All the petitions which were submitted in March 2020, irrespective of whether they were accepted or rejected, sorted by submission date from newest to oldest.
Note that petitions will only show in this list once they have been either accepted or rejected. Petitions still waiting to be checked are not made public until they have completed the moderation process. That's because publishing them before then would defeat the object of the support gathering phase, as well as risking the inadvertant publication of something defamatory or otherwise unlawful.
ALL key workers working during this pandemic, should receive a pay rise.
Submitted on Sunday 29th March 2020
Rejected on Wednesday 15th April 2020 - reason: duplicate
Create future tax relief for businesses who don't receive Covid-19 support
Submitted on Sunday 29th March 2020
Open from Monday 18th May 2020 to Wednesday 18th November 2020
24 signatures
All the immigration and asylum applicants should be granted residence in the UK.
Submitted on Sunday 29th March 2020
Rejected on Wednesday 13th May 2020 - reason: duplicate
British pension payments should be equal to the minimum living wage
Submitted on Sunday 29th March 2020
Rejected on Wednesday 13th May 2020 - reason: duplicate
Pay 80% of average earnings for commission based employees on Furlough Leave.
Submitted on Sunday 29th March 2020
Rejected on Thursday 16th April 2020 - reason: duplicate
Financial help for Directors of small limited companies during Covid-19
Submitted on Sunday 29th March 2020
Rejected on Wednesday 15th April 2020 - reason: duplicate
Support Small Ltd Company Directors like the Employed & Self Employed | COVID-19
Submitted on Sunday 29th March 2020
Rejected on Wednesday 15th April 2020 - reason: duplicate
Instruct banks to reduce interest rates in line with the bank base rate.
Submitted on Sunday 29th March 2020
Rejected on Wednesday 15th April 2020 - reason: duplicate
NHS workers should not have to pay income tax during the Coronavirus crisis
Submitted on Sunday 29th March 2020
Rejected on Tuesday 31st March 2020 - reason: duplicate
Get official clarification to keep Vape Shops open during COVID19 lockdown
Submitted on Sunday 29th March 2020
Rejected on Monday 11th May 2020 - reason: duplicate
Retention scheme to apply for people who started a new job from March 2020
Submitted on Sunday 29th March 2020
Rejected on Friday 24th April 2020 - reason: duplicate
Provide a thank you bonus for key workers carrying on regardless of the risk
Submitted on Sunday 29th March 2020
Rejected on Thursday 2nd April 2020 - reason: duplicate
Look at a pay increase for all key workers
Submitted on Sunday 29th March 2020
Rejected on Wednesday 15th April 2020 - reason: duplicate
Award NHS ‘The George Cross’ when we pass through the present crisis
Submitted on Sunday 29th March 2020
Rejected on Wednesday 15th April 2020 - reason: duplicate
Increase salary by 20% for all key workers during COVID-19.
Submitted on Sunday 29th March 2020
Rejected on Wednesday 15th April 2020 - reason: duplicate
Minimum wage for those self employed people that aren't eligible for 80% pay.
Submitted on Sunday 29th March 2020
Rejected on Wednesday 15th April 2020 - reason: duplicate
Office of JCIO to Rescinde all commitments made by Justices in breech of rights
Submitted on Sunday 29th March 2020
Rejected on Friday 29th May 2020 - reason: irrelevant
Stop the Chinese company involvement in the building of 5G.
Submitted on Sunday 29th March 2020
Rejected on Monday 6th April 2020 - reason: duplicate
Close all non essential online stores/warehouses
Submitted on Sunday 29th March 2020
Open from Tuesday 14th April 2020 to Wednesday 14th October 2020
62 signatures
Include self employed people who have just recently set up their own business.
Submitted on Sunday 29th March 2020
Rejected on Wednesday 15th April 2020 - reason: duplicate
Defer payments on short term loans and freeze interest during Covid-19.
Submitted on Sunday 29th March 2020
Rejected on Wednesday 15th April 2020 - reason: duplicate
Extend the 28th February Job Retention Scheme deadline for new hires
Submitted on Sunday 29th March 2020
Rejected on Friday 24th April 2020 - reason: duplicate
Award “war medals” for NHS workers in the war of COVID 19.
Submitted on Sunday 29th March 2020
Rejected on Tuesday 31st March 2020 - reason: duplicate
STOP Boris Johnson sending out letters that could potentially spread more virus.
Submitted on Sunday 29th March 2020
Rejected on Wednesday 13th May 2020 - reason: no-action
Fines for landlords charging rent, when they have applied for a mortgage break.
Submitted on Sunday 29th March 2020
Rejected on Tuesday 31st March 2020 - reason: irrelevant
Reward the right NHS staff for their service and bravery with a COVID-19 bonus
Submitted on Sunday 29th March 2020
Rejected on Tuesday 31st March 2020 - reason: duplicate
Force shutdown of non-essential online retail during Covid-19 pandemic.
Submitted on Sunday 29th March 2020
Rejected on Friday 17th April 2020 - reason: duplicate
Scrap the 48 hour limit on average weekly working time for mobile workers
Submitted on Sunday 29th March 2020
Open from Wednesday 13th May 2020 to Friday 13th November 2020
24 signatures
Hazard pay for "key workers" from food and drink industry
Submitted on Sunday 29th March 2020
Rejected on Thursday 2nd April 2020 - reason: duplicate
Government to urgently provide correct WHO standard PPEs to all NHS workers!
Submitted on Sunday 29th March 2020
Rejected on Tuesday 31st March 2020 - reason: duplicate
Tax exemption for Healthcare workers fou the rest of 2020
Submitted on Sunday 29th March 2020
Rejected on Thursday 2nd April 2020 - reason: duplicate
Prevent family courts and social services making decisions based on hearsay
Submitted on Sunday 29th March 2020
Open from Thursday 14th May 2020 to Saturday 14th November 2020
889 signatures
Strengthen laws against online abuse and harassment
Submitted on Sunday 29th March 2020
Open from Thursday 28th May 2020 to Saturday 28th November 2020
3,070 signatures
make it law that all parents have to have contact with there kids
Submitted on Sunday 29th March 2020
Rejected on Wednesday 13th May 2020 - reason: duplicate
Increase the wage for supermarket workers during the Covid-19 crisis
Submitted on Sunday 29th March 2020
Rejected on Wednesday 15th April 2020 - reason: duplicate
Pay or reimburse all healthcare professionals their registration fees for 2020.
Submitted on Sunday 29th March 2020
Rejected on Friday 24th April 2020 - reason: duplicate
Stop interest and charges for credit cards and personal loans during Coronavirus
Submitted on Sunday 29th March 2020
Rejected on Wednesday 15th April 2020 - reason: duplicate
No coronavirus money for tax-avoiding companies.
Submitted on Saturday 28th March 2020
Rejected on Wednesday 13th May 2020 - reason: duplicate
medals for frontline workers
Submitted on Saturday 28th March 2020
Rejected on Wednesday 15th April 2020 - reason: duplicate
No bail out for any airline. This crisis can permanently reduce CO2 emissions.
Submitted on Saturday 28th March 2020
Rejected on Wednesday 1st April 2020 - reason: duplicate
Additional 1 month holiday for all key workers after lockdown Payed 100%
Submitted on Saturday 28th March 2020
Rejected on Wednesday 6th May 2020 - reason: duplicate
Government to tax banks bailed in financial crisis, to support Coronvirus Loans
Submitted on Saturday 28th March 2020
Rejected on Friday 22nd May 2020 - reason: duplicate
We the people demand a complete lockdown, now, to save lives
Submitted on Saturday 28th March 2020
Rejected on Friday 17th April 2020 - reason: duplicate
Protect Commercial Landlords financially with a 3 month lender holiday.
Submitted on Saturday 28th March 2020
Rejected on Tuesday 31st March 2020 - reason: irrelevant
Increase NHS pay for all staff to a minimum £25,000. A SKILLED workforce.
Submitted on Saturday 28th March 2020
Rejected on Tuesday 31st March 2020 - reason: duplicate
Force employers to include commission for staff on furlough.
Submitted on Saturday 28th March 2020
Rejected on Thursday 16th April 2020 - reason: duplicate
Protect NHS staff During Covid- 19 Outbreak 2020
Submitted on Saturday 28th March 2020
Rejected on Tuesday 31st March 2020 - reason: duplicate
Keep traders home by shutting down all construction and domestic work.
Submitted on Saturday 28th March 2020
Rejected on Friday 17th April 2020 - reason: duplicate
Mandate councils to find accommodation for the homeless
Submitted on Saturday 28th March 2020
Rejected on Tuesday 31st March 2020 - reason: duplicate
Create an official new Bank Holiday for when the Covid-19 ends in the UK
Submitted on Saturday 28th March 2020
Rejected on Wednesday 1st April 2020 - reason: duplicate
Create a National Emergency Services day, recognise those that keep us safe.
Submitted on Saturday 28th March 2020
Rejected on Thursday 2nd April 2020 - reason: irrelevant
Make the 26th of March National NHS Appreciation Day
Submitted on Saturday 28th March 2020
Rejected on Thursday 2nd April 2020 - reason: irrelevant
Tax free wages for all N H S workers juring the Coronavirus lock down
Submitted on Saturday 28th March 2020
Rejected on Tuesday 31st March 2020 - reason: duplicate
Allow all to be furloughed if they took a new job after Feb 28th and before JRS.
Submitted on Saturday 28th March 2020
Rejected on Thursday 16th April 2020 - reason: duplicate
Make Visit Britain adopt a Visit Scotland style Booking Engine
Submitted on Saturday 28th March 2020
Rejected on Tuesday 19th May 2020 - reason: irrelevant
Pay 80% wages instead of SSP for key workers who are home during Covid-19
Submitted on Saturday 28th March 2020
Rejected on Wednesday 13th May 2020 - reason: duplicate
Give PM Boris Johnson a Knighthood!
Submitted on Saturday 28th March 2020
Rejected on Thursday 23rd April 2020 - reason: honours
Give NHS Staff above inflation increase pay rise before Coronavirus is over!
Submitted on Saturday 28th March 2020
Rejected on Wednesday 15th April 2020 - reason: duplicate
Arrange repatriation flights for all UK Citizens stuck abroad due to Covid ASAP
Submitted on Saturday 28th March 2020
Rejected on Thursday 2nd April 2020 - reason: duplicate
Cancel HS2 and use some or all the money to fund flood prevention & the NHS.
Submitted on Saturday 28th March 2020
Rejected on Friday 15th May 2020 - reason: duplicate
Continue Stephen Toope's daily emails beyond the coronavirus crisis
Submitted on Saturday 28th March 2020
Rejected on Tuesday 12th May 2020 - reason: irrelevant
Give UK Small Businesses emergency funding in order to retain the jobs COVID-19
Submitted on Saturday 28th March 2020
Rejected on Wednesday 13th May 2020 - reason: already-happening
Use all revenue from lockdown fines for NHS PPE.
Submitted on Saturday 28th March 2020
Open from Wednesday 13th May 2020 to Friday 13th November 2020
18 signatures
Year 12&10 content missed due to school closures should be removed from exams.
Submitted on Saturday 28th March 2020
Rejected on Tuesday 31st March 2020 - reason: irrelevant
Arrange rescue flights for our citizens trapped in the Indian Covid-19 lockdown
Submitted on Saturday 28th March 2020
Rejected on Thursday 2nd April 2020 - reason: duplicate
Suspend all university deadlines until students can safely return to university.
Submitted on Saturday 28th March 2020
Rejected on Tuesday 31st March 2020 - reason: irrelevant
Scrap tax on frontline NHS workers during this COVID-19 outbreak.
Submitted on Saturday 28th March 2020
Rejected on Tuesday 31st March 2020 - reason: duplicate
Full lockdown bring in the army
Submitted on Saturday 28th March 2020
Rejected on Friday 17th April 2020 - reason: duplicate
New bank holiday called NHS Day on the 23rd of March each year
Submitted on Saturday 28th March 2020
Rejected on Wednesday 1st April 2020 - reason: duplicate
Allow Wills to be witnessed via video conferencing during lockdown.
Submitted on Saturday 28th March 2020
Rejected on Tuesday 12th May 2020 - reason: duplicate
Queens service medal for contributions during the recent epidemic
Submitted on Saturday 28th March 2020
Rejected on Wednesday 15th April 2020 - reason: duplicate
Support the vunerable group, imigrants, in UK!
Submitted on Saturday 28th March 2020
Rejected on Friday 15th May 2020 - reason: no-action
Give tax refunds to all NHS staff & Carers working during the COVID19 crisis.
Submitted on Saturday 28th March 2020
Rejected on Thursday 2nd April 2020 - reason: duplicate
Keep UK Golf Courses Open
Submitted on Saturday 28th March 2020
Rejected on Tuesday 12th May 2020 - reason: duplicate
Cancel HS2 and use the money for the NHS and local economies, post Covid-19.
Submitted on Saturday 28th March 2020
Open from Friday 15th May 2020 to Sunday 15th November 2020
58,743 signatures
I am calling for the government to support charities affected by COVID-19
Submitted on Saturday 28th March 2020
Rejected on Monday 20th April 2020 - reason: already-happening
Change Coronavirus job retention scheme employment start date.
Submitted on Saturday 28th March 2020
Rejected on Friday 24th April 2020 - reason: duplicate
Halt Trident renewal and spend the funds on fighting the coronavirus.
Submitted on Saturday 28th March 2020
Open from Wednesday 13th May 2020 to Friday 13th November 2020
5,493 signatures
Make the charge for spitting at someone in a pandemic, that of attempted murder.
Submitted on Saturday 28th March 2020
Rejected on Tuesday 12th May 2020 - reason: irrelevant
Grant UK citizenship to non-UK NHS workers fighting Coronavirus.
Submitted on Saturday 28th March 2020
Rejected on Wednesday 15th April 2020 - reason: duplicate
Include private healthcare workers, e.g. carers, in Covid-19 testing.
Submitted on Saturday 28th March 2020
Rejected on Tuesday 12th May 2020 - reason: already-happening
Clear student loan debt for Nurses, Doctors and Allied Health Professionals!
Submitted on Saturday 28th March 2020
Rejected on Wednesday 1st April 2020 - reason: duplicate
Raise an NHS Income Tax
Submitted on Saturday 28th March 2020
Rejected on Wednesday 13th May 2020 - reason: duplicate
Full COVID-19 support for ltd. company directors and the excluded self-employed.
Submitted on Saturday 28th March 2020
Rejected on Wednesday 15th April 2020 - reason: duplicate
Universities give final year students their predicted grades. Only improve
Submitted on Saturday 28th March 2020
Rejected on Tuesday 31st March 2020 - reason: irrelevant
Extend requirements for self-isolation to people with symptoms of any virus
Submitted on Saturday 28th March 2020
Open from Tuesday 19th May 2020 to Thursday 19th November 2020
23 signatures
Cap the prices of essential retail items during the COVID19 pandemic.
Submitted on Saturday 28th March 2020
Rejected on Tuesday 31st March 2020 - reason: duplicate
Pay Hazard payment for Key Workers
Submitted on Saturday 28th March 2020
Rejected on Thursday 2nd April 2020 - reason: duplicate
Extend University Courses and Tier 4 Visa End Dates due to COVID-19 Disruption
Submitted on Saturday 28th March 2020
Rejected on Wednesday 13th May 2020 - reason: duplicate
Rent free for a minimum period of 3 months until lockdown is over
Submitted on Saturday 28th March 2020
Rejected on Tuesday 31st March 2020 - reason: irrelevant
Close all non-essential online retailers due to COVID-19 outbreak
Submitted on Saturday 28th March 2020
Rejected on Friday 17th April 2020 - reason: duplicate
Shut down all non essential businesses and for clearer government guidelines
Submitted on Saturday 28th March 2020
Rejected on Friday 17th April 2020 - reason: duplicate
Include the newly self-employed in the financial help scheme during Covid 19.
Submitted on Saturday 28th March 2020
Rejected on Friday 3rd April 2020 - reason: duplicate
Provide financial aid to those forgotten by job retention schemes during Covid19
Submitted on Saturday 28th March 2020
Rejected on Tuesday 12th May 2020 - reason: duplicate
Stop all non essential employers forcing employees to work.
Submitted on Saturday 28th March 2020
Rejected on Friday 17th April 2020 - reason: duplicate
UK to have a full lockdown including public transport
Submitted on Saturday 28th March 2020
Rejected on Friday 17th April 2020 - reason: duplicate
The Government to wipe out all student nurse’s debt after this crisis.
Submitted on Saturday 28th March 2020
Rejected on Tuesday 28th April 2020 - reason: duplicate
Stop children and young people delivering newspapers during Coronavirus outbreak
Submitted on Saturday 28th March 2020
Rejected on Tuesday 12th May 2020 - reason: irrelevant
Keep Parliament working by using digital platforms
Submitted on Saturday 28th March 2020
Rejected on Tuesday 12th May 2020 - reason: already-happening
Enforce closure of all non-essential offices.
Submitted on Saturday 28th March 2020
Rejected on Friday 17th April 2020 - reason: duplicate Sat, 01 Mar 2025 03:22:25 +0000