All the petitions which were rejected in March 2018, sorted by rejection date from newest to oldest.
Why should we continue to pay road tax when are roads are in such bad repair??
Rejected on Friday 30th March 2018 - reason: no-action
for the prime minister and parliament to obey the referendum to leave the eu
Rejected on Friday 30th March 2018 - reason: no-action
Make all schools in London serve halal food during lunch
Rejected on Friday 30th March 2018 - reason: irrelevant
Make all schools in the London borough of Enfield serve halal food during lunch
Rejected on Friday 30th March 2018 - reason: irrelevant
Make free vehicle history checks to prevent unsafe cars being sold.
Rejected on Thursday 29th March 2018 - reason: no-action
Apologise to Miss Southern, and ensure that blasphemy laws never arise in the UK
Rejected on Wednesday 28th March 2018 - reason: no-action
End the deportation and detention of lawfully present commonwealth citizens.
Rejected on Wednesday 28th March 2018 - reason: no-action
Re-open all facilities at St Cross Hospital Rugby
Rejected on Wednesday 28th March 2018 - reason: irrelevant
Change the way that CMS calculates and grants child maintenance.
Rejected on Wednesday 28th March 2018 - reason: no-action
Hold a Parliamentary Select Committee into animal agriculture and its impact.
Rejected on Wednesday 28th March 2018 - reason: no-action
Allow menthol cigarettes to remain legal
Rejected on Wednesday 28th March 2018 - reason: irrelevant
Get people with Endometriosis and other chronic invisible illnesses badges
Rejected on Wednesday 28th March 2018 - reason: no-action
Allow the image of a building/landscape to be used by the creator.
Rejected on Wednesday 28th March 2018 - reason: no-action
Reform sentencing for online groomers
Rejected on Wednesday 28th March 2018 - reason: duplicate
The BBC license fee should be declared as Conservative Party election expenses.
Rejected on Wednesday 28th March 2018 - reason: no-action
Listen and respond to needs from the LGBTQ+ community
Rejected on Wednesday 28th March 2018 - reason: no-action
No assessment for an education that we haven’t received in striking universities
Rejected on Wednesday 28th March 2018 - reason: irrelevant
Put more police on our streets now
Rejected on Wednesday 28th March 2018 - reason: irrelevant
Lower the Penalty Charge Notice amount for all PCO drivers in London.
Rejected on Wednesday 28th March 2018 - reason: irrelevant
We want Government to reinstate the free school meals for our children
Rejected on Wednesday 28th March 2018 - reason: duplicate
Split parents both have equal access and rights until court proceedings.
Rejected on Wednesday 28th March 2018 - reason: duplicate
Increase carers allowance so that carers have enough money to live
Rejected on Wednesday 28th March 2018 - reason: duplicate
Relocate Bromley Cross Station and vastly improve the car parking
Rejected on Wednesday 28th March 2018 - reason: irrelevant
Introduce more E-safety to the second school curriculum.
Rejected on Wednesday 28th March 2018 - reason: duplicate
Anyone 18-30,not in steady employment,must do National Service.
Rejected on Tuesday 27th March 2018 - reason: duplicate
Allow UK citizens to adopt disabled children from abroad.
Rejected on Tuesday 27th March 2018 - reason: no-action
Move the Scottish Border to include the entire UK except London
Rejected on Tuesday 27th March 2018 - reason: no-action
Set up a public enquiry into Children's Services needless removal of children
Rejected on Tuesday 27th March 2018 - reason: no-action
Ensure children with rare genetic disorders receive vital educational support
Rejected on Tuesday 27th March 2018 - reason: no-action
Let tigers free into the wild from zoos!
Rejected on Tuesday 27th March 2018 - reason: no-action
A 2nd EU Ref must permit all to vote
Rejected on Tuesday 27th March 2018 - reason: no-action
Cruelty to Animals Make all Fireworks Silent Fireworks
Rejected on Tuesday 27th March 2018 - reason: duplicate
Remove the Prime Minister With Immediate Effect And Deliver Will Of The People
Rejected on Tuesday 27th March 2018 - reason: honours
Change the wording Disabled toilets to accesssble post brexit
Rejected on Tuesday 27th March 2018 - reason: no-action
Stop wasting £490m on changing the colour of the UK passport for no good reason
Rejected on Tuesday 27th March 2018 - reason: no-action
make sign language an option at schools alongside foreign languages
Rejected on Tuesday 27th March 2018 - reason: no-action
Give British citizenship to Windrush immigrants who arrived here as children.
Rejected on Monday 26th March 2018 - reason: no-action
University of Cambridge and Oxford to enter one team on university challenge
Rejected on Monday 26th March 2018 - reason: irrelevant
All Students should be allowed to wear black jeans in school
Rejected on Monday 26th March 2018 - reason: irrelevant
Every piece of packaging to show how it can be recycled, or not.
Rejected on Monday 26th March 2018 - reason: duplicate
Reintroduce mandatory work experience for students aged between 14 and 16.
Rejected on Monday 26th March 2018 - reason: fake-name
Give RSA farmers dispensation to apply for fast track asylum, in light of events
Rejected on Monday 26th March 2018 - reason: no-action
GCSE students shouldn’t have to learn equations for the physics course
Rejected on Monday 26th March 2018 - reason: duplicate
Step too far; VOTE NO to sewage pipe on historic land mark Jacobs ladder
Rejected on Monday 26th March 2018 - reason: irrelevant
Decriminalize the use and cultivation of cannabis in it's raw form.
Rejected on Monday 26th March 2018 - reason: duplicate
Legalise recreational and medical Marijuana/Canabis
Rejected on Monday 26th March 2018 - reason: duplicate
The jurisdiction of the Common Fisheries Policy must end after March 29 2019
Rejected on Monday 26th March 2018 - reason: duplicate
Hold a Brexit Ref free of Cambridge Analytica influence with an option to remain
Rejected on Monday 26th March 2018 - reason: duplicate
Stronger punishment for people who falsely accuse people of rape
Rejected on Monday 26th March 2018 - reason: no-action
Tell the Government to hand over our waters in March2019 and not 2020
Rejected on Monday 26th March 2018 - reason: no-action
Allow greater funding to the NHS
Rejected on Monday 26th March 2018 - reason: no-action
Remove the 1% cap on teachers pay rise to bring in line with the NHS/inflation
Rejected on Monday 26th March 2018 - reason: no-action
Stop Borris Johnson stop and search idea
Rejected on Monday 26th March 2018 - reason: no-action
New blue British passport to be manufactured by British company.
Rejected on Monday 26th March 2018 - reason: duplicate
New British passport needs to be made in Britain.
Rejected on Monday 26th March 2018 - reason: duplicate
Award the new post brexit passport contract to a British company
Rejected on Monday 26th March 2018 - reason: duplicate
Ensure that the complete production of the new UK passport remains in the UK.
Rejected on Monday 26th March 2018 - reason: duplicate
The production of UK passports within the UK
Rejected on Monday 26th March 2018 - reason: duplicate
Make the new British passports in the UK not in France.
Rejected on Monday 26th March 2018 - reason: duplicate
Manufacture UK Passports in the UK after Brexit, not overseas.
Rejected on Monday 26th March 2018 - reason: duplicate
We want new passports after Brexit to be made in UK
Rejected on Monday 26th March 2018 - reason: duplicate
Return UK Passport Production to a UK Based Company
Rejected on Monday 26th March 2018 - reason: duplicate
UK Passports to be made in the UK to be applied in law under security measures
Rejected on Monday 26th March 2018 - reason: duplicate
Production of the new British Passport should take place within the UK.
Rejected on Monday 26th March 2018 - reason: duplicate
British passports should be produced in the UK
Rejected on Monday 26th March 2018 - reason: duplicate
Rejected on Monday 26th March 2018 - reason: duplicate
Post Brexit British passport should be printed in the UK
Rejected on Monday 26th March 2018 - reason: duplicate
Continuation for De La Rue to manufacture the British passport.
Rejected on Monday 26th March 2018 - reason: duplicate
Force government to make the new British passport in the UK
Rejected on Monday 26th March 2018 - reason: duplicate
the new British passport too be produced by a British firm
Rejected on Monday 26th March 2018 - reason: duplicate
Petition to get McDonald’s workers to wear gloves when handling food
Rejected on Monday 26th March 2018 - reason: irrelevant
Change JMW Turner to Alan Turing on the new £20 note
Rejected on Monday 26th March 2018 - reason: irrelevant
Make it compulsory for football teams to wear bands raising awareness for rasicm
Rejected on Monday 26th March 2018 - reason: irrelevant
Ban the use and sale of plastic straws in the UK.
Rejected on Monday 26th March 2018 - reason: duplicate
We demand the new blue UK passport is made in Britain to support UK jobs
Rejected on Monday 26th March 2018 - reason: duplicate
Force UK Government to award UK Passport manufacturing to UK company
Rejected on Monday 26th March 2018 - reason: duplicate
Blue British Passports to be made in UK by British owned company after Brexit.
Rejected on Monday 26th March 2018 - reason: duplicate
The contract with a French firm to print the new UK passports must be cancelled.
Rejected on Monday 26th March 2018 - reason: duplicate
Rejected on Monday 26th March 2018 - reason: duplicate
Get parliament to stop the contract awarded to Gemalto for making UK passports.
Rejected on Monday 26th March 2018 - reason: duplicate
Reverse the decision to give the French the contract for the British passport
Rejected on Monday 26th March 2018 - reason: duplicate
Ensure British company, not French, prints the new British Passport post Brexit.
Rejected on Monday 26th March 2018 - reason: duplicate
Print British Passports in the UK
Rejected on Monday 26th March 2018 - reason: duplicate
make adoption from abroad institutions and orphanages legal
Rejected on Monday 26th March 2018 - reason: no-action
We are calling for urgent action to protect civilians in Eastern Ghouta, Syria.
Rejected on Monday 26th March 2018 - reason: duplicate
Stop the ridiculous censorship of Facebook. banned for saying bobs and vegana!
Rejected on Monday 26th March 2018 - reason: irrelevant
Reverse the decision to make the new blue British Passport overseas
Rejected on Monday 26th March 2018 - reason: duplicate
Award the contract for the "New" blue Passport to a British company
Rejected on Monday 26th March 2018 - reason: duplicate
To take steps to ensure the new UK Passport is made in Britain.
Rejected on Monday 26th March 2018 - reason: duplicate
Award the production of the new blue British passport to a British company.
Rejected on Monday 26th March 2018 - reason: duplicate
Give the contract for the production of blue passports to a British based firm.
Rejected on Monday 26th March 2018 - reason: duplicate
Give the passport printing contract to a British company.
Rejected on Monday 26th March 2018 - reason: duplicate
British Passports should be made in the UK
Rejected on Monday 26th March 2018 - reason: duplicate
Stop British Passports being made in France post Brexit
Rejected on Monday 26th March 2018 - reason: duplicate
Rejected on Monday 26th March 2018 - reason: duplicate
Help abolish council tax or make it more affordable
Rejected on Monday 26th March 2018 - reason: no-action
We demand full inquiry into BBC's relentless negative coverage of Jeremy Corbyn
Rejected on Monday 26th March 2018 - reason: irrelevant
Shut down all puppy farms and make them illegal
Rejected on Monday 26th March 2018 - reason: duplicate
Protect children's rights under the EU/UN convention on Human/Children's Rights.
Rejected on Monday 26th March 2018 - reason: no-action
Use the Dept for International Development budget to restore all Public Services
Rejected on Monday 26th March 2018 - reason: duplicate Mon, 03 Mar 2025 13:41:22 +0000