All the petitions which were rejected in January 2019, sorted by rejection date from newest to oldest.
For the general public to refuse all candidates in a general election.
Rejected on Monday 28th January 2019 - reason: duplicate
Brexit give the people a vote on if we take the EU Deal or Leave with No Deal
Rejected on Monday 28th January 2019 - reason: duplicate
HoL to immediately suspend members of the HoC acting to undermine government
Rejected on Monday 28th January 2019 - reason: irrelevant
MPs must stop trying to block or prevent a no deal Brexit
Rejected on Monday 28th January 2019 - reason: no-action
If Parliament Can’t agree on a Brexit Deal the UK Must Leave the EU on WTO Terms
Rejected on Monday 28th January 2019 - reason: duplicate
Bercow should be the first Speaker to go without a peerage block the honour.
Rejected on Monday 28th January 2019 - reason: honours
Revoke Article 50 - the country is not ready and no-deal is not a valid option
Rejected on Monday 28th January 2019 - reason: duplicate
Allow Parliament to debate the alternative withdrawal Paper by Leavers.
Rejected on Monday 28th January 2019 - reason: no-action
Rescind Article 50 until Dexeu come up with a credible plan
Rejected on Monday 28th January 2019 - reason: no-action
Look at measures allowing local authorities to use empty residential properties
Rejected on Monday 28th January 2019 - reason: fake-name
Remove any chance of the UK leaving the EU with a no-deal Brexit
Rejected on Monday 28th January 2019 - reason: duplicate
To build a proper pullup and dip bars in every city parks for heathy active life
Rejected on Monday 28th January 2019 - reason: irrelevant
Make parking free for students on campus grounds during working hours
Rejected on Monday 28th January 2019 - reason: irrelevant
Mp's should not be allowed to use their mobile telephones in the HOFC
Rejected on Monday 28th January 2019 - reason: duplicate
Allow the UK public to table a vote of no confidence in the entire UK government
Rejected on Monday 28th January 2019 - reason: no-action
Commit to consistent, higher standards of waste recycling services across the UK
Rejected on Monday 28th January 2019 - reason: no-action
Bring in a legislation that deals solely with cyber bullying.
Rejected on Monday 28th January 2019 - reason: duplicate
Make possible to deselect sitting MP of any constituency by general population.
Rejected on Monday 28th January 2019 - reason: duplicate
Should students who are impacted by the education system make educational laws?
Rejected on Monday 28th January 2019 - reason: no-action
NO 2nd referendum - could be invalidated by deliberately spoilt ballot papers.
Rejected on Monday 28th January 2019 - reason: duplicate
Derby County to block training ground from view of innocent public path walkers
Rejected on Monday 28th January 2019 - reason: irrelevant
Make Michael Gove sit the 2019 GCSE exams
Rejected on Monday 28th January 2019 - reason: irrelevant
Make elderly people above 75 years of age take a second driving safety test.
Rejected on Monday 28th January 2019 - reason: duplicate
Make democracy a compulsory subject in Secondary schools. Must be impartial.
Rejected on Monday 28th January 2019 - reason: duplicate
To bring treason against parliament over brexit
Rejected on Monday 28th January 2019 - reason: no-action
Get the Government to take harsher action on increasing violent crime in London.
Rejected on Monday 28th January 2019 - reason: irrelevant
To have the right to heat your home with log burners.
Rejected on Monday 28th January 2019 - reason: duplicate
Make It A Mandatory Duty - Provide Parents With Copies Of Adoption Certificates
Rejected on Monday 28th January 2019 - reason: irrelevant
Scrap Universal Credit and go back to how it was before when it worked
Rejected on Monday 28th January 2019 - reason: duplicate
Give Police officers permission to stop and search gangs for knifes
Rejected on Monday 28th January 2019 - reason: no-action
Ban all non recyclable plastics in the uk by 2021
Rejected on Monday 28th January 2019 - reason: duplicate
I want there to be a review and change in how absences affect bursary payments.
Rejected on Monday 28th January 2019 - reason: no-action
No Deal Brexit!
Step up preparations for a No Deal Exit
Rejected on Monday 28th January 2019 - reason: duplicate
Stop the change to pension credit without a proper consultation
Rejected on Monday 28th January 2019 - reason: no-action
MP's should no longer be entitled to you the title "The Right Honourable"
Rejected on Monday 28th January 2019 - reason: no-action
Give teachers training for those with mental disabilities
Rejected on Monday 28th January 2019 - reason: irrelevant
Be accountable for DWP decision processes
Rejected on Monday 28th January 2019 - reason: no-action
Take the UK out of the UN Global Migration Compact, or hold a referendum on it
Rejected on Monday 28th January 2019 - reason: duplicate
Drug test all police officers & police employees, to reduce corruption.
Rejected on Monday 28th January 2019 - reason: duplicate
Review elements of the Animal Welfare Regulations 2018 affecting pet boarding.
Rejected on Monday 28th January 2019 - reason: duplicate
Common Wealth Citizen passport holders with Indefinite Leave to Remain in the UK
Rejected on Monday 28th January 2019 - reason: no-action
Conduct an independent review into the safety of 5G Mobile Network Technology.
Rejected on Monday 28th January 2019 - reason: duplicate
Ensure journalists abide by a code of conduct to prevent discrimination
Rejected on Monday 28th January 2019 - reason: no-action
Get Theresa May to call a second referendum and then resign.
Rejected on Monday 28th January 2019 - reason: honours
Investigate why Uber were given authority to operate in the UK
Rejected on Monday 28th January 2019 - reason: irrelevant
Do what is right to protect the future of the UK and revoke Article 50.
Rejected on Monday 28th January 2019 - reason: duplicate
Allow MPs to be removed by constituents if they fail to represent the majority.
Rejected on Monday 28th January 2019 - reason: duplicate
Stop the Congestion Charge and the Injustice to Private Hire Drivers.
Rejected on Monday 28th January 2019 - reason: irrelevant
Dissolve parliament and hold a general election due to no confidence.
Rejected on Monday 28th January 2019 - reason: duplicate
Lift the ban on smoking in pubs
Rejected on Monday 28th January 2019 - reason: duplicate
No charge for “settled” status to citizens of the EU who live and work in the UK
Rejected on Monday 28th January 2019 - reason: duplicate
Make it an OFFENCE for Parents not to know where their Children are.
Rejected on Monday 28th January 2019 - reason: no-action
Re open Atherton police station , Greater Manchester
Rejected on Monday 28th January 2019 - reason: irrelevant
Remove Yvette Cooper from public office for mis-representing her constituent
Rejected on Monday 28th January 2019 - reason: irrelevant
Article 50 should only be withdrawn once a date is agreed for second referendum
Rejected on Monday 28th January 2019 - reason: duplicate
For Honourable members to call a by election after going against their manifesto
Rejected on Monday 28th January 2019 - reason: no-action
Implement a system whereby Voters can re-call their MP triggering a by-election
Rejected on Monday 28th January 2019 - reason: duplicate
Recall MP’s who vote in Parliament against the will of their constituents
Rejected on Monday 28th January 2019 - reason: irrelevant
Ban the manufacturing and sale of cot bumpers illegal.
Rejected on Monday 28th January 2019 - reason: duplicate
De select yvette Cooper for misrepresentation of her constuency
Rejected on Monday 28th January 2019 - reason: irrelevant
Those on benefits shouldn’t receive more money then a working family/individual
Rejected on Monday 28th January 2019 - reason: no-action
Immediately return all illegal immigrants who arrive in England on small boats.
Rejected on Monday 28th January 2019 - reason: duplicate
Return illegal migrants to the last safe place they resided before entering uk
Rejected on Monday 28th January 2019 - reason: duplicate
To stop the influx of illegal immigrants.
Rejected on Monday 28th January 2019 - reason: duplicate
MP's that hinder Brexit, in any way, should be forced to resign.
Rejected on Monday 28th January 2019 - reason: irrelevant
Return illegal immigrants crossing the channel from France
Rejected on Monday 28th January 2019 - reason: duplicate
Return people illegally crossing the Channel directly back to France
Rejected on Monday 28th January 2019 - reason: duplicate
Return illegal immigrants that cross the channel to france
Rejected on Monday 28th January 2019 - reason: duplicate
Stop giving illegal migrants Asylum
Rejected on Monday 28th January 2019 - reason: no-action
Political Education to be put on the National Curriculum.
Rejected on Friday 25th January 2019 - reason: duplicate
Award a peerage to the Speaker of the House of Commons, when he retires
Rejected on Friday 25th January 2019 - reason: honours
Build a motocross track in muir of Ord or a set out field
Rejected on Friday 25th January 2019 - reason: irrelevant
Government should consider a Brexit negotiating team from the business community
Rejected on Friday 25th January 2019 - reason: honours
Give John Bercow a peerage for his outstanding work as Speaker
Rejected on Friday 25th January 2019 - reason: honours
Lower the voting age for all elections and referendums to 16 years of age.
Rejected on Friday 25th January 2019 - reason: duplicate
A second EU referendum must not include an option to remain in the EU.
Rejected on Friday 25th January 2019 - reason: duplicate
The two questions on the ballot should there be a second referendum.
Rejected on Friday 25th January 2019 - reason: duplicate
Pass capital punishment for those 100% proven of child grooming/sexual activity
Rejected on Friday 25th January 2019 - reason: duplicate
Change to law on buying/selling houses so an agreed sale is binding as Scotland
Rejected on Friday 25th January 2019 - reason: duplicate
More Police Patrols to the Streets
Rejected on Friday 25th January 2019 - reason: duplicate
MP's should vote how their constituents voted in the EU referendum. End Off!
Rejected on Friday 25th January 2019 - reason: irrelevant
Help save the RAVEN pub in culcheth
Rejected on Friday 25th January 2019 - reason: irrelevant
Move forward with a WTO deal, ready to leave the EU as agreed on 29th Mar 2019.
Rejected on Friday 25th January 2019 - reason: duplicate
Make the press accountable for fake news
Rejected on Friday 25th January 2019 - reason: duplicate
Reverse Benefit and Pension rule changes announced on Monday 14th January 2019.
Rejected on Friday 25th January 2019 - reason: duplicate
Keep St Johns Garden Centre and allow it to open in a different location!
Rejected on Friday 25th January 2019 - reason: irrelevant
Knighthood for Christopher Tolkien
Rejected on Friday 25th January 2019 - reason: honours
If Parliament undermines Article 50, I'd fund a legal challenge or prosecution.
Rejected on Friday 25th January 2019 - reason: no-action
To give the people a true Political Sovereignty
Rejected on Friday 25th January 2019 - reason: no-action
Introduce a higher level of student funding for University students.
Rejected on Thursday 24th January 2019 - reason: duplicate
Erect a statue of Brian William Haw in Parliament Square
Rejected on Thursday 24th January 2019 - reason: irrelevant
Give UK homeless citizens the same rights and benefits as asylum seekers.
Rejected on Thursday 24th January 2019 - reason: no-action
Ban employers from using the Bradford Index as an absence calculator within UK.
Rejected on Thursday 24th January 2019 - reason: no-action
Unlawful removal of Children by LA. Legal aid for all family matters.
Rejected on Thursday 24th January 2019 - reason: duplicate
Make Erenumab available to Migraine sufferers on the NHS
Rejected on Thursday 24th January 2019 - reason: irrelevant
No brexit means no government
Rejected on Thursday 24th January 2019 - reason: no-action
Deselect Wigan MP Lisa Nandy For Not Representing Her Constituents
Rejected on Thursday 24th January 2019 - reason: irrelevant
The queen to step in and prevent democracy being lost in a second in\out vote.
Rejected on Thursday 24th January 2019 - reason: no-action
Change the animal welfare act so the rspca and Sspca have to become transparent
Rejected on Thursday 24th January 2019 - reason: no-action
Create a public watchdog group for Parliament.
Rejected on Thursday 24th January 2019 - reason: irrelevant Mon, 03 Mar 2025 19:46:12 +0000