Tags are generated automatically from the petition contents, so sometimes they do end up being a bit imprecise. But manually tagging over a 100,000 petitions would be a bit of a stretch, so we'll just have to put up with the occasional dodgy tag. Sorry about that.
Immediately Ban The Artificial Fluoridation Of UK Water Supplies
Open from Wednesday 6th April 2016 to Thursday 6th October 2016
202 signatures
Require a minimum turnout of 70% and a majority of 10% in the EU referendum
Open from Tuesday 15th March 2016 to Thursday 15th September 2016
72 signatures
Cancel the planned referendum on Britain's continued membership of the EU.
Open from Wednesday 2nd March 2016 to Friday 2nd September 2016
62,478 signatures
Give people in Overseas Territories & Crown Dependencies an EU referendum vote.
Open from Monday 29th February 2016 to Monday 29th August 2016
17 signatures
Close the Westminster Parliament if Britain votes yes in the EU referendum.
Open from Thursday 25th February 2016 to Thursday 25th August 2016
10 signatures
Disclose any impact assessment for a Post Referendum exit strategy.
Open from Thursday 25th February 2016 to Thursday 25th August 2016
34 signatures
EU referendum vote only to be valid when turnout is 66% (2015 general election)
Open from Tuesday 23rd February 2016 to Tuesday 23rd August 2016
17 signatures
Lodge a complaint with the International Court of Justice against Denmark
Open from Monday 22nd February 2016 to Monday 22nd August 2016
9 signatures
Ensure fair & impartial referendum by providing factual leaflets to all UK homes
Open from Thursday 18th February 2016 to Thursday 18th August 2016
156 signatures
Work with other EU member states to Keep Permanently Deactivated Weapons Legal
Open from Wednesday 17th February 2016 to Wednesday 17th August 2016
161 signatures
The European Union referendum should not be held before September 2016.
Open from Wednesday 10th February 2016 to Wednesday 10th August 2016
41 signatures
Prevent Obama From Speaking In Westminster Regarding The In/Out Referendum..
Open from Wednesday 3rd February 2016 to Wednesday 3rd August 2016
35,492 signatures
Raise child refugee safeguarding needs with European partner states
Open from Tuesday 2nd February 2016 to Tuesday 2nd August 2016
36 signatures
HM Government must not erode benefits for Britons as part of the EU referendum
Open from Monday 25th January 2016 to Monday 25th July 2016
194 signatures
Give the British people a referendum vote on The EU by July 2016
Open from Tuesday 12th January 2016 to Tuesday 12th July 2016
9 signatures
Abolish the class of British National Overseas for Hong Kong citizens
Open from Monday 11th January 2016 to Monday 11th July 2016
14 signatures
Make sure the EU referendum is conducted fairly.
Open from Friday 8th January 2016 to Friday 8th July 2016
194 signatures
Allow members of the Cabinet to campaign freely on the EU referendum vote.
Open from Tuesday 5th January 2016 to Tuesday 5th July 2016
47 signatures
STOP CAMERON spending British taxpayers’ money on Pro-EU Referendum leaflets
Open from Tuesday 22nd December 2015 to Wednesday 22nd June 2016
221,866 signatures
The decision to water down the recent European decision on the bass stocks
Open from Tuesday 22nd December 2015 to Wednesday 22nd June 2016
14,560 signatures
To stop supporting the addition of Turkey to the European Union.
Open from Friday 18th December 2015 to Saturday 18th June 2016
3,907 signatures
Bring forward the referendum and get Britain out of the European Union!
Open from Monday 16th November 2015 to Monday 16th May 2016
21 signatures
Require Parliamentary Approval before Ratifying Treaties
Open from Monday 12th October 2015 to Tuesday 12th April 2016
38 signatures
Stop all Legal Aid to Migrants and Foreigners not born in the UK.
Open from Wednesday 16th September 2015 to Wednesday 16th March 2016
4,154 signatures
Repeal the European Communities Act 1972 to regain full control of our borders.
Open from Friday 11th September 2015 to Friday 11th March 2016
4,108 signatures
Ban the BBC from accepting money from outside sources.
Open from Friday 11th September 2015 to Friday 11th March 2016
115 signatures
Direct the PM to invoke Article 50, Treaty on European Union for UK to exit now.
Open from Wednesday 9th September 2015 to Wednesday 9th March 2016
4,807 signatures
Hold a referendum on TTIP before we give away our sovereignty
Open from Wednesday 12th August 2015 to Friday 12th February 2016
36,776 signatures
England's immediate withdrawal from Europe
Open from Wednesday 5th August 2015 to Friday 5th February 2016
3,555 signatures
Let Us Vote & Stand in the UK Parliamentary Elections! EU Citizens' Campaign
Open from Tuesday 17th February 2015 to Monday 30th March 2015
154 signatures
Scottish Independence Referendum and EU Membership
Open from Thursday 18th December 2014 to Monday 30th March 2015
23 signatures
Open from Thursday 27th November 2014 to Monday 30th March 2015
22 signatures
Combine the May 2015 General Election with an in/out EU referendum on one ballot paper
Open from Monday 17th November 2014 to Monday 30th March 2015
127 signatures
refuse to pay the £1.7 billion that the EU are demanding and get Great Britain out of the european union
Open from Tuesday 28th October 2014 to Monday 30th March 2015
108 signatures
Take action for the EU to reclasify LTTE as a Terrorist Organisation
Open from Monday 20th October 2014 to Monday 30th March 2015
2 signatures
That Parliament should grant a referendum under the terms of the European Union Act:2011 if the Government 'opts-in' on some of the JHA powers.
Open from Friday 1st August 2014 to Monday 30th March 2015
309 signatures
World Multilateral Disarmament WMD
Open from Monday 28th July 2014 to Monday 30th March 2015
72 signatures
Malaysian Airline MH17
Open from Tuesday 22nd July 2014 to Monday 30th March 2015
2 signatures
Immediate Independence of United Kingdom from the European Union
Open from Monday 21st July 2014 to Monday 30th March 2015
14 signatures
premier league
Open from Tuesday 24th June 2014 to Wednesday 24th September 2014
26 signatures
UK referendum on EU if Juncker gets Commission Job
Open from Wednesday 18th June 2014 to Monday 30th March 2015
14 signatures
Tony Blair as Peace Envoy
Open from Tuesday 17th June 2014 to Monday 30th March 2015
360 signatures
Withdraw from EU using clause 50
Open from Monday 2nd June 2014 to Tuesday 2nd September 2014
1,792 signatures
withdrawal from the EU Constitution
Open from Monday 2nd June 2014 to Tuesday 2nd December 2014
298 signatures
Full and open disclosure on EU Qualified majority voting and it's effect on a 2017 EU referendum
Open from Thursday 29th May 2014 to Saturday 29th November 2014
3,489 signatures
Elector eligibility Status
Open from Thursday 29th May 2014 to Monday 30th March 2015
2 signatures
Anti EU political parties like UKIP should be banned running in EU elections.
Open from Friday 21st March 2014 to Saturday 21st March 2015
27 signatures
We want the NMC to kindly consider reducing the IELTS score required for overseas nurses to get the NMC registration in UK
Open from Monday 3rd March 2014 to Tuesday 3rd March 2015
9 signatures
Call for the banning of Religious slaughter of animals in the UK in accordance with E.U. Regulations.
Open from Monday 24th February 2014 to Tuesday 24th February 2015
48 signatures
Begin discussions amongst the European Union about introducing legislation which makes extreme homophobia illegal
Open from Monday 10th February 2014 to Tuesday 10th February 2015
25 signatures
better maternity pay for parents in uk
Open from Monday 10th February 2014 to Tuesday 10th February 2015
90 signatures
To challenge Republic of Ireland's land trespass law, 2002 which effectively evicted Irish gypsies/travellers from Ireland
Open from Wednesday 29th January 2014 to Thursday 29th January 2015
10 signatures
British Military Assets (European Union)
Open from Friday 10th January 2014 to Thursday 10th July 2014
2 signatures
Allow extended characters on passprts e.g. Welsh, Gaelic, French, German, Spanish names
Open from Monday 6th January 2014 to Tuesday 6th January 2015
4 signatures
Urgent Review Of Rejection of EU Aid For Food Banks
Open from Friday 20th December 2013 to Saturday 20th December 2014
18 signatures
Block all EU enlargement until British taxpayers have approved it
Open from Tuesday 17th December 2013 to Wednesday 17th December 2014
46 signatures
U.S. Interference in UK Membership of the European Union
Open from Monday 2nd December 2013 to Tuesday 2nd December 2014
5 signatures
Impose personal sanctions on President of Ukraine Viktor Yanukovych and Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine members
Open from Monday 2nd December 2013 to Sunday 2nd March 2014
89 signatures
British citizens to be given the legal right to renounce EU citizenship
Open from Wednesday 27th November 2013 to Thursday 27th November 2014
5 signatures
Massacre of Romanian dogs
Open from Monday 11th November 2013 to Tuesday 11th February 2014
23 signatures
Early Referendum on UK Membership of the European Union
Open from Wednesday 9th October 2013 to Wednesday 9th April 2014
36 signatures
Urge release of blasphemy victims
Open from Tuesday 8th October 2013 to Wednesday 8th October 2014
3 signatures
Surrey should succeed from the Union
Open from Friday 4th October 2013 to Saturday 4th October 2014
2 signatures
Stop Claims and Payments of All Benefits for All Non UK Nationals
Open from Monday 30th September 2013 to Tuesday 30th September 2014
200 signatures
MP's to sign a Declaration of Independence before taking office
Open from Monday 23rd September 2013 to Tuesday 23rd September 2014
6 signatures
Removal of the Union Jack from food packing
Open from Wednesday 18th September 2013 to Thursday 18th September 2014
7 signatures
All immigrants should be banned from claiming any type of benefits
Open from Friday 30th August 2013 to Saturday 30th August 2014
1,860 signatures
Creation of a Yorkshire Assembly.
Open from Monday 12th August 2013 to Tuesday 12th August 2014
6 signatures
Ban the Sale of Fur Products in the UK and EU
Open from Tuesday 6th August 2013 to Wednesday 6th August 2014
941 signatures
Open from Thursday 25th July 2013 to Friday 25th July 2014
1 signatures
Warnings on hair dye packaging must be made explicit and printed on the front of boxes
Open from Monday 17th June 2013 to Tuesday 17th June 2014
5 signatures
Open from Thursday 6th June 2013 to Friday 6th June 2014
9 signatures
European Union Article 50 - Lisbon treaty
Open from Friday 24th May 2013 to Saturday 24th May 2014
380 signatures
Legislation in the event of a challenge to the UK seat on the UN Security Council
Open from Monday 20th May 2013 to Tuesday 20th May 2014
14 signatures
Open from Wednesday 20th March 2013 to Thursday 20th March 2014
54 signatures
Eligibility for Benefits in Britain
Open from Thursday 7th March 2013 to Friday 7th March 2014
30 signatures
Enquiry into EU makng decisons on bankers pay / bonuses
Open from Tuesday 5th March 2013 to Thursday 5th December 2013
2 signatures
Ban import of meat from France
Open from Thursday 21st February 2013 to Tuesday 21st May 2013
5 signatures
European Union referendum before the next general election
Open from Thursday 24th January 2013 to Wednesday 24th April 2013
333 signatures
Response to the EU referendum: Lower taxes for lower wages and higher taxes for higher wages
Open from Friday 18th January 2013 to Saturday 18th January 2014
2 signatures
Response to the EU referendum: Marriage for all
Open from Thursday 17th January 2013 to Friday 17th January 2014
2 signatures
UK notice of withdrawal from the EU
Open from Thursday 17th January 2013 to Friday 17th January 2014
158 signatures
Response to the EU referendum: Saving the world, both natural and human
Open from Wednesday 16th January 2013 to Thursday 16th January 2014
2 signatures
Bonuses and bailouts for bankers
Open from Tuesday 15th January 2013 to Wednesday 15th January 2014
7 signatures
parliamentary representation for ex patriates
Open from Wednesday 2nd January 2013 to Thursday 2nd January 2014
2,432 signatures
European Union Commission
Open from Wednesday 19th December 2012 to Thursday 19th December 2013
1 signatures
Liam Fox settled position of "Back to a common market"
Open from Monday 10th December 2012 to Tuesday 10th September 2013
5 signatures
EU should give back its Peace Prize
Open from Monday 3rd December 2012 to Tuesday 3rd December 2013
2 signatures
Open from Monday 3rd December 2012 to Tuesday 3rd December 2013
3 signatures
Referendum on European Union Membership in 2013
Open from Wednesday 28th November 2012 to Thursday 28th November 2013
231 signatures
A call for a reduction to Fuel Duty in the UK to help families and companies alike.
Open from Wednesday 7th November 2012 to Thursday 7th November 2013
33 signatures
Block Turkey joining EU
Open from Thursday 25th October 2012 to Friday 25th October 2013
61 signatures
Block Federalisation of Europe
Open from Tuesday 23rd October 2012 to Wednesday 23rd October 2013
5 signatures
EEA 2 Applications
Open from Tuesday 16th October 2012 to Wednesday 16th October 2013
59 signatures
The Norwegian Nobel Committee should resign
Open from Monday 15th October 2012 to Tuesday 15th October 2013
3 signatures
Save the Tradition of Selling Home-Made Preserves
Open from Monday 8th October 2012 to Tuesday 8th October 2013
36 signatures
Police Right to form a Union
Open from Monday 8th October 2012 to Tuesday 8th October 2013
71 signatures
TSG Status for the Traditional English Breakfast
Open from Friday 28th September 2012 to Saturday 28th September 2013
19 signatures
Change the British Nationality Act to allow British subjects to renounce their European Union citizenship
Open from Friday 24th August 2012 to Saturday 24th August 2013
31 signatures
Allow me to see how my taxes are spent and also allow me to stipulate where I want my taxes spent.
Open from Monday 30th July 2012 to Tuesday 30th July 2013
4 signatures Tue, 25 Feb 2025 04:26:15 +0000