Iranian president Rouhani is someone Britain can and should do business with
Open from Monday 30th September 2013 to Tuesday 30th September 2014
2 signatures
Ensure Employers Are present At Job Centres To Interview JSA Claimants Each Day
Open from Monday 30th September 2013 to Tuesday 30th September 2014
2 signatures
all doctors in private practice and gp,s should work every year one week in a nhs hospital.
Open from Monday 30th September 2013 to Tuesday 30th September 2014
2 signatures
Open from Wednesday 9th October 2013 to Wednesday 9th April 2014
2 signatures
alchol ads on tv or radio shouldn't be allowed
Open from Monday 7th October 2013 to Tuesday 7th October 2014
2 signatures
Increase Funding gap in the NHS by reducing foreign aid budget by 1-2 billion pounds.
Open from Wednesday 2nd October 2013 to Wednesday 2nd April 2014
2 signatures
Speed bumps and speed cameras
Open from Monday 30th September 2013 to Tuesday 30th September 2014
2 signatures
Landlords to be required to provide a reference from a previous tenant to new tenants
Open from Wednesday 2nd October 2013 to Thursday 2nd October 2014
2 signatures
working mans request about paying a fair share of green taxes
Open from Thursday 3rd October 2013 to Friday 3rd October 2014
2 signatures
Council Tax should be optional
Open from Wednesday 2nd October 2013 to Thursday 2nd October 2014
2 signatures
finger benefit claimants
Open from Monday 30th September 2013 to Tuesday 30th September 2014
2 signatures
Extradite Anthony Perrett and fellow UK citizens back to the UK
Open from Tuesday 1st October 2013 to Wednesday 1st October 2014
2 signatures
Open from Friday 4th October 2013 to Saturday 4th October 2014
2 signatures
Full GP Service Review
Open from Wednesday 2nd October 2013 to Thursday 2nd October 2014
2 signatures
HS2 Compensation
Open from Thursday 3rd October 2013 to Friday 3rd January 2014
2 signatures
corruption in developing countries
Open from Thursday 3rd October 2013 to Friday 3rd October 2014
2 signatures
Out-of-hours Prescribing
Rejected on Wednesday 21st June 2017
Rejection code: duplicate
Install a Technocratic Government in the UK
Open from Wednesday 9th October 2013 to Thursday 9th October 2014
2 signatures
Issue Code of Practice for LGO to comply with Part VII and s.211 (HA 1996)
Open from Tuesday 8th October 2013 to Wednesday 8th October 2014
2 signatures
Save Kidderminster Fire Fighters
Open from Tuesday 8th October 2013 to Wednesday 8th January 2014
2 signatures
Lower driving insurance for learner drivers
Open from Monday 14th October 2013 to Tuesday 14th October 2014
2 signatures
We should reduce the unemployment welfare for the people
Open from Friday 11th October 2013 to Saturday 11th October 2014
2 signatures
Goverment to Save Money In Westminister
Open from Thursday 10th October 2013 to Friday 10th October 2014
2 signatures
Rename Heathrow Airport As Stephen Lawrence Airport
Open from Monday 14th October 2013 to Tuesday 14th October 2014
2 signatures
get sex attackers banned from the town or city they attacked for 5 years after release
Open from Monday 7th October 2013 to Monday 7th April 2014
2 signatures
Party Leadership Challenges
Open from Monday 14th October 2013 to Tuesday 14th October 2014
2 signatures
Introduce micro grid utilization in housing policy to feed some power back to the grid
Open from Thursday 10th October 2013 to Friday 10th October 2014
2 signatures
repeater signals on traffic lights
Open from Monday 14th October 2013 to Tuesday 14th October 2014
2 signatures
Confirm that there are no administrative nor operational links between the NCA and ACPO.
Open from Tuesday 8th October 2013 to Wednesday 8th October 2014
2 signatures
Let the people decide, through a referendum, if the UK press should be suppressed by politicians and celebrities.
Open from Tuesday 8th October 2013 to Wednesday 8th October 2014
2 signatures
WIFI hubs at Southampton Solent University
Open from Friday 11th October 2013 to Saturday 11th January 2014
2 signatures
PLC to disclose the outsourced staff count (jobs moved offshore)
Open from Monday 14th October 2013 to Tuesday 14th October 2014
2 signatures
puplic bridleway from watery lane in the community of hope to stringers lane in the community of higher kinnerton
Open from Thursday 17th October 2013 to Friday 17th January 2014
2 signatures
Energy Companies - Cease Dividends
Open from Friday 11th October 2013 to Saturday 11th October 2014
2 signatures
Aren't we entitled to freedom? Then why are HM Revenue deciding when and if we can have what we earn!
Open from Monday 14th October 2013 to Tuesday 14th October 2014
2 signatures
To give British workers equal chance of jobs
Open from Friday 11th October 2013 to Saturday 11th October 2014
2 signatures
delisting Libyan Islamic Fighting Group as proscribed group
Open from Friday 11th October 2013 to Saturday 11th October 2014
2 signatures
NHS should be run by government and private bodies
Open from Monday 14th October 2013 to Tuesday 14th October 2014
2 signatures
Make it compulsory for all gas and electricity company price rises to be announced on the same day.
Open from Monday 14th October 2013 to Tuesday 14th October 2014
2 signatures
when a vehicle as been written off it should never be allowed back on the road
Open from Monday 14th October 2013 to Tuesday 14th October 2014
2 signatures
INDEPENDENT investigation into Royal Mail sell off - and reverse the sell off
Open from Monday 14th October 2013 to Tuesday 14th October 2014
2 signatures
Reduce age of Graduated Driving Licence
Open from Monday 14th October 2013 to Tuesday 14th October 2014
2 signatures
Stop all 4 weeled motorise vehicals talking on mobile phones while driving and doing illegal u-turns and sitting to close to the rear of a motorcycle
Open from Monday 14th October 2013 to Tuesday 14th October 2014
2 signatures
Change the rules so that any MOD employee who chooses to use 118 or other charging Directory Enquiry system MUST pay the cost themselves.
Open from Wednesday 30th October 2013 to Thursday 30th October 2014
2 signatures
Show respect to Nye Bevin, the man who founded the NHS by restoring and refurbishing his grave.
Open from Tuesday 22nd October 2013 to Wednesday 22nd October 2014
2 signatures
Stop yearly SORN updates
Open from Monday 14th October 2013 to Tuesday 14th October 2014
2 signatures
reduce the price for transport for 16 years and under
Open from Tuesday 15th October 2013 to Wednesday 15th October 2014
2 signatures
ensuring that pressure groups views are taken into account by the british government
Open from Tuesday 15th October 2013 to Wednesday 15th October 2014
2 signatures
Right of the people to institute new government
Open from Tuesday 15th October 2013 to Wednesday 15th October 2014
2 signatures
Improve public transport - end standing
Open from Tuesday 15th October 2013 to Wednesday 15th October 2014
2 signatures
Remove VAT from Funerals
Open from Thursday 17th October 2013 to Thursday 17th April 2014
2 signatures
Ban front fog lights on motor vehicles
Open from Wednesday 16th October 2013 to Thursday 16th October 2014
2 signatures
Public inquairy in to the 1972 Claudy bombing
Open from Tuesday 5th November 2013 to Wednesday 5th February 2014
2 signatures
Increase DNA and Genome research funding.
Open from Wednesday 16th October 2013 to Thursday 16th October 2014
2 signatures
Women Monument (Emily HOBHOUSE & Boer War) Centenary - Reconciliation Attendance
Open from Friday 15th November 2013 to Saturday 15th February 2014
2 signatures
companies asking to provide personal details over the phone
Open from Thursday 17th October 2013 to Friday 17th October 2014
2 signatures
Reconsider if our current police service are the right organisation to be the only people to have access to arms and ammunition
Open from Thursday 17th October 2013 to Friday 17th October 2014
2 signatures
Make parents pay for free milk
Open from Friday 18th October 2013 to Saturday 18th October 2014
2 signatures
Make empty land and Derelict property owners pay 150% council tax like the empty homes
Open from Tuesday 22nd October 2013 to Wednesday 22nd October 2014
2 signatures
Immediately remove and permanently ban any taxpayer funding of ACPO and The Police Federation.
Open from Monday 21st October 2013 to Tuesday 21st October 2014
2 signatures
Import Natural Gas From The USA
Open from Monday 21st October 2013 to Tuesday 21st October 2014
2 signatures
Return York & North Yorkshire Mental Health Services to York NHS FT Governance
Open from Monday 21st October 2013 to Tuesday 21st October 2014
2 signatures
leagal ombudsman
Open from Tuesday 22nd October 2013 to Wednesday 22nd October 2014
2 signatures
Open from Monday 21st October 2013 to Tuesday 21st October 2014
2 signatures
Free flu jabs for everyone on the NHS
Open from Tuesday 22nd October 2013 to Wednesday 22nd October 2014
2 signatures
Transparency for politicians and their backers
Open from Friday 8th November 2013 to Saturday 8th November 2014
2 signatures
Mental health sevices in kent
Open from Wednesday 23rd October 2013 to Thursday 23rd October 2014
2 signatures
Change in collection policy to proof of address
Open from Thursday 24th October 2013 to Friday 24th October 2014
2 signatures
Issue strict guidelines and limits of sale of Alcohol to Students in Clubs in line with NHS recommendations
Open from Wednesday 30th October 2013 to Thursday 30th October 2014
2 signatures
Setting the maximum price increase for Energy Companies
Open from Friday 25th October 2013 to Saturday 25th October 2014
2 signatures
The Wasteland
Open from Friday 25th October 2013 to Saturday 25th October 2014
2 signatures
one off cash support to assist immigrants on welfare benefit voluntary return to resettle in country of origin
Open from Wednesday 30th October 2013 to Thursday 30th October 2014
2 signatures
Put up a referendum of taxpayers to ask if we are willing to pay to keep Pavlo Lapshyn in stress free luxury for 40 years
Open from Tuesday 19th November 2013 to Wednesday 19th November 2014
2 signatures
Extend the provision of taxpayer funded free gymnasium membership to all taxpayers.
Open from Tuesday 29th October 2013 to Wednesday 29th October 2014
2 signatures
Ban private equity firms from buying businesses
Open from Tuesday 29th October 2013 to Wednesday 29th October 2014
2 signatures
Put an age cap on cola e.g Pepsi, Coke-Cola ect.
Open from Tuesday 29th October 2013 to Wednesday 29th October 2014
2 signatures
Match HS2 funding for use on the whole Rail Network
Open from Tuesday 29th October 2013 to Wednesday 29th October 2014
2 signatures
Upgrade of Fenwick Phone Exchange
Open from Thursday 31st October 2013 to Wednesday 30th April 2014
2 signatures
Ban the use of the message: "No artificial, flavourings or preservatives e.t.c"
Open from Wednesday 30th October 2013 to Thursday 30th October 2014
2 signatures
Make a benefit for non workers.
Open from Thursday 31st October 2013 to Friday 31st October 2014
2 signatures
Reduction of sugar content in jam.
Open from Tuesday 5th November 2013 to Wednesday 5th November 2014
2 signatures
Effective Actions for British Citizens
Open from Thursday 14th November 2013 to Friday 14th February 2014
2 signatures
Allow preparation of gluten free foods in normal kitchens
Open from Tuesday 5th November 2013 to Wednesday 5th November 2014
2 signatures
Mismanagement of Social Housing
Open from Tuesday 5th November 2013 to Wednesday 5th November 2014
2 signatures
Fair Play In Privatisation Of State Assets
Open from Wednesday 6th November 2013 to Thursday 6th November 2014
2 signatures
Withdraw firefighters right to strike
Open from Tuesday 5th November 2013 to Wednesday 5th February 2014
2 signatures
The Electronic Espionage Resolution
Open from Friday 15th November 2013 to Saturday 15th November 2014
2 signatures
Recover medical costs of Chilean national refugee who has been awarded compensation for torture by Pinochet.
Open from Tuesday 19th November 2013 to Wednesday 19th November 2014
2 signatures
Revoke the 3 pin bayonet light bulb farce
Open from Monday 4th November 2013 to Tuesday 4th November 2014
2 signatures
Ban Harmful Artificial Ingredients within all Foods & Drink
Open from Tuesday 5th November 2013 to Wednesday 5th February 2014
2 signatures
Use the peoples stake in RBS (Bank) to create a Government run Peoples Bank
Open from Wednesday 6th November 2013 to Thursday 6th November 2014
2 signatures
Tax Breaks for Young People
Open from Wednesday 6th November 2013 to Thursday 6th November 2014
2 signatures
Face Scanners
Open from Tuesday 5th November 2013 to Wednesday 5th November 2014
2 signatures
Establish a School of Hospital Management
Open from Tuesday 5th November 2013 to Wednesday 5th November 2014
2 signatures
Ban clothes with lifeguard on them if you do not have a valid NPLQ or NBLQ
Open from Wednesday 6th November 2013 to Thursday 6th November 2014
2 signatures
government should help jobseekers with driving lessons.
Open from Friday 8th November 2013 to Saturday 8th November 2014
2 signatures
make work pay and keep up with house hold bills
Open from Friday 8th November 2013 to Saturday 8th November 2014
2 signatures
Give men the choice to pay child support or not
Open from Thursday 7th November 2013 to Friday 7th November 2014
2 signatures
Make Job Seekers on benefit prove that they have been for interviews for work to the Job Centre and what the outcome was.
Open from Friday 8th November 2013 to Saturday 8th November 2014
2 signatures
The DVLA online license renewal service - fix it or take it down.
Open from Tuesday 7th January 2014 to Monday 7th July 2014
2 signatures Tue, 11 Mar 2025 02:24:43 +0000