open from Thursday 14th September 2017 to Wednesday 14th March 2018
87 signatures
Introduce lower rates of income tax for pension income
Open from Monday 14th February 2022 to Sunday 14th August 2022
87 signatures
Charge Non UK registered vehicles to use UK roads to help fund road repairs
Opened on Tuesday 7th January 2025
87 signatures so far
Forced labour for prisoners
Open from Friday 5th August 2011 to Sunday 5th August 2012
87 signatures
Scrap IPSA & replace with public board that's fully accountable and transparent
Open from Wednesday 17th February 2016 to Wednesday 17th August 2016
87 signatures
Abolish vat and council tax
Open from Friday 15th July 2016 to Sunday 15th January 2017
87 signatures
Stop the Tampon Tax
Open from Saturday 19th January 2019 to Friday 19th July 2019
86 signatures
Let's double UK forests in 10 years by adding a penny-in-the-pound on income tax
Open from Friday 23rd August 2019 to Wednesday 6th November 2019
86 signatures
Scrap proposal to remove the tax free benefit for lump sum retirement payments
Open from Tuesday 21st February 2012 to Thursday 21st February 2013
86 signatures Tue, 04 Mar 2025 13:01:10 +0000