All the petitions which were rejected in April 2019, sorted by rejection date from newest to oldest.
Integrate CPR as a national requirement to the Secondary Curriculum
Rejected on Thursday 18th April 2019 - reason: duplicate
Make the BBC a pay per view service and abolish the tv license
Rejected on Thursday 18th April 2019 - reason: duplicate
Dominic Raab to become prime minister and deliver a no deal brexit.
Rejected on Thursday 18th April 2019 - reason: irrelevant
Murder of rape should result in death of the criminal.
Rejected on Thursday 18th April 2019 - reason: duplicate
Overrule approval for the building of the Tulip tower (20 Bury Street)
Rejected on Thursday 18th April 2019 - reason: irrelevant
Allow a protest vote on all ballot papers.
Rejected on Thursday 18th April 2019 - reason: duplicate
Remove Theresa May as Prime Minister and Replace with Jacob Rees Mogg
Rejected on Thursday 18th April 2019 - reason: irrelevant
Remove the Members of Parliament's title "Honorable" & Right Honorable"!
Rejected on Thursday 18th April 2019 - reason: duplicate
Reconsider the turning off of street lights between the hours of 1am to 4am.
Rejected on Thursday 18th April 2019 - reason: irrelevant
Confirm why proposed Sex Education law breachs Human Rights Act 1998 sch 1. p 2
Rejected on Thursday 18th April 2019 - reason: no-action
Remove James Brokenshire from Office and Reinstate Sir Roger Scruton
Rejected on Thursday 18th April 2019 - reason: honours
Drop all parliament wages down to national minimum to sort who cares about uk
Rejected on Thursday 18th April 2019 - reason: irrelevant
Theresa May - Resign Immediately!
Rejected on Thursday 18th April 2019 - reason: irrelevant
Ban palm oil as an ingredient for cosmetic products
Rejected on Thursday 18th April 2019 - reason: duplicate
Stop using the term’The Right Honourable ...’, to increase productivity
Rejected on Thursday 18th April 2019 - reason: duplicate
Play a part in history by taking a look at the Crest on our passports.
Rejected on Thursday 18th April 2019 - reason: no-action
The dissolvement of parliament and Government in the United Kingdom
Rejected on Thursday 18th April 2019 - reason: duplicate
Make MPs accountable for lying, or telling untruths, for political gain.
Rejected on Thursday 18th April 2019 - reason: duplicate
parties to offer alternative candidates if brexit forces a general election
Rejected on Thursday 18th April 2019 - reason: irrelevant
Remove Theresa May and her government from power and hold a General Election
Rejected on Thursday 18th April 2019 - reason: duplicate
Instruct the Prime minister to call a General Election
Rejected on Thursday 18th April 2019 - reason: duplicate
General Election. No confidence vote from the people in the current government.
Rejected on Thursday 18th April 2019 - reason: duplicate
Call for a general election
Rejected on Thursday 18th April 2019 - reason: duplicate
Call an immediate General Election, based on the negligence of all current MPs
Rejected on Thursday 18th April 2019 - reason: duplicate
Please call a General Election at the earliest opportunity.
Rejected on Thursday 18th April 2019 - reason: duplicate
Call a general election and remove Theresa May from being the prime minister
Rejected on Thursday 18th April 2019 - reason: duplicate
We the people of the UK want a general election
Rejected on Thursday 18th April 2019 - reason: duplicate
Demand a general election, so constituents can find MP's to work as they request
Rejected on Thursday 18th April 2019 - reason: duplicate
Nigel Farage to be brexit advisor to Her Majesty's government.
Rejected on Thursday 18th April 2019 - reason: honours
Call an immediate snap election
Rejected on Thursday 18th April 2019 - reason: duplicate
Stop the intelligent speed restriction devices being fitted to UK vehicles
Rejected on Wednesday 17th April 2019 - reason: duplicate
The UK government to transfer all executive powers to the Scottish Parliament.
Rejected on Wednesday 17th April 2019 - reason: no-action
Postland Train Station signal box is restored and given listed status.
Rejected on Wednesday 17th April 2019 - reason: irrelevant
Stop housing developers blocking children in social housing from play areas.
Rejected on Wednesday 17th April 2019 - reason: irrelevant
Scotland wishes to dissolve the political "union" with England.
Rejected on Wednesday 17th April 2019 - reason: irrelevant
Make all petitions require a valid UK national insurance number.
Rejected on Wednesday 17th April 2019 - reason: no-action
Abolish Council tax along with local acts that empower private companies
Rejected on Wednesday 17th April 2019 - reason: no-action
JSON data on gov. petitions should show ip address & user agent of each signer
Rejected on Wednesday 17th April 2019 - reason: no-action
Child abuse images / videos should be treated as seriously as the crime itself
Rejected on Wednesday 17th April 2019 - reason: irrelevant
Abolish Parliament and set up an elected non-Party House of Representatives.
Rejected on Wednesday 17th April 2019 - reason: no-action
It's time HMRC are accountable to a independent body that governs them
Rejected on Wednesday 17th April 2019 - reason: no-action
Elect MPs under an electoral system utilising proportional representation
Rejected on Wednesday 17th April 2019 - reason: duplicate
Parliament to admit it has lost the UK's confidence
Rejected on Wednesday 17th April 2019 - reason: no-action
Explain why MPs get three votes on Brexit deal while the British People get none
Rejected on Wednesday 17th April 2019 - reason: no-action
The UK must not get "locked in" to whatever Brexit MPs now choose.
Rejected on Wednesday 17th April 2019 - reason: no-action
No deal brexit, £39 billion given to Uk patrons
Rejected on Wednesday 17th April 2019 - reason: no-action
Revoke Article 50 until an agreed Brexit solution is found
Rejected on Wednesday 17th April 2019 - reason: duplicate
Brexit Day needs to be the 22nd May 2019.
Rejected on Wednesday 17th April 2019 - reason: no-action
Ask the British people what they want TODAY. This is not a "second" referendum.
Rejected on Wednesday 17th April 2019 - reason: no-action
Sack all the MPs and let UK citizens make the countries decisions using an app
Rejected on Wednesday 17th April 2019 - reason: honours
Enable UK citizens to retain their EU citizenship after Brexit if they so wish
Rejected on Wednesday 17th April 2019 - reason: duplicate
All UK nationals to be given the right to hold dual EU / UK citizenship.
Rejected on Wednesday 17th April 2019 - reason: duplicate
General Election Candidates to state their Brexit stance on the Ballot Paper.
Rejected on Wednesday 17th April 2019 - reason: duplicate
Declare current MPs an utterly useless waste of taxpayers money.
Rejected on Wednesday 17th April 2019 - reason: irrelevant
Parliament can’t make a Brexit decision, so put it back to the people
Rejected on Wednesday 17th April 2019 - reason: duplicate
All Brexit Campaign fines to go to the NHS
Rejected on Wednesday 17th April 2019 - reason: no-action
Parliament must uphold its decision not leave the EU without a deal.
Rejected on Wednesday 17th April 2019 - reason: duplicate
ENOUGH! TELL THEM AGAIN! Tell EU & MP's Remove backstop or we leave on WTO terms
Rejected on Wednesday 17th April 2019 - reason: duplicate
UK to temporarily revert to being a monarchy until a decision is made on Brexit
Rejected on Wednesday 17th April 2019 - reason: no-action
No further extensions to Brexit and no too taking part in the EU elections!
Rejected on Wednesday 17th April 2019 - reason: duplicate
Suspend parliament for 2 weeks so that we can leave EU by default No Deal Bexit
Rejected on Wednesday 17th April 2019 - reason: duplicate
Revoke and then resign Article 50 - once we have a plan.
Rejected on Wednesday 17th April 2019 - reason: no-action
Provide voters the option to online vote to inform current goverment debate.
Rejected on Wednesday 17th April 2019 - reason: irrelevant
Suspend Brexit until a referendum on the deal to be delivered is approved.
Rejected on Wednesday 17th April 2019 - reason: no-action
Force social media to stop blocking any future content from users
Rejected on Wednesday 17th April 2019 - reason: no-action
Remain in the EU,
adopt the Euro and
join the Schengen area.
Rejected on Wednesday 17th April 2019 - reason: duplicate
Put the Brexit options to the people to decide a clear way forward.
Rejected on Wednesday 17th April 2019 - reason: no-action
Support the ‘confirmatory public vote’ on Monday 1st April 2019
Rejected on Wednesday 17th April 2019 - reason: duplicate
To have a referendum on Brexit deal or reject it and remain in the EU
Rejected on Wednesday 17th April 2019 - reason: duplicate
A petition to stop all petitions trying to stop Brexit
Rejected on Wednesday 17th April 2019 - reason: no-action
Save our local Craigavon Area Hospital Breast Service.
Rejected on Wednesday 17th April 2019 - reason: irrelevant
Election results should be discarded and rerun if campaigns break electoral law
Rejected on Tuesday 16th April 2019 - reason: irrelevant
Overturn Hate Speech Laws To Protect Freedom Of Speech And Expression.
Rejected on Tuesday 16th April 2019 - reason: no-action
Stop children being banned from mothers ultrasound scans
Rejected on Tuesday 16th April 2019 - reason: irrelevant
Force Parliment to sit 24/7 until a agreement on Brexit is established
Rejected on Tuesday 16th April 2019 - reason: no-action
Review Tier 2 ICT to ILR qualify criteria extend few more years beyond Apr 2010
Rejected on Tuesday 16th April 2019 - reason: duplicate
Cancel ALL leave for MPs until consensus on Brexit terms can be agreed
Rejected on Tuesday 16th April 2019 - reason: irrelevant
Require login to sign online petitions
Rejected on Tuesday 16th April 2019 - reason: no-action
Provide for UK Citizens to be full members of the European Union as individuals
Rejected on Tuesday 16th April 2019 - reason: duplicate
Debate risks of a Council Tax Strike if no Brexit.No Representation No Taxation.
Rejected on Tuesday 16th April 2019 - reason: no-action
Brexit With No Deal - use the £78 billion(2 yrs ext) to Ease the Disruption
Rejected on Tuesday 16th April 2019 - reason: duplicate
Sign On To The CANZUK Free Trade Deal Once We Leave The EU
Rejected on Tuesday 16th April 2019 - reason: no-action
A referendum for "Mancxit" for Manchester to leave the UK if the UK leaves EU.
Rejected on Tuesday 16th April 2019 - reason: no-action
Brexit, parliament should not ignore 17 million voters.
Rejected on Tuesday 16th April 2019 - reason: no-action
Make it that the government MUST OBEY THE WILL OF THE PEOPLE.
Rejected on Tuesday 16th April 2019 - reason: no-action
Stop John Bercow being so Biased. As a speaker should be impartial.
Rejected on Tuesday 16th April 2019 - reason: no-action
Remove parliament from the Brexit process by means of a peoples vote.
Rejected on Tuesday 16th April 2019 - reason: duplicate
We demand our targeted Wellbeing Sessions are delivered in all schools.
Rejected on Tuesday 16th April 2019 - reason: irrelevant
End the culture of black teachers being denied top leadership roles in schools
Rejected on Tuesday 16th April 2019 - reason: no-action
Do not revoke article 50 and leave the EU as voted for
Rejected on Tuesday 16th April 2019 - reason: duplicate
Make it UK law that food producers take back their waste packaging.
Rejected on Monday 15th April 2019 - reason: no-action
For our children's sake, let's clean up our air. Clean Air Act 2019
Rejected on Monday 15th April 2019 - reason: no-action
British summer time on Sunday is wrong! We Should lose an hour on a Monday!
Rejected on Monday 15th April 2019 - reason: fake-name
Grant a National Holiday when the Brexit issue is finally resolved.
Rejected on Monday 15th April 2019 - reason: no-action
Forward your proposed "2020 LGBT+ Education Program" to the 2019 Academic Year.
Rejected on Monday 15th April 2019 - reason: no-action
All Plastic Packaging to be classified as Toxic Waste.
Rejected on Monday 15th April 2019 - reason: no-action
The Imbalance between EU and Non-EU immigrants on leave to remain fees.
Rejected on Monday 15th April 2019 - reason: no-action
Brexit. People demand Proportional Representation in the event of any election.
Rejected on Monday 15th April 2019 - reason: duplicate
Change the way Rent is Calculated for Universal Credit
Rejected on Monday 15th April 2019 - reason: duplicate
Start meaningful discussions around school refusal
Rejected on Monday 15th April 2019 - reason: no-action Mon, 03 Mar 2025 23:34:38 +0000