Not all petitions are accepted for publication. The most common reasons for that are that the petition duplicates one that's already open for signatures, or that it relates to something that the government isn't responsible for.
Government should take stake in British Steel
Rejected on Thursday 14th April 2016
Rejection code: fake-name
Visa Settlement Fees to be ABOLISH
Rejected on Thursday 14th April 2016
Rejection code: fake-name
Stop budget cuts that will put the children of Barnsley in danger.
Rejected on Thursday 14th April 2016
Rejection code: no-action
Get the Prime Minister to debate Nigel Farage on the EU membership, live on TV
Rejected on Thursday 14th April 2016
Rejection code: irrelevant
Hold a live TV debate on the EU referendum involving leaders from both sides.
Rejected on Thursday 14th April 2016
Rejection code: irrelevant
Save the accident and emergency department from closure at Chorley hospital
Rejected on Thursday 14th April 2016
Rejection code: duplicate
Reverse the closure of Chorley's A&E department.
Rejected on Thursday 14th April 2016
Rejection code: duplicate
Make cannabis legal for medicinal and recreational use
Rejected on Thursday 14th April 2016
Rejection code: duplicate
MPs should be forced to publish their tax returns annually publicly
Rejected on Thursday 14th April 2016
Rejection code: duplicate
e-commerce physically based in UK to offer Royal mail rates and courier rates.
Rejected on Thursday 14th April 2016
Rejection code: no-action
David Cameron to resign immediately when he loses the EU vote.
Rejected on Thursday 14th April 2016
Rejection code: irrelevant
End GW Pharma monopoly on the production of cannabis,allow home cannabis grows.
Rejected on Thursday 14th April 2016
Rejection code: no-action
Stop proposed demolition of interwar residence "Cawthorn", 6 The Firs CV5 6QD
Rejected on Thursday 14th April 2016
Rejection code: irrelevant
Make Record Labels, Film and TV companies make licensing content easy and simple
Rejected on Thursday 14th April 2016
Rejection code: no-action
Make treating UK citizens less favourably than EU citizens a criminal offence.
Rejected on Thursday 14th April 2016
Rejection code: no-action
Replace David Cameron as Prime Minister
Rejected on Thursday 14th April 2016
Rejection code: irrelevant
Change the assessment criteria for PIP for incurable illnesses/disabilities
Rejected on Thursday 14th April 2016
Rejection code: duplicate
Stop pro-EU campaigners using 'Europe' as a substitute for the 'European Union'
Rejected on Thursday 14th April 2016
Rejection code: irrelevant
David Cameron: Resign as Prime Minister after hypocritical tax avoidance actions
Rejected on Thursday 14th April 2016
Rejection code: duplicate
Call upon David Cameron to stand down as UK Prime Minister
Rejected on Thursday 14th April 2016
Rejection code: irrelevant
Review effectiveness of Derby City Council. Explain why city area is so unkempt.
Rejected on Thursday 14th April 2016
Rejection code: irrelevant
Remove David Cameron from his seat in UK government
Rejected on Thursday 14th April 2016
Rejection code: irrelevant
MPs to be required by law to pay all their taxes by PAYE.
Rejected on Thursday 14th April 2016
Rejection code: no-action
Rejected on Thursday 14th April 2016
Rejection code: no-action
A Call For Public Release Of The Panama Papers From Mossack Fonseca Law Firm
Rejected on Thursday 14th April 2016
Rejection code: irrelevant
Investigate the UK Government's culture of lying to voters and stop doing it.
Rejected on Thursday 14th April 2016
Rejection code: no-action
Remove politicians from office for benefitting from tax loopholes
Rejected on Thursday 14th April 2016
Rejection code: no-action
Rescind the award by the Electoral Commission to Vote Leave.
Rejected on Thursday 14th April 2016
Rejection code: irrelevant
so a child can't leave home at 16 until after they have sat their exams
Rejected on Thursday 14th April 2016
Rejection code: no-action
Disclosure and transparency of ALL EU accounts
Rejected on Thursday 14th April 2016
Rejection code: irrelevant
MAKE CAMERON, send the British public LEAVE-EU Referendum leaflets.
Rejected on Thursday 14th April 2016
Rejection code: duplicate
Reform the 1991 Dangerous Dogs Act and scrap breedism
Rejected on Thursday 14th April 2016
Rejection code: duplicate
Prevent the Sale of Boldmere Adult Education Centre - no more housing estates.
Rejected on Thursday 14th April 2016
Rejection code: irrelevant
Rejected on Thursday 14th April 2016
Rejection code: no-action
Prosecute all Large Tax Avoiders and Off Shore Swindlers
Rejected on Thursday 14th April 2016
Rejection code: irrelevant
Debate the fact that the UK Government elect doesn't think the UK is good enough
Rejected on Friday 15th April 2016
Rejection code: no-action
Government to give OUT Campaign £9m to spend on leaflets to every household.
Rejected on Friday 15th April 2016
Rejection code: irrelevant
Change vehicle tax (VED) to operate on a 'date to date' basis.
Rejected on Friday 15th April 2016
Rejection code: duplicate
We call on the UK government to create law that there be more plus sized outlets
Rejected on Friday 15th April 2016
Rejection code: irrelevant
Keep parkrun free to encourage more people to stay fit and healthy!
Rejected on Friday 15th April 2016
Rejection code: irrelevant
Keep park run free at point of use
Rejected on Friday 15th April 2016
Rejection code: irrelevant
Make Parkrun free forever!
Rejected on Friday 15th April 2016
Rejection code: irrelevant
Health Sec Jeremy Hunt MP to intervene between Stoke Gifford Council & Parkrun.
Rejected on Friday 15th April 2016
Rejection code: irrelevant
Keep parkruns free
Rejected on Friday 15th April 2016
Rejection code: irrelevant
Restore the EU Referendum’s legitimacy: Post Brexit The Movie DVDs to every home
Rejected on Friday 15th April 2016
Rejection code: irrelevant
Add Pixar's Inside Out to school curriculum to help understand mental health.
Rejected on Friday 15th April 2016
Rejection code: irrelevant
Stop mobile phone companies over charging for data/calls outside of price plans
Rejected on Friday 15th April 2016
Rejection code: irrelevant
all publications big and small should offer a commission for photographers
Rejected on Friday 15th April 2016
Rejection code: irrelevant
Ban the riding of horses on public roads.
Rejected on Friday 15th April 2016
Rejection code: duplicate
Stop David Cameron leading the EU Negotiations in the event of a brexit
Rejected on Friday 15th April 2016
Rejection code: duplicate
abolish inheritance tax
Rejected on Friday 15th April 2016
Rejection code: duplicate
Stop the BBC staff having their lunch funded by the British TV licence payer
Rejected on Friday 15th April 2016
Rejection code: irrelevant
Reform the undemocratic House of Lords and replace it with a proportional system
Rejected on Friday 15th April 2016
Rejection code: duplicate
To stop MP's having other business interests while working as MPS.
Rejected on Friday 15th April 2016
Rejection code: duplicate
Upgrade and Improve London Underground signalling infrastructure
Rejected on Friday 15th April 2016
Rejection code: irrelevant
Make the national living wage the same for anyone over 18.
Rejected on Friday 15th April 2016
Rejection code: duplicate
Repeal the commitment to spend 0.7% of national output on Foreign Aid.
Rejected on Friday 15th April 2016
Rejection code: duplicate
Ban male circumcisions for children; Unless for specific medical reasons.
Rejected on Friday 15th April 2016
Rejection code: duplicate
Introduce Tactile Money Into The United Kingdom
Rejected on Friday 15th April 2016
Rejection code: irrelevant
give £9million of tax payers money to the Brexit the Campaign.
Rejected on Friday 15th April 2016
Rejection code: irrelevant
Formerly apologize to Dennis Skinner for being unfairly ejected.
Rejected on Friday 15th April 2016
Rejection code: irrelevant
free Grammer scholl in norfolk
Rejected on Friday 15th April 2016
Rejection code: irrelevant
Make the ONS publish migration figures before the EU referendum
Rejected on Friday 15th April 2016
Rejection code: irrelevant
Reinstate Littletown Primary Academy School Lollipop road partol, Honiton Devon.
Rejected on Friday 15th April 2016
Rejection code: irrelevant
Allow the reigning monarch the right to free speech.
Rejected on Friday 15th April 2016
Rejection code: irrelevant
stop calling taxpayers money government money
Rejected on Friday 15th April 2016
Rejection code: no-action
Authorise an open Public Inquiry into Operation Grange
Rejected on Friday 15th April 2016
Rejection code: duplicate
take action against Agency's and scrap Umbrella company s. Money making scheme.
Rejected on Friday 15th April 2016
Rejection code: duplicate
Dissolution of the Conservative party which has no place in modern society.
Rejected on Friday 15th April 2016
Rejection code: irrelevant
What is Mr Cameron going to do to resolve the migrant crisis?
Rejected on Friday 15th April 2016
Rejection code: no-action
Remove taxpayer funding to the West Ham stadium contract.
Rejected on Friday 15th April 2016
Rejection code: irrelevant
Fine for littering in the UK
Rejected on Friday 15th April 2016
Rejection code: no-action
An opportunity for young people to learn about taxes, mortgages, and how to vote
Rejected on Friday 15th April 2016
Rejection code: no-action
Bring the nit nurse back in to UK schools
Rejected on Monday 18th April 2016
Rejection code: duplicate
Put speed humps in along albemarle Rd newcastle st5
Rejected on Monday 18th April 2016
Rejection code: irrelevant
To call a referendum on abolition of the UK monarchy.
Rejected on Monday 18th April 2016
Rejection code: duplicate
Ban all product and selling of legal highs on the streets and online!!
Rejected on Monday 18th April 2016
Rejection code: no-action
help get our park fixed
Rejected on Monday 18th April 2016
Rejection code: irrelevant
Ensure one disabled person is nominated for BBC sports personality award yearly.
Rejected on Monday 18th April 2016
Rejection code: irrelevant
Freeze grade boundaries for GCSE and A-level exams
Rejected on Monday 18th April 2016
Rejection code: irrelevant
Out side St Michael C E Primary School Make it a 20mph zone during busy hours.
Rejected on Monday 18th April 2016
Rejection code: irrelevant
Keep the "LSHS: the school of skills" video on the Internet.
Rejected on Monday 18th April 2016
Rejection code: irrelevant
Give free travel to all aged 60+ years in England; as in London and rest of UK.
Rejected on Monday 18th April 2016
Rejection code: duplicate
something to happen when we make a petition instead of the usual fobbing off.
Rejected on Monday 18th April 2016
Rejection code: no-action
Block the EU from imposing E Cig & Eliquid Law on the UK
Rejected on Monday 18th April 2016
Rejection code: irrelevant
Stop Barack Obama from getting involved in UK referendum
Rejected on Monday 18th April 2016
Rejection code: irrelevant
Demand the resignation of Councillor Liz Harvey.
Rejected on Monday 18th April 2016
Rejection code: irrelevant
Give hit and run accidents with cats the same treatment as accidents with dogs
Rejected on Monday 18th April 2016
Rejection code: duplicate
Allow British people the right to know that they are not buying Halal products.
Rejected on Monday 18th April 2016
Rejection code: duplicate
Please recognise Kenny Dalglish's efforts & contributions with a Knighthood.
Rejected on Monday 18th April 2016
Rejection code: honours
Introduce 'UK Politics' into the KS3 and KS4 National Curriculum
Rejected on Monday 18th April 2016
Rejection code: duplicate
Keep spending atleast 0.7 per cent slice of our national income on Foreign Aid
Rejected on Monday 18th April 2016
Rejection code: duplicate
To ban the sale and use of prong/pinch collars on dogs.
Rejected on Monday 18th April 2016
Rejection code: duplicate
Bring KCon To London.
Rejected on Monday 18th April 2016
Rejection code: irrelevant
Individual treatment for B12deficiency compulsory: not 4 injections annually
Rejected on Monday 18th April 2016
Rejection code: no-action
Charging children born in the UK £936 to register as a British Citizen
Rejected on Monday 18th April 2016
Rejection code: no-action
Ban the sale of Halal meat in this country.
Rejected on Monday 18th April 2016
Rejection code: duplicate
We ask the Government to take action to prevent the impending immigrant crisis.
Rejected on Monday 18th April 2016
Rejection code: no-action
Make heads of department of government have suitable qualifications for the role
Rejected on Monday 18th April 2016
Rejection code: duplicate
Save Boaty McBoatface.
Rejected on Monday 18th April 2016
Rejection code: irrelevant Sun, 09 Mar 2025 20:49:30 +0000