All the petitions which were rejected in April 2019, sorted by rejection date from newest to oldest.
10 year jail sentence for carrying knives
Rejected on Tuesday 30th April 2019 - reason: duplicate
Act on global warming immediately.
Rejected on Tuesday 30th April 2019 - reason: duplicate
Make university education free for all UK citizens.
Rejected on Tuesday 30th April 2019 - reason: duplicate
Ban palm oil in products sold in the Uk
Rejected on Tuesday 30th April 2019 - reason: duplicate
Put recycling bins into all schools
Rejected on Tuesday 30th April 2019 - reason: irrelevant
Vote of no confidence in the prime minister. vote her out before election
Rejected on Tuesday 30th April 2019 - reason: honours
Make minimum wage the same for all ages
Rejected on Tuesday 30th April 2019 - reason: duplicate
Make Parliament cancel all holidays until the situation with Brexit is resolved
Rejected on Tuesday 30th April 2019 - reason: duplicate
Dissolve the current Parliament and Government and hold a General Election
Rejected on Tuesday 30th April 2019 - reason: duplicate
Cancel the 2 weeks Easter, 6 weeks summer recesses & 4 weeks party conference
Rejected on Tuesday 30th April 2019 - reason: duplicate
Make 50 high profile MP's exchange wages & hours with NHS nurses for 6 months.
Rejected on Tuesday 30th April 2019 - reason: irrelevant
We, the people, demand a second referendum on Proportional Representation.
Rejected on Tuesday 30th April 2019 - reason: duplicate
All future public votes to have ballot papers with an option for 'NO CONFIDENCE'
Rejected on Tuesday 30th April 2019 - reason: duplicate
Remove threasa may from office
Rejected on Tuesday 30th April 2019 - reason: honours
Honor the result of the 1975 UK EC membership referendum, and remain in the EU
Rejected on Tuesday 30th April 2019 - reason: duplicate
Limit the number of terms someone can sit as an MP.
Rejected on Tuesday 30th April 2019 - reason: duplicate
A referendum on whether to have a second referendum
Rejected on Tuesday 30th April 2019 - reason: duplicate
If the government makes us leave the EU, hold a referendum to join the EU.
Rejected on Tuesday 30th April 2019 - reason: duplicate
Remove remain from any people's vote
Rejected on Tuesday 30th April 2019 - reason: duplicate
Allow all students to wear trousers and school shorts as part of school uniform.
Rejected on Tuesday 30th April 2019 - reason: irrelevant
Politicians in the United Kingdom should be held accountable for lies they tell.
Rejected on Tuesday 30th April 2019 - reason: duplicate
Save Dudson Pottery
Rejected on Tuesday 30th April 2019 - reason: no-action
I would like for drivers over 50 to take a driving theory test
Rejected on Tuesday 30th April 2019 - reason: no-action
Invoke clause 61 of the Magna Carta, the right to lawful rebellion.
Rejected on Tuesday 30th April 2019 - reason: no-action
Debate the formation of an independent, non-partisan form of government
Rejected on Tuesday 30th April 2019 - reason: no-action
I want speed bumps put down wyke Lane okenshaw
Rejected on Tuesday 30th April 2019 - reason: irrelevant
Parliament to put forward a confidence motion in the UK Government
Rejected on Tuesday 30th April 2019 - reason: honours
Do as 17,4 million people voted for, leave EU on a NO DEAL NOW no more delays.
Rejected on Tuesday 30th April 2019 - reason: duplicate
Stop the Parliament 2019 Summer Recess until Brexit deal has been agreed
Rejected on Tuesday 30th April 2019 - reason: duplicate
MP's should forgo their summer holiday until Brexit is sorted out.
Rejected on Tuesday 30th April 2019 - reason: duplicate
We voted to leave without a deal
Rejected on Tuesday 30th April 2019 - reason: duplicate
Take into account income of both RP and NRP parents when calculating CMS
Rejected on Tuesday 30th April 2019 - reason: duplicate
Any costs for article 50 extension is paid for by MP's from their own pockets
Rejected on Tuesday 30th April 2019 - reason: irrelevant
Hold A Deal Or No Deal Referendum On The Government's Brexit Deal With The EU
Rejected on Tuesday 30th April 2019 - reason: duplicate
Sack every MP and stop them re-running for office ever again.
Rejected on Tuesday 30th April 2019 - reason: honours
It should be illegal to say you were raped then admit later that you weren't.
Rejected on Tuesday 30th April 2019 - reason: no-action
Prevent Shamima Begum from being allowed to return to the UK
Rejected on Tuesday 30th April 2019 - reason: duplicate
Let under 18s have a real voice
The only voice we get in our future is this
Rejected on Tuesday 30th April 2019 - reason: no-action
Change the law so that everyone working the exact same job is paid equally
Rejected on Tuesday 30th April 2019 - reason: duplicate
Make alcoholic beverages display all ingredients and nutritional facts
Rejected on Tuesday 30th April 2019 - reason: duplicate
Make it 10 years in jail if caught with a knife
Rejected on Tuesday 30th April 2019 - reason: duplicate
In the situation of a second referendum. lower the voting age to 16
Rejected on Tuesday 30th April 2019 - reason: duplicate
The outrageous bias of BBC licence fee needs to go so people have that choice
Rejected on Tuesday 30th April 2019 - reason: no-action
MPs will not take summer break until there is a decision (either way) on Brexit.
Rejected on Tuesday 30th April 2019 - reason: duplicate
Make Sky Sports and BT Sport affordable to small rural pubs.
Rejected on Tuesday 30th April 2019 - reason: irrelevant
Introduce a European Passport for those who wish to retain their citizenship.
Rejected on Tuesday 30th April 2019 - reason: duplicate
We need a 2nd referendum with a choice of leave with the PM’s deal or no deal
Rejected on Tuesday 30th April 2019 - reason: duplicate
Revoke the Yvette Cooper bill and allow a no deal Brexit.
Rejected on Tuesday 30th April 2019 - reason: duplicate
Adopt Government deal with referendum within two years with Remain as an option
Rejected on Tuesday 30th April 2019 - reason: duplicate
Any Brexit deal approved by Parliament to be subject to confirmatory referendum
Rejected on Tuesday 30th April 2019 - reason: duplicate
Parliament to introduce new criteria for establishing conflicts of interests
Rejected on Monday 29th April 2019 - reason: no-action
LEAVE MEANS LEAVE, no half measures, we say no to a customs union, no to the EU.
Rejected on Monday 29th April 2019 - reason: duplicate
Honour the peoples democratic decision and deliver on a real brexit
Rejected on Monday 29th April 2019 - reason: no-action
Create an independant regulatory watchdog to hold politicians to account.
Rejected on Monday 29th April 2019 - reason: duplicate
Link NI numbers directly to right to vote and sign Government Petitions
Rejected on Monday 29th April 2019 - reason: no-action
If a Public Vote is held it should include the option 'Remain in the EU'.
Rejected on Monday 29th April 2019 - reason: duplicate
Ask HM Queen Elizabeth ll to remove Theresa May as PM
Rejected on Monday 29th April 2019 - reason: honours
If we have a no Brexit then we will have a no council tax bill
Rejected on Monday 29th April 2019 - reason: no-action
Allow paramedics to issue on the spot fines to patients that misuse the service
Rejected on Monday 29th April 2019 - reason: no-action
Put all options, back to the people We voted to leave, but not how.
Rejected on Monday 29th April 2019 - reason: duplicate
Hold a second referendum on EU membership FOR THOSE WHO DID NOT VOTE!
Rejected on Monday 29th April 2019 - reason: no-action
Like to get the whole of Westminster fired for incompetence
Rejected on Monday 29th April 2019 - reason: honours
If and when Britain leave the EU- revoke article 13.
Rejected on Monday 29th April 2019 - reason: duplicate
Put the Top 3 Indicative Votes, May's Deal and No Deal on a public vote.
Rejected on Monday 29th April 2019 - reason: no-action
All Government & Local Elections to be decided by Proportional representation.
Rejected on Monday 29th April 2019 - reason: duplicate
Make bottled water illegal to sell.
Rejected on Monday 29th April 2019 - reason: duplicate
Leave the EU without a deal on April 12th because it's what we all voted for!
Rejected on Monday 29th April 2019 - reason: duplicate
No confidence in the PM or parliamentary ministers.
Rejected on Monday 29th April 2019 - reason: honours
Cancel Summer parliamentary recess until a decision is made over BREXIT.
Rejected on Monday 29th April 2019 - reason: duplicate
Ban all parliamentary recesses until a Brexit deal has been agreed
Rejected on Monday 29th April 2019 - reason: duplicate
Hold a election as soon as possible.
Rejected on Monday 29th April 2019 - reason: duplicate
Hold a second referendum on Brexit alongside the EU elections in May
Rejected on Monday 29th April 2019 - reason: duplicate
Summer recess of Parliament cancelled until Brexit deal agreed . .
Rejected on Monday 29th April 2019 - reason: duplicate
Cancel MP's summer recess/holiday, usually 6 weeks, until they sort out Brexit.
Rejected on Monday 29th April 2019 - reason: duplicate
Ask Theresa May to stand down and let someone else deliver Brexit
Rejected on Monday 29th April 2019 - reason: honours
Repeat the referendum on EU membership
Rejected on Monday 29th April 2019 - reason: duplicate
Cut the salaries of our politicians to increase the budget for education & NHS
Rejected on Monday 29th April 2019 - reason: irrelevant
Hold a general election to end the PM BREXIT chaos.
Rejected on Monday 29th April 2019 - reason: duplicate
Ask the Queen to dismiss the Prime Minister and replace with a pro Brexit PM.
Rejected on Monday 29th April 2019 - reason: honours
Leave the EU without a deal by the 22nd May
Rejected on Monday 29th April 2019 - reason: duplicate
Theresa May must resign as Prime Minister now to save Brexit.
Rejected on Monday 29th April 2019 - reason: honours
Hold a proper referendum on E.U. membership.
Rejected on Monday 29th April 2019 - reason: duplicate
We will not pay Council Tax if we do not get a full Brexit
Rejected on Monday 29th April 2019 - reason: no-action
Stop the collation government with labour. It was not voted for
Rejected on Monday 29th April 2019 - reason: no-action
Make it law to implement specific results of a referendum
Rejected on Monday 29th April 2019 - reason: duplicate
Rule Out Remaining within the EU
Rejected on Monday 29th April 2019 - reason: duplicate
Stop a long extension to brexit
Rejected on Monday 29th April 2019 - reason: duplicate
Hold a final people's vote on Theresa May's negotiated Brexit deal.
Rejected on Monday 29th April 2019 - reason: duplicate
Halt all HS2 'Enabling Works' between London and Birmingham.
Rejected on Monday 29th April 2019 - reason: duplicate
MP votes against the wishes of constituents, auto trigger of a bi election.
Rejected on Monday 29th April 2019 - reason: duplicate
Make leaving the EU without a deal illegal
Rejected on Monday 29th April 2019 - reason: duplicate
Stop Brexit now to avoid destroying our nation.
Rejected on Monday 29th April 2019 - reason: duplicate
I want a people’s Referendum to JOIN the EU!
Rejected on Monday 29th April 2019 - reason: duplicate
Annul the Cooper-Boles delay bill as it is a constitutional outrage and a farce.
Rejected on Monday 29th April 2019 - reason: duplicate
The Cooper Bill must be thrown out by parliament as it is Illegal
Rejected on Monday 29th April 2019 - reason: duplicate
Make Online Petition Signatures require National Insurance number.
Rejected on Monday 29th April 2019 - reason: no-action
Ensure that every secondary school student in the UK gets CPR training.
Rejected on Monday 29th April 2019 - reason: duplicate
Get Theresa May to listen to the people NOW. Not the views of 2016.
Rejected on Monday 29th April 2019 - reason: no-action
To stop the knife crime in London
Rejected on Monday 29th April 2019 - reason: irrelevant
Add "none of the above" to any forthcoming election/referendum ballot papers
Rejected on Monday 29th April 2019 - reason: duplicate Mon, 03 Mar 2025 19:41:30 +0000