Not all petitions are accepted for publication. The most common reasons for that are that the petition duplicates one that's already open for signatures, or that it relates to something that the government isn't responsible for.
Consider a vote of no confidence in Theresa May as Home Secretary.
Rejected on Monday 15th February 2016
Rejection code: duplicate
Ask for Jeremy Hunt to be dismissed from the government by HM The Queen
Rejected on Monday 15th February 2016
Rejection code: honours
Consider a vote of no confidence in George Osborne, Chancellor of the Exchequer.
Rejected on Monday 15th February 2016
Rejection code: duplicate
MPs should not be allowed a 1.3% pay rise this year after a back dated 10% rise.
Rejected on Monday 15th February 2016
Rejection code: irrelevant
Replace Jeremy Hunt as Secretary of State for Health. He's a twit.
Rejected on Monday 15th February 2016
Rejection code: honours
Debate a vote of no confidence in the Government
Rejected on Monday 15th February 2016
Rejection code: duplicate
Allow homosexual men to donate blood
Rejected on Monday 15th February 2016
Rejection code: duplicate
Ban legal highs such as spice, black mamba and synthetic canabis
Rejected on Monday 15th February 2016
Rejection code: duplicate
Ban Jeremy Hunt from wearing an NHS badge.
Rejected on Monday 15th February 2016
Rejection code: irrelevant
Demolish the run down towers of North Kensington and replace with decent housing
Rejected on Monday 15th February 2016
Rejection code: irrelevant
Stop Sure Start Centre Funding Cuts in Tameside
Rejected on Monday 15th February 2016
Rejection code: irrelevant
Close off all UK Tax loopholes for big businesses and wealthy individuals.
Rejected on Monday 15th February 2016
Rejection code: duplicate
Sack Jeremy Hunt for his incompetent handling of the junior doctors negotiations
Rejected on Monday 15th February 2016
Rejection code: honours
The House of Commons to have a vote of no confidence in Her Majesty's Government
Rejected on Monday 15th February 2016
Rejection code: duplicate
To consider a vote of no confidence in the entire government
Rejected on Monday 15th February 2016
Rejection code: duplicate
Stop the government support for the garden bridge across the thames
Rejected on Monday 15th February 2016
Rejection code: duplicate
To counter Terrorism,mosques must give Friday sermon,Islam is peace,not violence
Rejected on Monday 15th February 2016
Rejection code: no-action
Require drivers reaching 75 to undergo regular re-assessment of driving ability
Rejected on Monday 15th February 2016
Rejection code: duplicate
Lower the minimum voting age to 16
Rejected on Monday 15th February 2016
Rejection code: duplicate
Free Higher Education for UK citizens.
Rejected on Tuesday 16th February 2016
Rejection code: duplicate
A vote of no confidence in the Tory government and call an election.
Rejected on Tuesday 16th February 2016
Rejection code: duplicate
Let's Keep Parchment!
Rejected on Tuesday 16th February 2016
Rejection code: duplicate
Renounce the Cayman Islands tax free status
Rejected on Tuesday 16th February 2016
Rejection code: duplicate
Make bus and train tickets child price until tennagers are the age of 18
Rejected on Tuesday 16th February 2016
Rejection code: duplicate
Give parliament a free vote in the matter of The Health Secretary vs the NHS.
Rejected on Wednesday 17th February 2016
Rejection code: no-action
Ask George Ferguson to be open about accounts for Bristol Green Capital 2015
Rejected on Wednesday 17th February 2016
Rejection code: irrelevant
Give 21 to 24 year olds the same working benefits as people 25 and over.
Rejected on Wednesday 17th February 2016
Rejection code: duplicate
Revoke British Citizenship and Deport Immigrant child abusers.
Rejected on Wednesday 17th February 2016
Rejection code: no-action
Ensure all Savings Interest Rates do not fall below Bank of England base rate
Rejected on Wednesday 17th February 2016
Rejection code: irrelevant
David Cameron and Nigel Farage to hold at least two televised one to one debates
Rejected on Wednesday 17th February 2016
Rejection code: irrelevant
Make Saint George's Day a national bank holiday
Rejected on Wednesday 17th February 2016
Rejection code: duplicate
Legalize or decriminalise cannabis for medical use
Rejected on Wednesday 17th February 2016
Rejection code: duplicate
The average wage of BPL players is extortionate and should be reconsidered
Rejected on Wednesday 17th February 2016
Rejection code: irrelevant
Slash all MP's Salary to £50,000 per year, full tax must be paid.
Rejected on Wednesday 17th February 2016
Rejection code: irrelevant
Introduce compulsory lessons on mental health to all pupils in high schools.
Rejected on Wednesday 17th February 2016
Rejection code: duplicate
Abolish newly restricted 45mph drivers limit on motorways.
Rejected on Wednesday 17th February 2016
Rejection code: irrelevant
Don't stop publicly funded bodies boycotting Israeli products & unethical goods
Rejected on Wednesday 17th February 2016
Rejection code: duplicate
Repeal the ban on the boycotting of Israeli goods.
Rejected on Wednesday 17th February 2016
Rejection code: duplicate
Stop the ban on ethical boycotts by public bodies
Rejected on Wednesday 17th February 2016
Rejection code: duplicate
The UK govt. to allow our democratic right to boycott unethical suppliers.
Rejected on Wednesday 17th February 2016
Rejection code: duplicate
Rescind plan to stop publicly funded institutions boycotting unethical companies
Rejected on Wednesday 17th February 2016
Rejection code: duplicate
Stop MPs from receiving a £15000 payrise. Give this to our emergency services
Rejected on Wednesday 17th February 2016
Rejection code: irrelevant
All MP's Across the Uk to take a 10% pay cut starting in April 2016.
Rejected on Wednesday 17th February 2016
Rejection code: irrelevant
Be more transparent. Being more truthful telling more to the public.
Rejected on Wednesday 17th February 2016
Rejection code: no-action
Review ticket prices in the Football League
Rejected on Wednesday 17th February 2016
Rejection code: irrelevant
Take decisive action on Syria
Rejected on Wednesday 17th February 2016
Rejection code: no-action
Make the Welsh Language an official EU language
Rejected on Wednesday 17th February 2016
Rejection code: irrelevant
Allow all police forces to use water cannons in public order situations.
Rejected on Wednesday 17th February 2016
Rejection code: duplicate
Politicians wages should only increase in line with nhs wage increases.
Rejected on Wednesday 17th February 2016
Rejection code: irrelevant
Brexit Now: We want an early referendum in 2016
Rejected on Wednesday 17th February 2016
Rejection code: duplicate
Bring back BBC 3 on our televisions!!!
Rejected on Wednesday 17th February 2016
Rejection code: irrelevant
Remove the second home allowance for MP's with backdating to 2010
Rejected on Wednesday 17th February 2016
Rejection code: irrelevant
Make it illegal for insurance companies to penalise victims of crime
Rejected on Wednesday 17th February 2016
Rejection code: duplicate
I ask that the UK FCO and Parliament change the travel advise of Tunisia
Rejected on Wednesday 17th February 2016
Rejection code: duplicate
Make proper funding of the NHS a legal requirement via tax rises if necessary
Rejected on Wednesday 17th February 2016
Rejection code: duplicate
To open the access gate from Lhondhoo Close into Bemahague School.
Rejected on Wednesday 17th February 2016
Rejection code: irrelevant
Stop the use of images of eating disorder sufferers at dangerously low weigh
Rejected on Wednesday 17th February 2016
Rejection code: no-action
Review MPs pension age.
Rejected on Wednesday 17th February 2016
Rejection code: irrelevant
BAN the sale & use of cheap hand held Laser Pointers without good cause..
Rejected on Wednesday 17th February 2016
Rejection code: duplicate
Pass a law banning MPs raising their pay, if there is a public sector pay freeze
Rejected on Wednesday 17th February 2016
Rejection code: irrelevant
Ensure that large corporations or businesses pay the full applicable tax rates
Rejected on Wednesday 17th February 2016
Rejection code: duplicate
Stop personal information being sold to any individuals without a valid reason
Rejected on Wednesday 17th February 2016
Rejection code: duplicate
Rename Hinkley"Fukushima 2" in tribute to the ongoing nuclear disaster in Japan
Rejected on Wednesday 17th February 2016
Rejection code: irrelevant
The NHS free at point of entry should remain free of private interests & costs.
Rejected on Wednesday 17th February 2016
Rejection code: duplicate
Get Facebook to unblock the Viz page
Rejected on Wednesday 17th February 2016
Rejection code: irrelevant
Do not ban UK public funded bodies from making ethical purchasing decisions
Rejected on Wednesday 17th February 2016
Rejection code: duplicate
Make the sale and use of laser pens in the UK a Criminal Offence
Rejected on Wednesday 17th February 2016
Rejection code: duplicate
Stop the English F.A. from scrapping FA Cup replays & hurting 100's of clubs
Rejected on Wednesday 17th February 2016
Rejection code: irrelevant
Make Leap Year day, 29th February, a Public Holiday.
Rejected on Wednesday 17th February 2016
Rejection code: duplicate
The salary for a public servant should not be more than the Prime Minister
Rejected on Wednesday 17th February 2016
Rejection code: irrelevant
If 3% tax on Google is a success, then we should all be paying it.
Rejected on Wednesday 17th February 2016
Rejection code: no-action
Stop legal aid for foreign citizens and only give legal aid to British citizens
Rejected on Wednesday 17th February 2016
Rejection code: duplicate
Name any elected person paid by the public purse who fiddles expenses.
Rejected on Wednesday 17th February 2016
Rejection code: no-action
Fix the a249! Southern water should be working day & night to repair this road.
Rejected on Wednesday 17th February 2016
Rejection code: no-action
Small and Medium Size Business in the UK to pay 3% tax - just like Google.
Rejected on Wednesday 17th February 2016
Rejection code: no-action
SOS: Save Our Surgery - The University Health Centre Is Under Threat
Rejected on Wednesday 17th February 2016
Rejection code: no-action
To allow homosexual men who are clear of STD's to donate blood.
Rejected on Wednesday 17th February 2016
Rejection code: duplicate
Create better cycle paths.The roads and drivers so dangerous. Better heath.
Rejected on Thursday 18th February 2016
Rejection code: fake-name
No cuts! Support a campaign against job cuts and office closures in HMRC.
Rejected on Thursday 18th February 2016
Rejection code: duplicate
Rejected on Thursday 18th February 2016
Rejection code: irrelevant
Local Councils must record/publish the votes of Development Control Committees.
Rejected on Thursday 18th February 2016
Rejection code: irrelevant
Hotpoint to refund all customers who have purchased one of their faulty dryers
Rejected on Thursday 18th February 2016
Rejection code: irrelevant
Remove control of the NHS completely from politicians.They are destroying it.
Rejected on Thursday 18th February 2016
Rejection code: duplicate
MP Surgeries should be available to their constituents 7 Days a week
Rejected on Thursday 18th February 2016
Rejection code: irrelevant
Stop travel companies charging inflated prices in school holidays
Rejected on Thursday 18th February 2016
Rejection code: duplicate
cyclists on uk roads should.. pay insurance and pass a type of "riding" licence
Rejected on Thursday 18th February 2016
Rejection code: duplicate
Add into building requirements that all new build properties have solar pv.
Rejected on Thursday 18th February 2016
Rejection code: duplicate
Stop media from releasing name of alleged offender before he/she is found guilty
Rejected on Thursday 18th February 2016
Rejection code: duplicate
Make access children eligible for normal bedrooms within the local housing team
Rejected on Thursday 18th February 2016
Rejection code: irrelevant
Make MP's have to sit seven days a week as they are providing a public service.
Rejected on Thursday 18th February 2016
Rejection code: fake-name
Stop the Immigration Bill 2015-16
Rejected on Thursday 18th February 2016
Rejection code: fake-name
Smear tests to be once a year! Age of a smear test to drop to 18.
Rejected on Thursday 18th February 2016
Rejection code: duplicate
Proposed changes to rise immigration fees by 25% in 2016-17 is "discriminatory"
Rejected on Thursday 18th February 2016
Rejection code: no-action
Save our City - A Vote Of " No Confidence" in Bradford Planning Department
Rejected on Thursday 18th February 2016
Rejection code: irrelevant
Enforce programs providing gainful employment including raising the minimum wage
Rejected on Thursday 18th February 2016
Rejection code: no-action
New/ Better car park at Belfast Royal Hospital to cope with the demand.
Rejected on Thursday 18th February 2016
Rejection code: irrelevant
As a Briton, I demand that you defend us against those who wish to harm us.
Rejected on Thursday 18th February 2016
Rejection code: no-action
Free school transport for all children in Wales
Rejected on Thursday 18th February 2016
Rejection code: irrelevant
Give nurses a payrise
Rejected on Thursday 18th February 2016
Rejection code: duplicate
Have Mental health issues a compulsory topic to be learnt by children ages 10+
Rejected on Thursday 18th February 2016
Rejection code: duplicate Thu, 06 Mar 2025 09:14:18 +0000