All the petitions which were submitted in October 2020, irrespective of whether they were accepted or rejected, sorted by submission date from newest to oldest.
Note that petitions will only show in this list once they have been either accepted or rejected. Petitions still waiting to be checked are not made public until they have completed the moderation process. That's because publishing them before then would defeat the object of the support gathering phase, as well as risking the inadvertant publication of something defamatory or otherwise unlawful.
Vote of no confidence in our government over the corona virus
Submitted on Saturday 31st October 2020
Rejected on Friday 6th November 2020 - reason: honours
Keep gyms open even during the lockdown for the benefit of mental health
Submitted on Saturday 31st October 2020
Rejected on Friday 6th November 2020 - reason: duplicate
Hold an immediate general election
Submitted on Saturday 31st October 2020
Open from Friday 6th November 2020 to Thursday 6th May 2021
2,004 signatures
End the new lockdown
Submitted on Saturday 31st October 2020
Rejected on Monday 9th November 2020 - reason: duplicate
Stop Boris killing our country.
Submitted on Saturday 31st October 2020
Rejected on Monday 9th November 2020 - reason: duplicate
Stop the sale and use of fireworks for all animals' welfare
Submitted on Saturday 31st October 2020
Rejected on Friday 13th November 2020 - reason: duplicate
Close schools during COVID-19!
Submitted on Saturday 31st October 2020
Rejected on Friday 6th November 2020 - reason: duplicate
Stop the pay rise the Mp's are getting!
Submitted on Saturday 31st October 2020
Rejected on Thursday 5th November 2020 - reason: irrelevant
Increase pay for NHS Mental Health Workers
Submitted on Saturday 31st October 2020
Open from Friday 4th December 2020 to Friday 4th June 2021
16 signatures
Provide further measures for those taking GCSE exams this school year.
Submitted on Saturday 31st October 2020
Rejected on Friday 6th November 2020 - reason: no-action
Ban all fireworks apart from special days, sales to pyrotechnic experts
Submitted on Saturday 31st October 2020
Rejected on Friday 6th November 2020 - reason: duplicate
Close down universities and schools.
Submitted on Saturday 31st October 2020
Rejected on Friday 6th November 2020 - reason: duplicate
Keep baby development classes open for toddlers and under during any lockdown.
Submitted on Saturday 31st October 2020
Rejected on Tuesday 22nd December 2020 - reason: already-happening
Reduce interest on ALL extant student loans to zero
Submitted on Saturday 31st October 2020
Open from Tuesday 15th December 2020 to Tuesday 15th June 2021
102 signatures
Repeal second National Lockdown
Submitted on Saturday 31st October 2020
Open from Friday 6th November 2020 to Thursday 6th May 2021
120 signatures
Have a referendum on the level of confidence in the government
Submitted on Saturday 31st October 2020
Rejected on Monday 9th November 2020 - reason: honours
Close all education down to allow the virus to be controlled.
Submitted on Saturday 31st October 2020
Rejected on Friday 6th November 2020 - reason: duplicate
Close schools due to the outbreak of corona virus
Submitted on Saturday 31st October 2020
Rejected on Friday 6th November 2020 - reason: duplicate
Call for an international economic conference on climate and covid crisis
Submitted on Saturday 31st October 2020
Open from Tuesday 10th November 2020 to Monday 10th May 2021
20 signatures
Refrain from closing beauty salons that comply with government regulations
Submitted on Saturday 31st October 2020
Rejected on Friday 6th November 2020 - reason: duplicate
Implement restrictions on how many items people can buy in supermarkets
Submitted on Saturday 31st October 2020
Open from Friday 6th November 2020 to Thursday 6th May 2021
14 signatures
Review the cost and speed of the divorce process
Submitted on Saturday 31st October 2020
Open from Monday 7th December 2020 to Monday 7th June 2021
27 signatures
Close schools along with the lockdown to save lives
Submitted on Saturday 31st October 2020
Rejected on Thursday 5th November 2020 - reason: duplicate
Tax firms that have dodged paying full tax that could pay for COVID costs.
Submitted on Saturday 31st October 2020
Rejected on Monday 4th January 2021 - reason: duplicate
Give every child the opportunity to access technology and educational resources
Submitted on Saturday 31st October 2020
Rejected on Friday 6th November 2020 - reason: no-action
Ban the sale of fireworks to public
Submitted on Saturday 31st October 2020
Rejected on Friday 6th November 2020 - reason: duplicate
Ban whips being used on racehorses
Submitted on Saturday 31st October 2020
Open from Friday 6th November 2020 to Thursday 6th May 2021
45 signatures
Local authorities to put zebra crossings & no parking signs outside all schools
Submitted on Saturday 31st October 2020
Open from Friday 6th November 2020 to Thursday 6th May 2021
37 signatures
Total lockdown to beat the virus
Submitted on Saturday 31st October 2020
Rejected on Thursday 5th November 2020 - reason: no-action
Single parents with adult learning disabled children be allowed to form a bubble
Submitted on Saturday 31st October 2020
Open from Friday 6th November 2020 to Thursday 6th May 2021
499 signatures
Allow Support Bubbles to continue if there's a second lockdown
Submitted on Saturday 31st October 2020
Rejected on Monday 23rd November 2020 - reason: already-happening
Close schools/Delay opening of schools in UK
Submitted on Saturday 31st October 2020
Rejected on Thursday 5th November 2020 - reason: duplicate
Close Schools and Colleges during a second nationwide lockdown
Submitted on Saturday 31st October 2020
Open from Friday 6th November 2020 to Thursday 6th May 2021
259 signatures
Make available WEEKLY testing for COVID-19 for Home Care Workers urgently.
Submitted on Saturday 31st October 2020
Rejected on Wednesday 9th December 2020 - reason: duplicate
Stop another national lockdown
Submitted on Saturday 31st October 2020
Rejected on Monday 9th November 2020 - reason: duplicate
Ban the sale of fireworks
Submitted on Saturday 31st October 2020
Rejected on Thursday 5th November 2020 - reason: duplicate
Impose a 20% paycut on those in positions of power
Submitted on Saturday 31st October 2020
Rejected on Monday 9th November 2020 - reason: irrelevant
Change the whole UK voting system to Proportional Representation.
Submitted on Saturday 31st October 2020
Rejected on Thursday 5th November 2020 - reason: duplicate
Demand accountability for the money being spent by the government on Covid 19.
Submitted on Saturday 31st October 2020
Rejected on Friday 6th November 2020 - reason: no-action
Go into a second lockdown to prevent the Covid-19 infection increasing
Submitted on Saturday 31st October 2020
Rejected on Thursday 5th November 2020 - reason: already-happening
Lockdown will fail unless you close the schools
Submitted on Saturday 31st October 2020
Rejected on Thursday 5th November 2020 - reason: duplicate
Close schools colleges and universities in the month long lockdown
Submitted on Saturday 31st October 2020
Rejected on Thursday 5th November 2020 - reason: duplicate
new mother of babies up to 3 years visit one other household in a support bubble
Submitted on Saturday 31st October 2020
Open from Thursday 5th November 2020 to Wednesday 5th May 2021
197 signatures
If a new national lockdown in England is implemented, it must include schools.
Submitted on Saturday 31st October 2020
Rejected on Wednesday 4th November 2020 - reason: duplicate
Introduce a compulsory 10% levy on Greyhound Racing profit from bookmakers.
Submitted on Saturday 31st October 2020
Open from Thursday 17th December 2020 to Thursday 17th June 2021
97 signatures
Close schools and universities in the event of a second national lockdown
Submitted on Saturday 31st October 2020
Rejected on Thursday 5th November 2020 - reason: duplicate
Keep the housing market open during COVID-19 national lockdown
Submitted on Saturday 31st October 2020
Rejected on Thursday 5th November 2020 - reason: already-happening
Allow driving lessons and tests to continue in any new lockdown
Submitted on Saturday 31st October 2020
Rejected on Friday 6th November 2020 - reason: duplicate
Keep gyms and leisure facilities open during any lockdown
Submitted on Saturday 31st October 2020
Open from Friday 6th November 2020 to Thursday 6th May 2021
8,135 signatures
Extend Help to Buy due to Covid restrictions
Submitted on Saturday 31st October 2020
Rejected on Thursday 5th November 2020 - reason: duplicate
Stop the sale of fireworks to the general public.
Submitted on Saturday 31st October 2020
Rejected on Thursday 5th November 2020 - reason: duplicate
Stop MPs stigmatising people living in poverty
Submitted on Saturday 31st October 2020
Rejected on Wednesday 11th November 2020 - reason: irrelevant
Prevent a national lockdown by shielding the vulnerable and allow life to go on
Submitted on Saturday 31st October 2020
Rejected on Friday 6th November 2020 - reason: duplicate
Allow support bubbles between two households of any size
Submitted on Saturday 31st October 2020
Open from Thursday 12th November 2020 to Wednesday 12th May 2021
51 signatures
To ensure that the NHS gets £350 million a week as promised after Brexit.
Submitted on Saturday 31st October 2020
Rejected on Thursday 5th November 2020 - reason: no-action
Petition to keep gyms open through a national lockdown
Submitted on Saturday 31st October 2020
Rejected on Thursday 5th November 2020 - reason: duplicate
Give student nurses more support throughout their training
Submitted on Saturday 31st October 2020
Rejected on Friday 27th November 2020 - reason: no-action
Require all CCGs in England to offer 3 rounds of IVF
Submitted on Saturday 31st October 2020
Open from Monday 23rd November 2020 to Sunday 23rd May 2021
667 signatures
Introduce more useful lessons into the secondary curriculum.
Submitted on Saturday 31st October 2020
Rejected on Wednesday 11th November 2020 - reason: no-action
Force Universities to reduce the fee for Students studying in 2020/21
Submitted on Saturday 31st October 2020
Rejected on Thursday 5th November 2020 - reason: duplicate
Close schools for a month
Submitted on Saturday 31st October 2020
Rejected on Friday 6th November 2020 - reason: duplicate
Reduce COVID-19 restrictions
Submitted on Saturday 31st October 2020
Rejected on Thursday 5th November 2020 - reason: no-action
Close Schools for Key Stage 3-4 for an appropriate amount of time amidst COVID19
Submitted on Saturday 31st October 2020
Rejected on Thursday 5th November 2020 - reason: no-action
Raise awareness on Selective Mutism & support adjustments in education settings
Submitted on Friday 30th October 2020
Open from Thursday 10th December 2020 to Thursday 10th June 2021
13 signatures
Schools should offer online learning.
Submitted on Friday 30th October 2020
Rejected on Monday 30th November 2020 - reason: duplicate
Dismantle TFL and the office of the mayor of London
Submitted on Friday 30th October 2020
Rejected on Wednesday 11th November 2020 - reason: irrelevant
To agree to end the school term on Friday 11th December 2020 at the latest.
Submitted on Friday 30th October 2020
Rejected on Monday 2nd November 2020 - reason: duplicate
Make it a criminal offence to intentionally disconnect internet without reason
Submitted on Friday 30th October 2020
Rejected on Thursday 10th December 2020 - reason: already-happening
Extra Financial support for indoor soft play having to close for the second time
Submitted on Friday 30th October 2020
Open from Friday 6th November 2020 to Thursday 6th May 2021
9 signatures
Get schools to teach disability and diversity in schools nationwide!
Submitted on Friday 30th October 2020
Rejected on Thursday 5th November 2020 - reason: duplicate
The total ban of fireworks in th uk except organised events
Submitted on Friday 30th October 2020
Rejected on Monday 9th November 2020 - reason: duplicate
Stop using tax payers money to fund MPs subsidised food and alcohol.
Submitted on Friday 30th October 2020
Rejected on Tuesday 3rd November 2020 - reason: duplicate
Ban The Sale & Use Of Fireworks In The UK
Submitted on Friday 30th October 2020
Rejected on Thursday 5th November 2020 - reason: duplicate
Stop sale of fireworks to public.
Submitted on Friday 30th October 2020
Rejected on Thursday 5th November 2020 - reason: duplicate
Allow victims of domestic abuse to claim housing benefit in arrears
Submitted on Friday 30th October 2020
Open from Wednesday 6th January 2021 to Tuesday 6th July 2021
54 signatures
wavered registrations fees for NHS staff as a gesture during extra pressure
Submitted on Friday 30th October 2020
Rejected on Thursday 5th November 2020 - reason: irrelevant
Open up care homes.
Submitted on Friday 30th October 2020
Rejected on Wednesday 11th November 2020 - reason: irrelevant
Allow Open University students access to a maintenance loan provided by SFE
Submitted on Friday 30th October 2020
Rejected on Thursday 5th November 2020 - reason: duplicate
I’d like the government,Ofqual and the exam boards to push back year 11’s exams.
Submitted on Friday 30th October 2020
Rejected on Thursday 5th November 2020 - reason: duplicate
Legalise and Regulate Cannabis for Recreational Use
Submitted on Friday 30th October 2020
Rejected on Thursday 5th November 2020 - reason: duplicate
Make face coverings affordable for all
Submitted on Friday 30th October 2020
Rejected on Thursday 5th November 2020 - reason: irrelevant
Laws for caravan parks site owners
Submitted on Friday 30th October 2020
Rejected on Friday 6th November 2020 - reason: irrelevant
To recognise that Tattoo shops provide integral Mental health support In the UK.
Submitted on Friday 30th October 2020
Rejected on Thursday 5th November 2020 - reason: no-action
Re-close schools among the Covid-19 outbreak.
Submitted on Friday 30th October 2020
Rejected on Monday 9th November 2020 - reason: duplicate
Urgent review of mental health services for University students
Submitted on Friday 30th October 2020
Rejected on Friday 6th November 2020 - reason: irrelevant
Replace Boris Johnson as Prime Minister
Submitted on Friday 30th October 2020
Rejected on Wednesday 4th November 2020 - reason: honours
Establish a visitors "corridor" for families to visit relatives in care homes.
Submitted on Friday 30th October 2020
Rejected on Thursday 5th November 2020 - reason: duplicate
End polician subsidised lunches
Submitted on Friday 30th October 2020
Rejected on Thursday 5th November 2020 - reason: duplicate
Stop forced religion conversions of Christians in Pakistan.
Submitted on Friday 30th October 2020
Rejected on Friday 27th November 2020 - reason: irrelevant
Remove the Test, Trace, Isolate (TTI), programme from the private sector.
Submitted on Friday 30th October 2020
Rejected on Friday 6th November 2020 - reason: no-action
Reduce isolation time from 14 days to 3
Submitted on Friday 30th October 2020
Rejected on Friday 6th November 2020 - reason: duplicate
Only allow silent fireworks to be sold
Submitted on Friday 30th October 2020
Rejected on Thursday 5th November 2020 - reason: no-action
Make euthanasia legal in the UK for people dying of terminal illnesses
Submitted on Friday 30th October 2020
Open from Friday 6th November 2020 to Thursday 6th May 2021
746 signatures
Publish the number of COVID-19 tests carried out in each region weekly
Submitted on Friday 30th October 2020
Open from Thursday 5th November 2020 to Wednesday 5th May 2021
16 signatures
A full EHRC investigation into the Conservative Party.
Submitted on Friday 30th October 2020
Rejected on Thursday 5th November 2020 - reason: irrelevant
Change the Memorial Gates to celebrate the individual countries, not continents.
Submitted on Friday 30th October 2020
Rejected on Wednesday 4th November 2020 - reason: irrelevant
Ensure that there is suitable affordable housing available for all young people
Submitted on Friday 30th October 2020
Open from Tuesday 15th December 2020 to Tuesday 15th June 2021
25 signatures
Extend rights to access children's school records to all schools and academies
Submitted on Friday 30th October 2020
Open from Monday 9th November 2020 to Sunday 9th May 2021
29 signatures
Allow interest-only payments on Bounce Back Loans for up to 10 years
Submitted on Friday 30th October 2020
Open from Friday 6th November 2020 to Thursday 6th May 2021
9 signatures
Any ex armed service personal should automatically have full residential status
Submitted on Friday 30th October 2020
Rejected on Thursday 5th November 2020 - reason: duplicate Mon, 03 Mar 2025 19:54:47 +0000