All the petitions which were submitted in August 2020, irrespective of whether they were accepted or rejected, sorted by submission date from newest to oldest.
Note that petitions will only show in this list once they have been either accepted or rejected. Petitions still waiting to be checked are not made public until they have completed the moderation process. That's because publishing them before then would defeat the object of the support gathering phase, as well as risking the inadvertant publication of something defamatory or otherwise unlawful.
Do not use military assets to prevent attempts to enter the UK
Submitted on Saturday 15th August 2020
Open from Monday 28th September 2020 to Sunday 28th March 2021
32 signatures
Gavin Williamson should resign after the 2020 A-level results debacle
Submitted on Saturday 15th August 2020
Rejected on Thursday 20th August 2020 - reason: honours
Give A Level and GCSE students the grades predicted by their teachers.
Submitted on Saturday 15th August 2020
Rejected on Thursday 20th August 2020 - reason: already-happening
Create a public awareness campaign to support people with eating disorders
Submitted on Saturday 15th August 2020
Open from Friday 25th September 2020 to Thursday 25th March 2021
19 signatures
Cancel the awarding of U grades from the A-level results in 2020.
Submitted on Saturday 15th August 2020
Rejected on Wednesday 26th August 2020 - reason: already-happening
Do NOT start weighing children in school.
Submitted on Saturday 15th August 2020
Rejected on Thursday 20th August 2020 - reason: duplicate
Financial support for those who become self employed during 2019-2020 tax year
Submitted on Saturday 15th August 2020
Rejected on Friday 25th September 2020 - reason: duplicate
Nationalise water companies
Submitted on Saturday 15th August 2020
Open from Tuesday 8th September 2020 to Monday 8th March 2021
39 signatures
Submitted on Saturday 15th August 2020
Rejected on Monday 19th October 2020 - reason: no-action
Grant the Environment Agency powers to monitor and penalise water companies.
Submitted on Saturday 15th August 2020
Rejected on Monday 28th September 2020 - reason: duplicate
Add British Sign Language to the secondary school curriculum and offer BSL GCSE
Submitted on Saturday 15th August 2020
Rejected on Friday 25th September 2020 - reason: duplicate
Fathers has same rights as mom and stop social services judging us on our past
Submitted on Saturday 15th August 2020
Rejected on Tuesday 8th September 2020 - reason: irrelevant
Support local cafes/restaurants who wish to place table/chairs outside safely
Submitted on Saturday 15th August 2020
Rejected on Friday 25th September 2020 - reason: already-happening
Make it an offence for shops to sell items to persons not wearing face coverings
Submitted on Saturday 15th August 2020
Open from Friday 25th September 2020 to Thursday 25th March 2021
38 signatures
Introduce Drug Consumption Rooms to prevent drug-related deaths in the UK
Submitted on Saturday 15th August 2020
Open from Tuesday 6th October 2020 to Tuesday 6th April 2021
410 signatures
Sack Gavin Williamson for gross incompetence.
Submitted on Saturday 15th August 2020
Rejected on Thursday 20th August 2020 - reason: honours
Option for parents to get children to do school work from home (September 2020)
Submitted on Saturday 15th August 2020
Rejected on Tuesday 22nd September 2020 - reason: duplicate
We would like more funding to be given to NHS Mental Heath Services
Submitted on Saturday 15th August 2020
Rejected on Wednesday 23rd September 2020 - reason: duplicate
Show the animal agriculture documentary "Land of Hope and Glory" in UK Schools
Submitted on Saturday 15th August 2020
Rejected on Thursday 3rd September 2020 - reason: irrelevant
Impose fines for discarding face coverings in an antisocial way.
Submitted on Saturday 15th August 2020
Rejected on Monday 7th September 2020 - reason: no-action
Reverse unfair A level and GCSE downgrading by honouring centre assessed grades
Submitted on Saturday 15th August 2020
Rejected on Thursday 20th August 2020 - reason: already-happening
Make it compulsory to wear a cycling helmet
Submitted on Saturday 15th August 2020
Rejected on Friday 4th September 2020 - reason: duplicate
Triple Lock for 2021 A Levels Exam Results
Submitted on Saturday 15th August 2020
Open from Monday 7th September 2020 to Sunday 7th March 2021
128 signatures
Make the use of "rape myths" in sexual assault court cases illegal.
Submitted on Saturday 15th August 2020
Rejected on Friday 25th September 2020 - reason: no-action
Give all A level students their centre assessed / predicted grades not algorithm
Submitted on Saturday 15th August 2020
Rejected on Thursday 20th August 2020 - reason: already-happening
Replace the e-petitions system with a People's PMQs
Submitted on Saturday 15th August 2020
Open from Monday 28th September 2020 to Sunday 28th March 2021
15 signatures
Scrap the A-Level and GCSE testing system
Submitted on Saturday 15th August 2020
Rejected on Thursday 20th August 2020 - reason: already-happening
Stop the word nigger in the British music industry.
Its a double standard.
Submitted on Saturday 15th August 2020
Rejected on Friday 25th September 2020 - reason: irrelevant
Give A-Level Students their Centre Assessed Grade (or moderated grade if higher)
Submitted on Saturday 15th August 2020
Rejected on Thursday 20th August 2020 - reason: already-happening
Female led business inc sports to open at the same time/stage as male equivalent
Submitted on Saturday 15th August 2020
Rejected on Tuesday 3rd November 2020 - reason: no-reply
Tougher sentences for pedophiles online and physical
Submitted on Saturday 15th August 2020
Rejected on Friday 25th September 2020 - reason: duplicate
Limit the Impact of Climate Change with air mileage allowance
Submitted on Saturday 15th August 2020
Open from Wednesday 7th October 2020 to Wednesday 7th April 2021
18 signatures
Allow 'optional attendance' on the re-opening of schools in England in September
Submitted on Saturday 15th August 2020
Rejected on Tuesday 1st September 2020 - reason: duplicate
Change Carers Allowance to make DLA/PIP not mandatory
Submitted on Saturday 15th August 2020
Rejected on Wednesday 16th September 2020 - reason: no-action
Replace or rebuild Hammersmith Bridge fit for purpose.
Submitted on Saturday 15th August 2020
Rejected on Wednesday 2nd September 2020 - reason: irrelevant
Find a solution for private candidates that need to go to university this year
Submitted on Saturday 15th August 2020
Rejected on Thursday 10th September 2020 - reason: no-action
Tougher laws against people who attack key front line emergency workers.
Submitted on Saturday 15th August 2020
Rejected on Wednesday 26th August 2020 - reason: duplicate
Life jackets must be worn if in sea on inflatable, boat, kayak etc
Submitted on Saturday 15th August 2020
Open from Thursday 10th September 2020 to Wednesday 10th March 2021
18 signatures
Create a national social work record system
Submitted on Saturday 15th August 2020
Open from Thursday 10th September 2020 to Wednesday 10th March 2021
15 signatures
Reverse the grading system that downgraded disadvantaged pupils
Submitted on Friday 14th August 2020
Rejected on Thursday 20th August 2020 - reason: already-happening
Impose mandatory sentencing for assaulting emergency services workers
Submitted on Friday 14th August 2020
Rejected on Thursday 24th September 2020 - reason: duplicate
Reinstate teacher recommended A level & GCSE grades.
Submitted on Friday 14th August 2020
Rejected on Thursday 20th August 2020 - reason: already-happening
The Government to upgrade A level exam results in the UK by 7/9/20
Submitted on Friday 14th August 2020
Rejected on Thursday 10th September 2020 - reason: duplicate
Stop the whole idea of schools to weigh pupils
Submitted on Friday 14th August 2020
Rejected on Thursday 20th August 2020 - reason: duplicate
A fairer algorithm for calculating this years A-Level and GCSE results
Submitted on Friday 14th August 2020
Rejected on Thursday 20th August 2020 - reason: already-happening
Make it a specific criminal offence to assault a highway workers
Submitted on Friday 14th August 2020
Open from Thursday 24th September 2020 to Wednesday 24th March 2021
7,588 signatures
All the A-level results across the UK need to be re-marked. They deserve better
Submitted on Friday 14th August 2020
Rejected on Thursday 20th August 2020 - reason: already-happening
Abolish the statistical model used for A level results in England and Wales.
Submitted on Friday 14th August 2020
Rejected on Thursday 20th August 2020 - reason: already-happening
Seek to implement a common COVID-19 travel and testing policy with EU countries
Submitted on Friday 14th August 2020
Open from Monday 28th September 2020 to Sunday 28th March 2021
13 signatures
Ensure the appeals and resit process for A-Level & GCSE students is free for all
Submitted on Friday 14th August 2020
Rejected on Thursday 20th August 2020 - reason: duplicate
Make police fine people who abuse people with hidden disabilities
Submitted on Friday 14th August 2020
Rejected on Thursday 10th September 2020 - reason: no-action
Stop the use of the term BAME by government.
Submitted on Friday 14th August 2020
Rejected on Wednesday 2nd September 2020 - reason: duplicate
Scrap A level adjustment alogorithm
Submitted on Friday 14th August 2020
Rejected on Thursday 20th August 2020 - reason: already-happening
Amend the Covid Act so that children cannot be removed from school for testing.
Submitted on Friday 14th August 2020
Rejected on Thursday 20th August 2020 - reason: no-action
Give us a fairer system for this year’s A Level and GCSE results
Submitted on Friday 14th August 2020
Rejected on Thursday 20th August 2020 - reason: already-happening
Government must review unfair Exam Results after leaving students devastated
Submitted on Friday 14th August 2020
Rejected on Thursday 20th August 2020 - reason: already-happening
Reverse A-Levels grades from algorithm and allow teachers assessments instead.
Submitted on Friday 14th August 2020
Rejected on Thursday 20th August 2020 - reason: already-happening
To not allow police to unlawfully stop car events or gatherings on private land
Submitted on Friday 14th August 2020
Rejected on Wednesday 9th September 2020 - reason: irrelevant
Revise the regulatory framework for PPE so that it is relevant to healthcare
Submitted on Friday 14th August 2020
Open from Friday 9th October 2020 to Friday 9th April 2021
165 signatures
To change the law with regards to Blue Badge for hidden disabilities
Submitted on Friday 14th August 2020
Rejected on Thursday 10th September 2020 - reason: irrelevant
Make socio-economic status a protected characteristic
Submitted on Friday 14th August 2020
Open from Thursday 24th September 2020 to Wednesday 24th March 2021
19 signatures
Make a U-turn on the English COVID19 A-Level grading system.
Submitted on Friday 14th August 2020
Rejected on Thursday 20th August 2020 - reason: already-happening
Temporarily relax the cap on student numbers at universities
Submitted on Friday 14th August 2020
Rejected on Thursday 20th August 2020 - reason: already-happening
Illegal migrants that travel to the UK from EC shouldn't be allowed asylum.
Submitted on Friday 14th August 2020
Rejected on Thursday 24th September 2020 - reason: no-action
Protect Langstone from flooding but NO to a wall by Royal Oak or wood boardwalks
Submitted on Friday 14th August 2020
Rejected on Tuesday 8th September 2020 - reason: irrelevant
Increase funding for dementia and Alzheimers
Submitted on Friday 14th August 2020
Open from Wednesday 26th August 2020 to Friday 26th February 2021
45 signatures
The Government should consider implementing a Negative Income Tax system.
Submitted on Friday 14th August 2020
Open from Thursday 24th September 2020 to Wednesday 24th March 2021
23 signatures
To make false allegations of domestic abuse as serious as false rape allegations
Submitted on Friday 14th August 2020
Rejected on Friday 21st August 2020 - reason: no-action
Make the A-Level adjustment algorithm available for public inspection.
Submitted on Friday 14th August 2020
Open from Friday 21st August 2020 to Sunday 21st February 2021
31 signatures
Hospital visits to be permitted to critical patients during COVID-19
Submitted on Friday 14th August 2020
Rejected on Friday 21st August 2020 - reason: irrelevant
Fund free Mental Health First Aider training for 1 adult in every school
Submitted on Friday 14th August 2020
Open from Wednesday 2nd September 2020 to Tuesday 2nd March 2021
49 signatures
Make a law to stop images and information of minors being public.
Submitted on Friday 14th August 2020
Rejected on Tuesday 6th October 2020 - reason: no-action
Lower Grade Boundaries for A-Level October Exams
Submitted on Friday 14th August 2020
Open from Thursday 1st October 2020 to Thursday 1st April 2021
1,009 signatures
Compensate those impacted by ‘effective from the day of announcement’ decisions
Submitted on Friday 14th August 2020
Rejected on Tuesday 1st September 2020 - reason: no-action
Fund better postnatal services
Submitted on Friday 14th August 2020
Open from Friday 21st August 2020 to Sunday 21st February 2021
122 signatures
Make the Eat Out To Help Out scheme an annual event
Submitted on Friday 14th August 2020
Open from Friday 21st August 2020 to Sunday 21st February 2021
34 signatures
A full publication of the data points which were used to determine exam results
Submitted on Friday 14th August 2020
Rejected on Friday 21st August 2020 - reason: duplicate
Give Predicted Grades to BTEC (modules) & Alevel Students
Submitted on Friday 14th August 2020
Rejected on Wednesday 9th September 2020 - reason: duplicate
Amend the Recall of MPs Act 2015 to allow communities sole power to recall MPs
Submitted on Friday 14th August 2020
Open from Thursday 24th September 2020 to Wednesday 24th March 2021
179 signatures
Review this year A-level and GCSE grades results to accept teachers recomndation
Submitted on Friday 14th August 2020
Rejected on Thursday 20th August 2020 - reason: already-happening
Exempt foreign students from quarantine upon their arrival in September
Submitted on Friday 14th August 2020
Open from Friday 21st August 2020 to Sunday 21st February 2021
7 signatures
Have Gavin Williamson publicly apologise and resign for failing at his job.
Submitted on Friday 14th August 2020
Rejected on Wednesday 19th August 2020 - reason: honours
Cancel A-Level and GCSE exams 2021
Submitted on Friday 14th August 2020
Rejected on Wednesday 19th August 2020 - reason: duplicate
Save our district councils! Scrap plans to end two-tiered local authorities.
Submitted on Friday 14th August 2020
Rejected on Friday 25th September 2020 - reason: no-action
Reform proposed changes to planning system and remove top-down housing targets
Submitted on Friday 14th August 2020
Open from Tuesday 22nd September 2020 to Monday 22nd March 2021
815 signatures
Give the A level students the grades given by their teachers not examiners.
Submitted on Friday 14th August 2020
Rejected on Thursday 20th August 2020 - reason: already-happening
Allow birthing partners to attend pregnancy scans and antenatal appointments.
Submitted on Friday 14th August 2020
Rejected on Friday 4th September 2020 - reason: irrelevant
Require exam bodies to return marked papers
Submitted on Friday 14th August 2020
Open from Thursday 1st October 2020 to Thursday 1st April 2021
13 signatures
Stricter laws to prevent Paedophiles and Child Abuse in the UK.
Submitted on Friday 14th August 2020
Rejected on Wednesday 2nd September 2020 - reason: duplicate
Continue UK participation in European Health Insurance Card (EHIC) Scheme
Submitted on Friday 14th August 2020
Rejected on Friday 21st August 2020 - reason: duplicate
Change the A Level exam results to our predicted grades
Submitted on Friday 14th August 2020
Rejected on Thursday 20th August 2020 - reason: already-happening
Make A Level and GCSE exam resits and appeals, free!
Submitted on Friday 14th August 2020
Rejected on Thursday 20th August 2020 - reason: duplicate
Longer sentencing for paedophiles and child abusers.
Submitted on Friday 14th August 2020
Rejected on Wednesday 2nd September 2020 - reason: duplicate
Invest In New Bike Lanes in London
Submitted on Friday 14th August 2020
Rejected on Tuesday 8th September 2020 - reason: irrelevant
Make it illegal to flee after hitting a cat.
Submitted on Friday 14th August 2020
Open from Thursday 10th September 2020 to Wednesday 10th March 2021
2,241 signatures
Add exemption 'taking a drive to test eyesight' to COVID self-isolation rules
Submitted on Friday 14th August 2020
Rejected on Wednesday 9th September 2020 - reason: no-action
A fairer grading system for this years GCSE and A-level students.
Submitted on Friday 14th August 2020
Rejected on Thursday 20th August 2020 - reason: already-happening
Remove exam fees for students retaking their A Level and GCSE exams in October
Submitted on Friday 14th August 2020
Rejected on Thursday 10th September 2020 - reason: duplicate
Compulsory Penalties for Dangerously out of control dogs attacking other animals
Submitted on Friday 14th August 2020
Open from Thursday 3rd September 2020 to Wednesday 3rd March 2021
4,290 signatures
Allow 2020 A-Level students to take their teacher-assigned grades
Submitted on Friday 14th August 2020
Rejected on Thursday 20th August 2020 - reason: already-happening Mon, 03 Mar 2025 23:39:13 +0000