Not all petitions are accepted for publication. The most common reasons for that are that the petition duplicates one that's already open for signatures, or that it relates to something that the government isn't responsible for.
The Government to fund research into childhood vaccines for COVID-19
Rejected on Thursday 11th February 2021
Rejection code: fake-name
Loss of free movement for Roadies, Transport Drivers and Technicians in Europe.
Rejected on Thursday 11th February 2021
Rejection code: duplicate
Refund for college bus/travel fees for the time colleges have been shut.
Rejected on Thursday 11th February 2021
Rejection code: irrelevant
Hold a public inquiry in to the Govt’s Covid response procurement process.
Rejected on Friday 12th February 2021
Rejection code: duplicate
Make a national register for disabled people
Rejected on Friday 12th February 2021
Rejection code: no-action
Force telecommunications companies to actively prevent scam telephone calls
Rejected on Friday 12th February 2021
Rejection code: duplicate
Help to International students in tuition due to coronavirus and lockdowns.
Rejected on Friday 12th February 2021
Rejection code: duplicate
Re-think the rules on parks.
Rejected on Friday 12th February 2021
Rejection code: irrelevant
Women’s rights to choose sterilisation
Rejected on Friday 12th February 2021
Rejection code: irrelevant
Reduce and reimburse the international student's tuition fees.
Rejected on Friday 12th February 2021
Rejection code: duplicate
End UK government support for Saudi Arabia's war in Yemen
Rejected on Friday 12th February 2021
Rejection code: duplicate
Prioritise Cleaners for the covid vaccine
Rejected on Friday 12th February 2021
Rejection code: no-action
Make any dog theft punishable by a minimum two year prison sentence.
Rejected on Friday 12th February 2021
Rejection code: duplicate
Install EV chargers at all petrol stations to improve adoption of electric cars
Rejected on Friday 12th February 2021
Rejection code: irrelevant
Let children (and adults) repeat the school (college and university) year
Rejected on Friday 12th February 2021
Rejection code: duplicate
Create a Covid medal similar to the Ebola medal to reward key workers.
Rejected on Friday 12th February 2021
Rejection code: duplicate
Save the Northern Ireland protocol
Rejected on Friday 12th February 2021
Rejection code: no-action
Students who do gcses to resit the year at school due to covid 19
Rejected on Friday 12th February 2021
Rejection code: duplicate
Help learner drivers during the pandemic to pass their practical examination
Rejected on Friday 12th February 2021
Rejection code: duplicate
Stop making key workers pay back in to the system via higher living costs.
Rejected on Friday 12th February 2021
Rejection code: duplicate
Vaccine passport stamp
Rejected on Friday 12th February 2021
Rejection code: duplicate
Change the law so that only people who have had a covid vaccination can fly
Rejected on Friday 12th February 2021
Rejection code: duplicate
Due to Covid, hold children back a year to catchup and give kids an equal chance
Rejected on Friday 12th February 2021
Rejection code: duplicate
Ban the sales of rabbit cages which do not meet the minimum size required
Rejected on Friday 12th February 2021
Rejection code: duplicate
Tax exemption for all working people during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Rejected on Friday 12th February 2021
Rejection code: duplicate
Allow UK population to visit holiday homes in the UK
Rejected on Friday 12th February 2021
Rejection code: irrelevant
Require all online retailers to show the country of manufacture / origin
Rejected on Friday 12th February 2021
Rejection code: duplicate
Referendum for UK to conduct international trade in GBP and not USD
Rejected on Friday 12th February 2021
Rejection code: irrelevant
Change income tax thresholds for tax year 2021-2022.
Rejected on Friday 12th February 2021
Rejection code: no-action
Reopen Night Fishing Now as it is a single person sport
Rejected on Friday 12th February 2021
Rejection code: fake-name
HELP TO STOP the Hoo New Routes to Good Growth - Higham Road Phase 1
Rejected on Friday 12th February 2021
Rejection code: irrelevant
Increase and impose a tougher mandatory sentence to those caught stealing a dog.
Rejected on Friday 12th February 2021
Rejection code: duplicate
Keep lockdown and close borders until ill COVID cases hit 0 same as NEW ZELAND
Rejected on Friday 12th February 2021
Rejection code: duplicate
The Immediate Resignation & Expulsion of Gregory Campbell MP.
Rejected on Friday 12th February 2021
Rejection code: honours
Lift the smoking ban on AFC Harrogate.
Rejected on Friday 12th February 2021
Rejection code: irrelevant
Start a full audit of the Scottish Government accounts for last 5 years to date.
Rejected on Friday 12th February 2021
Rejection code: irrelevant
York council to be fix all damaged roads in york and surrounding area
Rejected on Friday 12th February 2021
Rejection code: irrelevant
Stop emission based permit charges in Newham
Rejected on Friday 12th February 2021
Rejection code: irrelevant
Remove Matt Hancock from Parliament
Rejected on Friday 12th February 2021
Rejection code: honours
Extend theory test pass certificates during the Covid 19 outbreak
Rejected on Friday 12th February 2021
Rejection code: duplicate
Petition the Scottish Parliament to allow blue hare hawking under license.
Rejected on Friday 12th February 2021
Rejection code: irrelevant
Allow DVLA car theories to be taken online due to the delays and cancellations.
Rejected on Friday 12th February 2021
Rejection code: duplicate
Allow Driving Theory Tests to be completed online through Proctors Exam System
Rejected on Friday 12th February 2021
Rejection code: duplicate
Re open Wickford police station
Rejected on Friday 12th February 2021
Rejection code: irrelevant
Scrap the outdated TV licence for everyone.
Rejected on Friday 12th February 2021
Rejection code: duplicate
Take away the TV licence and make BBC a subscription service
Rejected on Friday 12th February 2021
Rejection code: duplicate
Have the choice to watch BBC or not or make it a subscription channel
Rejected on Friday 12th February 2021
Rejection code: duplicate
Stop BBC tv licence now
Rejected on Friday 12th February 2021
Rejection code: duplicate
Remove the outdated draconian tax called a TV licence.
Rejected on Friday 12th February 2021
Rejection code: duplicate
Prohibit ‘Vaccine Passports’ now (or any derivative purporting the same)
Rejected on Monday 15th February 2021
Rejection code: duplicate
Issue Covid Vaccination Passport
Rejected on Monday 15th February 2021
Rejection code: no-action
Roll out COVID-19 vaccine passports
Rejected on Monday 15th February 2021
Rejection code: duplicate
Regulate Social Media: Minimum age, require ID, prevent abuse of anonymity
Rejected on Monday 15th February 2021
Rejection code: duplicate
Open schools and universities
Rejected on Monday 15th February 2021
Rejection code: no-action
End lockdowns. Stop abusing our human rights. No mandatory vaccine.
Rejected on Monday 15th February 2021
Rejection code: duplicate
Impact of lockdown on mental health
Rejected on Monday 15th February 2021
Rejection code: no-action
Reform PMQs
Rejected on Monday 15th February 2021
Rejection code: irrelevant
Allow farthers to be at all scans and appointments with there pregnant partners.
Rejected on Monday 15th February 2021
Rejection code: irrelevant
All the police force to get priority for coronavirus Jabs to keep them safe
Rejected on Monday 15th February 2021
Rejection code: duplicate
Make Mental health medication free for all students in full time education.
Rejected on Monday 15th February 2021
Rejection code: irrelevant
Recognize the benefits of emotional support animals and the need for law change.
Rejected on Monday 15th February 2021
Rejection code: duplicate
Extend the businesses rates holiday for the 2021-22 tax year.
Rejected on Monday 15th February 2021
Rejection code: duplicate
Current Year 10's in the UK should receive PREDICTED GRADES as their GCSE.
Rejected on Monday 15th February 2021
Rejection code: duplicate
Pay all front line NHS staff a tax free honorarium of £1,000 on 30 June 2021
Rejected on Monday 15th February 2021
Rejection code: duplicate
Raise awareness of the costs and impact of fly tipping.
Rejected on Monday 15th February 2021
Rejection code: no-action
When a pet is microchipped the chip should be registered to an owner
Rejected on Monday 15th February 2021
Rejection code: duplicate
Classify gyms and sport as "essential" to prevent their closure during lockdowns
Rejected on Monday 15th February 2021
Rejection code: duplicate
Allow women the option to have 2 labour partners and 1 on ward after delivery.
Rejected on Monday 15th February 2021
Rejection code: irrelevant
Death Penalty For The Sexual Abuse Of Children.
Rejected on Monday 15th February 2021
Rejection code: duplicate
Ban dogs from agricultural land
Rejected on Monday 15th February 2021
Rejection code: no-action
Allow health/social care professionals to speak out in the pandemic
Rejected on Monday 15th February 2021
Rejection code: duplicate
Issue vaccine passports to help those who have been vaccinated to travel freely
Rejected on Monday 15th February 2021
Rejection code: duplicate
Take action!
Stop illegal immigration!
Rejected on Monday 15th February 2021
Rejection code: no-action
Roll out vaccination passports
Rejected on Monday 15th February 2021
Rejection code: duplicate
Introduce Vaccine Passports
Rejected on Monday 15th February 2021
Rejection code: duplicate
Launch vaccination passports
Rejected on Monday 15th February 2021
Rejection code: duplicate
Ensure that an internationally recognised vaccine passport system is rolled out.
Rejected on Monday 15th February 2021
Rejection code: duplicate
Produce Covid-19 vaccine health or exemption passports for UK residents.
Rejected on Monday 15th February 2021
Rejection code: duplicate
Pay parents for teaching their children at home
Rejected on Monday 15th February 2021
Rejection code: no-action
To give us a Bank Holiday to celebrate Nye Bevan and the wonderful NHS.
Rejected on Monday 15th February 2021
Rejection code: no-action
Increased penalties to deter the rise in the despicable crime of pet theft
Rejected on Monday 15th February 2021
Rejection code: duplicate
Write of bounce back loans to small business as part of a new reduce package
Rejected on Monday 15th February 2021
Rejection code: duplicate
Introduce a minimum sentence for carrying a knife, equal to carrying a firearm
Rejected on Monday 15th February 2021
Rejection code: duplicate
Ensure care workers receive full pay if absent due to COVID self isolation.
Rejected on Monday 15th February 2021
Rejection code: duplicate
Assess the extortionate fines from £800 to £10k per person.
Rejected on Monday 15th February 2021
Rejection code: no-action
Review and improve the medical care provided for Tourettes Syndrome
Rejected on Monday 15th February 2021
Rejection code: irrelevant
Investigate donor contracts. Where is the money going? Where is the value?
Rejected on Monday 15th February 2021
Rejection code: duplicate
National lockdown, including all jobs that aren't classed as key workers.
Rejected on Monday 15th February 2021
Rejection code: duplicate
Make all Bedside TV’s in hospitals free all day for the duration of COVID-19
Rejected on Monday 15th February 2021
Rejection code: duplicate
Add 12 months for the driving validity for people who hold international license
Rejected on Monday 15th February 2021
Rejection code: duplicate
Introduce new laws for cyclists/ e-scooters not covered in existing legislation
Rejected on Monday 15th February 2021
Rejection code: duplicate
Review the Law that prevents abuse of Freedom of Expression on the Internet.
Rejected on Monday 15th February 2021
Rejection code: no-action
Çhange the laws for carrying a knife in the uk for adults and under 18s.
Rejected on Monday 15th February 2021
Rejection code: duplicate
Permit Government extend Licensing Act 2003 Earlier Open & Late Closing Times
Rejected on Monday 15th February 2021
Rejection code: no-action
Make fines a certain percentage of the offender's income.
Rejected on Monday 15th February 2021
Rejection code: duplicate
Supporting Students Financially during the Covid Pandemic.
Rejected on Monday 15th February 2021
Rejection code: duplicate
Make it a legal requirement that anyone exempt from wearing a mask needs proof
Rejected on Monday 15th February 2021
Rejection code: duplicate
Start a petition for covid passports
Rejected on Monday 15th February 2021
Rejection code: no-action
Allow couples to form a support bubble with eachother throughout the pandemic.
Rejected on Monday 15th February 2021
Rejection code: duplicate
Abolish secret societies.
Rejected on Monday 15th February 2021
Rejection code: no-action Wed, 22 Jan 2025 12:56:53 +0000