All the petitions which closed in August 2012, sorted by closing date from newest to oldest.
Open from Wednesday 31st August 2011 to Friday 31st August 2012
4 signatures
As the ‘no fly zone’ in Libya conducted by the RAF & RN indicate, there is no need for ‘boots on the ground’ to conduct an effective military action
Open from Wednesday 31st August 2011 to Friday 31st August 2012
1 signatures
Take out all British soldiers from Afghanistan before 2013.
Open from Wednesday 31st August 2011 to Friday 31st August 2012
74 signatures
UK Forces for UK defence!
Open from Wednesday 31st August 2011 to Friday 31st August 2012
12 signatures
Only withdraw British troops from Afghanistan when their security forces can handle it; Not before!
Open from Wednesday 31st August 2011 to Friday 31st August 2012
3 signatures
Allow coeliac to serve in the army
Open from Wednesday 31st August 2011 to Friday 31st August 2012
18 signatures
New QE class carriers should have the new electromagnetic catapult launch system and state-of-art IT & weapon systems at time of launch (around 2019)
Open from Wednesday 31st August 2011 to Friday 31st August 2012
5 signatures
HMS Prince of Wales also be used to carry Helicopters (like Apache, Chinooks and drones), apart from acting as an aircraft carrier
Open from Wednesday 31st August 2011 to Friday 31st August 2012
3 signatures
Ensure that the Red Arrows continue to fly as a fitting tribute to Flt Lt Jon Egging
Open from Wednesday 31st August 2011 to Friday 31st August 2012
24 signatures
Open from Wednesday 31st August 2011 to Friday 31st August 2012
2 signatures
Name one of the new aircraft carriers HMS Ark Royal
Open from Wednesday 31st August 2011 to Friday 31st August 2012
23 signatures
Allow those who have criminal records join the Armed forces
Open from Wednesday 31st August 2011 to Friday 31st August 2012
6 signatures
The government should tackle all levels of broken Britain not just the inner cities
Open from Wednesday 31st August 2011 to Friday 31st August 2012
12 signatures
Open from Wednesday 31st August 2011 to Friday 31st August 2012
2 signatures
The '' suffix to be restricted to British based domain names
Open from Wednesday 31st August 2011 to Friday 31st August 2012
3 signatures
Petition for Newspapers and TV stations to name their sources
Open from Wednesday 31st August 2011 to Friday 31st August 2012
2 signatures
funding for voluntary organisations
Open from Wednesday 31st August 2011 to Friday 31st August 2012
2 signatures
English only
Open from Wednesday 31st August 2011 to Friday 31st August 2012
11 signatures
Full disclosure of the sinking of HMS Glorious, Acasta and Ardent
Open from Wednesday 31st August 2011 to Friday 31st August 2012
7 signatures
David Cameron - an apology
Open from Wednesday 31st August 2011 to Friday 31st August 2012
12 signatures
Lead by example against dishonesty
Open from Wednesday 31st August 2011 to Friday 31st August 2012
278 signatures
Campaign to be allowed to be English
Open from Wednesday 31st August 2011 to Friday 31st August 2012
19 signatures
Stop printing Government and Local Authority Forms and Leaflets in Non- EU languages.
Open from Wednesday 31st August 2011 to Friday 31st August 2012
8 signatures
Identity cards for Military Veterans
Open from Wednesday 31st August 2011 to Friday 31st August 2012
12,038 signatures
removal of ethanol in unleaded petrol
Open from Wednesday 31st August 2011 to Friday 31st August 2012
873 signatures
Restore the Euston Arch
Open from Wednesday 31st August 2011 to Friday 31st August 2012
11 signatures
Public Vote to decided to have a Coaltion Government
Open from Wednesday 31st August 2011 to Friday 31st August 2012
3 signatures
Reduce ex servicemen homlessness and prison numbers
Open from Wednesday 31st August 2011 to Friday 31st August 2012
7 signatures
UK to become food and fuel self sufficent
Open from Wednesday 31st August 2011 to Friday 31st August 2012
4 signatures
Open from Wednesday 31st August 2011 to Friday 31st August 2012
9 signatures
call for the ombudsmans verdicts to be called into question
Open from Wednesday 31st August 2011 to Friday 31st August 2012
5 signatures
Bring in civil servant responsibility
Open from Wednesday 31st August 2011 to Friday 31st August 2012
2 signatures
Regulation of Street Fundraising (Direct Debit)
Open from Wednesday 31st August 2011 to Friday 31st August 2012
2 signatures
Improvement in quality of parlamentary candidates
Open from Wednesday 31st August 2011 to Friday 31st August 2012
4 signatures
Top Gear Should be Removed from our Screens
Open from Wednesday 31st August 2011 to Friday 31st August 2012
4 signatures
minimum fuel efficiency for cars, vans and lorry’s
Open from Wednesday 31st August 2011 to Friday 31st August 2012
1 signatures
Constitutional Reforms & Federalisation of the UK
Open from Wednesday 31st August 2011 to Friday 31st August 2012
5 signatures
A referendum on the length of a parliamentary term.
Open from Wednesday 31st August 2011 to Friday 31st August 2012
17 signatures
Free Lead Pipe Replacement
Open from Wednesday 31st August 2011 to Friday 31st August 2012
6 signatures
Amend Section 21 of Town Police Clauses Act 1847 to include consultation process.
Open from Wednesday 31st August 2011 to Friday 31st August 2012
2 signatures
Give student train fares up to the age of 21
Open from Wednesday 31st August 2011 to Friday 31st August 2012
3 signatures
Change parking charges
Open from Wednesday 31st August 2011 to Friday 31st August 2012
4 signatures
Ban Councils Charging Utilities Rent.
Open from Wednesday 31st August 2011 to Friday 31st August 2012
2 signatures
A stop to all funding of the Race Relations Industry
Open from Wednesday 31st August 2011 to Friday 31st August 2012
4 signatures
Withdraw funding for gipsy & traveller sites
Open from Wednesday 31st August 2011 to Friday 31st August 2012
20 signatures
To ensure there are road safety measures around schools in the UK
Open from Wednesday 31st August 2011 to Friday 31st August 2012
369 signatures
Give More Responsibility To Schools To Prevent Self-Harming
Open from Wednesday 31st August 2011 to Friday 31st August 2012
4 signatures
Reverse the housing benefit
Open from Wednesday 31st August 2011 to Friday 31st August 2012
19 signatures
Neighbours From Hell
Open from Wednesday 31st August 2011 to Friday 31st August 2012
2 signatures
Affordable quality homes for 3 generations under one roof
Open from Wednesday 31st August 2011 to Friday 31st August 2012
7 signatures
Planning law favours developers
Open from Wednesday 31st August 2011 to Friday 31st August 2012
29 signatures
Cap free houses at UK average value
Open from Wednesday 31st August 2011 to Friday 31st August 2012
3 signatures
Restore the sure start maternity grant for bereaved parents.
Open from Wednesday 31st August 2011 to Friday 31st August 2012
68 signatures
Open from Wednesday 31st August 2011 to Friday 31st August 2012
206 signatures
council estates
Open from Wednesday 31st August 2011 to Friday 31st August 2012
2 signatures
Landlords responsibility for council tax
Open from Wednesday 31st August 2011 to Friday 31st August 2012
3 signatures
Build more Social Housing
Open from Wednesday 31st August 2011 to Friday 31st August 2012
12 signatures
stop giving council homes to single mothers under the age of 21 with children with different fathers
Open from Wednesday 31st August 2011 to Friday 31st August 2012
11 signatures
Masters degree funding through the student loans company.
Open from Wednesday 31st August 2011 to Friday 31st August 2012
24 signatures
That HM government should impose an immediate arms embargo on Israel
Open from Wednesday 31st August 2011 to Friday 31st August 2012
202 signatures
Bring university tuition fees back down to £3000
Open from Wednesday 31st August 2011 to Friday 31st August 2012
17 signatures
Higher the age of Apprentices and bring internalships/apprentships for adult umemployed claiming benefits
Open from Wednesday 31st August 2011 to Friday 31st August 2012
2 signatures
Bank Holiday Pay
Open from Wednesday 31st August 2011 to Friday 31st August 2012
12 signatures
Look into involving private companies into UK university funding
Open from Wednesday 31st August 2011 to Friday 31st August 2012
2 signatures
Withdraw British taxpayer funding from Palestine if UN bid for statehood goes ahead
Open from Wednesday 31st August 2011 to Friday 31st August 2012
10 signatures
Free Science Education
Open from Wednesday 31st August 2011 to Friday 31st August 2012
7 signatures
Request that the UN Buy or Trade weapons for money, supplies or services
Open from Wednesday 31st August 2011 to Friday 31st August 2012
2 signatures
Require All Shops to Close on A Sunday.
Open from Wednesday 31st August 2011 to Friday 31st August 2012
48 signatures
Ban Alcohol Advertising before at least 9pm
Open from Wednesday 31st August 2011 to Friday 31st August 2012
10 signatures
Open from Wednesday 31st August 2011 to Friday 31st August 2012
3 signatures
Opening Day of London 2012 Olympic Games should be a Bank Holiday
Open from Wednesday 31st August 2011 to Friday 31st August 2012
28 signatures
Robustly reform NHS pensions. Doctors strike action is an outrage.
Open from Thursday 31st May 2012 to Friday 31st August 2012
2 signatures
D,S.A. (P,D,I part three test) needs changing
Open from Wednesday 31st August 2011 to Friday 31st August 2012
4 signatures
Hastings Rail Links
Open from Wednesday 31st August 2011 to Friday 31st August 2012
471 signatures
Maintain and create new waterways in the UK.
Open from Wednesday 31st August 2011 to Friday 31st August 2012
5 signatures
more powers of search on personal possessions
Open from Wednesday 31st August 2011 to Friday 31st August 2012
1 signatures
Children with Irlen syndrome, dyslexia and scotopic sensitivity to recieve glasses with coloured lenses free on the nhs
Open from Wednesday 31st August 2011 to Friday 31st August 2012
363 signatures
Ambulance 999 calls that are alcohol related should be charged
Open from Wednesday 31st August 2011 to Friday 31st August 2012
86 signatures
Stop government interference in the provision of abortions
Open from Wednesday 31st August 2011 to Friday 31st August 2012
21 signatures
Allow Type 2 Diabetics the means to test their own blood sugar
Open from Wednesday 31st August 2011 to Friday 31st August 2012
298 signatures
Improve Police Training
Open from Wednesday 31st August 2011 to Friday 31st August 2012
4 signatures
Police Service Feedback and Evaluation
Open from Wednesday 31st August 2011 to Friday 31st August 2012
2 signatures
Remove advertising restrictions for community run radio stations.
Open from Tuesday 30th August 2011 to Thursday 30th August 2012
2 signatures
Stop late night noisy neighbours with real action
Open from Tuesday 30th August 2011 to Thursday 30th August 2012
83 signatures
Lack of democracy in the EU and the re-election of Herman Van Rompuy .
Open from Wednesday 30th November 2011 to Thursday 30th August 2012
5 signatures
Label food as ethically produced
Open from Tuesday 30th August 2011 to Thursday 30th August 2012
3 signatures
Close premises down that avoid business rates
Open from Tuesday 30th August 2011 to Thursday 30th August 2012
2 signatures
Defra, not to capture our Buzzards and destroy their nests.
Open from Wednesday 30th May 2012 to Thursday 30th August 2012
1 signatures
Blaby council planning department to have an independant investigation over its actions.
Open from Tuesday 30th August 2011 to Thursday 30th August 2012
23 signatures
Dissolve CSA, transfer assesment and enforcement functions to HMRC
Open from Tuesday 30th August 2011 to Thursday 30th August 2012
5 signatures
Amendment to Licensing Act 2003 (to ensure payment)
Open from Tuesday 30th August 2011 to Thursday 30th August 2012
2 signatures
Interfaith Committee
Open from Tuesday 30th August 2011 to Thursday 30th August 2012
2 signatures
local community council tax payers to vote on planning regarding building of houses
Open from Tuesday 30th August 2011 to Thursday 30th August 2012
2 signatures
Renovate our war memorials as the best way of marking the Centenary of the First World War 2014 - 2018
Open from Tuesday 30th August 2011 to Thursday 30th August 2012
7 signatures
Stop Briitish Telecom Charging Line Rental
Open from Tuesday 30th August 2011 to Thursday 30th August 2012
6 signatures
Remove the TV license fee freeze and allow it to increase
Open from Tuesday 30th August 2011 to Thursday 30th August 2012
11 signatures
Council profit on statutory notices
Open from Tuesday 30th August 2011 to Thursday 30th August 2012
2 signatures
15A Certificate
Open from Tuesday 30th August 2011 to Thursday 30th August 2012
3 signatures
Investigation into the link between violent computer games & the recent riots in Britain.
Open from Tuesday 30th August 2011 to Thursday 30th August 2012
2 signatures
Keep May Day Bank Holiday
Open from Tuesday 30th August 2011 to Thursday 30th August 2012
118 signatures Mon, 03 Mar 2025 19:51:19 +0000