All the petitions which were submitted in May 2020, irrespective of whether they were accepted or rejected, sorted by submission date from newest to oldest.
Note that petitions will only show in this list once they have been either accepted or rejected. Petitions still waiting to be checked are not made public until they have completed the moderation process. That's because publishing them before then would defeat the object of the support gathering phase, as well as risking the inadvertant publication of something defamatory or otherwise unlawful.
Restart EVERY school year from September.
Submitted on Saturday 9th May 2020
Rejected on Monday 8th June 2020 - reason: duplicate
Make it illegal for private cctv cameras to encroach on private property/gardens
Submitted on Saturday 9th May 2020
Open from Thursday 23rd July 2020 to Saturday 23rd January 2021
20 signatures
National services to be public owned reverse privatisation and fund HM Treasury
Submitted on Saturday 9th May 2020
Open from Friday 24th July 2020 to Sunday 24th January 2021
26 signatures
Prioritise green economic recovery
Submitted on Saturday 9th May 2020
Rejected on Monday 15th June 2020 - reason: duplicate
Resume primary healthcare immediately.
Submitted on Saturday 9th May 2020
Rejected on Thursday 21st May 2020 - reason: irrelevant
MPs to hold a vote of no confidence post Coronavirus
Submitted on Saturday 9th May 2020
Rejected on Tuesday 26th May 2020 - reason: honours
Block 14 days self quarantine rule for travelers returning to the UK!
Submitted on Saturday 9th May 2020
Rejected on Thursday 28th May 2020 - reason: duplicate
Investigate DVSA Driving Test Failure Rates in UK Driving Test Centres & Reform
Submitted on Saturday 9th May 2020
Rejected on Friday 24th July 2020 - reason: no-action
Pay for every 2020 graduate to gain a postgraduate qualification free of charge.
Submitted on Saturday 9th May 2020
Open from Thursday 23rd July 2020 to Saturday 23rd January 2021
118 signatures
Impose restrictions on which police can use tasers and in what circumstances
Submitted on Saturday 9th May 2020
Open from Friday 14th August 2020 to Sunday 14th February 2021
28 signatures
Look forward for the environment rather than going back to normalised life
Submitted on Saturday 9th May 2020
Rejected on Wednesday 15th July 2020 - reason: no-action
Nationalise our railways following the COVID-19 pandemic
Submitted on Saturday 9th May 2020
Rejected on Wednesday 22nd July 2020 - reason: duplicate
Men to be given same maternity leave allowance
Submitted on Saturday 9th May 2020
Rejected on Thursday 30th July 2020 - reason: no-action
Legalise Electric Scooters for a greener economy post Covid-19
Submitted on Saturday 9th May 2020
Rejected on Wednesday 3rd June 2020 - reason: duplicate
Move the August bank holiday to commemorate the 75th anniversary of VJ day
Submitted on Saturday 9th May 2020
Rejected on Friday 17th July 2020 - reason: duplicate
Stop the continuing influx of migrants crossing the English Channel to the UK
Submitted on Saturday 9th May 2020
Rejected on Thursday 23rd July 2020 - reason: duplicate
Stop the continuing influx of migrants crossing the English Channel to the UK
Submitted on Saturday 9th May 2020
Rejected on Thursday 23rd July 2020 - reason: duplicate
Add ESA for pregnancy to the qualifying criteria for maternity allowance.
Submitted on Saturday 9th May 2020
Open from Thursday 23rd July 2020 to Saturday 23rd January 2021
11 signatures
Move the August Bank Holiday from 31st August to 14th August for VJ Day.
Submitted on Saturday 9th May 2020
Open from Friday 17th July 2020 to Sunday 17th January 2021
24 signatures
Introduce Covid-19 quick result testing on arrival in to the UK.
Submitted on Saturday 9th May 2020
Rejected on Thursday 28th May 2020 - reason: duplicate
Families of fallen NHS workers due to COVID-19 to be honoured with George Cross
Submitted on Saturday 9th May 2020
Rejected on Friday 22nd May 2020 - reason: irrelevant
Bring Rail franchises to an end and bring back a publicly owned railway
Submitted on Saturday 9th May 2020
Open from Wednesday 22nd July 2020 to Friday 22nd January 2021
32 signatures
Make bullying a criminal offence
Submitted on Friday 8th May 2020
Open from Monday 27th July 2020 to Wednesday 27th January 2021
193 signatures
Publish the number of people who have recovered from COVID-19
Submitted on Friday 8th May 2020
Open from Friday 24th July 2020 to Sunday 24th January 2021
56 signatures
No punishment for parents who do not wish to send their children back to school
Submitted on Friday 8th May 2020
Rejected on Tuesday 26th May 2020 - reason: duplicate
Reopen Dentists in the UK to the general public
Submitted on Friday 8th May 2020
Rejected on Tuesday 2nd June 2020 - reason: already-happening
Change the early May bank holiday to coincide with and celebrate VE Day
Submitted on Friday 8th May 2020
Open from Friday 17th July 2020 to Sunday 17th January 2021
20 signatures
Add another Bank Holiday for VE Day after Lockdown
Submitted on Friday 8th May 2020
Rejected on Wednesday 27th May 2020 - reason: duplicate
Move the August Bank holiday to celebrate VJ-Day and the end of WW2 in the East
Submitted on Friday 8th May 2020
Rejected on Friday 17th July 2020 - reason: duplicate
Lift Economic Sanctions On Sudan
Submitted on Friday 8th May 2020
Rejected on Thursday 23rd July 2020 - reason: no-action
Create new Bank Holiday on 5th July every year to celebrate founding of the NHS
Submitted on Friday 8th May 2020
Rejected on Friday 17th July 2020 - reason: duplicate
Commemorate the 75th anniversary of VE Day in 2021
Submitted on Friday 8th May 2020
Open from Thursday 23rd July 2020 to Saturday 23rd January 2021
12 signatures
Rearrange the 11+ exam date from September 2020 Until December 2020.
Submitted on Friday 8th May 2020
Rejected on Thursday 9th July 2020 - reason: irrelevant
Introduce a Bank Holiday for when the UK comes out of Lockdown due to COVID19
Submitted on Friday 8th May 2020
Rejected on Wednesday 27th May 2020 - reason: duplicate
Stop mandatory vaccinations based on inaccurate data
Submitted on Friday 8th May 2020
Rejected on Wednesday 27th May 2020 - reason: already-happening
Stop the illegal immigrants crossing the channel
Submitted on Friday 8th May 2020
Rejected on Monday 20th July 2020 - reason: no-action
Adapt and Adopt Italy's Marcora Law and Mutualistic Fund Scheme
Submitted on Friday 8th May 2020
Open from Wednesday 22nd July 2020 to Friday 22nd January 2021
46 signatures
One-off Grant To Be Paid To Anyone Who Has Not Benefited From A Covid-19 Scheme
Submitted on Friday 8th May 2020
Open from Wednesday 3rd June 2020 to Thursday 3rd December 2020
55,188 signatures
Make Land of Hope and Glory the English National Anthem
Submitted on Friday 8th May 2020
Rejected on Tuesday 26th May 2020 - reason: irrelevant
Investigate Government management of C19 specifically deliberate negligence
Submitted on Friday 8th May 2020
Rejected on Wednesday 22nd July 2020 - reason: duplicate
Limit the Sale and Use of Fireworks to Organisers of Licensed Displays Only
Submitted on Friday 8th May 2020
Open from Tuesday 21st July 2020 to Thursday 21st January 2021
301,611 signatures
Extend theory test certificates that are affected during this time (lockdown).
Submitted on Friday 8th May 2020
Rejected on Friday 26th June 2020 - reason: duplicate
ban the use of the key and deathspike on tins of corned beef.
Submitted on Friday 8th May 2020
Rejected on Wednesday 22nd July 2020 - reason: irrelevant
Extend the validity of the marriage notice for weddings impacted by COVID-19.
Submitted on Friday 8th May 2020
Rejected on Wednesday 3rd June 2020 - reason: duplicate
Keep our air clean. We don’t want to go back to how it was!
Submitted on Friday 8th May 2020
Rejected on Wednesday 22nd July 2020 - reason: no-action
To provide assistance to PPE manufacturers within the UK.
Submitted on Friday 8th May 2020
Rejected on Tuesday 21st July 2020 - reason: no-action
That the UK Government seek an extension to the Brexit Transitional Period.
Submitted on Friday 8th May 2020
Rejected on Wednesday 20th May 2020 - reason: duplicate
Why are we allowing illegal immigrants to enter Britain on boats from France?
Submitted on Friday 8th May 2020
Rejected on Monday 20th July 2020 - reason: no-action
To allow angling for sport in the uk during lockdown
Submitted on Friday 8th May 2020
Rejected on Tuesday 26th May 2020 - reason: already-happening
Call for international enquiry: origin and early reporting of Covid-19 by China.
Submitted on Friday 8th May 2020
Rejected on Wednesday 15th July 2020 - reason: already-happening
Change the VE Bank Holiday to an End Of Hostilies Day
Submitted on Friday 8th May 2020
Rejected on Friday 17th July 2020 - reason: no-action
Give parents legal right to keep children out of school post COVID-19 lock down
Submitted on Friday 8th May 2020
Rejected on Tuesday 26th May 2020 - reason: duplicate
Continue the furlough scheme past June 30th for the food and drinks industry.
Submitted on Friday 8th May 2020
Rejected on Monday 1st June 2020 - reason: already-happening
To recognise the value of Frontline NHS staff by an immediate 10% pay rise
Submitted on Friday 8th May 2020
Rejected on Wednesday 15th July 2020 - reason: duplicate
Government to prioritise a green economic recovery
Submitted on Friday 8th May 2020
Rejected on Monday 15th June 2020 - reason: duplicate
Award the NHS the GEORGE CROSS .
Submitted on Friday 8th May 2020
Rejected on Friday 22nd May 2020 - reason: irrelevant
Start regular Covid19 testing of all residents at Care Homes
Submitted on Friday 8th May 2020
Rejected on Thursday 28th May 2020 - reason: duplicate
Launch a Coronavirus Independent and Public Oversight Commission.
Submitted on Friday 8th May 2020
Rejected on Tuesday 26th May 2020 - reason: duplicate
All public conveniences to have all doors to open outward No contact to exit
Submitted on Friday 8th May 2020
Rejected on Friday 24th July 2020 - reason: duplicate
Lockdown to be lifted, allowing most restaurants,cafes, libraries,etc to re-open
Submitted on Thursday 7th May 2020
Rejected on Friday 10th July 2020 - reason: already-happening
Lift Sudan economic Sanctions
Submitted on Thursday 7th May 2020
Rejected on Thursday 23rd July 2020 - reason: no-action
keep and continue with environmental benefits that have arisen from lockdown.
Submitted on Thursday 7th May 2020
Rejected on Thursday 23rd July 2020 - reason: no-action
The Reform of Mental Health Services
Submitted on Thursday 7th May 2020
Rejected on Wednesday 22nd July 2020 - reason: irrelevant
Prevent Housing Associations spending money on purposes other than housing
Submitted on Thursday 7th May 2020
Open from Tuesday 28th July 2020 to Thursday 28th January 2021
24 signatures
The United Kingdom should officially recognise Taiwan as an independent nation.
Submitted on Thursday 7th May 2020
Open from Wednesday 15th July 2020 to Friday 15th January 2021
1,308 signatures
Make 'parenting' a protected characteristic under equality law
Submitted on Thursday 7th May 2020
Open from Monday 27th July 2020 to Wednesday 27th January 2021
149 signatures
Make free flu vaccinations available to everyone for Autumn/Winter 2020/21
Submitted on Thursday 7th May 2020
Open from Wednesday 22nd July 2020 to Friday 22nd January 2021
76 signatures
Make it illegal to run over a cat and not report it.
Submitted on Thursday 7th May 2020
Rejected on Thursday 9th July 2020 - reason: duplicate
Keep schools closed until conclusion of last confirmed COV-19 case plus 2 weeks
Submitted on Thursday 7th May 2020
Rejected on Friday 5th June 2020 - reason: duplicate
Increase the student loan for 2nd year Veterinary Nurse course
Submitted on Thursday 7th May 2020
Rejected on Wednesday 22nd July 2020 - reason: no-action
Renationalise all railway services
Submitted on Thursday 7th May 2020
Rejected on Wednesday 22nd July 2020 - reason: duplicate
Add a new customary Bank Holiday to mark the day no new COVID19 deaths in the UK
Submitted on Thursday 7th May 2020
Rejected on Friday 17th July 2020 - reason: duplicate
Discuss with hindsight and re-evaluate the reaction and measures for Covid 19
Submitted on Thursday 7th May 2020
Rejected on Wednesday 15th July 2020 - reason: duplicate
Mr Johnson needs to review his position.
Submitted on Thursday 7th May 2020
Rejected on Tuesday 2nd June 2020 - reason: honours
We want private hire drivers to get PPE from operators they work for.
Submitted on Thursday 7th May 2020
Rejected on Tuesday 26th May 2020 - reason: duplicate
Help protect our environment by permanently banning unnecessary travel to work
Submitted on Thursday 7th May 2020
Open from Wednesday 17th June 2020 to Thursday 17th December 2020
48 signatures
Creation of a Bank Holiday in recognition of Key Workers during covid pandemic
Submitted on Thursday 7th May 2020
Rejected on Wednesday 27th May 2020 - reason: duplicate
Give all teaching assistants a payrise after their sacrifice during Covid19.
Submitted on Thursday 7th May 2020
Open from Thursday 23rd July 2020 to Saturday 23rd January 2021
868 signatures
Print and Television news media must cite and reference clearly.
Submitted on Thursday 7th May 2020
Rejected on Tuesday 2nd June 2020 - reason: irrelevant
State Country of Origin for all online product sales
Submitted on Thursday 7th May 2020
Rejected on Tuesday 14th July 2020 - reason: duplicate
We, the British people, hold no confidence in this government
Submitted on Thursday 7th May 2020
Rejected on Tuesday 2nd June 2020 - reason: honours
To request UK Government create an additional Bank Holiday in 2021.
Submitted on Thursday 7th May 2020
Rejected on Friday 17th July 2020 - reason: duplicate
Scrap HS2 and use the money to fund the NHS and elderly care
Submitted on Thursday 7th May 2020
Rejected on Monday 3rd August 2020 - reason: duplicate
Permit asylum seekers & their dependents to work after 6 months delay.
Submitted on Thursday 7th May 2020
Rejected on Thursday 23rd July 2020 - reason: duplicate
Prioritise the development of a sustainable circular economy.
Submitted on Thursday 7th May 2020
Rejected on Thursday 30th July 2020 - reason: no-action
Allow small businesses to be given the grant in special circumstances.
Submitted on Thursday 7th May 2020
Rejected on Friday 10th July 2020 - reason: duplicate
Year 10 GCSEs should be cancelled due to covid-19!
Submitted on Thursday 7th May 2020
Rejected on Thursday 28th May 2020 - reason: irrelevant
An inquiry into the government’s poor handling of the COVID-19 outbreak
Submitted on Thursday 7th May 2020
Rejected on Tuesday 26th May 2020 - reason: duplicate
Stop the BBC licence fee
Submitted on Thursday 7th May 2020
Rejected on Monday 13th July 2020 - reason: duplicate
Make maths gcse optional
Submitted on Thursday 7th May 2020
Open from Tuesday 28th July 2020 to Thursday 28th January 2021
27 signatures
Introduce Public Transport and Logistics Industry Grant For Covid-19
Submitted on Thursday 7th May 2020
Open from Tuesday 2nd June 2020 to Wednesday 2nd December 2020
18 signatures
Treat ALL self employed people the SAME and give them eligibility for SEIS
Submitted on Thursday 7th May 2020
Rejected on Monday 1st June 2020 - reason: duplicate
Support studio-based students through COVID-19, invest in UK Arts Schools now.
Submitted on Thursday 7th May 2020
Rejected on Wednesday 22nd July 2020 - reason: duplicate
Keep students off for the rest of the school year.
Submitted on Thursday 7th May 2020
Rejected on Wednesday 3rd June 2020 - reason: duplicate
Covid Personal Bill Reductions!
Submitted on Thursday 7th May 2020
Rejected on Tuesday 21st July 2020 - reason: irrelevant
Ban the manufacture and sale of new cars that are solely powered by fossil fuels
Submitted on Thursday 7th May 2020
Open from Wednesday 22nd July 2020 to Friday 22nd January 2021
27 signatures
Stop the planned implementation of facial recognition within the United Kingdom
Submitted on Thursday 7th May 2020
Rejected on Wednesday 22nd July 2020 - reason: duplicate
Do not lift lockdown restrictions
Submitted on Thursday 7th May 2020
Open from Friday 26th June 2020 to Saturday 26th December 2020
42 signatures
Grant a bank holiday for both St George’s day and St David’s day.
Submitted on Thursday 7th May 2020
Rejected on Friday 17th July 2020 - reason: duplicate
Extend The Date Of Exiting The EU
Submitted on Thursday 7th May 2020
Rejected on Wednesday 20th May 2020 - reason: duplicate Mon, 03 Mar 2025 23:25:18 +0000