Some petitions get millions of signatures. A fair number get thousands. A lot get hundreds. But most don't. Most petitions only get signed by the petition's author and their mates. And some petition authors don't really have many mates at all.
This section is dedicated to those plucky triers. Or, to be more precise, those plucky failers. These are the petitions that didn't even reach double figures.
To be fair, some petitions end up with only a handful of signatures for reasons that are not their fault. When a general election is called and Parliament is dissolved, all petitions are closed immediately no matter how much longer they should have run for. To avoid penalising the unlucky ones that were submitted just before a dissolution, we're only including petitions here that ran for at least a month.
Change the Dangerous Dogs Act to help save dog's lives
Open from Tuesday 21st May 2013 to Wednesday 21st August 2013
4 signatures
Immediately close down the Association of Chief Police Officers.
Open from Wednesday 22nd May 2013 to Thursday 22nd May 2014
1 signatures
Change the law so make it illegal for police forces to withhold identity of suspects and arrested persons from the public.
Open from Thursday 23rd May 2013 to Friday 23rd May 2014
2 signatures
Reduce exise of fuel and tobacco to prevent crime
Open from Monday 20th May 2013 to Tuesday 20th May 2014
2 signatures
Amend The Education System for Those it Neglects
Open from Tuesday 21st May 2013 to Wednesday 21st May 2014
2 signatures
cancellation of vat
Open from Monday 20th May 2013 to Tuesday 20th May 2014
3 signatures
Allow Pinewood Studios expansion plans (Project Pinewood).
Open from Wednesday 22nd May 2013 to Friday 22nd November 2013
2 signatures
introduce new legislation which will tax global companies a fixed percentage based on their sales in this country.
Open from Monday 20th May 2013 to Tuesday 20th May 2014
3 signatures
Technology Scholarships for girls
Open from Tuesday 21st May 2013 to Wednesday 21st May 2014
4 signatures
Force The DWP To Hire The Long Term Unemployed
Open from Monday 20th May 2013 to Tuesday 20th May 2014
3 signatures
NHS Litigation should NOT ask Deborah Mackay for money back
Open from Friday 17th May 2013 to Saturday 17th May 2014
7 signatures
Conduct a referendum, immediately, to find out what the people of this country considers the most important topic at the moment.
Open from Monday 20th May 2013 to Tuesday 20th May 2014
2 signatures
After School club outside SVC
Open from Tuesday 21st May 2013 to Wednesday 21st August 2013
1 signatures
Announcements regarding public transport delays
Open from Friday 17th May 2013 to Saturday 17th May 2014
3 signatures
Petition to get Radstock Town Council to fly the St George's flag, as it is not offensive to Muslims
Open from Friday 17th May 2013 to Sunday 17th November 2013
8 signatures
right to buy
Open from Friday 17th May 2013 to Saturday 17th May 2014
2 signatures
Goverment accounts should be audited before each General Election.
Open from Monday 20th May 2013 to Tuesday 20th May 2014
2 signatures
We request the Prime Minister to condem Glyphosate as attributable for the increase in Autism.
Open from Friday 17th May 2013 to Saturday 17th May 2014
2 signatures
Youth mobility scheme
Open from Monday 20th May 2013 to Tuesday 20th May 2014
2 signatures
Gurkiren Kaur justice
Open from Monday 20th May 2013 to Tuesday 20th May 2014
7 signatures
Lets make a big difference in child poverty Today please !
Open from Thursday 23rd May 2013 to Friday 23rd May 2014
8 signatures
Allow Vehicle Excise Duty to be paid over 12 months
Open from Friday 17th May 2013 to Saturday 17th May 2014
3 signatures
Strengthen punishments for those ignoring Court Orders
Open from Wednesday 22nd May 2013 to Thursday 22nd May 2014
6 signatures
Fair treatment disabled tenants housing associations
Open from Wednesday 22nd May 2013 to Thursday 22nd May 2014
3 signatures
Open from Wednesday 22nd May 2013 to Thursday 22nd May 2014
2 signatures
Remove VAT on Fuel Duty (Tax on Tax)
Open from Thursday 16th May 2013 to Friday 16th August 2013
8 signatures
Compensation for price fixing oil prices
Open from Thursday 16th May 2013 to Friday 16th May 2014
2 signatures
The windchime bill.
Open from Wednesday 15th May 2013 to Thursday 15th May 2014
5 signatures
Giving Rail Passengers a Better Deal
Open from Wednesday 15th May 2013 to Thursday 15th May 2014
6 signatures
Re-instate 50mph national speedlimit
Open from Wednesday 15th May 2013 to Thursday 15th May 2014
2 signatures
Make old people have more pension
Open from Wednesday 15th May 2013 to Thursday 15th May 2014
5 signatures
stop asda building a new store at telford town centre and invest money in to a water world or some family attractions
Open from Wednesday 15th May 2013 to Friday 15th November 2013
6 signatures
Make more sporting apprenticeships open.
Open from Wednesday 15th May 2013 to Thursday 15th May 2014
1 signatures
Send My Friend To School Charity
Open from Thursday 23rd May 2013 to Friday 23rd August 2013
2 signatures
Provide voters with an unbiased description of the political parties they can chose to vote for
Open from Wednesday 15th May 2013 to Thursday 15th May 2014
6 signatures
Create a Standard of Value for the Monetary system
Open from Wednesday 15th May 2013 to Thursday 15th August 2013
1 signatures
stop universal credit
Open from Tuesday 14th May 2013 to Wednesday 14th May 2014
5 signatures
sick pay waiting days
Open from Tuesday 14th May 2013 to Wednesday 14th May 2014
2 signatures
Fair Visa Policy for us citizens
Open from Thursday 16th May 2013 to Friday 16th May 2014
1 signatures
Open from Tuesday 14th May 2013 to Wednesday 14th May 2014
3 signatures
Save Lupus Street Post Office (London SW1)
Open from Tuesday 14th May 2013 to Wednesday 14th May 2014
7 signatures
Make it illigal not to wear a kill switch on a propeller enabled water craft
Open from Tuesday 14th May 2013 to Friday 14th February 2014
4 signatures
Raising the age limit to 18 before being able to smoke
Open from Thursday 16th May 2013 to Friday 16th May 2014
2 signatures
Verification of Thumb impression
Open from Monday 20th May 2013 to Tuesday 20th August 2013
1 signatures
E-petitions - Do 100,000 people even use this site? Nothing on here will make it to the house of commons.
Open from Friday 17th May 2013 to Saturday 17th May 2014
4 signatures
If someone is ill and claiming benefits but is a carer, don't stop the carer's benefit
Open from Tuesday 14th May 2013 to Wednesday 14th May 2014
3 signatures
Profiteering from Crime
Open from Monday 13th May 2013 to Tuesday 13th May 2014
8 signatures
mjh edney
Open from Monday 13th May 2013 to Tuesday 13th August 2013
2 signatures
save the homeless
Open from Thursday 23rd May 2013 to Friday 23rd May 2014
3 signatures
Create a National Debt Lottery
Open from Wednesday 22nd May 2013 to Saturday 22nd February 2014
8 signatures
This House Believes That The GCSE and A-Level Examination System Should Be Scrapped, And Replaced With An Officialy, Professionally Marked Coursework.
Open from Tuesday 21st May 2013 to Wednesday 21st May 2014
3 signatures
Identify Clothing Manufactured in Humane Conditions
Open from Tuesday 14th May 2013 to Wednesday 14th May 2014
7 signatures
Remove 'coursework' from A-Level courses.
Open from Monday 20th May 2013 to Tuesday 20th May 2014
2 signatures
Ban the use of taxpayer pounds to pay fines imposed on ambulance trusts.
Open from Tuesday 14th May 2013 to Wednesday 14th May 2014
3 signatures
One single local authority for somerset
Open from Wednesday 15th May 2013 to Thursday 15th May 2014
2 signatures
stop the besroom tax wih people on benifits
Open from Tuesday 14th May 2013 to Wednesday 14th May 2014
6 signatures
111 is totally inefficient:
Open from Monday 13th May 2013 to Tuesday 13th May 2014
4 signatures
Petition for all college students to get paid for attending
Open from Tuesday 21st May 2013 to Wednesday 21st May 2014
3 signatures
local district have more control commercial outlets rental!
Open from Wednesday 15th May 2013 to Thursday 15th May 2014
1 signatures
Debit card Abuse
Open from Tuesday 14th May 2013 to Thursday 14th November 2013
9 signatures
make tobacco and alcohol illegal in the uk
Open from Wednesday 15th May 2013 to Thursday 15th May 2014
6 signatures
Start building 3rd runway at Heathrow before its too late
Open from Tuesday 14th May 2013 to Wednesday 14th August 2013
4 signatures
Dealing Illegal Drugs to Young People under 18 Years of age
Open from Tuesday 14th May 2013 to Wednesday 14th May 2014
3 signatures
Give the Church a Louder Voice!
Open from Monday 13th May 2013 to Tuesday 13th May 2014
4 signatures
A public vote before the government can legally declare war on another nation.
Open from Thursday 23rd May 2013 to Friday 23rd May 2014
4 signatures
British Lunar Exploration Programme
Open from Tuesday 14th May 2013 to Wednesday 14th May 2014
4 signatures
Drunk drivers who have killed should get minimum wage.
Open from Tuesday 14th May 2013 to Wednesday 14th May 2014
2 signatures
Schools to use local suppliers & manufacturers for uniforms
Open from Thursday 23rd May 2013 to Friday 23rd August 2013
1 signatures
Make Mixed Oxide Nuclear Power the main sourse of UK generation within thirty years.
Open from Monday 13th May 2013 to Tuesday 13th May 2014
8 signatures
right to refuse airport body scan
Open from Tuesday 14th May 2013 to Wednesday 14th May 2014
9 signatures
substantial increase in Road Fund Tax for 4x4 vehicles
Open from Tuesday 14th May 2013 to Wednesday 14th May 2014
5 signatures
Referendums on devolved parliaments for the English Regions
Open from Monday 13th May 2013 to Tuesday 13th May 2014
8 signatures
Single Transferable Vote (STV) in general elections
Open from Monday 13th May 2013 to Tuesday 13th May 2014
5 signatures
voting with pencil and paper abolished ,get the true result,vote electronically
Open from Thursday 16th May 2013 to Friday 16th May 2014
3 signatures
Stop selling scratch cards that will not win
Open from Friday 17th May 2013 to Saturday 17th May 2014
2 signatures
Free Car Parking For NHS Staff
Open from Monday 22nd July 2013 to Tuesday 22nd October 2013
2 signatures
parents of 2 year olds who get free 15 hour per week childcare should have to use the time for paid college or upskilling
Open from Monday 20th May 2013 to Tuesday 20th May 2014
9 signatures
Roundabout Rumble Strips
Open from Friday 10th May 2013 to Saturday 10th May 2014
2 signatures
Reverse the continued decline of live sports broadcasting
Open from Friday 10th May 2013 to Saturday 10th May 2014
8 signatures
Gateshead Council Retail Permits
Open from Friday 17th May 2013 to Saturday 17th May 2014
1 signatures
Secondary schools' catchment areas should be weighted by travel times
Open from Wednesday 29th May 2013 to Thursday 29th May 2014
2 signatures
Lower The Drinking Age To 16
Open from Monday 13th May 2013 to Tuesday 13th May 2014
9 signatures
Repeal 2006 legislation for limited companies
Open from Thursday 9th May 2013 to Friday 9th May 2014
4 signatures
Ban anti bullying policies and have a yearly school inspection by an independent agency just for bullying
Open from Friday 10th May 2013 to Saturday 10th May 2014
4 signatures
Stop NHS Holidays
Open from Thursday 9th May 2013 to Friday 9th May 2014
9 signatures
Save Old Red House Pub Save Northamptons History
Open from Thursday 9th May 2013 to Friday 9th August 2013
1 signatures
more help for adhd sufferers
Open from Thursday 9th May 2013 to Friday 9th May 2014
9 signatures
if i have rented my home for 3 years with no arreas let me use a landlord refrence to buy a house
Open from Thursday 9th May 2013 to Friday 9th May 2014
7 signatures
Not allowing new drivers to hire a car is discrimination
Open from Thursday 9th May 2013 to Friday 9th May 2014
2 signatures
Open from Thursday 9th May 2013 to Friday 9th May 2014
8 signatures
Labeling a Chemistry set a "boys toy" is illogical. I think the Government should regulate this by introducing a new law.
Open from Thursday 9th May 2013 to Friday 9th May 2014
4 signatures
make David Cameron President
Open from Monday 13th May 2013 to Tuesday 13th May 2014
2 signatures
British Citizens only passport lanes and desks at British airports
Open from Thursday 9th May 2013 to Friday 9th May 2014
7 signatures
Windsor Fire Station closure
Open from Wednesday 8th May 2013 to Thursday 8th May 2014
3 signatures
Use prison inmates to clean rubbish off Britain's beaches and roads
Open from Thursday 9th May 2013 to Friday 9th May 2014
6 signatures
Run northern line trains more often
Open from Wednesday 8th May 2013 to Thursday 8th August 2013
2 signatures
havant borough youth council staying as a community
Open from Wednesday 8th May 2013 to Thursday 8th May 2014
8 signatures
Infidelity in marriage should be an offence
Open from Thursday 9th May 2013 to Friday 9th May 2014
3 signatures
Abolish devolution
Open from Wednesday 8th May 2013 to Thursday 8th May 2014
6 signatures
Send troops to liberate Hong Kong
Open from Tuesday 7th May 2013 to Wednesday 7th May 2014
6 signatures Tue, 11 Mar 2025 00:03:13 +0000