Not all petitions are accepted for publication. The most common reasons for that are that the petition duplicates one that's already open for signatures, or that it relates to something that the government isn't responsible for.
Make a UK citizen child, born overseas, non discriminately eligible for passport
Rejected on Saturday 18th March 2017
Rejection code: no-action
Please stop awarding Legal Aid for Unproven Claims of Domestic Violence.
Rejected on Saturday 18th March 2017
Rejection code: no-action
Abolish This Pre-Crime Nonsense Law Now Before It Is Too Late!
Rejected on Saturday 18th March 2017
Rejection code: no-action
Make the practice of "Gay Conversion Therapy" illegal in the UK
Rejected on Monday 20th March 2017
Rejection code: duplicate
Theresa May must give British citizens the chance to keep their EU citizenship.
Rejected on Monday 20th March 2017
Rejection code: duplicate
Retain optional EU passport and citizenship for UK citizens after Brexit
Rejected on Monday 20th March 2017
Rejection code: duplicate
Uk Gov't must allow Uk citizens the choice to keep EU citizenship.
Rejected on Monday 20th March 2017
Rejection code: duplicate
British citizens be entitled personally to retain the benefits of EU membership.
Rejected on Monday 20th March 2017
Rejection code: duplicate
Accept MEP Verhofstadt's proposal to extend EU rights to UK citizens post-Brexit
Rejected on Monday 20th March 2017
Rejection code: duplicate
British Citizens to be entitled to be granted membership of the EU
Rejected on Monday 20th March 2017
Rejection code: duplicate
Make European citizenship an option available to all Britains following Brexit
Rejected on Monday 20th March 2017
Rejection code: duplicate
Guarantee British citizens human right to live, work & retire within the EU
Rejected on Monday 20th March 2017
Rejection code: duplicate
Include in the Brexit terms the right for individuals to remain EU citizens
Rejected on Monday 20th March 2017
Rejection code: duplicate
To include proposals to allow individuals to retain citizenship of Europe.
Rejected on Monday 20th March 2017
Rejection code: duplicate
Remove Sajid Javid MP from Ministerial Office
Rejected on Monday 20th March 2017
Rejection code: honours
Hold the SNP to the last referendum was a once in a generation vote.
Rejected on Monday 20th March 2017
Rejection code: duplicate
Make Philip Hammond publish his tax return.
"Nothing to hide, Nothing to fear"
Rejected on Monday 20th March 2017
Rejection code: duplicate
All the U.K. should be included in any second Scottish independence referendum.
Rejected on Monday 20th March 2017
Rejection code: duplicate
UK Government - rethink the E-Cig regulations starting May 2017.
Rejected on Monday 20th March 2017
Rejection code: irrelevant
A full referendum to end the TV Licence once and for all.
Rejected on Monday 20th March 2017
Rejection code: no-action
Allow a child to have their unmarried parents name on their birth certificate.
Rejected on Monday 20th March 2017
Rejection code: duplicate
Too Force Wiltshire Council to Resurface the highways not just patch them
Rejected on Monday 20th March 2017
Rejection code: irrelevant
Shut all non necessary shops on Easter Sunday
Rejected on Monday 20th March 2017
Rejection code: no-action
Protect the Graves of 48 World War One Soldiers in Southwark.
Rejected on Monday 20th March 2017
Rejection code: irrelevant
Withdraw the new, grossly unfair tax on solar panels.
Rejected on Monday 20th March 2017
Rejection code: duplicate
Reverse the decision to slash the dividend tax allowance from £5,000 to £2,000
Rejected on Monday 20th March 2017
Rejection code: duplicate
There should be a Judicial enquiry into the Iraqi war.
Rejected on Monday 20th March 2017
Rejection code: no-action
Make dealer level diagnostic software free & available for out of warranty cars
Rejected on Monday 20th March 2017
Rejection code: irrelevant
Not to give Scotland a second referendum but to agree to the wishes of the SNP.
Rejected on Monday 20th March 2017
Rejection code: duplicate
Change car insurance so you only have to insure the vehicle and not every driver
Rejected on Monday 20th March 2017
Rejection code: duplicate
Reconsider proposed reduction in dividend allowance from £5000 to £2000.
Rejected on Monday 20th March 2017
Rejection code: duplicate
Make animal circuses in the UK illegal to prevent animal cruelty
Rejected on Monday 20th March 2017
Rejection code: duplicate
Replace RELIGIOUS EDUCATION with LIFE SKILLS in our National Curriculum
Rejected on Monday 20th March 2017
Rejection code: duplicate
Make Government allocate £3 billion pa schools will lose in real terms by 2020.
Rejected on Monday 20th March 2017
Rejection code: duplicate
Stop the sale of gas boilers components to non gas safe registered card holders
Rejected on Monday 20th March 2017
Rejection code: no-action
benefits should be taxed as income
Rejected on Monday 20th March 2017
Rejection code: no-action
Harehills needs sport centre so kids can keep them self occupied in activities.
Rejected on Monday 20th March 2017
Rejection code: irrelevant
"driving while using a mobile phone" to "driving without due care and attention"
Rejected on Monday 20th March 2017
Rejection code: no-action
Stop cuts to disability benefits and the "disregard" of mental health in P.I.P
Rejected on Monday 20th March 2017
Rejection code: duplicate
Stop the cuts in support staff for vulnerable students.
Rejected on Monday 20th March 2017
Rejection code: irrelevant
Remove Atos Healthcare as the Assessor for people on ESA with DWP
Rejected on Monday 20th March 2017
Rejection code: no-action
Half price bus and train fares for under 18's still in education
Rejected on Monday 20th March 2017
Rejection code: irrelevant
Please bring back funding for south Norfolk fertility treatment
Rejected on Monday 20th March 2017
Rejection code: irrelevant
Exclude bullies from schools
Rejected on Monday 20th March 2017
Rejection code: irrelevant
Implement strict policies for bullying in all schools and education settings.
Rejected on Monday 20th March 2017
Rejection code: duplicate
More help for victims of Anti Social Behaviour occuring that cannot be proven
Rejected on Monday 20th March 2017
Rejection code: no-action
Rejected on Monday 20th March 2017
Rejection code: irrelevant
Keep The Young Mums Unit Open
Rejected on Monday 20th March 2017
Rejection code: irrelevant
Give British citizens in the UK and abroad final referendum
Rejected on Monday 20th March 2017
Rejection code: no-action
Disestablish the House of
Lords and move to an elected upper chamber
Rejected on Monday 20th March 2017
Rejection code: duplicate
Theressa May start article 50 soon as
Rejected on Monday 20th March 2017
Rejection code: no-action
Give Gaetano Berardi key to the city of Leeds
Rejected on Monday 20th March 2017
Rejection code: irrelevant
Petition to block the 2nd referendum called by the Scottish parliament.
Rejected on Monday 20th March 2017
Rejection code: duplicate
Tell Nicola Sturgeon to "Take a hike" and refuse permission for second IndyRef.
Rejected on Monday 20th March 2017
Rejection code: duplicate
Prevent Nicola Sturgeon from re-running the Scottish Independence Referendum
Rejected on Monday 20th March 2017
Rejection code: duplicate
Block a second Scottish Independence Referendum
Rejected on Monday 20th March 2017
Rejection code: duplicate
Stop the 2nd referendum for Scottish Independence
Rejected on Monday 20th March 2017
Rejection code: duplicate
Revise grounds for divorce in respect to the legal definition of adultery.
Rejected on Monday 20th March 2017
Rejection code: duplicate
Not Grant Scotland another referendum on independence
Rejected on Monday 20th March 2017
Rejection code: duplicate
Spend 50% of Foreign aid budget on social care for next 3 fiscal years .
Rejected on Monday 20th March 2017
Rejection code: duplicate
Make it Law that we can sue the Unions (RMT,Aslef) Ect...
Rejected on Monday 20th March 2017
Rejection code: duplicate
Get the government to subsidise motorway services for the English HGV drivers.
Rejected on Monday 20th March 2017
Rejection code: irrelevant
Make Gay Conversion "Therpay" illegal in the UK
Rejected on Monday 20th March 2017
Rejection code: duplicate
Call a general election
Rejected on Monday 20th March 2017
Rejection code: duplicate
Rest of the UK should be given a vote in the next Scottish Referendum
Rejected on Monday 20th March 2017
Rejection code: duplicate
Deny a referendum on Scottish independence unless all UK citizens get a vote.
Rejected on Monday 20th March 2017
Rejection code: duplicate
Save E-Blueys
Rejected on Monday 20th March 2017
Rejection code: duplicate
The whole of the UK should have the vote on Scottish independence.
Rejected on Monday 20th March 2017
Rejection code: duplicate
UK voters should be allowed to vote on Scottish Independence
Rejected on Monday 20th March 2017
Rejection code: duplicate
All citizens of the UK should be entitled to vote on Scottish independence.
Rejected on Monday 20th March 2017
Rejection code: duplicate
ALL UK persons of voting age to get a vote in the event of a Scottish referendum
Rejected on Monday 20th March 2017
Rejection code: duplicate
Pets (animals considered as pets e.g. dogs) should be registered and chipped.
Rejected on Monday 20th March 2017
Rejection code: no-action
Reverse the decision to stop the HM Forces E-Bluey service.
Rejected on Monday 20th March 2017
Rejection code: duplicate
Reverse the MOD decision to end the E-Bluey service on 31 March 2017
Rejected on Monday 20th March 2017
Rejection code: duplicate
Stop the MOD scrapping vital electronic letter links to uk's frontline troups!!!
Rejected on Monday 20th March 2017
Rejection code: duplicate
Changing council tax rules without a parliamentary decision.
Rejected on Monday 20th March 2017
Rejection code: no-action
Make the UK Government act on their poor education of social skills in schools.
Rejected on Monday 20th March 2017
Rejection code: no-action
Free Bus Passes for the whole UK ???????? at 60, and OPTION to retire STILL at 60!!
Rejected on Monday 20th March 2017
Rejection code: duplicate
To Ban sharia law and child marriage anywhere in the uk
Rejected on Monday 20th March 2017
Rejection code: no-action
To remove 19th century and Shakesphere from AQA Gcse literature papers
Rejected on Monday 20th March 2017
Rejection code: irrelevant
Make spamming people illegal
Rejected on Monday 20th March 2017
Rejection code: no-action
Find a new premise for CAPA COLLEGE
Rejected on Monday 20th March 2017
Rejection code: irrelevant
Prevent the use of palm oil in products in the U.K.
Rejected on Monday 20th March 2017
Rejection code: duplicate
Give UK citizens option to keep EU rights and retain relationship with Europe.
Rejected on Monday 20th March 2017
Rejection code: duplicate
Guarantee the right of EU Citizens to stay in the UK before Brexit negotiations
Rejected on Monday 20th March 2017
Rejection code: duplicate
Let metal detectorists have more land for free to uncover our history
Rejected on Monday 20th March 2017
Rejection code: no-action
Allow pensioners in annuities the right to access their money.
Rejected on Monday 20th March 2017
Rejection code: duplicate
Put a return 2/3p on cans/bottles to clean up our glass-ridden streets.
Rejected on Monday 20th March 2017
Rejection code: duplicate
Hold a referendum across the whole UK on Scottish Independence
Rejected on Monday 20th March 2017
Rejection code: duplicate
Should Scottish independence happen?
Rejected on Monday 20th March 2017
Rejection code: no-action
Make it illegal to re-sell concert, theatre tickets etc above their face value.
Rejected on Monday 20th March 2017
Rejection code: duplicate
Put a return 2/3p on cans/bottles to clean up our glass-ridden streets.
Rejected on Monday 20th March 2017
Rejection code: duplicate
Vote for the reunification of Northern Ireland with the Republic of Ireland
Rejected on Monday 20th March 2017
Rejection code: duplicate
Call a snap election as Theresa May is unelected!
Rejected on Monday 20th March 2017
Rejection code: duplicate
No Confidence in First Minister of Scotland, Nicola Sturgeon MSP
Rejected on Monday 20th March 2017
Rejection code: irrelevant
A vote of no confidence in Nicola Sturgeons' ability to Govern Scotland.
Rejected on Monday 20th March 2017
Rejection code: irrelevant
A vote of no confidence in Nicola Sturgeon and the SNP
Rejected on Monday 20th March 2017
Rejection code: irrelevant
A vote of no confidence for First Minister Nicola Sturgeon.
Rejected on Monday 20th March 2017
Rejection code: irrelevant
Vote in no confidence in Nicola sturgeon as first minister of Scotland
Rejected on Monday 20th March 2017
Rejection code: irrelevant
Bring gluten-free food back on NHS prescription!
Rejected on Monday 20th March 2017
Rejection code: irrelevant Thu, 23 Jan 2025 03:28:09 +0000