Tags are generated automatically from the petition contents, so sometimes they do end up being a bit imprecise. But manually tagging over a 100,000 petitions would be a bit of a stretch, so we'll just have to put up with the occasional dodgy tag. Sorry about that.
Allow working parents to pay relatives to care for their children through child care tax credits
Open from Friday 7th June 2013 to Saturday 7th June 2014
145 signatures
Holiday in Royal Residences
Open from Friday 7th June 2013 to Saturday 7th June 2014
6 signatures
Heroes National Concert
Open from Friday 7th June 2013 to Saturday 7th June 2014
2 signatures
Ban Tax on All Feminine Hygiene Products
Open from Monday 10th June 2013 to Tuesday 10th June 2014
502 signatures
Open from Monday 10th June 2013 to Tuesday 10th June 2014
3 signatures
Bob Crow says OK to tax benefits
Open from Monday 10th June 2013 to Tuesday 10th September 2013
1 signatures
Open from Tuesday 11th June 2013 to Wednesday 11th June 2014
2 signatures
Write Off all debts accrued by the 'BedroomTax' after 3 months
Open from Tuesday 11th June 2013 to Wednesday 11th June 2014
275 signatures
Fuel tank limit for foreign road transport vehicles coming into the UK
Open from Wednesday 12th June 2013 to Thursday 12th June 2014
5 signatures
stop the banning of e-cigerettes and vaping products
Open from Wednesday 12th June 2013 to Thursday 12th September 2013
5 signatures
Peterborough incinerator
Open from Thursday 13th June 2013 to Friday 13th June 2014
2 signatures
Follow the lead of the Greek government and shut down our equally wasteful and bloated Public broadcasting service - the BBC.
Open from Friday 14th June 2013 to Saturday 14th June 2014
3 signatures
Force local authorities to pay for car repairs caused by poorly maintained roads
Open from Friday 14th June 2013 to Saturday 14th June 2014
4 signatures
Evict illegal immigrants from council and social housing
Open from Friday 14th June 2013 to Saturday 14th June 2014
27 signatures
Council Tax. Re-instate 6 Months Empty Property Exemption To Landlords
Open from Friday 14th June 2013 to Saturday 14th June 2014
63 signatures
HMRC should accept American Express
Open from Monday 17th June 2013 to Tuesday 17th June 2014
3 signatures
HMRC should have responsible Gov Minister
Open from Monday 17th June 2013 to Tuesday 17th September 2013
5 signatures
Change the law to make it illegal to hand over money in the street to anybody without getting a written receipt.
Open from Monday 17th June 2013 to Tuesday 17th June 2014
2 signatures
Scrap the system of PAYE and change to a system where taxpayers pay in arrears, in the year following that in which it was earned.
Open from Monday 17th June 2013 to Tuesday 17th June 2014
1 signatures
Take wines and spirits off the alcohol tax escalator and reduce taxes NOW!
Open from Monday 17th June 2013 to Tuesday 17th June 2014
5 signatures
Amend Housing Laws so that debts accrued by the 'Bedroom Tax' are deemed as 'ordinary debt'.
Open from Monday 17th June 2013 to Tuesday 17th June 2014
2 signatures
Alternative to compulsory or coercive charging for entry to UK cathedrals
Open from Monday 17th June 2013 to Tuesday 17th June 2014
2 signatures
Help to protect children’s teeth from unhealthy food and drink
Open from Tuesday 18th June 2013 to Wednesday 18th June 2014
271 signatures
death penalty
Open from Tuesday 18th June 2013 to Wednesday 18th June 2014
65 signatures
Bring the 'Lander' system of government to England.
Open from Tuesday 18th June 2013 to Wednesday 18th June 2014
3 signatures
Drug Tests before Job Seekers
Open from Wednesday 19th June 2013 to Thursday 19th June 2014
34 signatures
Bank Shares; Don't sell, distribute.
Open from Thursday 20th June 2013 to Friday 20th June 2014
2 signatures
bedroom tax
Open from Friday 21st June 2013 to Saturday 21st June 2014
221 signatures
Open from Monday 24th June 2013 to Tuesday 24th June 2014
3 signatures
Stop the over 65s working & give the young a chance .
Open from Monday 24th June 2013 to Tuesday 24th June 2014
9 signatures
Issue instructions to prevent local councils from taking any more council taxpayer pounds to fund council pension schemes.
Open from Tuesday 25th June 2013 to Wednesday 25th June 2014
5 signatures
Simplifying Tax - reducing evasion through cash payments
Open from Tuesday 25th June 2013 to Wednesday 25th June 2014
2 signatures
Change the law so that those adversely affected and damaged by an NHS employee are exempted, for the rest of their lives, from paying income tax.
Open from Tuesday 25th June 2013 to Wednesday 25th June 2014
1 signatures
stop pensioner tax
Open from Tuesday 25th June 2013 to Wednesday 25th June 2014
3 signatures
Scrap Basic Tax Allowances and Put All The Money Into Child Benefit Instead
Open from Tuesday 25th June 2013 to Wednesday 25th September 2013
1 signatures
Stop soldiers paying tax when living or working oversea
Open from Tuesday 25th June 2013 to Wednesday 25th June 2014
4 signatures
MPs should disclose any off shore bank accounts
Open from Wednesday 26th June 2013 to Thursday 26th June 2014
3 signatures
Increase smoking tax to 99%
Open from Wednesday 26th June 2013 to Thursday 26th June 2014
4 signatures
Corporate and Individual Tax and Financial Transparency
Open from Wednesday 26th June 2013 to Thursday 26th June 2014
2 signatures
Devolve Environment Agency's regulatory role to local councils
Open from Wednesday 26th June 2013 to Thursday 26th June 2014
8 signatures
Enforce the council tax freeze on local councils
Open from Thursday 27th June 2013 to Friday 27th June 2014
5 signatures
Stop the Governments victimisation of pensioners living abroad who have contributed to the welfare state by withdrawing their winter fuel payment
Open from Friday 28th June 2013 to Saturday 28th June 2014
16,393 signatures
Define a bedroom by size and requirements.
Open from Friday 28th June 2013 to Saturday 28th June 2014
4 signatures
change to spending review
Open from Tuesday 2nd July 2013 to Wednesday 2nd October 2013
8 signatures
Royals to pay for £1milliin refurbishment of William and Kate's apartment
Open from Tuesday 2nd July 2013 to Thursday 2nd January 2014
5 signatures
Removal of VAT on children's gravestones
Open from Wednesday 3rd July 2013 to Thursday 3rd July 2014
4 signatures
MPs to be provided with accomodation in spare bedrooms
Open from Wednesday 3rd July 2013 to Thursday 3rd July 2014
6 signatures
Compulsory Government Tax Law
Open from Wednesday 3rd July 2013 to Thursday 3rd July 2014
1 signatures
Bankers' Bonus Tax
Open from Wednesday 3rd July 2013 to Thursday 3rd July 2014
3 signatures
Re-introduce a 50p top rate of tax
Open from Wednesday 3rd July 2013 to Thursday 3rd July 2014
12 signatures
Reject tax breaks for married couples
Open from Wednesday 3rd July 2013 to Thursday 3rd April 2014
84 signatures
Means test social housing
Open from Wednesday 3rd July 2013 to Thursday 3rd July 2014
7 signatures
Make income tax allowance for training equipment/gym membership.
Open from Wednesday 3rd July 2013 to Thursday 3rd July 2014
13 signatures
Stop Brewery Village and Change current Insolvency Laws
Open from Wednesday 3rd July 2013 to Thursday 3rd July 2014
130 signatures
Change the law so that foreign citizens may receive medical treament in UKunder the same terms that UK citizens receive medical care in their country.
Open from Wednesday 3rd July 2013 to Thursday 3rd July 2014
7 signatures
Reject proposals for migrant NHS charges
Open from Thursday 4th July 2013 to Friday 4th October 2013
5 signatures
Income Tax on more than one job ie Part time jobs
Open from Friday 5th July 2013 to Saturday 5th April 2014
2 signatures
child support for both parties (NRP & PWC) should be means tested
Open from Friday 5th July 2013 to Saturday 5th October 2013
8 signatures
UK entrance tax for NHS insurance.
Open from Monday 8th July 2013 to Tuesday 8th July 2014
3 signatures
Widnes and Runcorn Bridge Tolls
Open from Monday 8th July 2013 to Tuesday 8th July 2014
2,402 signatures
Open from Monday 8th July 2013 to Tuesday 8th July 2014
48 signatures
Make it illegal for taxpayer pounds to be used by charities to fund lawyers to bring legal proceedings, on behalf of foreigners, against the UK.
Open from Monday 8th July 2013 to Tuesday 8th July 2014
10 signatures
Don't waste money on trials for Lee Rigby's two killers
Open from Monday 8th July 2013 to Tuesday 8th October 2013
2 signatures
Allow own rent to be deducted from income of letting out home
Open from Tuesday 9th July 2013 to Wednesday 9th July 2014
2 signatures
That the Government refuse to subsidise european countries green power under the eu regulations
Open from Tuesday 9th July 2013 to Wednesday 9th July 2014
6 signatures
Restrict voting to Tax Payers
Open from Wednesday 10th July 2013 to Thursday 10th July 2014
2 signatures
Open from Wednesday 10th July 2013 to Thursday 10th July 2014
1,062 signatures
electric bicycle deregulation
Open from Thursday 11th July 2013 to Friday 11th July 2014
8 signatures
Abolish all taxes
Open from Thursday 11th July 2013 to Friday 11th July 2014
2 signatures
Say NO to the Goverment banning packed lunches at school
Open from Friday 12th July 2013 to Sunday 12th January 2014
83 signatures
Fair political party funding without subsidizing
Open from Wednesday 17th July 2013 to Thursday 17th July 2014
3 signatures
Extend free travel to and from work to everybody.
Open from Wednesday 17th July 2013 to Thursday 17th July 2014
2 signatures
Tax alcohol selectively between pubs and supermarkets
Open from Thursday 18th July 2013 to Saturday 18th January 2014
12 signatures
Privatise the BBC to save households £3.6bn every year
Open from Friday 19th July 2013 to Saturday 19th July 2014
9 signatures
Military aid Budget
Open from Monday 22nd July 2013 to Tuesday 22nd July 2014
1 signatures
Make wealthy prisoners pay for their stay
Open from Monday 22nd July 2013 to Tuesday 22nd July 2014
3 signatures
Shared benefits for parents with joint custody.
Open from Tuesday 23rd July 2013 to Wednesday 23rd July 2014
33 signatures
Investigate the water industry for tax payer savings.
Open from Tuesday 23rd July 2013 to Wednesday 23rd July 2014
7 signatures
None parental partners income included in household income calculation
Open from Tuesday 23rd July 2013 to Wednesday 23rd October 2013
1 signatures
alcoholism in society
Open from Tuesday 23rd July 2013 to Wednesday 23rd July 2014
3 signatures
higher band tax
Open from Tuesday 23rd July 2013 to Wednesday 23rd July 2014
5 signatures
Stop Child Benefits going abroad,including Europe for Kids that have never st foot in the Country
Open from Tuesday 23rd July 2013 to Wednesday 23rd July 2014
25 signatures
End the 'Parent Trap' - suspend or reduce APD over school summer holidays
Open from Tuesday 23rd July 2013 to Wednesday 23rd July 2014
43,747 signatures
force bus companies to swap 50% of there fleet to hybrid buses
Open from Wednesday 24th July 2013 to Thursday 24th July 2014
2 signatures
Fine ambulance users who waste NHS' time
Open from Thursday 25th July 2013 to Friday 25th July 2014
60 signatures
Switch Road Tax to Fuel Duty
Open from Thursday 25th July 2013 to Friday 25th July 2014
57 signatures
more money for dairy farmers
Open from Thursday 25th July 2013 to Friday 25th July 2014
7 signatures
stop Josie Cunningham from suing the NHS
Open from Monday 29th July 2013 to Wednesday 29th January 2014
22 signatures
Calling for an immediate general election
Open from Thursday 1st August 2013 to Saturday 1st February 2014
19 signatures
Capital punishment to be reinstated for all child murderers,which have been committed intentionally
Open from Thursday 1st August 2013 to Friday 1st August 2014
344 signatures
Abolish or Cap Farming Subsidies
Open from Thursday 1st August 2013 to Friday 1st August 2014
7 signatures
National Insurance No to be used on the new micro-chipping paperwork
Open from Thursday 1st August 2013 to Friday 1st August 2014
480 signatures
Tax all Football transfer fees
Open from Friday 2nd August 2013 to Sunday 2nd February 2014
2 signatures
End state inteference in the mortgage industry
Open from Friday 2nd August 2013 to Saturday 2nd August 2014
1 signatures
Introduce legislation to allow taxpayers to set parking charges as an expense against their annual income tax bill.
Open from Friday 2nd August 2013 to Saturday 2nd August 2014
2 signatures
MPs to have expenses deduction for unused bedrooms second homes
Open from Friday 2nd August 2013 to Saturday 2nd November 2013
13 signatures
Abolish MP's Food & Drink subsidy up 20% to £6 million per annum
Open from Friday 2nd August 2013 to Saturday 2nd August 2014
45 signatures
Stop companies using clever/intelligent accounting gaining/tendering for public funded contracts"
Open from Friday 2nd August 2013 to Saturday 2nd August 2014
2 signatures
Empty properties total council tax exemption
Open from Friday 2nd August 2013 to Saturday 2nd August 2014
10 signatures
Lower Tax on Ale and Increase Tax on "Top Shelf" Drinks
Open from Monday 5th August 2013 to Tuesday 5th August 2014
5 signatures Thu, 06 Mar 2025 13:38:13 +0000