All the petitions which were submitted in June 2020, irrespective of whether they were accepted or rejected, sorted by submission date from newest to oldest.
Note that petitions will only show in this list once they have been either accepted or rejected. Petitions still waiting to be checked are not made public until they have completed the moderation process. That's because publishing them before then would defeat the object of the support gathering phase, as well as risking the inadvertant publication of something defamatory or otherwise unlawful.
Pay BlackLivesMatter charities modern equivalent of money paid to slave owners.
Submitted on Sunday 7th June 2020
Rejected on Thursday 18th June 2020 - reason: irrelevant
Parliament to debate removing all slave trader statues in public spaces
Submitted on Sunday 7th June 2020
Rejected on Friday 19th June 2020 - reason: irrelevant
Arrest and pursue vandals of British memorials / cenotaphs.
Submitted on Sunday 7th June 2020
Rejected on Friday 19th June 2020 - reason: irrelevant
We want change to the judicial system for the BAME communities of the UK
Submitted on Sunday 7th June 2020
Rejected on Tuesday 18th August 2020 - reason: irrelevant
Remove Edward Colston’s name from Bristol’s buildings
Submitted on Sunday 7th June 2020
Rejected on Friday 19th June 2020 - reason: irrelevant
Commission a memorial to the victims of the slave trade
Submitted on Sunday 7th June 2020
Open from Friday 19th June 2020 to Saturday 19th December 2020
341 signatures
Increase fines and punishment for littering across the United Kingdom.
Submitted on Sunday 7th June 2020
Rejected on Tuesday 28th July 2020 - reason: duplicate
Discipline police who support BLM protesters. The army should restore order.
Submitted on Sunday 7th June 2020
Rejected on Tuesday 18th August 2020 - reason: irrelevant
Ban the use of police horses in large protests
Submitted on Sunday 7th June 2020
Rejected on Thursday 18th June 2020 - reason: duplicate
Review how children with dyslexia are assessed by the exam system
Submitted on Sunday 7th June 2020
Open from Tuesday 1st September 2020 to Monday 1st March 2021
899 signatures
Request RAF Battle of Britain Memorial Flight to fly over the UK to boost morale
Submitted on Sunday 7th June 2020
Open from Tuesday 18th August 2020 to Thursday 18th February 2021
147 signatures
Children should repeat the school year due to the impact of Covid-19
Submitted on Sunday 7th June 2020
Rejected on Thursday 9th July 2020 - reason: duplicate
Remove Slave Trader Edward Colston’s Name From All Roads, Schools And Landmarks
Submitted on Sunday 7th June 2020
Rejected on Friday 19th June 2020 - reason: irrelevant
Make wearing a face covering in indoor shops mandatory
Submitted on Sunday 7th June 2020
Open from Monday 22nd June 2020 to Tuesday 22nd December 2020
1,673 signatures
Stop using police horses to control demonstrations.
Submitted on Sunday 7th June 2020
Rejected on Thursday 18th June 2020 - reason: duplicate
AED's/Defibrillators to be external and accessible 24/7 on ALL public buildings.
Submitted on Sunday 7th June 2020
Open from Wednesday 29th July 2020 to Friday 29th January 2021
55 signatures
change the marriage law on handfasting
Submitted on Sunday 7th June 2020
Rejected on Friday 4th September 2020 - reason: duplicate
Stop Immigration health surcharge with immediate effect for overseas nhs staff
Submitted on Sunday 7th June 2020
Rejected on Wednesday 15th July 2020 - reason: duplicate
Remove the use of horses from the police task force
Submitted on Sunday 7th June 2020
Rejected on Thursday 18th June 2020 - reason: duplicate
Curriculum to include: expansive and accurate teaching of BAME British history
Submitted on Sunday 7th June 2020
Rejected on Thursday 11th June 2020 - reason: duplicate
Restructure BBC News and Current Affairs as a separately funded distinct unit.
Submitted on Sunday 7th June 2020
Rejected on Tuesday 18th August 2020 - reason: irrelevant
Lower the age you are offered a cervical screening (smear test) from 25 to 16
Submitted on Sunday 7th June 2020
Open from Tuesday 4th August 2020 to Thursday 4th February 2021
61,444 signatures
Allow Chester Zoo to re-open using Coronavirus guidelines
Submitted on Sunday 7th June 2020
Rejected on Tuesday 9th June 2020 - reason: duplicate
Reimburse tax payers for monies used to compensate slave owners
Submitted on Sunday 7th June 2020
Open from Thursday 18th June 2020 to Friday 18th December 2020
10,036 signatures
Give Year 10 and 12 predicted grades as their results next year
Submitted on Sunday 7th June 2020
Rejected on Thursday 9th July 2020 - reason: irrelevant
Introduce Black British History + British Imperialism into the education system
Submitted on Sunday 7th June 2020
Rejected on Thursday 11th June 2020 - reason: duplicate
Make it illegal for dogs to be off lead
Submitted on Sunday 7th June 2020
Rejected on Friday 14th August 2020 - reason: duplicate
Open all zoos and animal sanctuaries
Submitted on Sunday 7th June 2020
Rejected on Tuesday 9th June 2020 - reason: duplicate
Reduce dividend tax to help directors of small businesses survive
Submitted on Sunday 7th June 2020
Open from Monday 3rd August 2020 to Wednesday 3rd February 2021
128 signatures
Ban Police using Horses to control Protests and Riots.
Submitted on Sunday 7th June 2020
Rejected on Thursday 18th June 2020 - reason: duplicate
Cancel the 2021 GCSE Exams
Submitted on Sunday 7th June 2020
Rejected on Thursday 9th July 2020 - reason: irrelevant
Ban the use of horses within the Police Force
Submitted on Sunday 7th June 2020
Rejected on Thursday 18th June 2020 - reason: duplicate
Introduce Black History to the primary and secondary curriculum.
Submitted on Sunday 7th June 2020
Rejected on Thursday 11th June 2020 - reason: duplicate
Ban the use of police horses for purposes of crowd control
Submitted on Sunday 7th June 2020
Rejected on Thursday 18th June 2020 - reason: duplicate
Ban police from forcing animals into situations that can cause harm
Submitted on Sunday 7th June 2020
Rejected on Thursday 18th June 2020 - reason: no-action
Stop the police using horses in crowd control
Submitted on Sunday 7th June 2020
Rejected on Thursday 18th June 2020 - reason: duplicate
Ban the use of horses for crowd control
Submitted on Sunday 7th June 2020
Open from Thursday 18th June 2020 to Friday 18th December 2020
218 signatures
Reopen zoos, aquariums and other related institutions
Submitted on Sunday 7th June 2020
Rejected on Tuesday 9th June 2020 - reason: duplicate
Include discussions around the 'Impact of Racism' in the national curriculum.
Submitted on Sunday 7th June 2020
Rejected on Friday 10th July 2020 - reason: duplicate
Add Black History as a mandatory part of the curriculum for key Stage 1 and 2.
Submitted on Sunday 7th June 2020
Rejected on Monday 22nd June 2020 - reason: duplicate
Ban the UK police from using horses during peaceful protests in London
Submitted on Sunday 7th June 2020
Rejected on Thursday 18th June 2020 - reason: duplicate
Stop horses being used in any kind of protest or crowd disturbance
Submitted on Sunday 7th June 2020
Rejected on Thursday 18th June 2020 - reason: duplicate
Introduce Mandatory Ethnicity Reporting for UK companies
Submitted on Sunday 7th June 2020
Open from Tuesday 18th August 2020 to Thursday 18th February 2021
122 signatures
Ban the use of horses within the police force
Submitted on Sunday 7th June 2020
Rejected on Thursday 18th June 2020 - reason: duplicate
Do not lower our food standards.
Submitted on Sunday 7th June 2020
Rejected on Tuesday 18th August 2020 - reason: no-action
Make motor vehicle users’ insurers liable for accidents with cyclists
Submitted on Sunday 7th June 2020
Open from Monday 17th August 2020 to Wednesday 17th February 2021
56 signatures
Ban the sale of fireworks to the public
Submitted on Sunday 7th June 2020
Rejected on Tuesday 21st July 2020 - reason: duplicate
Reopen Zoos now.
Submitted on Sunday 7th June 2020
Rejected on Tuesday 9th June 2020 - reason: duplicate
Prohibit use of the horses during guarding the protests and supressing the riots
Submitted on Sunday 7th June 2020
Rejected on Thursday 18th June 2020 - reason: duplicate
Pay Slavery Reparations to all Caribbean & African Descendants
Submitted on Sunday 7th June 2020
Open from Thursday 18th June 2020 to Friday 18th December 2020
20,585 signatures
Stop the use of working horses in the police force.
Submitted on Sunday 7th June 2020
Rejected on Thursday 18th June 2020 - reason: duplicate
Extend the Brexit deadline given the current Covid 19 challenges.
Submitted on Sunday 7th June 2020
Rejected on Monday 10th August 2020 - reason: duplicate
Ban the use of horses in crowd control
Submitted on Sunday 7th June 2020
Rejected on Thursday 18th June 2020 - reason: duplicate
Strict enforcement of lockdown measures, upon protests of large numbers.
Submitted on Sunday 7th June 2020
Rejected on Tuesday 18th August 2020 - reason: duplicate
Ban the use of Police Horses as crowd control
Submitted on Sunday 7th June 2020
Rejected on Thursday 18th June 2020 - reason: duplicate
start uk weddings again
Submitted on Saturday 6th June 2020
Rejected on Thursday 9th July 2020 - reason: already-happening
Ban the use of horses being used with the police.
Submitted on Saturday 6th June 2020
Rejected on Thursday 18th June 2020 - reason: duplicate
End the use of horses by mounted police units in the UK.
Submitted on Saturday 6th June 2020
Rejected on Thursday 18th June 2020 - reason: duplicate
EU citizens with successful Settlement status to be issued a physical ID card
Submitted on Saturday 6th June 2020
Rejected on Friday 14th August 2020 - reason: duplicate
Stop the lives and health of police horses at risk during violent situations!
Submitted on Saturday 6th June 2020
Rejected on Thursday 18th June 2020 - reason: duplicate
Surgical masks with clear screens to provide in hospitals for hearing impaired
Submitted on Saturday 6th June 2020
Rejected on Tuesday 21st July 2020 - reason: duplicate
Make August 1st of each year a bank holiday - the 'Abolition of Slavery Day'
Submitted on Saturday 6th June 2020
Open from Thursday 18th June 2020 to Friday 18th December 2020
3,056 signatures
Ban the use of police horses to control riot situations
Submitted on Saturday 6th June 2020
Rejected on Thursday 18th June 2020 - reason: duplicate
Ban Police using horses, especially during protests.
Submitted on Saturday 6th June 2020
Rejected on Thursday 18th June 2020 - reason: duplicate
Fund hospitals fully during this pandemic without demanding they make cuts.
Submitted on Saturday 6th June 2020
Rejected on Tuesday 30th June 2020 - reason: already-happening
Stop using horses in the police force. Retire all horses currently being used.
Submitted on Saturday 6th June 2020
Rejected on Thursday 18th June 2020 - reason: duplicate
Ban police horses and replace them with tanks
Submitted on Saturday 6th June 2020
Rejected on Thursday 18th June 2020 - reason: duplicate
Let zoo's and wildlife parks Reopen as soon as possible
Submitted on Saturday 6th June 2020
Rejected on Tuesday 9th June 2020 - reason: duplicate
Ban police using horses to control protests and riots
Submitted on Saturday 6th June 2020
Rejected on Thursday 18th June 2020 - reason: duplicate
Fine lockdown breaking mass protest attendees and prosecute the organisers.
Submitted on Saturday 6th June 2020
Rejected on Tuesday 18th August 2020 - reason: duplicate
End the use of horses for crowd control by police in the UK
Submitted on Saturday 6th June 2020
Rejected on Thursday 18th June 2020 - reason: duplicate
Allow political parties to have All Black, Asian and People of Colour shortlists
Submitted on Saturday 6th June 2020
Open from Friday 14th August 2020 to Sunday 14th February 2021
31 signatures
Ban the use of horses in the police force
Submitted on Saturday 6th June 2020
Open from Thursday 18th June 2020 to Friday 18th December 2020
599 signatures
Ban the use of horses by police force in protests and riots.
Submitted on Saturday 6th June 2020
Rejected on Thursday 18th June 2020 - reason: duplicate
Stop the export of riot shields, tear gas and rubber bullets to the US.
Submitted on Saturday 6th June 2020
Rejected on Thursday 11th June 2020 - reason: duplicate
Legal action against those involved in vandalising memorials in the name of BLM
Submitted on Saturday 6th June 2020
Rejected on Monday 29th June 2020 - reason: irrelevant
Commission independent review of UK government's management of the C19 crisis.
Submitted on Saturday 6th June 2020
Rejected on Thursday 18th June 2020 - reason: duplicate
Decriminalise and regulate cannabis use for adults.
Submitted on Saturday 6th June 2020
Rejected on Monday 20th July 2020 - reason: duplicate
Immediately stop the use of policing animals during the London protests
Submitted on Saturday 6th June 2020
Rejected on Thursday 18th June 2020 - reason: irrelevant
Ban the Police's Use of Horses against Protesters
Submitted on Saturday 6th June 2020
Rejected on Thursday 18th June 2020 - reason: duplicate
Ensure airlines refund customers in line with the Consumer Rights Act 2015
Submitted on Saturday 6th June 2020
Rejected on Tuesday 7th July 2020 - reason: irrelevant
Include British Imperialism, Colonialism and the Slave Trade in the curriculum.
Submitted on Saturday 6th June 2020
Rejected on Thursday 11th June 2020 - reason: duplicate
Ban the use of police horses for crowd control at protests.
Submitted on Saturday 6th June 2020
Rejected on Thursday 18th June 2020 - reason: duplicate
Submitted on Saturday 6th June 2020
Rejected on Tuesday 21st July 2020 - reason: duplicate
Teach Britain’s colonial history as part of the National Curriculum
Submitted on Saturday 6th June 2020
Rejected on Thursday 11th June 2020 - reason: duplicate
Include Black history & colonialism to Primary and Secondary curriculum
Submitted on Saturday 6th June 2020
Rejected on Thursday 11th June 2020 - reason: duplicate
Allow zoos to reopen with social distancing measures in place
Submitted on Saturday 6th June 2020
Rejected on Tuesday 9th June 2020 - reason: duplicate
A minute of silence for the Black Lives Matter movement
Submitted on Saturday 6th June 2020
Open from Friday 14th August 2020 to Sunday 14th February 2021
161 signatures
Legislative powers to criminally prosecute for Misconduct of Public Office.
Submitted on Saturday 6th June 2020
Rejected on Monday 17th August 2020 - reason: no-action
Make the defacing of or vandalism on War Memorials a hate crime.
Submitted on Saturday 6th June 2020
Rejected on Friday 19th June 2020 - reason: duplicate
Include British colonialism & historic atrocities in the school curriculum
Submitted on Saturday 6th June 2020
Rejected on Thursday 11th June 2020 - reason: duplicate
Re-open UK zoos who can comply with public health/social distancing guidelines.
Submitted on Saturday 6th June 2020
Rejected on Tuesday 9th June 2020 - reason: duplicate
Please scrap KS2 SATs in year 2021
Submitted on Saturday 6th June 2020
Rejected on Monday 8th June 2020 - reason: irrelevant
Ban the use of stiles on public and permissive footways to enable access for all
Submitted on Saturday 6th June 2020
Open from Tuesday 28th July 2020 to Thursday 28th January 2021
153 signatures
Culture & diversity lessons to be introduced to the UK schooling Curriculum
Submitted on Saturday 6th June 2020
Rejected on Friday 14th August 2020 - reason: duplicate
Give Liam Gallagher a knighthood
Submitted on Saturday 6th June 2020
Rejected on Saturday 27th June 2020 - reason: honours
Reconsider the enforced and indefinite closure of zoos deemed 'Covid secure'
Submitted on Saturday 6th June 2020
Rejected on Tuesday 9th June 2020 - reason: duplicate
Make the use of masks or face coverings mandatory in all public spaces
Submitted on Saturday 6th June 2020
Rejected on Wednesday 8th July 2020 - reason: duplicate
All food imported to the UK to continue to have country of origin clearly shown
Submitted on Saturday 6th June 2020
Rejected on Thursday 27th August 2020 - reason: duplicate
National curriculum should include Britain’s role in the Atlantic Slave Trade
Submitted on Saturday 6th June 2020
Rejected on Thursday 11th June 2020 - reason: duplicate Mon, 03 Mar 2025 23:59:17 +0000