Not all petitions are accepted for publication. The most common reasons for that are that the petition duplicates one that's already open for signatures, or that it relates to something that the government isn't responsible for.
Make it so police have to remove protesters blocking a road or highway
Rejected on Friday 23rd June 2023
Rejection code: irrelevant
Reduce Experienced MP’s salary from £150,500 to £80,000 & put back into economy
Rejected on Friday 23rd June 2023
Rejection code: irrelevant
Rishi Sunak
Call a National Emergency with all these immigrants NOW
Rejected on Friday 23rd June 2023
Rejection code: no-action
Universities Should Compensate Students for Incomplete or Delayed Degree Results
Rejected on Friday 23rd June 2023
Rejection code: irrelevant
Ban diesel cars outright in all cities
Rejected on Friday 23rd June 2023
Rejection code: irrelevant
Create a task force to combat motorbikes thefts in the NewcastleNorthumbria area
Rejected on Friday 23rd June 2023
Rejection code: irrelevant
Re-establish the UK's Membership of the European Union
Rejected on Friday 23rd June 2023
Rejection code: duplicate
End the convention of a Prime Minister’s resignation honours list immediately.
Rejected on Friday 23rd June 2023
Rejection code: irrelevant
Install a safe place to cross a very busy road to the local park and duckpond.
Rejected on Friday 23rd June 2023
Rejection code: irrelevant
Remind disgruntled members of their right to a fair hearing under European Law.
Rejected on Thursday 22nd June 2023
Rejection code: irrelevant
Call a General Election due to the current chaos of the current government.
Rejected on Thursday 22nd June 2023
Rejection code: duplicate
Remove homework from all British schools
Rejected on Thursday 22nd June 2023
Rejection code: duplicate
Prohibited rising interest rates for Mortgages or support with a relief scheme
Rejected on Thursday 22nd June 2023
Rejection code: duplicate
Stop the smell. Action to protect non cannabis smokers from secondhand smoke.
Rejected on Thursday 22nd June 2023
Rejection code: no-action
Hold mothers accountable for parental alienation, fined or put on a register
Rejected on Thursday 22nd June 2023
Rejection code: duplicate
Provide interest-free loans for Muslim university students
Rejected on Thursday 22nd June 2023
Rejection code: duplicate
Stop the roll out of central bank digital currency.
Rejected on Thursday 22nd June 2023
Rejection code: duplicate
I am calling the government to stop allowing businesses refusing cash payments
Rejected on Wednesday 21st June 2023
Rejection code: duplicate
Stop the implementation and issuing of transphobic guidance in and to schools.
Rejected on Wednesday 21st June 2023
Rejection code: duplicate
Help residents to get a parking permit in car free parking area where they live
Rejected on Wednesday 21st June 2023
Rejection code: irrelevant
Re-evaluate the honours list and it’s place in our political system.
Rejected on Wednesday 21st June 2023
Rejection code: duplicate
Protect Tiddesley Wood SSSI from housing development
Rejected on Wednesday 21st June 2023
Rejection code: irrelevant
Give the public a vote on the current government by calling a general election.
Rejected on Wednesday 21st June 2023
Rejection code: duplicate
Recognise the 30th November as 'Sir Winston Churchill Day'.
Rejected on Wednesday 21st June 2023
Rejection code: irrelevant
To allow fathers to have instant access to their children without court.
Rejected on Wednesday 21st June 2023
Rejection code: duplicate
Penalise the parent alienating the second party parent from seeing their child.
Rejected on Tuesday 20th June 2023
Rejection code: duplicate
Change High School Uniform policy so Boys can wear shorts during summer
Rejected on Tuesday 20th June 2023
Rejection code: duplicate
Rejected on Tuesday 20th June 2023
Rejection code: irrelevant
Legalise cannabis for recreational use
Rejected on Tuesday 20th June 2023
Rejection code: duplicate
Armed Forces Day, should be extended to more than one day!
Rejected on Tuesday 20th June 2023
Rejection code: no-action
Stop water companies paying dividends until the leaks are fixed
Rejected on Tuesday 20th June 2023
Rejection code: irrelevant
Remove the Hydrogen Levy Bill.
Rejected on Tuesday 20th June 2023
Rejection code: no-action
HELP NHS get more funding!
Rejected on Tuesday 20th June 2023
Rejection code: duplicate
For phones to be allowed in school at lunch and break
Rejected on Tuesday 20th June 2023
Rejection code: irrelevant
Abolish the Dangerous Dogs Act
Rejected on Tuesday 20th June 2023
Rejection code: duplicate
Pass legislation requiring infrastructure upgrades before planning is granted
Rejected on Tuesday 20th June 2023
Rejection code: no-action
Call an early general election in August or September 2023
Rejected on Tuesday 20th June 2023
Rejection code: duplicate
Make travelling by bus or train free for everyone at all times
Rejected on Tuesday 20th June 2023
Rejection code: no-action
make a 3 day weekend
Rejected on Tuesday 20th June 2023
Rejection code: duplicate
More bins in ruislip to reduce littering
Rejected on Tuesday 20th June 2023
Rejection code: irrelevant
Get rid of Fridays at schools
Rejected on Tuesday 20th June 2023
Rejection code: duplicate
For shorts to be an option in every school primary and secondary
Rejected on Tuesday 20th June 2023
Rejection code: duplicate
Repeal sections 58 and 59 from the Offences Against the Person Act 1861.
Rejected on Tuesday 20th June 2023
Rejection code: duplicate
Continue the BAN on cosmetic testing on animals in the UK!
Rejected on Tuesday 20th June 2023
Rejection code: duplicate
Petition for a review of long-term commercial energy contracts in 2022
Rejected on Monday 19th June 2023
Rejection code: irrelevant
Make Early Repayment Charges (ERC) in Mortgages Illegal: Protect Consumer Rights
Rejected on Monday 19th June 2023
Rejection code: irrelevant
Establish a whole Month of Remebrance
Rejected on Monday 19th June 2023
Rejection code: no-action
A safe space for car enthusiasts to go
Rejected on Monday 19th June 2023
Rejection code: irrelevant
Decriminalise pepper spray for self-defence for over 18 years old.
Rejected on Monday 19th June 2023
Rejection code: duplicate
Make sentencing more strict for people who abuse and kill animals.
Rejected on Monday 19th June 2023
Rejection code: duplicate
End the process of former Prime Ministers producing Resignation Honours lists
Rejected on Monday 19th June 2023
Rejection code: irrelevant
Allow building site workers to wear shorts in hot weather
Rejected on Monday 19th June 2023
Rejection code: irrelevant
I want a salford Royal Hospital to have a maternity ward again.
Rejected on Monday 19th June 2023
Rejection code: irrelevant
Bring back the death penalty
Rejected on Monday 19th June 2023
Rejection code: duplicate
Create a law that forces public gyms to allow people under 18 use weights.
Rejected on Monday 19th June 2023
Rejection code: irrelevant
Change the law implement a new law
To stop a parent taking their children
Rejected on Monday 19th June 2023
Rejection code: duplicate
Bring in a licence for selling vape products.
Rejected on Monday 19th June 2023
Rejection code: duplicate
Rejected on Monday 19th June 2023
Rejection code: duplicate
Relax school uniforms as long as colour matches it should be ok
Rejected on Monday 19th June 2023
Rejection code: irrelevant
School uniforms and the strict rules surrounding them affecting our children.
Rejected on Monday 19th June 2023
Rejection code: no-action
End one- or two-word judgements to summarise an Ofsted Inspection Report
Rejected on Monday 19th June 2023
Rejection code: duplicate
Reopen Eurostar International Stations Ebbsfleet & Ashford for tourism.
Rejected on Monday 19th June 2023
Rejection code: irrelevant
Ex Primeministers only able to propose honours list after serving full term
Rejected on Friday 16th June 2023
Rejection code: irrelevant
Pay increase for the private sectors of social care
Rejected on Friday 16th June 2023
Rejection code: irrelevant
Make it law that all high schools have fully-trained mental health staff present
Rejected on Friday 16th June 2023
Rejection code: duplicate
We do not want Government to remove DVLA services from the Post Office network
Rejected on Friday 16th June 2023
Rejection code: already-happening
Prosecute for wildlife crime
Rejected on Friday 16th June 2023
Rejection code: no-action
Confirm that one can safely whistle-blow about the dangers of Covid injections.
Rejected on Friday 16th June 2023
Rejection code: already-happening
Make it compulsary for High-schools to give non-school uniform days in England.
Rejected on Friday 16th June 2023
Rejection code: irrelevant
Improve funding for mental health services.
Rejected on Friday 16th June 2023
Rejection code: duplicate
Stop landlords charging high rents
Rejected on Friday 16th June 2023
Rejection code: duplicate
Give 16 year olds in the UK the right to vote in General Elections
Rejected on Friday 16th June 2023
Rejection code: duplicate
Change taxation law encouraging UK foreign investment & end the recession
Rejected on Friday 16th June 2023
Rejection code: no-action
Consider the restoration of the British Council in Sierra Leone
Rejected on Friday 16th June 2023
Rejection code: irrelevant
Reduce the base interest rate, to stop the country tipping in to a recession.
Rejected on Friday 16th June 2023
Rejection code: irrelevant
have shorter school times
Rejected on Friday 16th June 2023
Rejection code: no-action
Allow phones at break and lunch in schools
Rejected on Friday 16th June 2023
Rejection code: irrelevant
Arm police officers responding to a dangerous animal with tranquillisers
Rejected on Friday 16th June 2023
Rejection code: duplicate
Give the honmeless people of London filling, nutritional and good quality food
Rejected on Friday 16th June 2023
Rejection code: duplicate
STOP "Climate Emergency" policies as they are based on defective computer models
Rejected on Friday 16th June 2023
Rejection code: no-action
Rejected on Friday 16th June 2023
Rejection code: duplicate
Ex Prime Ministers in dishonour cannot bestow honours on others
Rejected on Friday 16th June 2023
Rejection code: duplicate
Persons criticised in privileges committee cannot accept Johnson honours
Rejected on Friday 16th June 2023
Rejection code: duplicate
Insurance companies to give more reasonable quotes to newly qualified drivers
Rejected on Thursday 15th June 2023
Rejection code: duplicate
Tougher sentences for knife crime
Rejected on Thursday 15th June 2023
Rejection code: duplicate
Stop the Mayor of London to end travelcards
Rejected on Thursday 15th June 2023
Rejection code: irrelevant
Amend the Animal Welfare Act to make fatal dog-on-dog attacks a criminal offence
Rejected on Thursday 15th June 2023
Rejection code: duplicate
Oil palm trees 20m hectares in rain forrests. 6b trees! 1 tree 80l of ho2 per d
Rejected on Thursday 15th June 2023
Rejection code: no-action
Give more protection in law, to young adults, from Grooming and Abuse of Power
Rejected on Thursday 15th June 2023
Rejection code: no-action
Stop Congestion charges and airport drop off charges
Rejected on Thursday 15th June 2023
Rejection code: irrelevant
allow all year 10s to be able to use the formulae sheet in next years GCSEs
Rejected on Thursday 15th June 2023
Rejection code: irrelevant
Create guidelines & an expert panel for awarding knighthoods.
Rejected on Thursday 15th June 2023
Rejection code: duplicate
Implement limitations on property ownership
Rejected on Thursday 15th June 2023
Rejection code: no-action
MCA to Review Class V vessel requirements for Cat A & B canals boats
Rejected on Thursday 15th June 2023
Rejection code: fake-name
To earn money to put into homelessness, so homeless people feel safer.
Rejected on Thursday 15th June 2023
Rejection code: duplicate
removing trees that aren't providing value planting fruit trees in their place
Rejected on Thursday 15th June 2023
Rejection code: duplicate
New buses with air conditioning fitted for saloon and drivers cab
Rejected on Thursday 15th June 2023
Rejection code: irrelevant
Parliament should prevent the award of a knighthood to Jacob Rees-Mogg.
Rejected on Thursday 15th June 2023
Rejection code: honours
Stop the Abuse of the Honours System and Clean It Up
Rejected on Thursday 15th June 2023
Rejection code: duplicate
Ensure prescriptions are all free in England to all people residing there.
Rejected on Thursday 15th June 2023
Rejection code: duplicate Sun, 09 Mar 2025 13:44:22 +0000