All the petitions which were rejected in June 2019, sorted by rejection date from newest to oldest.
Notice of No Confidence in CON/DUP Government to Trigger a UK General Election
Rejected on Thursday 6th June 2019 - reason: duplicate
Leaving the EU includes no more Euro Vision Song Contest entry for Great Britain
Rejected on Thursday 6th June 2019 - reason: irrelevant
General Election on the resignation of a sitting Prime Minister
Rejected on Thursday 6th June 2019 - reason: duplicate
Now Theresa May has resigned, we need a general election.
Rejected on Thursday 6th June 2019 - reason: duplicate
Theresa May has now resigned - Hold a general election to have a proper mandate.
Rejected on Thursday 6th June 2019 - reason: duplicate
Hold another General Election in light of the change in Prime Minister
Rejected on Thursday 6th June 2019 - reason: duplicate
Make a prime minister’s resignation trigger a general election.
Rejected on Thursday 6th June 2019 - reason: duplicate
Trigger a General Election following Teresa May's resignation
Rejected on Thursday 6th June 2019 - reason: duplicate
Hold a General Election now that Theresa May has resigned
Rejected on Thursday 6th June 2019 - reason: duplicate
Hold Another General Election now that Theresa May Has Resigned
Rejected on Thursday 6th June 2019 - reason: duplicate
Make it a requirement for road cyclists to have insurance.
Rejected on Thursday 6th June 2019 - reason: duplicate
Allow 50% of members of the public to be on the Parliamentary expenses team
Rejected on Wednesday 5th June 2019 - reason: irrelevant
Tommy Robinson to be treated fairly on mainstream media and social media.
Rejected on Wednesday 5th June 2019 - reason: irrelevant
Declare the Yvette Cooper Bill null and void.
Rejected on Wednesday 5th June 2019 - reason: duplicate
Regulate Facebook in the UK
Rejected on Wednesday 5th June 2019 - reason: irrelevant
Ban cheap mots and increase price of mot to help raise the test standard.
Rejected on Wednesday 5th June 2019 - reason: no-action
Require all takeaway food in fully recyclable containers/packaging
Rejected on Wednesday 5th June 2019 - reason: duplicate
If a change of Prime Minister occurs a General Election must be called.
Rejected on Wednesday 5th June 2019 - reason: duplicate
If a UK PM leaves office a General Election must be held within 6 months
Rejected on Wednesday 5th June 2019 - reason: duplicate
Make changing a party leader/Prime Minister trigger a General Election
Rejected on Wednesday 5th June 2019 - reason: duplicate
Change the law so a change in Prime Minister only happens via General Election
Rejected on Wednesday 5th June 2019 - reason: duplicate
Delay Parliament's summer recess until a decision on leaving the EU is reached.
Rejected on Wednesday 5th June 2019 - reason: duplicate
Get parliament to sit until a brexit deal has been sorted out
Rejected on Wednesday 5th June 2019 - reason: duplicate
Only allow MPs to have a summer recess once we have agreed things with Europe.
Rejected on Wednesday 5th June 2019 - reason: duplicate
Cancel the 2019 parliamentary Summer recess. Sort the Brexit debacle instead!
Rejected on Wednesday 5th June 2019 - reason: duplicate
Make MPs cancel “summer recess” until they resolve BREXIT and got an agreement
Rejected on Wednesday 5th June 2019 - reason: duplicate
Suspend MPs 2019 summer recess so work to resolve Brexit situation can continue
Rejected on Wednesday 5th June 2019 - reason: duplicate
Bring political and economic education to secondary schools
Rejected on Wednesday 5th June 2019 - reason: duplicate
New £20 notes featuring Alan Partridge to commemorate Brexit
Rejected on Wednesday 5th June 2019 - reason: irrelevant
Mrs May please resign. You are bringing the name of this country into disrepute.
Rejected on Wednesday 5th June 2019 - reason: irrelevant
Bring back the pump shotgun to Fortnite Battle Royale.
Rejected on Wednesday 5th June 2019 - reason: irrelevant
Stop Breed Banned Legislation in the DDA (dangerous dogs act)
Rejected on Wednesday 5th June 2019 - reason: duplicate
Delete Mr Brightside by The Killers from every single available source possible
Rejected on Wednesday 5th June 2019 - reason: irrelevant
Stop the building of a KFC drive thru in Snodland Kent
Rejected on Wednesday 5th June 2019 - reason: irrelevant
There is no need for an English Literature GCSE it should be removed from GCSEs.
Rejected on Wednesday 5th June 2019 - reason: duplicate
Make Dr Shaun Donnelly (free science lessons guy) the UK Minister of Education.
Rejected on Wednesday 5th June 2019 - reason: honours
Make it compulsory for all new developments to install solar panels
Rejected on Wednesday 5th June 2019 - reason: duplicate
Prevent children who have not been vaccinated for measles from attending school.
Rejected on Wednesday 5th June 2019 - reason: duplicate
Offer free parking passes to all NHS Staff at their places of work
Rejected on Wednesday 5th June 2019 - reason: duplicate
Make all vaccinations compulsory for under 18s
Rejected on Wednesday 5th June 2019 - reason: duplicate
Make all organisations confirm what they require for a satisfactory password.
Rejected on Wednesday 5th June 2019 - reason: irrelevant
Abolish the ‘Not Proven’ verdict in Scottish law
Rejected on Wednesday 5th June 2019 - reason: irrelevant
We want speed calming measures in Bushy Cross Lane Ruishton Taunton Somerset
Rejected on Wednesday 5th June 2019 - reason: irrelevant
Stop global warming becoming irreversible. Tell us publicly what we can do!
Rejected on Wednesday 5th June 2019 - reason: no-action
Stop local councils from building non-council housing on public land.
Rejected on Wednesday 5th June 2019 - reason: irrelevant
Ban the use and sale of plastic straws in the UK
Rejected on Wednesday 5th June 2019 - reason: duplicate
Stop local councils from banning licensed ice cream vans from street trading.
Rejected on Wednesday 5th June 2019 - reason: irrelevant
British adults to receive doctor-assisted suicide on end of life treatment.
Rejected on Wednesday 5th June 2019 - reason: duplicate
End 'Junk Mail' - Royal Mail Leaflet Distribution Service
Rejected on Wednesday 5th June 2019 - reason: irrelevant
Publicly Investigate the over inflated costs of the CCA's registration solution.
Rejected on Wednesday 5th June 2019 - reason: duplicate
Children shouldn't be forced to take Religious Education as a GCSE subject.
Rejected on Wednesday 5th June 2019 - reason: irrelevant
Norway won the Eurovision Song Contest 2019 and should be awarded the trophy.
Rejected on Wednesday 5th June 2019 - reason: irrelevant
Abolish the TV license
Rejected on Wednesday 5th June 2019 - reason: duplicate
To legalise abortion in Northern Ireland.
Rejected on Wednesday 5th June 2019 - reason: irrelevant
Set Up a Pump Watch, Address issues of Double Taxing on fuel transactions.
Rejected on Wednesday 5th June 2019 - reason: duplicate
Stricter deforestation rules in the uk
Rejected on Wednesday 5th June 2019 - reason: duplicate
Publicly Investigate the over inflated costs of the CAA's registration solution.
Rejected on Wednesday 5th June 2019 - reason: duplicate
Changes to the law by the CAA which will have unintentional consequences.
Rejected on Wednesday 5th June 2019 - reason: duplicate
Stop using household income to assess student finance applications
Rejected on Wednesday 5th June 2019 - reason: duplicate
Make right the wrong this government has done to the windrush generation
Rejected on Wednesday 5th June 2019 - reason: no-action
Ban and fine the import and sale of palm oil to the United Kingdom
Rejected on Wednesday 5th June 2019 - reason: duplicate
Plant more edible plants.
Rejected on Wednesday 5th June 2019 - reason: irrelevant
Reopen Leyland police station in Lancashire
Rejected on Wednesday 5th June 2019 - reason: irrelevant
Allow students to type exams (and learn to type and write from young ages)
Rejected on Wednesday 5th June 2019 - reason: duplicate
Make wages fair for all. Being under 25 doesn’t give you less of a work ethic!
Rejected on Wednesday 5th June 2019 - reason: duplicate
Create an independent Political Standards Authority.
Rejected on Wednesday 5th June 2019 - reason: no-action
Get rid of at least 75% of petrol and diesel cars by 2026
Rejected on Wednesday 5th June 2019 - reason: duplicate
Turn street lighting back on Leicester and surrounding villages
Rejected on Wednesday 5th June 2019 - reason: irrelevant
Exta cruelty tax on all cosmetic products created with animal testing
Rejected on Wednesday 5th June 2019 - reason: no-action
We the British people want the NHS funded properly not privatised
Rejected on Wednesday 5th June 2019 - reason: duplicate
Change planning laws - new infrastructure & facilities must be built with homes.
Rejected on Wednesday 5th June 2019 - reason: irrelevant
Obligatory Reporting of Rent Payments on Credit Files same as Mortgage Payments
Rejected on Wednesday 5th June 2019 - reason: irrelevant
Make it so killing a working animal recklessly/deliberately is animal cruelty
Rejected on Wednesday 5th June 2019 - reason: no-action
Make Flybe's inconsistent paper and metal baggage measuring devices illegal.
Rejected on Wednesday 5th June 2019 - reason: irrelevant
Bring an end to the production of fuel fed cars, and produce ONLY electric cars
Rejected on Wednesday 5th June 2019 - reason: duplicate
Ban plastic lids for takeaway cold drink cups by 30th April 2022.
Rejected on Wednesday 5th June 2019 - reason: duplicate
Ban petrol and diesel vehicles to stop pollution and climate change.
Rejected on Wednesday 5th June 2019 - reason: duplicate
Implement a Green New Deal in order to prevent a climate catastrophe.
Rejected on Wednesday 5th June 2019 - reason: duplicate
Remove political parties from UK Government Procedures
Rejected on Wednesday 5th June 2019 - reason: no-action
Make GCSE exams consistent for every student in the UK
Rejected on Wednesday 5th June 2019 - reason: duplicate
End the out of dated school sytem and find a new way which builds on creativity
Rejected on Wednesday 5th June 2019 - reason: no-action
Give 16 year olds the right to vote
Rejected on Wednesday 5th June 2019 - reason: duplicate
Make the legal age to vote 16 years. It’s our future.
Rejected on Wednesday 5th June 2019 - reason: duplicate
Vote no for a second referendum is against Democracy
Rejected on Wednesday 5th June 2019 - reason: duplicate
Hold a General Election.
Rejected on Wednesday 5th June 2019 - reason: duplicate
Make Blaenavon (The band) rerelease versions of previously recorded songs
Rejected on Wednesday 5th June 2019 - reason: irrelevant
Hold a general election in 2019 to decide on new Prime minister.
Rejected on Wednesday 5th June 2019 - reason: duplicate
Make the BBC move the programme 'this week' to an earlier time slot
Rejected on Wednesday 5th June 2019 - reason: irrelevant
Automatically hold a general election if the PM changes whilst in office.
Rejected on Wednesday 5th June 2019 - reason: duplicate
Call a general election so we can have our say in the next PM of the UK
Rejected on Wednesday 5th June 2019 - reason: duplicate
Put VGHS back on Netflix
Rejected on Wednesday 5th June 2019 - reason: irrelevant
Shut Down Parliament if they hold a 2nd referendum to Leave or Remain in the EU
Rejected on Wednesday 5th June 2019 - reason: duplicate
A complete ban on single use plastic bags in the UK by winter 2020
Rejected on Wednesday 5th June 2019 - reason: duplicate
Increase maintenance loan as 21% of UK students have to work 2 part-time jobs
Rejected on Wednesday 5th June 2019 - reason: duplicate
Rejected on Wednesday 5th June 2019 - reason: duplicate
Make car insurance cheaper for young people
Rejected on Wednesday 5th June 2019 - reason: duplicate
Decrease plastic usage by 10%.
Rejected on Wednesday 5th June 2019 - reason: no-action
Stop charging and fining them for parking at work
Rejected on Wednesday 5th June 2019 - reason: duplicate
NO 2nd referendum honour the 1 st
Rejected on Wednesday 5th June 2019 - reason: duplicate
Support live bands in Polzeath
Rejected on Wednesday 5th June 2019 - reason: irrelevant Mon, 03 Mar 2025 23:22:12 +0000