Some petitions get millions of signatures. A fair number get thousands. A lot get hundreds. But most don't. Most petitions only get signed by the petition's author and their mates. And some petition authors don't really have many mates at all.
This section is dedicated to those plucky triers. Or, to be more precise, those plucky failers. These are the petitions that didn't even reach double figures.
To be fair, some petitions end up with only a handful of signatures for reasons that are not their fault. When a general election is called and Parliament is dissolved, all petitions are closed immediately no matter how much longer they should have run for. To avoid penalising the unlucky ones that were submitted just before a dissolution, we're only including petitions here that ran for at least a month.
Support for the 'general tax payer' to improve their environement
Open from Wednesday 13th June 2012 to Thursday 13th September 2012
1 signatures
Clarify the law. Performing Rights Societys (PRS).
Open from Monday 11th June 2012 to Tuesday 11th June 2013
9 signatures
Reform of Police Service Leadership
Open from Monday 11th June 2012 to Tuesday 11th June 2013
1 signatures
Race Relations Act - New Age Travellers
Open from Wednesday 11th July 2012 to Thursday 11th July 2013
2 signatures
All product sold in The United Kingdom bearing The Union Flag should be made within The United Kingdom.
Open from Monday 11th June 2012 to Tuesday 11th December 2012
2 signatures
Petition to repeal the Health & Social Care Act ('NHS Reform Act')
Open from Tuesday 12th June 2012 to Wednesday 12th December 2012
7 signatures
Make it a criminal offence for a police officer to withhold important evidence from the CPS.
Open from Monday 11th June 2012 to Tuesday 11th June 2013
7 signatures
1920 1988 and 1997 firearms acts
Open from Monday 11th June 2012 to Tuesday 11th June 2013
5 signatures
Government interest free homebuyer loans in return for increased income tax rate for fixed period
Open from Monday 11th June 2012 to Tuesday 11th June 2013
2 signatures
A New Beginning
Open from Tuesday 12th June 2012 to Wednesday 12th June 2013
2 signatures
hs2 heathrow hub ltd
Open from Monday 11th June 2012 to Tuesday 11th June 2013
3 signatures
Guidance lessons on how to raise and nurture children.
Open from Wednesday 20th June 2012 to Thursday 20th September 2012
2 signatures
Stop charges for health and safety trade tests certificates??
Open from Tuesday 12th June 2012 to Wednesday 12th June 2013
2 signatures
Ban Facebook group "pay to post" function.
Open from Monday 11th June 2012 to Tuesday 11th September 2012
1 signatures
All consumer credit cards and loans to fall within the FSA jurisdiction
Open from Tuesday 12th June 2012 to Wednesday 12th June 2013
1 signatures
Compulsory Micro-chipping of ALL dogs
Open from Tuesday 12th June 2012 to Wednesday 12th September 2012
3 signatures
Apple Inc to use Spy Planes to 3D Map Cities
Open from Monday 11th June 2012 to Tuesday 11th September 2012
2 signatures
Specific Cannabis Reforms
Open from Wednesday 13th June 2012 to Thursday 13th September 2012
7 signatures
Organ Donation Option C:
Open from Tuesday 12th June 2012 to Wednesday 12th June 2013
2 signatures
standardise tactile surface coloursStandardise colours of tactile paving throughout the UK as recommended in BS8300, Part M and Inclusive Mobility
Open from Tuesday 12th June 2012 to Wednesday 12th June 2013
2 signatures
Ban Unnecessary Cosmetic Procedures, And Diet Pills: The NHS Is Already Overstretched.
Open from Tuesday 12th June 2012 to Wednesday 12th June 2013
7 signatures
Remove Tax/Duty on Tobacco
Open from Tuesday 12th June 2012 to Wednesday 12th June 2013
7 signatures
Financial assistance for young musicians
Open from Tuesday 12th June 2012 to Wednesday 12th June 2013
2 signatures
Make it easier to stop scammers taking continual payments.
Open from Thursday 14th June 2012 to Friday 14th June 2013
6 signatures
Regime change on indictment of the International Court for brutal corrupt lifelong dictatorships that are heritable by offspring as dynasties
Open from Tuesday 12th June 2012 to Wednesday 12th June 2013
3 signatures
Request UN Intervention in Syria
Open from Wednesday 13th June 2012 to Thursday 13th December 2012
5 signatures
Call For Increased Protection And Rights For Iatrogenic Patients
Open from Wednesday 13th June 2012 to Thursday 13th June 2013
4 signatures
unwanted calls
Open from Thursday 14th June 2012 to Friday 14th December 2012
1 signatures
LEZ refund of filter cleaning
Open from Wednesday 13th June 2012 to Thursday 13th June 2013
9 signatures
Cut cigarette and alcohol prices.
Open from Wednesday 13th June 2012 to Thursday 13th June 2013
2 signatures
A list of doctors who will not strike on the 21st of June.
Open from Wednesday 13th June 2012 to Thursday 13th September 2012
5 signatures
Consolidation Of Services
Open from Friday 15th June 2012 to Saturday 15th June 2013
1 signatures
War Memorial for troops who have committed suicide
Open from Friday 15th June 2012 to Saturday 15th December 2012
4 signatures
Make it illegal for organisations with a duty of care to hide behind the statement 'I/We cannot discuss individual cases'.
Open from Tuesday 19th June 2012 to Wednesday 19th June 2013
5 signatures
Where benefit claimants continue to claim after winning large lottery prizes, those large prizes are to be confiscated by the public purse.
Open from Wednesday 20th June 2012 to Thursday 20th June 2013
2 signatures
Regional Governments
Open from Monday 16th July 2012 to Tuesday 16th July 2013
3 signatures
fee free cash machines
Open from Thursday 14th June 2012 to Friday 14th June 2013
3 signatures
government to set up royal commission to look at Police numbers and appointment of non police Inspector of constabularies.
Open from Thursday 14th June 2012 to Friday 14th December 2012
1 signatures
stop the christmas tradition
Open from Tuesday 19th June 2012 to Wednesday 19th June 2013
4 signatures
Prime Minister referral to Standards committee
Open from Monday 18th June 2012 to Tuesday 18th June 2013
2 signatures
Give shareholders rights to decrease executive pay on any vote to increase executive pay
Open from Friday 15th June 2012 to Saturday 15th June 2013
3 signatures
Introduce compulsory apprenticeships for businesses with 25 or more staff
Open from Friday 15th June 2012 to Saturday 15th September 2012
3 signatures
A media should not be allowed to support a political party but should be impartial (like BBC). PCC action or inaction should be Judicially Reviewable
Open from Thursday 14th June 2012 to Friday 14th June 2013
2 signatures
Stop 'Animal Protection Agencies' Obstructing Legitimate Reptile Shows
Open from Monday 25th June 2012 to Tuesday 25th June 2013
7 signatures
Open-Minded, Not One-Track-Minded, Diagnosis, Please.
Open from Friday 15th June 2012 to Saturday 15th June 2013
4 signatures
mandatory driving ban for 12 points or more on your driving licence
Open from Tuesday 19th June 2012 to Tuesday 19th March 2013
2 signatures
Easier access for the public to recall corrupt governments
Open from Friday 15th June 2012 to Saturday 15th June 2013
9 signatures
create an independent politicians complaints commission
Open from Friday 15th June 2012 to Saturday 15th June 2013
4 signatures
Right for the individual to opt out of NHS health care for private cover..
Open from Wednesday 20th June 2012 to Thursday 20th June 2013
4 signatures
Online monitoring
Open from Friday 15th June 2012 to Friday 15th March 2013
1 signatures
Queen Victoria on new £10 bank note
Open from Monday 18th June 2012 to Tuesday 18th June 2013
6 signatures
Unfair benefit in kind tax for company car drivers
Open from Monday 18th June 2012 to Tuesday 18th June 2013
3 signatures
Stop Ebay selling concert/gigs/festival tickets completely
Open from Friday 22nd June 2012 to Saturday 22nd December 2012
7 signatures
Damage and distruction to properties by foxes must end!
Open from Wednesday 11th July 2012 to Friday 11th January 2013
1 signatures
Heating must not be turned on from 1 may to 30 September
Open from Friday 15th June 2012 to Saturday 15th June 2013
2 signatures
Search and Rescue Helicopter for N.Ireland
Open from Tuesday 26th June 2012 to Wednesday 26th June 2013
7 signatures
Help homeowners who want to move a much as you help 1st time buyers
Open from Tuesday 19th June 2012 to Wednesday 19th June 2013
3 signatures
Create a motorway link from M54 to Welshpool
Open from Monday 18th June 2012 to Tuesday 18th June 2013
5 signatures
Abolish the Royal Marriage Act 1772
Open from Thursday 5th July 2012 to Friday 5th July 2013
3 signatures
release pension funds cash to purchase property
Open from Monday 18th June 2012 to Tuesday 18th June 2013
2 signatures
help laos men
Open from Tuesday 19th June 2012 to Wednesday 19th June 2013
1 signatures
Petition to make it illegal for owners to rent out residential properties (houses, flats etc) at a higher price than the cost of the mortgage
Open from Tuesday 19th June 2012 to Wednesday 19th June 2013
6 signatures
The National Minimum Pay
Open from Tuesday 19th June 2012 to Wednesday 19th June 2013
3 signatures
Religion in Government
Open from Tuesday 19th June 2012 to Wednesday 19th June 2013
6 signatures
maternity pay
Open from Tuesday 26th June 2012 to Wednesday 26th June 2013
3 signatures
Split Road Tax into 2 components 1. Emmisions 2. Road Damage
Open from Monday 18th June 2012 to Tuesday 18th June 2013
2 signatures
Reimburse Tax Payers
Open from Monday 18th June 2012 to Tuesday 18th June 2013
4 signatures
Release names of underage rapists, sex offenders and murderers
Open from Tuesday 19th June 2012 to Wednesday 19th June 2013
4 signatures
online snooping or dementia care ?
Open from Tuesday 19th June 2012 to Wednesday 19th June 2013
5 signatures
social housing to go to local people
Open from Tuesday 19th June 2012 to Wednesday 19th June 2013
2 signatures
documentation for electorate
Open from Wednesday 20th June 2012 to Thursday 20th June 2013
1 signatures
HMS Prince of Wales should be nuclear powered, utilising the nuclear turbine engines developed from HMG’s recent £1 bn R/D investment
Open from Monday 18th June 2012 to Tuesday 18th June 2013
8 signatures
National Voluntary Service Medal/Award
Open from Friday 22nd June 2012 to Saturday 22nd June 2013
4 signatures
Stop companies seting up credit accounts without your specific permission
Open from Tuesday 19th June 2012 to Wednesday 19th June 2013
2 signatures
Small Business credit card chargebacks
Open from Tuesday 19th June 2012 to Wednesday 19th June 2013
2 signatures
Creation of a public interest Jury in accordance with the Compass campaign "In the Public Interest"
Open from Tuesday 19th June 2012 to Wednesday 19th June 2013
2 signatures
Citizens' Juries to replace the undemocratic membership of Quangos
Open from Tuesday 19th June 2012 to Wednesday 19th June 2013
2 signatures
The Right to give a truthful employee reference without fear of litigation
Open from Wednesday 20th June 2012 to Thursday 20th June 2013
2 signatures
To Ban Or Regulate Socket Covers
Open from Thursday 21st June 2012 to Friday 21st June 2013
6 signatures
land for landless people to grow their own food
Open from Friday 22nd June 2012 to Saturday 22nd December 2012
5 signatures
Child Soldiers Awareness
Open from Wednesday 20th June 2012 to Thursday 20th June 2013
1 signatures
Compel publicly owned bodies to police tax avoidance
Open from Wednesday 20th June 2012 to Thursday 20th June 2013
5 signatures
Make Tax Avoidance a Crime
Open from Wednesday 20th June 2012 to Thursday 20th September 2012
4 signatures
Issue of food stamps and vouchers for childrens clothing instead of cash to those on benefits
Open from Wednesday 20th June 2012 to Thursday 20th June 2013
5 signatures
Privatise The Insolvency Service
Open from Wednesday 20th June 2012 to Thursday 20th June 2013
2 signatures
Ensure non skid paint is used for all UK road markings an dpathways
Open from Wednesday 20th June 2012 to Thursday 20th June 2013
4 signatures
section 340 of the 1968 insolvency act
Open from Wednesday 27th June 2012 to Thursday 27th June 2013
5 signatures
Boycott Euro 2013 on Human rights grounds
Open from Friday 22nd June 2012 to Saturday 22nd June 2013
4 signatures
Provide More Funds And Housing For The Homeless
Open from Wednesday 11th July 2012 to Thursday 11th October 2012
1 signatures
Turn Tipner Rubbish Dump Into Community Allotments
Open from Wednesday 11th July 2012 to Thursday 11th October 2012
2 signatures
London Independence
Open from Monday 23rd July 2012 to Tuesday 23rd April 2013
2 signatures
Stop all government funding for charities
Open from Monday 25th June 2012 to Tuesday 25th June 2013
5 signatures
repeal mass of restrictive legislation
Open from Friday 22nd June 2012 to Saturday 22nd June 2013
3 signatures
Provide an alternative insurance scheme for young people
Open from Friday 22nd June 2012 to Saturday 22nd June 2013
3 signatures
Made in U.K. Campaign (Promoting Growth, Tackling Unemployment)
Open from Thursday 21st June 2012 to Friday 21st June 2013
6 signatures
Ministers to have Experience in the Field
Open from Thursday 21st June 2012 to Friday 21st June 2013
9 signatures
National lottery funds should be available for R/D & discussion (IOC & others) on ways Paralympics be completed on more equal handicaps, adaptations
Open from Thursday 21st June 2012 to Friday 21st June 2013
5 signatures
Scrap the PAYE system of gathering income taxes
Open from Monday 25th June 2012 to Tuesday 25th June 2013
2 signatures
Tax avoidance: Let He who is without sin cast the first stone
Open from Monday 25th June 2012 to Tuesday 25th June 2013
3 signatures
Create a skills swap immigration visa
Open from Wednesday 27th June 2012 to Thursday 27th September 2012
6 signatures Tue, 04 Mar 2025 11:18:49 +0000