All the petitions which were submitted in April 2020, irrespective of whether they were accepted or rejected, sorted by submission date from newest to oldest.
Note that petitions will only show in this list once they have been either accepted or rejected. Petitions still waiting to be checked are not made public until they have completed the moderation process. That's because publishing them before then would defeat the object of the support gathering phase, as well as risking the inadvertant publication of something defamatory or otherwise unlawful.
Create a permanent NHS worker tribute for the Fourth Plinth at Trafalgar Square
Submitted on Friday 10th April 2020
Rejected on Wednesday 27th May 2020 - reason: irrelevant
Your assistance, to help setup a charity round in sporting world at all levels.
Submitted on Friday 10th April 2020
Rejected on Wednesday 10th June 2020 - reason: no-action
Monthly grants for all businesses & sole-traders/freelancers
Submitted on Friday 10th April 2020
Open from Thursday 11th June 2020 to Friday 11th December 2020
14 signatures
Test all passengers for covid upon arrival to UK airports
Submitted on Friday 10th April 2020
Rejected on Monday 27th April 2020 - reason: duplicate
Fund an above inflation, respectful pay rise to all public sector workers.
Submitted on Friday 10th April 2020
Open from Wednesday 27th May 2020 to Friday 27th November 2020
41 signatures
Don’t allow MPs an extra 10,000 for expenses, give this money to help the NHS.
Submitted on Friday 10th April 2020
Rejected on Wednesday 20th May 2020 - reason: irrelevant
All NHS staff on the front line should get a Florence Nightingale medal
Submitted on Friday 10th April 2020
Rejected on Wednesday 15th April 2020 - reason: duplicate
To stop MPs getting there £10000 and to give to key workers
Submitted on Friday 10th April 2020
Rejected on Tuesday 26th May 2020 - reason: irrelevant
No tax to be paid by NHS staff and raises for the NHS during this epidemic
Submitted on Friday 10th April 2020
Rejected on Wednesday 15th April 2020 - reason: duplicate
Stop People Pay Road Tax while Locked Down
Submitted on Friday 10th April 2020
Rejected on Wednesday 6th May 2020 - reason: duplicate
Change furlough rule to include new starters. As you have changed the Type rule
Submitted on Friday 10th April 2020
Rejected on Thursday 16th April 2020 - reason: duplicate
Demand an immediate 10% pay rise for all NHS workers after COVID-19.
Submitted on Friday 10th April 2020
Rejected on Wednesday 15th April 2020 - reason: duplicate
That the UK Spring Bank Holiday shall henceforth be known as VC day.
Submitted on Friday 10th April 2020
Rejected on Wednesday 27th May 2020 - reason: duplicate
Give healthcare workers extra £10K to help them work in such extreme conditions
Submitted on Friday 10th April 2020
Rejected on Wednesday 10th June 2020 - reason: duplicate
Include 2019-20 tax returns in the calculation of Self-employed Income Support
Submitted on Friday 10th April 2020
Rejected on Wednesday 15th April 2020 - reason: duplicate
Immediate & Sustained Increased Wages for Our NHS / Emergency & Care Staff
Submitted on Friday 10th April 2020
Rejected on Tuesday 26th May 2020 - reason: duplicate
Provide all NHS workers in direct close contact with patients with suitable PPE
Submitted on Friday 10th April 2020
Rejected on Tuesday 26th May 2020 - reason: duplicate
Give NHS Staff the extra £10,000 expenses allowance, that's been given to MPs.
Submitted on Friday 10th April 2020
Rejected on Wednesday 20th May 2020 - reason: irrelevant
I would like to reschedule mothers day 2020.
Submitted on Friday 10th April 2020
Rejected on Wednesday 17th June 2020 - reason: irrelevant
Stop MP’s be entitled to claim an extra £10000 in expenses during the pandemic
Submitted on Friday 10th April 2020
Rejected on Wednesday 10th June 2020 - reason: irrelevant
Realise we're in this together, stop the £10k COVID-19 expense claim for MPs.
Submitted on Friday 10th April 2020
Rejected on Wednesday 20th May 2020 - reason: irrelevant
To establish a Frontline Services Remembrance Day
Submitted on Friday 10th April 2020
Rejected on Tuesday 19th May 2020 - reason: duplicate
Provide NHS Staff a much deserved Pay Rise
Submitted on Friday 10th April 2020
Rejected on Wednesday 15th April 2020 - reason: duplicate
Hold a national day of remembrance for the NHS
Submitted on Friday 10th April 2020
Rejected on Tuesday 19th May 2020 - reason: duplicate
Implement a rigorous testing and contact tracing programme
Submitted on Friday 10th April 2020
Rejected on Friday 24th April 2020 - reason: duplicate
Stop MP’s getting 10k in expenses while COVID 19 is going on
Submitted on Friday 10th April 2020
Rejected on Monday 27th April 2020 - reason: irrelevant
Reinburse the tax deductions, and student loan repayments
Submitted on Friday 10th April 2020
Rejected on Wednesday 10th June 2020 - reason: duplicate
Strike a campaign medal to honour NHS workers.
Submitted on Friday 10th April 2020
Rejected on Wednesday 15th April 2020 - reason: duplicate
Stop foreign aid to be used help UK citizens financially due to the Virus crisis
Submitted on Friday 10th April 2020
Rejected on Wednesday 10th June 2020 - reason: duplicate
Reverse the Decision to hand MPs an extra £10,000 in expenses claims
Submitted on Friday 10th April 2020
Rejected on Wednesday 20th May 2020 - reason: irrelevant
Create a new award that honors front line workers during the Covid-19 Epidemic
Submitted on Friday 10th April 2020
Rejected on Wednesday 15th April 2020 - reason: duplicate
Stop MP’s receiving £10,000 extra money for home working and give to NHS
Submitted on Friday 10th April 2020
Rejected on Tuesday 26th May 2020 - reason: irrelevant
MPs to justify the £10,000 expenses for home working and pay this back.
Submitted on Friday 10th April 2020
Rejected on Wednesday 20th May 2020 - reason: irrelevant
I propose a national health service day to inc emergency services and care staff
Submitted on Friday 10th April 2020
Rejected on Thursday 21st May 2020 - reason: duplicate
Maternity leave at full pay for 1 year for women that are 26 weeks into the job.
Submitted on Friday 10th April 2020
Open from Thursday 11th June 2020 to Friday 11th December 2020
468 signatures
Make it law all politicians have to take a 50% wage cut
Submitted on Friday 10th April 2020
Rejected on Thursday 15th April 2021 - reason: irrelevant
Immediate Pay Rise For All Key Workers
Submitted on Friday 10th April 2020
Rejected on Wednesday 15th April 2020 - reason: duplicate
Nursing Medal of the British People awarded to all nurses and carers.
Submitted on Friday 10th April 2020
Rejected on Wednesday 15th April 2020 - reason: duplicate
Give prisoners social visits via video link during Covid-19 lockdown
Submitted on Friday 10th April 2020
Rejected on Wednesday 10th June 2020 - reason: already-happening
Stop MPs £10k covid homeworking expenses & spend it on PPE & key worker pay rise
Submitted on Friday 10th April 2020
Rejected on Wednesday 20th May 2020 - reason: irrelevant
Award the GEORGE CROSS to the nhs as a whole
Submitted on Friday 10th April 2020
Rejected on Wednesday 15th April 2020 - reason: duplicate
Make COVID19 testing available to all key-workers dealing with the public
Submitted on Friday 10th April 2020
Open from Monday 8th June 2020 to Tuesday 8th December 2020
19 signatures
Tax break / relief for NHS, private health and social care sectors.
Submitted on Friday 10th April 2020
Rejected on Wednesday 15th April 2020 - reason: duplicate
Give medals to Coronavirus covid-19 front line workers
Submitted on Friday 10th April 2020
Rejected on Wednesday 15th April 2020 - reason: duplicate
Stop MPs from getting the £10,000 for setting up a home office.
Submitted on Friday 10th April 2020
Rejected on Tuesday 26th May 2020 - reason: irrelevant
Remove the Red tape helping the victims of anti-social neighbours
Submitted on Friday 10th April 2020
Rejected on Saturday 27th June 2020 - reason: no-action
Stop all 5G activity immediately until a yes/no UK referendum can take place
Submitted on Friday 10th April 2020
Rejected on Wednesday 22nd April 2020 - reason: duplicate
Provide free internet access or data for disadvantaged students to learn online.
Submitted on Friday 10th April 2020
Rejected on Wednesday 17th June 2020 - reason: duplicate
put every person who has a respiratory condition on the vulnerable list
Submitted on Friday 10th April 2020
Rejected on Tuesday 21st April 2020 - reason: irrelevant
Open contact centers during lockdown!
Submitted on Friday 10th April 2020
Rejected on Thursday 11th June 2020 - reason: irrelevant
Paint a Rainbow on the Door of 10 Downing Street.
Submitted on Thursday 9th April 2020
Open from Friday 12th June 2020 to Saturday 12th December 2020
13 signatures
All MP’s should offer to pay back the £10,000 grant for working from home.
Submitted on Thursday 9th April 2020
Rejected on Tuesday 26th May 2020 - reason: irrelevant
Make sure NHS staff receive recognition when the next round of awards are made.
Submitted on Thursday 9th April 2020
Rejected on Tuesday 14th April 2020 - reason: honours
Include care home deaths in uk covid numbers.
Submitted on Thursday 9th April 2020
Rejected on Wednesday 10th June 2020 - reason: already-happening
MPs should not accept the extra £10,000 COVID19 expenses.
Submitted on Thursday 9th April 2020
Rejected on Wednesday 20th May 2020 - reason: irrelevant
Give key workers a decent wage & safe working conditions & contracts
Submitted on Thursday 9th April 2020
Rejected on Tuesday 2nd June 2020 - reason: duplicate
Give the NHS the £10,000 each MP is getting for working at home.
Submitted on Thursday 9th April 2020
Rejected on Wednesday 20th May 2020 - reason: irrelevant
Pay Nurses a 'Skilled' Level of Pay
Submitted on Thursday 9th April 2020
Rejected on Monday 15th June 2020 - reason: no-action
Scrap the £10000 additional allowance for MPs to work from home
Submitted on Thursday 9th April 2020
Rejected on Tuesday 26th May 2020 - reason: irrelevant
Give the MP's £10,000 Coronavirus handout to the NHS instead
Submitted on Thursday 9th April 2020
Rejected on Tuesday 26th May 2020 - reason: irrelevant
Award posthumous recognition medals to key workers that die dealing with covid.
Submitted on Thursday 9th April 2020
Rejected on Friday 22nd May 2020 - reason: duplicate
To acknowledge frontline workers for the new years honours regarding Corvid 19
Submitted on Thursday 9th April 2020
Rejected on Tuesday 14th April 2020 - reason: honours
Submitted on Thursday 9th April 2020
Rejected on Wednesday 15th April 2020 - reason: duplicate
Stop the “Corona bonus” for MPs
Submitted on Thursday 9th April 2020
Rejected on Tuesday 26th May 2020 - reason: irrelevant
Publish a document showing how MPs use the additional £10,000 office budget
Submitted on Thursday 9th April 2020
Rejected on Monday 8th June 2020 - reason: irrelevant
Queens Birthday Honours list to only include, Hero’s dealing with Covid 19
Submitted on Thursday 9th April 2020
Rejected on Tuesday 14th April 2020 - reason: honours
Lower tax rates for all key-workers during COVID-19 outbreak
Submitted on Thursday 9th April 2020
Rejected on Wednesday 15th April 2020 - reason: duplicate
Allocate £10,000 MP’s expenses to the NHS
Submitted on Thursday 9th April 2020
Rejected on Tuesday 26th May 2020 - reason: irrelevant
Create a Key Worker Thanks Giving Bank Holiday as a tribute to the heroism shown
Submitted on Thursday 9th April 2020
Rejected on Wednesday 15th April 2020 - reason: duplicate
Make clap for carers a national holiday post covid 19
Submitted on Thursday 9th April 2020
Rejected on Wednesday 27th May 2020 - reason: duplicate
Covid 19 discharge testing for all patients being discharged back to care homes
Submitted on Thursday 9th April 2020
Rejected on Thursday 28th May 2020 - reason: duplicate
To create a National NHS Day for the day the government end the lockdown
Submitted on Thursday 9th April 2020
Rejected on Monday 18th May 2020 - reason: duplicate
Give a 2nd "Easter" Bank Holiday later in the year due to lockdown for Covid-19
Submitted on Thursday 9th April 2020
Rejected on Wednesday 15th April 2020 - reason: duplicate
Award all NHS workers the order of sir or dame
Submitted on Thursday 9th April 2020
Rejected on Tuesday 14th April 2020 - reason: honours
Once convid19 is over, make a UK bank holiday called NHS day
Submitted on Thursday 9th April 2020
Rejected on Wednesday 15th April 2020 - reason: duplicate
All key wprkers should receive full PPE .
Submitted on Thursday 9th April 2020
Rejected on Tuesday 26th May 2020 - reason: duplicate
Give a significant pay rise to all NHS Workers
Submitted on Thursday 9th April 2020
Rejected on Wednesday 15th April 2020 - reason: duplicate
Call for a national holiday once Corona Virus is cleared
Submitted on Thursday 9th April 2020
Rejected on Wednesday 15th April 2020 - reason: duplicate
Boris Johnson resign for destroying the country with the coronavirus
Submitted on Thursday 9th April 2020
Rejected on Tuesday 2nd June 2020 - reason: honours
Protect Freedom of Speech As an Inalienable Right
Submitted on Thursday 9th April 2020
Rejected on Thursday 11th June 2020 - reason: no-action
The National Health Service was created 5th July 1948, Sign to make it a NHS DAY
Submitted on Thursday 9th April 2020
Rejected on Monday 18th May 2020 - reason: duplicate
Create a National Health Service Day on July 5th every year to show our thanks.
Submitted on Thursday 9th April 2020
Rejected on Wednesday 10th June 2020 - reason: duplicate
Provide NHS staff with a long lasting reward for their fight against Corona.
Submitted on Thursday 9th April 2020
Rejected on Wednesday 10th June 2020 - reason: duplicate
Award the NHS a George Cross
Submitted on Thursday 9th April 2020
Rejected on Wednesday 15th April 2020 - reason: duplicate
Tax free salary for front line NHS workers during COVID 19 pandemic
Submitted on Thursday 9th April 2020
Rejected on Wednesday 15th April 2020 - reason: duplicate
Thank you day for our blue light services, carers, key workers
Submitted on Thursday 9th April 2020
Rejected on Friday 29th May 2020 - reason: duplicate
I want every front line nurse , doctor , icu or ambulance crew be awarded an MBE
Submitted on Thursday 9th April 2020
Rejected on Tuesday 14th April 2020 - reason: honours
Refuse Dairy Industry Bailouts: Transition to a Plant-Based Food System
Submitted on Thursday 9th April 2020
Open from Thursday 11th June 2020 to Friday 11th December 2020
57 signatures
Provide financial support for self-employed who don't meet requirements stated.
Submitted on Thursday 9th April 2020
Rejected on Wednesday 15th April 2020 - reason: duplicate
Change Sunday trading laws
Submitted on Thursday 9th April 2020
Rejected on Wednesday 27th May 2020 - reason: duplicate
Revoke the payment of £10,000 to MPs to work from home during the Covid19 crisis
Submitted on Thursday 9th April 2020
Rejected on Tuesday 26th May 2020 - reason: irrelevant
Wipe out student debt for those fighting the COVID pandemic
Submitted on Thursday 9th April 2020
Rejected on Tuesday 28th April 2020 - reason: duplicate
Temporary regulation to bypass the need to record anti-social behaviour
Submitted on Thursday 9th April 2020
Rejected on Wednesday 10th June 2020 - reason: irrelevant
Rescind the offer to MPs of £10,000 to support working from home
Submitted on Thursday 9th April 2020
Rejected on Wednesday 20th May 2020 - reason: irrelevant
Cancel NHS nurses & junior doctors' tuition fee debt who are fighting COVID-19
Submitted on Thursday 9th April 2020
Rejected on Wednesday 10th June 2020 - reason: duplicate
Allow parents of NHS workers to come to the UK as their dependents.
Submitted on Thursday 9th April 2020
Open from Monday 13th July 2020 to Wednesday 13th January 2021
2,955 signatures
Stop additional payments to MPs whilst working from home
Submitted on Thursday 9th April 2020
Rejected on Tuesday 26th May 2020 - reason: irrelevant
Stop MPs getting any extra expenses for working from home.
Submitted on Thursday 9th April 2020
Rejected on Wednesday 20th May 2020 - reason: irrelevant
A medal for all NHS staff & 2nd medal of gallantry for Nurses & Doctors
Submitted on Thursday 9th April 2020
Rejected on Wednesday 15th April 2020 - reason: duplicate
A higher minimum wage for people in a caring job and funding to cover it.
Submitted on Thursday 9th April 2020
Rejected on Wednesday 10th June 2020 - reason: duplicate Thu, 06 Feb 2025 00:53:32 +0000