Tags are generated automatically from the petition contents, so sometimes they do end up being a bit imprecise. But manually tagging over a 100,000 petitions would be a bit of a stretch, so we'll just have to put up with the occasional dodgy tag. Sorry about that.
keep the government in charge of the private security industry, and give security staff more powers!
Open from Thursday 9th February 2012 to Thursday 9th August 2012
3 signatures
Tax Breaks To Encourage Home Working.
Open from Friday 25th November 2011 to Friday 25th May 2012
3 signatures
New War Memorials to show full first name and not just initials
Open from Monday 12th September 2011 to Monday 12th December 2011
3 signatures
reform of charity commission and greater control of charities business activites
Open from Tuesday 16th August 2011 to Thursday 16th August 2012
3 signatures
Restore respect to retail banking
Open from Monday 27th February 2012 to Wednesday 27th February 2013
3 signatures
Allow a once per lifetime Income Tax Holiday
Open from Monday 22nd August 2011 to Wednesday 22nd February 2012
3 signatures
Single Pension Account
Open from Thursday 30th January 2014 to Friday 30th January 2015
3 signatures
Change Credit Rating
Open from Thursday 1st September 2011 to Saturday 1st September 2012
3 signatures
Automatic patent protection for SME's
Open from Tuesday 24th July 2012 to Thursday 24th January 2013
3 signatures
Multiple Ward Representation
Open from Wednesday 17th August 2011 to Friday 17th August 2012
3 signatures
Positive change to retirement age and benefits
Open from Monday 24th February 2014 to Tuesday 24th February 2015
3 signatures
Give police more powers to police effectively
Open from Wednesday 17th August 2011 to Friday 17th August 2012
3 signatures
Preventing benefit abuse
Open from Thursday 25th August 2011 to Saturday 25th August 2012
3 signatures
Tax Free Allowance for Private Health Insurance
Open from Thursday 15th September 2011 to Saturday 15th September 2012
3 signatures
Ensure Common Law is respected
Open from Monday 19th September 2011 to Wednesday 19th September 2012
3 signatures
google mail
Open from Friday 20th September 2013 to Friday 20th December 2013
3 signatures
Microchipping to be performed by a trained person
Open from Thursday 20th June 2013 to Friday 20th June 2014
3 signatures
Buses to pull into all bus lay-by on route.
Open from Wednesday 31st December 2014 to Monday 30th March 2015
3 signatures
Simplify UK tax system
Open from Wednesday 19th December 2012 to Thursday 19th December 2013
3 signatures
Change the way goverment expenses and allowances are allocated and controlled
Open from Tuesday 13th December 2011 to Thursday 13th December 2012
3 signatures
Ban confidential compensation payouts by public bodies
Open from Monday 12th August 2013 to Tuesday 12th August 2014
3 signatures
Better control for riots and looting
Open from Monday 15th August 2011 to Wednesday 15th August 2012
3 signatures
Compulsory child maintenance payment for Self Employed Individuals who do not "earn" enough to make payments
Open from Friday 18th July 2014 to Monday 30th March 2015
3 signatures
Bring back Developments magazine
Open from Wednesday 30th November 2011 to Wednesday 30th May 2012
3 signatures
Force Under 18's to Use Social Networking Responsibly
Open from Friday 1st February 2013 to Saturday 1st February 2014
3 signatures
Council tax reduction through volunteering
Open from Thursday 29th March 2012 to Friday 29th March 2013
3 signatures
Ban 192.com
Open from Tuesday 4th November 2014 to Monday 30th March 2015
3 signatures
recovery of government administrative cost for social compliance policing
Open from Monday 5th March 2012 to Tuesday 5th March 2013
3 signatures
Teach our school children useful foreign languages
Open from Monday 3rd February 2014 to Tuesday 3rd February 2015
3 signatures
Let schools choose their own holiday dates
Open from Thursday 8th September 2011 to Thursday 8th March 2012
3 signatures
Instatement of a National Community Service Program.
Open from Tuesday 30th August 2011 to Thursday 30th August 2012
3 signatures
Ensure that all the money earned by our olympians over the next 10 years is recovered to the national purse.
Open from Thursday 9th August 2012 to Friday 9th August 2013
3 signatures
Open from Thursday 31st January 2013 to Friday 31st January 2014
3 signatures
Open from Tuesday 3rd January 2012 to Thursday 3rd January 2013
3 signatures
Tiered supertax for all UK super rich
Open from Monday 15th August 2011 to Tuesday 15th November 2011
3 signatures
Simplify Planning Regulations, and allow land owners to build personal residences
Open from Thursday 18th August 2011 to Saturday 18th August 2012
3 signatures
Provide the security and justice this country needs with an appropriate police force and justice system
Open from Friday 9th September 2011 to Friday 9th December 2011
3 signatures
Replace Inheritance tax with higher income tax on gifts
Open from Thursday 26th April 2012 to Friday 26th October 2012
3 signatures
Tax Offices not sending employers the right code which means you have to pay back money
Open from Monday 4th February 2013 to Tuesday 4th February 2014
3 signatures
Open from Friday 4th October 2013 to Saturday 4th October 2014
3 signatures
Higher Criminal Charges For Tax Dodgers
Open from Monday 8th April 2013 to Tuesday 8th April 2014
3 signatures
Recover all 'need to live' utilities without buying back shares
Open from Tuesday 15th April 2014 to Monday 30th March 2015
3 signatures
Open from Thursday 5th January 2012 to Saturday 5th January 2013
3 signatures
Recognition of Pashtun ethnic identity in the United Kingdom
Open from Tuesday 17th June 2014 to Monday 30th March 2015
3 signatures
Open from Wednesday 15th February 2012 to Friday 15th February 2013
3 signatures
Force the Banks to start lending
Open from Tuesday 25th October 2011 to Thursday 25th October 2012
3 signatures
Amend Data Protection Act 1989 herein known as Steve's Law
Open from Monday 6th January 2014 to Tuesday 6th January 2015
3 signatures
EU Unemployment Benefits
Open from Monday 3rd October 2011 to Tuesday 3rd April 2012
3 signatures
Teaching State Laws As A Matter Of Compulsory State Education
Open from Thursday 5th January 2012 to Saturday 5th January 2013
3 signatures
Identification of commercial vehicles (particularly those known as "white vans").
Open from Thursday 25th August 2011 to Saturday 25th August 2012
3 signatures
Percentile Grading for GCSE, A Level and key national examinations
Open from Monday 12th September 2011 to Wednesday 12th September 2012
3 signatures
Abolish inheritance tax and create a windfall tax
Open from Monday 9th January 2012 to Wednesday 9th January 2013
3 signatures
tax on bonuses to be seperate to income tax
Open from Wednesday 23rd April 2014 to Thursday 23rd October 2014
3 signatures
Rioters should be tagged and carry out free manual work within their communities
Open from Tuesday 16th August 2011 to Thursday 16th August 2012
3 signatures
immigrant third generation voting
Open from Friday 28th October 2011 to Sunday 28th October 2012
3 signatures
Extortionate Essential Services Profit Tax
Open from Monday 5th December 2011 to Wednesday 5th December 2012
3 signatures
Publication of private car registration plates used in photography on the Internet without prior consent.
Open from Tuesday 9th July 2013 to Wednesday 9th July 2014
3 signatures
Remove the autocratic monopolisitc status 'NHS Foundation Trust'
Open from Thursday 31st May 2012 to Friday 31st May 2013
3 signatures
Gazundering is legalised extortion and must be stopped
Open from Tuesday 29th November 2011 to Thursday 29th November 2012
3 signatures
Internet and Email identity verification
Open from Wednesday 17th August 2011 to Friday 17th August 2012
3 signatures
Stop the disclosure of historical Criminal Convictions onto CRB Certificates.
Open from Thursday 21st March 2013 to Saturday 21st September 2013
3 signatures
Fast Track passports for UK citizens living abroad
Open from Thursday 14th August 2014 to Monday 30th March 2015
3 signatures
Legal Support for people with disabilties when faced with court proceedings (Failings of Legal Aid)
Open from Tuesday 30th July 2013 to Wednesday 30th July 2014
3 signatures
Politicians should not be allowed to preach religious views.
Open from Friday 23rd December 2011 to Sunday 23rd December 2012
3 signatures
Let's stop anti-social drunken behaviour once and for all
Open from Tuesday 16th August 2011 to Thursday 16th August 2012
3 signatures
A Call for Reviewing Long Term Sectioning for Autism on the death of Stephanie Bincliffe
Open from Tuesday 2nd December 2014 to Monday 30th March 2015
3 signatures
extension of smoke-free regulations
Open from Tuesday 16th August 2011 to Thursday 16th August 2012
3 signatures
Continue to Freeze UK State Pensions paid to Ex and Non Domiciled UK Citizens
Open from Tuesday 7th February 2012 to Thursday 7th February 2013
3 signatures
Petition for philanthropic drinking fountains
Open from Wednesday 15th May 2013 to Thursday 15th May 2014
3 signatures
An Overhaul of the Driving Test System
Open from Wednesday 11th January 2012 to Friday 11th January 2013
3 signatures
Banning of development of sport facilities and former sports facilities into non sporting venues
Open from Monday 8th August 2011 to Wednesday 8th August 2012
3 signatures
Revenue Tax for Corporation
Open from Thursday 6th December 2012 to Friday 6th December 2013
3 signatures
Submission on Charity Pay awards
Open from Thursday 9th January 2014 to Friday 9th January 2015
3 signatures
State funding for the care of Wing Commander Bransome Arthur Burbridge
Open from Monday 10th November 2014 to Monday 30th March 2015
3 signatures
No more than £1000 donation per person per party
Open from Wednesday 11th January 2012 to Friday 11th January 2013
3 signatures
Open from Tuesday 24th June 2014 to Monday 30th March 2015
3 signatures
General public quantitative easing.
Open from Tuesday 15th November 2011 to Tuesday 15th May 2012
3 signatures
Alcohol rehab aftercare
Open from Thursday 15th December 2011 to Friday 15th June 2012
3 signatures
extra premium to pay for insurance regarding Flood Re
Open from Thursday 18th September 2014 to Monday 30th March 2015
3 signatures
Proposal to ring fence a percentage of all national insurance contributions after the 30 year threshold
Open from Wednesday 22nd January 2014 to Thursday 22nd January 2015
2 signatures
Allow Community Service as an Option for Tax Payments for Individuals and Small Businesses
Open from Tuesday 10th April 2012 to Wednesday 10th April 2013
2 signatures
£10.00 per hour minimum wage
Open from Thursday 12th January 2012 to Thursday 12th April 2012
2 signatures
computer vat
Open from Thursday 19th July 2012 to Friday 19th July 2013
2 signatures
Not to allow individuals or groups to be trustees or 'individuals of significant importance' of more than one charity.
Open from Thursday 8th September 2011 to Saturday 8th September 2012
2 signatures
Secondary School exams to have the option of being taken orally
Open from Thursday 25th September 2014 to Monday 30th March 2015
2 signatures
Scotrail to pay back lost revenue to either the private and public sector or directly to those affected.
Open from Tuesday 20th December 2011 to Thursday 20th December 2012
2 signatures
individual benefit entitlement
Open from Monday 19th December 2011 to Wednesday 19th December 2012
2 signatures
End excessive bank charges and interest rates for individuals by all financial institutions
Open from Thursday 8th December 2011 to Saturday 8th December 2012
2 signatures
Employers National Insurance for Charities
Open from Thursday 3rd April 2014 to Monday 30th March 2015
2 signatures
Clarification on laws relating to Clamping and Towing activity
Open from Tuesday 23rd August 2011 to Thursday 23rd August 2012
2 signatures
Finance & Bank Charges Harassment Act
Open from Thursday 19th January 2012 to Saturday 19th January 2013
2 signatures
Transparency for politicians and their backers
Open from Friday 8th November 2013 to Saturday 8th November 2014
2 signatures
Companies Convicted of Telephone-Hacking should loose all financial benefits
Open from Monday 22nd August 2011 to Wednesday 22nd August 2012
2 signatures
End the Oppression of LGBT People in Iraq
Open from Friday 14th September 2012 to Saturday 14th September 2013
2 signatures
100% Inheritance Tax To Replace All Other Taxes
Open from Monday 25th February 2013 to Tuesday 25th February 2014
2 signatures
The rich should pay more NI than the less well off.
Open from Thursday 1st September 2011 to Saturday 1st September 2012
2 signatures
More powers for police to deal with rioters and looters. (August 2011)
Open from Tuesday 16th August 2011 to Thursday 16th August 2012
2 signatures
Ban private equity firms from buying businesses
Open from Tuesday 29th October 2013 to Wednesday 29th October 2014
2 signatures
Seek to curb the powers of Air Traffic Controllers to disrupt air travel across Europe
Open from Monday 30th June 2014 to Monday 30th March 2015
2 signatures
Petition to close 'Vulture Funds' loophole in Jersey.
Open from Tuesday 22nd November 2011 to Thursday 22nd November 2012
2 signatures Wed, 26 Feb 2025 21:03:48 +0000