All the petitions which were rejected in July 2018, sorted by rejection date from newest to oldest.
Stop councils persecuting the unemployed the sick the disabled and poor .
Rejected on Tuesday 31st July 2018 - reason: no-action
Enable green travel by legalising public use of personal electronic transport
Rejected on Tuesday 31st July 2018 - reason: duplicate
Change the law regarding a legal maximum temperature within the workplace.
Rejected on Tuesday 31st July 2018 - reason: duplicate
Allow 10days holiday for primary sch kids and 5 for secondary sch kids a year.
Rejected on Tuesday 31st July 2018 - reason: duplicate
Annual First Aid training throughout High School (Key Stage 3/4) for students.
Rejected on Tuesday 31st July 2018 - reason: duplicate
Bring back the Plymouth Pavillions swimming centre.
Rejected on Tuesday 31st July 2018 - reason: irrelevant
Rejected on Tuesday 31st July 2018 - reason: irrelevant
Bring back stop and search across the uk to combat knife and gun crime.
Rejected on Tuesday 31st July 2018 - reason: no-action
Stop penalising working families with ridiculous childcare costs
Rejected on Tuesday 31st July 2018 - reason: no-action
put in place a maximum temperature for working conditions
Rejected on Tuesday 31st July 2018 - reason: duplicate
Put in place a maximum working temperature in the work place.
Rejected on Tuesday 31st July 2018 - reason: duplicate
M&S to honour orders for sofas purchased on their website Marks&
Rejected on Tuesday 31st July 2018 - reason: irrelevant
legalise the Pit Bull, Japanese Tosa, Dogo Argentino and the Fila Braziliero
Rejected on Tuesday 31st July 2018 - reason: duplicate
Alter the standard working week from 5 days (Monday - Friday) to 4 days.
Rejected on Tuesday 31st July 2018 - reason: duplicate
Impose the Sino-British Deal & Hong Kong’s liberty against China’s Intergration.
Rejected on Tuesday 31st July 2018 - reason: no-action
Give nurses more of a pay rise then the insult of a pay rise they just got
Rejected on Tuesday 31st July 2018 - reason: no-action
Three month driving ban for people using mobile phones whilst driving
Rejected on Tuesday 31st July 2018 - reason: duplicate
Make tampons free for all women in the country needing them
Rejected on Tuesday 31st July 2018 - reason: duplicate
Raise the minimum wage of under 25’s.
Rejected on Tuesday 31st July 2018 - reason: duplicate
Bring back the death penalty in the UK for extreme offences.
Rejected on Tuesday 31st July 2018 - reason: duplicate
Limit festival alcohol pricing to £1.50 per alcoholic unit
Rejected on Tuesday 31st July 2018 - reason: irrelevant
Make it illegal to work if the weather reaches 30 degrees Celsius or above
Rejected on Tuesday 31st July 2018 - reason: duplicate
Bring in tighter controls over ParkingEye.
Rejected on Tuesday 31st July 2018 - reason: no-action
apply mandatory detainment sentences of youths convicted of serious offences.
Rejected on Tuesday 31st July 2018 - reason: no-action
To review the law on dog ownership after a relationship split .
Rejected on Tuesday 31st July 2018 - reason: no-action
If A Dangerous Dog Kills Another Dog They Should Be Destroyed
Rejected on Tuesday 31st July 2018 - reason: no-action
Require all drivers to retake a driving test once they reach the age of 60.
Rejected on Tuesday 31st July 2018 - reason: duplicate
Stop drones from flying over residential areas invading privacy
Rejected on Tuesday 31st July 2018 - reason: no-action
Make uk national minimum wage rates be the same no matter of how old you are
Rejected on Tuesday 31st July 2018 - reason: duplicate
Introduce a legal maximum temperature for the workplace.
Rejected on Tuesday 31st July 2018 - reason: duplicate
Make Emergency Vehicles Exempt Being Given Parking Tickets Whilst On Duty/Call
Rejected on Tuesday 31st July 2018 - reason: duplicate
Make it illegal for parking firms to issue tickets to emergency services
Rejected on Tuesday 31st July 2018 - reason: duplicate
Emergency Services to be exempt from parking fines or tickets while on shift
Rejected on Tuesday 31st July 2018 - reason: duplicate
Introduce emergency service parking at the entrance of all major supermarkets.
Rejected on Tuesday 31st July 2018 - reason: irrelevant
P.M May must resign - Replace her and immediately afterwards call a snapelection
Rejected on Tuesday 31st July 2018 - reason: irrelevant
Make it a criminal offence if a dog attacks another dog
Rejected on Tuesday 31st July 2018 - reason: no-action
Employer must maintain a reasonable temperature at work of a maximum of 30°C.
Rejected on Tuesday 31st July 2018 - reason: duplicate
Allow ambulance workers to park anywhere within reason.
Rejected on Tuesday 31st July 2018 - reason: duplicate
Allow all emergency services to disregard traffic regulations not just police.
Rejected on Tuesday 31st July 2018 - reason: duplicate
Raise Minimum wage of SIA licence holders to £10 a hour
Rejected on Tuesday 31st July 2018 - reason: duplicate
Increase government funding for assisted living facilities in care homes.
Rejected on Tuesday 31st July 2018 - reason: duplicate
Make Child abuse, Treason and Terrorism Capital Crimes.
Rejected on Tuesday 31st July 2018 - reason: duplicate
Introduce new regulations in the workplace concerning extreme heat in the U.K
Rejected on Tuesday 31st July 2018 - reason: duplicate
Strip Lord Carey of his peerage and expel him from the House of Lords
Rejected on Tuesday 31st July 2018 - reason: irrelevant
Make all London toilets free to the public.
Rejected on Tuesday 31st July 2018 - reason: irrelevant
Pay student nurses for placement hours.
Rejected on Tuesday 31st July 2018 - reason: duplicate
Allow shorts to be worn on all construction sites. All builders sign a waiver
Rejected on Tuesday 31st July 2018 - reason: no-action
Let construction workers wear shorts on a building site if they want.
Rejected on Tuesday 31st July 2018 - reason: no-action
Allow construction workers the right to wear shorts at their own discretion
Rejected on Tuesday 31st July 2018 - reason: no-action
Let tradesmen wear shorts and t-shirts on all building sites in warm/hot weather
Rejected on Tuesday 31st July 2018 - reason: no-action
Create a Department for Massive Change (DMC) to fix our broken economy
Rejected on Tuesday 31st July 2018 - reason: no-action
Stop our Green Land being built on in Backworth North Tyneside.
Rejected on Tuesday 31st July 2018 - reason: irrelevant
Make it a legal requirement to clearly label genetically modified (GM) food
Rejected on Tuesday 31st July 2018 - reason: no-action
Exclude the historic environment from the new National Planning Policy Framework
Rejected on Tuesday 31st July 2018 - reason: no-action
Demand a death penalty assurance for Britons who are being tried in the U.S.A.
Rejected on Tuesday 31st July 2018 - reason: duplicate
Make MPs more accountable for their statements, behaviour and decisions
Rejected on Tuesday 31st July 2018 - reason: no-action
Gift vouchers to have no expiry date if purchased with cash
Rejected on Tuesday 31st July 2018 - reason: no-action
cyclists pay insurance for riding on roads & prosecuted if not wearing a helmet
Rejected on Tuesday 31st July 2018 - reason: duplicate
Demand the resignation of Theresa May as Prime Minister with immediate effect.
Rejected on Tuesday 31st July 2018 - reason: irrelevant
Ban all corrosive products, only safe products to be manufactured for public use
Rejected on Tuesday 31st July 2018 - reason: no-action
The people of the UK have no confidence in Theresa May.
Rejected on Tuesday 31st July 2018 - reason: honours
Compulsory cycling Insurance for cyclists that use public highway.
Rejected on Tuesday 31st July 2018 - reason: duplicate
animals do feel pain
Rejected on Tuesday 31st July 2018 - reason: no-action
Make sign Language compulsory at primary school level.
Rejected on Tuesday 31st July 2018 - reason: duplicate
We the undersigned want the MOD to Keep the Red Arrow's home in Lincolnshire!
Rejected on Tuesday 31st July 2018 - reason: duplicate
Keep the Red Arrows in their home county, also what is to become of the airshow.
Rejected on Tuesday 31st July 2018 - reason: duplicate
Save RAF Scampton Lincolnshire and preserve our history and respect our heroes.
Rejected on Tuesday 31st July 2018 - reason: duplicate
Block the Ministry of Defence’s plan to close RAF Scampton, Lincs, in 2022
Rejected on Tuesday 31st July 2018 - reason: duplicate
Stop the sale of Scampton Air Base home of The Red Arrows
Rejected on Tuesday 31st July 2018 - reason: duplicate
Stop the sale of RAF Scampton
Rejected on Tuesday 31st July 2018 - reason: duplicate
Stop the MOD closing RAF Scampton and RAF Linton-On-Ouse
Rejected on Tuesday 31st July 2018 - reason: duplicate
Please re-consider selling RAF Scampton
Rejected on Tuesday 31st July 2018 - reason: duplicate
Save RAF Scampton an important Historic WW2 Airfield
Rejected on Tuesday 31st July 2018 - reason: duplicate
Stop the closure & sale of RAF Scampton - Home of the Red Arrows and Dambusters
Rejected on Tuesday 31st July 2018 - reason: duplicate
Save RAF Scampton. Do not sell RAF Scampton.
Rejected on Tuesday 31st July 2018 - reason: duplicate
Please rethink the sale and closure of RAF Scampton.
Rejected on Tuesday 31st July 2018 - reason: duplicate
Recall the plans to sell RAF Scampton and rehome the Red Arrows
Rejected on Tuesday 31st July 2018 - reason: duplicate
Stop Scampton Getting Sold
Rejected on Tuesday 31st July 2018 - reason: duplicate
Investigate levels of toxic chemicals in "squishies" toys and ban if unsafe.
Rejected on Monday 30th July 2018 - reason: irrelevant
Challenge Manchester Airport pick-up / drop-off charges.
Rejected on Friday 27th July 2018 - reason: irrelevant
Erect a monument for the personnel of the Royal Navy West Africa Squadron
Rejected on Friday 27th July 2018 - reason: no-action
Make councils secret sales of public land without consulting citizens, illegal.
Rejected on Friday 27th July 2018 - reason: no-action
Hold a by-election in North Antrim to determine if Ian Paisley should remain.
Rejected on Friday 27th July 2018 - reason: irrelevant
Ban Bannon from the UK.
Rejected on Friday 27th July 2018 - reason: duplicate
Prevent Steve Bannon from travelling to the UK & ban his media network
Rejected on Friday 27th July 2018 - reason: duplicate
Bring back the death sentence for convicted paedophiles.
Rejected on Friday 27th July 2018 - reason: no-action
Stop umbrella companies reduce employer national insurance from workers.
Rejected on Friday 27th July 2018 - reason: duplicate
Completely remove the Sunday trading laws to make Sundays a normal trading day.
Rejected on Friday 27th July 2018 - reason: duplicate
Give all health care workers and care staff a discounted tax code
Rejected on Friday 27th July 2018 - reason: no-action
Introduce a test for mobility scooter users
Rejected on Friday 27th July 2018 - reason: duplicate
Take pitbulls off the dangerous dog list and make them legal.
Rejected on Friday 27th July 2018 - reason: duplicate
Make it obligatory for doctors to prioritise each generation
Rejected on Friday 27th July 2018 - reason: no-action
Scrap the flawed BMI scale for assessing people’s ‘healthy weight’
Rejected on Friday 27th July 2018 - reason: no-action
Rejected on Friday 27th July 2018 - reason: irrelevant
Investigate the Professional Fire Chief of Surrey being removed from post.
Rejected on Friday 27th July 2018 - reason: irrelevant
I would like to suggest a Global ceasefire day (war and terror)
Rejected on Friday 27th July 2018 - reason: irrelevant
Demand the £5m legal fees from Cliff Richard case are paid by BBC bosses
Rejected on Friday 27th July 2018 - reason: irrelevant
Make the act of reselling tickets above face value illegal.
Rejected on Friday 27th July 2018 - reason: duplicate
End the use of child spies in the Covert Human Intelligence Sources programme.
Rejected on Friday 27th July 2018 - reason: duplicate
Ban the deployment of children in undercover police or intelligence operations.
Rejected on Friday 27th July 2018 - reason: duplicate Mon, 03 Mar 2025 19:52:08 +0000