All the petitions which were submitted in October 2020, irrespective of whether they were accepted or rejected, sorted by submission date from newest to oldest.
Note that petitions will only show in this list once they have been either accepted or rejected. Petitions still waiting to be checked are not made public until they have completed the moderation process. That's because publishing them before then would defeat the object of the support gathering phase, as well as risking the inadvertant publication of something defamatory or otherwise unlawful.
Mental Health education & support in all schools and colleges across the UK.
Submitted on Wednesday 28th October 2020
Rejected on Tuesday 3rd November 2020 - reason: duplicate
Allow partners to fully attend maternity appointments during the pandemic.
Submitted on Wednesday 28th October 2020
Rejected on Tuesday 3rd November 2020 - reason: irrelevant
Allow Scottish Gyms To Open In Tier 4
Submitted on Wednesday 28th October 2020
Rejected on Tuesday 3rd November 2020 - reason: irrelevant
Make period sanitary products free for people in the UK
Submitted on Tuesday 27th October 2020
Rejected on Monday 9th November 2020 - reason: duplicate
Allow adults to continue to participate in team sports during the pandemic
Submitted on Tuesday 27th October 2020
Open from Wednesday 4th November 2020 to Tuesday 4th May 2021
12 signatures
Don’t cancel 2021 Exams at any circumstances but cut further content!
Submitted on Tuesday 27th October 2020
Rejected on Tuesday 3rd November 2020 - reason: duplicate
Please make killing, caging and exploiting sentient organisms illegal.
Submitted on Tuesday 27th October 2020
Rejected on Tuesday 3rd November 2020 - reason: no-action
Enable online learning for children who live with those who are vulnerable
Submitted on Tuesday 27th October 2020
Open from Thursday 5th November 2020 to Wednesday 5th May 2021
6,033 signatures
Extend the Gambling Act to cover Loot Boxes
Submitted on Tuesday 27th October 2020
Open from Tuesday 3rd November 2020 to Monday 3rd May 2021
26 signatures
Stop VAT on Face Coverings
Submitted on Tuesday 27th October 2020
Rejected on Monday 2nd November 2020 - reason: duplicate
Give special protection to our civil liberties & freedoms at a time of crisis
Submitted on Tuesday 27th October 2020
Rejected on Thursday 5th November 2020 - reason: no-action
Health and social care students/professionals to have free parking on sites
Submitted on Tuesday 27th October 2020
Rejected on Tuesday 3rd November 2020 - reason: duplicate
To change the car insurance law so that it covers the car instead of the driver.
Submitted on Tuesday 27th October 2020
Open from Wednesday 4th November 2020 to Tuesday 4th May 2021
24 signatures
Teach about period stigma, poverty and health problems related to periods
Submitted on Tuesday 27th October 2020
Open from Monday 9th November 2020 to Sunday 9th May 2021
88 signatures
Ban the development of Wind Farms within AONBs and National Parks in England
Submitted on Tuesday 27th October 2020
Open from Wednesday 4th November 2020 to Tuesday 4th May 2021
182 signatures
Open Healthy Baby Clinics using a booking system for face-to-face appointments
Submitted on Tuesday 27th October 2020
Rejected on Tuesday 3rd November 2020 - reason: irrelevant
Raise the Apprentice Minimum Wage Up
Submitted on Tuesday 27th October 2020
Rejected on Monday 2nd November 2020 - reason: duplicate
Abolish the legal defence of Reasonable Chastisement in England
Submitted on Tuesday 27th October 2020
Rejected on Tuesday 9th February 2021 - reason: duplicate
Introduce a new UK bank holiday to mark the day we went into lockdown
Submitted on Tuesday 27th October 2020
Open from Tuesday 3rd November 2020 to Monday 3rd May 2021
78 signatures
Make sanitary products free for women
Submitted on Tuesday 27th October 2020
Rejected on Monday 9th November 2020 - reason: duplicate
Neighbor nuisances to be treated as harrasment by the police.
Submitted on Tuesday 27th October 2020
Rejected on Tuesday 3rd November 2020 - reason: irrelevant
Free flu vaccine for teachers, teaching assistants and early years educators
Submitted on Tuesday 27th October 2020
Open from Tuesday 3rd November 2020 to Monday 3rd May 2021
290 signatures
UK referendum on Covid19 restrictions & measures:
Submitted on Tuesday 27th October 2020
Rejected on Monday 2nd November 2020 - reason: duplicate
End MP Meal Subsidies
Submitted on Tuesday 27th October 2020
Rejected on Monday 2nd November 2020 - reason: duplicate
Lewis Hamilton should be knighted.
Submitted on Tuesday 27th October 2020
Rejected on Thursday 29th October 2020 - reason: honours
Aboilsh tax on menstual sanitary products.
Submitted on Tuesday 27th October 2020
Rejected on Tuesday 3rd November 2020 - reason: already-happening
To ensure all supermarkets donate unsold food to food banks/ charities
Submitted on Tuesday 27th October 2020
Rejected on Tuesday 3rd November 2020 - reason: duplicate
Allow couples to see each other indoors who live apart in all 3 tiers
Submitted on Tuesday 27th October 2020
Rejected on Tuesday 8th December 2020 - reason: duplicate
Stop members of Parliament using taxpayers money to subsidise their meals.
Submitted on Tuesday 27th October 2020
Rejected on Tuesday 3rd November 2020 - reason: duplicate
Make face-coverings mandatory for all children in public places
Submitted on Tuesday 27th October 2020
Open from Friday 4th December 2020 to Friday 4th June 2021
28 signatures
Review Uber's new pricing, commission and promotions structure.
Submitted on Tuesday 27th October 2020
Rejected on Monday 2nd November 2020 - reason: irrelevant
Allow family courts to attach powers of arrest to non-molestation orders again
Submitted on Tuesday 27th October 2020
Open from Tuesday 10th November 2020 to Monday 10th May 2021
591 signatures
Extension of the licence for London taxi drivers
Submitted on Tuesday 27th October 2020
Rejected on Tuesday 3rd November 2020 - reason: irrelevant
Require that companies add clear ‘added allergen’ labelling when changing recipe
Submitted on Tuesday 27th October 2020
Open from Monday 2nd November 2020 to Sunday 2nd May 2021
1,035 signatures
Provide free meals for children through school,through holidays.
Submitted on Tuesday 27th October 2020
Rejected on Friday 30th October 2020 - reason: duplicate
Make child maintenance payments fair for paying parents to prevent alienation
Submitted on Tuesday 27th October 2020
Rejected on Monday 2nd November 2020 - reason: no-action
Change current social distancing rules to "the rule of six" or two households.
Submitted on Tuesday 27th October 2020
Rejected on Monday 2nd November 2020 - reason: duplicate
Make sanitary products VAT-free
Submitted on Tuesday 27th October 2020
Open from Thursday 5th November 2020 to Wednesday 5th May 2021
26 signatures
Change parliamentary protocol that allows MPs to respond to local constituents
Submitted on Tuesday 27th October 2020
Rejected on Monday 2nd November 2020 - reason: no-action
Enforce the law on push bikes on pavements In Including Electric Bikes .
Submitted on Tuesday 27th October 2020
Rejected on Monday 7th December 2020 - reason: irrelevant
Reduce the content of A Level examinations
Submitted on Tuesday 27th October 2020
Rejected on Monday 2nd November 2020 - reason: duplicate
That 'None of the above' be made a valid, counted option on all UK ballot papers
Submitted on Monday 26th October 2020
Rejected on Friday 13th November 2020 - reason: duplicate
Fund clinical trials of vitamin D (calcifediol) use in treatment of Covid-19
Submitted on Monday 26th October 2020
Open from Monday 14th December 2020 to Monday 14th June 2021
142 signatures
Make Feminine hygiene products free.
Submitted on Monday 26th October 2020
Rejected on Monday 9th November 2020 - reason: duplicate
Allow supporters in to matches in the First Round of the Emirates Cup
Submitted on Monday 26th October 2020
Rejected on Monday 2nd November 2020 - reason: duplicate
Partially Refund University Students
Submitted on Monday 26th October 2020
Rejected on Monday 2nd November 2020 - reason: duplicate
Stop the £25 food allowance for Mp's in order to help children who go hungry.
Submitted on Monday 26th October 2020
Rejected on Friday 30th October 2020 - reason: irrelevant
Introduce Proportional Representation for UK Parliament Elections
Submitted on Monday 26th October 2020
Rejected on Monday 2nd November 2020 - reason: duplicate
Footballers & agents should donate a portion of their salary to feed hungry kids
Submitted on Monday 26th October 2020
Rejected on Tuesday 3rd November 2020 - reason: irrelevant
To only allow low noise fireworks to be sold across the UK
Submitted on Monday 26th October 2020
Rejected on Monday 2nd November 2020 - reason: duplicate
give free school meals to children in need in and out of term
Submitted on Monday 26th October 2020
Rejected on Friday 30th October 2020 - reason: duplicate
Allow the COVID-19 restrictions and rules to be reviewed by the public.
Submitted on Monday 26th October 2020
Rejected on Monday 2nd November 2020 - reason: duplicate
The public demands the immediate cessation of food expenses for all MPs
Submitted on Monday 26th October 2020
Rejected on Friday 30th October 2020 - reason: irrelevant
Protect lives by closing the schools now.
Submitted on Monday 26th October 2020
Rejected on Monday 2nd November 2020 - reason: duplicate
Exempt individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorder from the Rule of 6
Submitted on Monday 26th October 2020
Open from Thursday 5th November 2020 to Wednesday 5th May 2021
71 signatures
cease fox hunting in England now.
Submitted on Monday 26th October 2020
Rejected on Monday 2nd November 2020 - reason: duplicate
End Mps expenses and subsidies
Submitted on Monday 26th October 2020
Rejected on Friday 30th October 2020 - reason: irrelevant
We the people of Scotland request a full investigation & Audit into Holyrood
Submitted on Monday 26th October 2020
Rejected on Monday 2nd November 2020 - reason: irrelevant
Add UK Aid workers of Int NGO's to jobs that qualify for travel exemptions
Submitted on Monday 26th October 2020
Open from Monday 2nd November 2020 to Sunday 2nd May 2021
19 signatures
Review Government use of BMI, and definitions for obesity and overweight
Submitted on Monday 26th October 2020
Open from Monday 9th November 2020 to Sunday 9th May 2021
62 signatures
Stop MP's daily food allowances and use that money to pay for children's lunches
Submitted on Monday 26th October 2020
Rejected on Monday 2nd November 2020 - reason: irrelevant
Reintroduce waiting time targets for seeing a GP
Submitted on Monday 26th October 2020
Open from Monday 2nd November 2020 to Sunday 2nd May 2021
21 signatures
.Remove or lower the age for Student Finance Independence
Submitted on Monday 26th October 2020
Rejected on Monday 2nd November 2020 - reason: duplicate
Tell us the truth about Covid 19 numbers. Not Corona virus numbers.
Submitted on Monday 26th October 2020
Rejected on Monday 2nd November 2020 - reason: no-action
Submitted on Monday 26th October 2020
Rejected on Monday 9th November 2020 - reason: duplicate
Disallow the use of depression and anxiety in deciding child arrangement orders
Submitted on Monday 26th October 2020
Rejected on Thursday 5th November 2020 - reason: irrelevant
Make it illegal to refuse to employ or dismiss a person based on their tattoos
Submitted on Monday 26th October 2020
Open from Monday 2nd November 2020 to Sunday 2nd May 2021
611 signatures
Lower pay to minimum wage for all MPs that voted against feeding the children
Submitted on Monday 26th October 2020
Rejected on Friday 30th October 2020 - reason: irrelevant
Ban the selling of real mink eyelashes
Submitted on Monday 26th October 2020
Open from Monday 2nd November 2020 to Sunday 2nd May 2021
121 signatures
Kent county council should provide free school meal vouchers over the half term
Submitted on Monday 26th October 2020
Rejected on Friday 30th October 2020 - reason: irrelevant
Submitted on Monday 26th October 2020
Rejected on Tuesday 3rd November 2020 - reason: no-action
Stop organisations using so-called 'inclusive language' that hurts women
Submitted on Monday 26th October 2020
Rejected on Monday 2nd November 2020 - reason: irrelevant
Make David Attenborough a Saint
Submitted on Monday 26th October 2020
Rejected on Monday 2nd November 2020 - reason: irrelevant
Justice for families denied their dying rights during COVID-19 pandemic
Submitted on Monday 26th October 2020
Rejected on Monday 2nd November 2020 - reason: no-action
Stop closures of local New look
Save local high street
Submitted on Monday 26th October 2020
Rejected on Monday 2nd November 2020 - reason: irrelevant
Allow two households to meet in England in addition to the Rule of Six.
Submitted on Monday 26th October 2020
Rejected on Monday 2nd November 2020 - reason: duplicate
The right for a public vote to challenge current lockdown/tier measures
Submitted on Monday 26th October 2020
Rejected on Monday 2nd November 2020 - reason: duplicate
STOP Islamophobia STOP Insulting Prophet Muhammad (PBUH)
Submitted on Monday 26th October 2020
Rejected on Monday 14th December 2020 - reason: no-action
Stop offering tax payer funded subsidised meals for MPs
Submitted on Monday 26th October 2020
Rejected on Friday 30th October 2020 - reason: irrelevant
Stop sales of fireworks to the public.
Submitted on Monday 26th October 2020
Rejected on Friday 13th November 2020 - reason: duplicate
Get IKEA to allow customers to go through the exit into the store
Submitted on Monday 26th October 2020
Rejected on Monday 2nd November 2020 - reason: irrelevant
End subsidised food and alcohol in Parliament and the Lords
Submitted on Monday 26th October 2020
Rejected on Wednesday 4th November 2020 - reason: duplicate
Save our Green and Pleasant Land and abandon the proposed Planning Reforms
Submitted on Monday 26th October 2020
Open from Monday 9th November 2020 to Sunday 9th May 2021
4,551 signatures
Put a salary cap on members of parliment wages .set it to £45,000 a year.
Submitted on Monday 26th October 2020
Rejected on Monday 2nd November 2020 - reason: irrelevant
Ammend Banking Act to deal with banks refusing to open business current accounts
Submitted on Monday 26th October 2020
Rejected on Monday 2nd November 2020 - reason: no-action
Hold a referendum on establishing an English devolved parliament
Submitted on Monday 26th October 2020
Open from Monday 2nd November 2020 to Sunday 2nd May 2021
133 signatures
Stop subsidies provided by UK tax payers of all food sold in parliament.
Submitted on Monday 26th October 2020
Rejected on Tuesday 3rd November 2020 - reason: duplicate
Amnesty to people in UK over 15 years. Especially with underlining illnesses.
Submitted on Monday 26th October 2020
Open from Tuesday 1st December 2020 to Tuesday 1st June 2021
38 signatures
Recommend her Majesty the Queen confer a knighthood upon
Dr . John Campbell.
Submitted on Monday 26th October 2020
Rejected on Thursday 29th October 2020 - reason: honours
Give Northern England It’s independence.
Submitted on Sunday 25th October 2020
Rejected on Monday 9th November 2020 - reason: duplicate
Teachers to be provided appropriate PPE and not be expected to bring their own.
Submitted on Sunday 25th October 2020
Rejected on Wednesday 4th November 2020 - reason: duplicate
End subsidised meals for MP's and Stop the payrise
Submitted on Sunday 25th October 2020
Rejected on Friday 30th October 2020 - reason: irrelevant
Stop MPs claiming meals as public funded expenses.
Submitted on Sunday 25th October 2020
Rejected on Friday 30th October 2020 - reason: irrelevant
Only allow the use of Fireworks in residential areas by the public on 5 November
Submitted on Sunday 25th October 2020
Open from Tuesday 17th November 2020 to Monday 17th May 2021
39 signatures
End subsidised food and alcohol in parliament.
Submitted on Sunday 25th October 2020
Rejected on Friday 30th October 2020 - reason: irrelevant
Hold UK wide referendum to disestablish the Welsh, Scottish & NI assemblies?
Submitted on Sunday 25th October 2020
Rejected on Monday 14th December 2020 - reason: no-action
Bring forth the general election early
Submitted on Sunday 25th October 2020
Rejected on Thursday 29th October 2020 - reason: duplicate
Remove face coverings from schools
Submitted on Sunday 25th October 2020
Rejected on Monday 9th November 2020 - reason: duplicate
Prevent MPs from Claiming any Public Money for Food or Drink
Submitted on Sunday 25th October 2020
Rejected on Friday 30th October 2020 - reason: irrelevant
Remove all Houses of Parliament restaurant and bar subsidies.
Submitted on Sunday 25th October 2020
Rejected on Friday 30th October 2020 - reason: duplicate Mon, 03 Mar 2025 19:50:31 +0000