All the petitions which were rejected in October 2018, sorted by rejection date from newest to oldest.
A vote of No confidence in the uk prime minister by the uk electorate and public
Rejected on Thursday 18th October 2018 - reason: honours
Make the tv presenter Phillip Schofield the face of the 50 pound note.
Rejected on Thursday 18th October 2018 - reason: irrelevant
The HM Treasury need to put Aneurin Bevan on the new £50 note
Rejected on Thursday 18th October 2018 - reason: irrelevant
Theresa May to resign as PM,
Not delivering “Brexit as voted 2016”
Full exit..
Rejected on Thursday 18th October 2018 - reason: irrelevant
The Prime Minister should resign now.
Rejected on Thursday 18th October 2018 - reason: irrelevant
Get Philip Schofield on the new £50 note
Rejected on Thursday 18th October 2018 - reason: irrelevant
“Hold a Public Vote of No Confidence in the Administration.”
Rejected on Thursday 18th October 2018 - reason: no-action
Margaret Thatcher should be the public figure for the new £50 note
Rejected on Thursday 18th October 2018 - reason: irrelevant
Add Alan Turing to the new £50 note.
Rejected on Thursday 18th October 2018 - reason: irrelevant
Stop ageism and pay people the same minimum wage regardless of age
Rejected on Thursday 18th October 2018 - reason: duplicate
All members of Parliament to do one month's work placement in an unskilled job.
Rejected on Thursday 18th October 2018 - reason: irrelevant
Reduce amount of factories that farm animals and only sell organic fresh meat
Rejected on Thursday 18th October 2018 - reason: no-action
Create a machine where you can pay off debt or bills by recycling
Rejected on Thursday 18th October 2018 - reason: no-action
Implement the Open Dialogue method for mental healthcare in the UK
Rejected on Thursday 18th October 2018 - reason: no-action
Put tighter regulations on the fashion industry to promote sustainability
Rejected on Thursday 18th October 2018 - reason: no-action
Disallow RMT Strikes to be conducted on 2+ consecutive days mid-week.
Rejected on Thursday 18th October 2018 - reason: irrelevant
Stop Councils from persecuting the Homeless and Dispossessed
Rejected on Thursday 18th October 2018 - reason: duplicate
Introduce mandatory environmental labels on food products
Rejected on Thursday 18th October 2018 - reason: duplicate
Reform the education system
Rejected on Thursday 18th October 2018 - reason: no-action
As the N Ireland MLA's refuse to do their job, should we continue to pay them?
Rejected on Thursday 18th October 2018 - reason: no-action
'Final call': Lower train fares to avoid Climate Catastrophe
Rejected on Thursday 18th October 2018 - reason: no-action
Make Kellogg's cereals Vegan
Rejected on Wednesday 17th October 2018 - reason: irrelevant
Tax exemption for personnel in the merchant navy as other countries do.
Rejected on Wednesday 17th October 2018 - reason: no-action
Animal Welfare, Regulations 2018 Home Breeding and Hobby Breeders
Rejected on Wednesday 17th October 2018 - reason: no-action
Reduce the amount of added sugar in yogurt and cereal
Rejected on Wednesday 17th October 2018 - reason: no-action
Protect the Countryside
Rejected on Wednesday 17th October 2018 - reason: no-action
To ask the NHS to replace flat sheets with fitted sheets in hospitals
Rejected on Wednesday 17th October 2018 - reason: irrelevant
Stop Great Britain being destroyed by the lawless society that it is becoming!
Rejected on Wednesday 17th October 2018 - reason: duplicate
Make legal unpaid carers receive certified training and protection as paid carer
Rejected on Wednesday 17th October 2018 - reason: no-action
Child care help for parents returning to work after maternity.
Rejected on Wednesday 17th October 2018 - reason: no-action
Stop the Premier League and EFL from introducing B teams into the main EFL
Rejected on Tuesday 16th October 2018 - reason: irrelevant
Launch free, compulsory & anonymous mental health services in schools for U18s
Rejected on Tuesday 16th October 2018 - reason: duplicate
Make Norfolk a Royal County
Rejected on Tuesday 16th October 2018 - reason: irrelevant
Keep the Epsom street community centre open for youth and family.
Rejected on Tuesday 16th October 2018 - reason: irrelevant
Take immediate action on the International Panel on Climate Change report.
Rejected on Tuesday 16th October 2018 - reason: no-action
Introduce mandatory environmental labels on supermarket products
Rejected on Tuesday 16th October 2018 - reason: duplicate
Open up Scottscraig apartments communal space in Newport-on-Tay
Rejected on Tuesday 16th October 2018 - reason: irrelevant
Fine banks who deny justified fraud claims
Rejected on Tuesday 16th October 2018 - reason: irrelevant
Move MPs from a defined benefit to defined contributions pension scheme.
Rejected on Tuesday 16th October 2018 - reason: irrelevant
Stop Jamie Oliver from manipulating fast food legislation
Rejected on Monday 15th October 2018 - reason: irrelevant
Create stronger regulations and enforce harsher penalties for big polluters
Rejected on Monday 15th October 2018 - reason: no-action
Stop using E numbers and artificial sweeteners in kids antibiotic medicine
Rejected on Monday 15th October 2018 - reason: irrelevant
Replace small plastic bags with environmentally- friendly brown paper bags.
Rejected on Monday 15th October 2018 - reason: no-action
Allow the youth to have a vote on all elections!
Rejected on Monday 15th October 2018 - reason: no-action
Make it illegal for shops to use plastic bags and use biodegradable alternatives
Rejected on Monday 15th October 2018 - reason: duplicate
Accessibility Certificate made legal requirement, like Food Hygiene Certificate
Rejected on Monday 15th October 2018 - reason: no-action
Climate change should have a mandatory headline & link on news websites
Rejected on Monday 15th October 2018 - reason: irrelevant
Remove 'Mrs' and 'Miss' on all government docs & forms and only use 'Ms' instead
Rejected on Monday 15th October 2018 - reason: duplicate
Make the next Doctor Who a VEGAN!!
Rejected on Monday 15th October 2018 - reason: irrelevant
Drastically reduce the environmental impact of clothing production
Rejected on Monday 15th October 2018 - reason: no-action
Pets that are purposely ran over by someone who drives of should be prosecuted
Rejected on Monday 15th October 2018 - reason: fake-name
Allow free movement in Europe after Brexit
Rejected on Monday 15th October 2018 - reason: duplicate
Free asthma medication for asthmatics. Without it we die.
Rejected on Monday 15th October 2018 - reason: duplicate
BBC to broadcast a Women’s Super League Football Match of the Day
Rejected on Monday 15th October 2018 - reason: irrelevant
Offer White South Africans asylum in the UK
Rejected on Monday 15th October 2018 - reason: no-action
Petitions sponsored by a commercial interest should be disqualified.
Rejected on Monday 15th October 2018 - reason: no-action
Ban politicians from using social media.
Rejected on Monday 15th October 2018 - reason: no-action
Unjust dismissal of pothole damage claims by your local council
Rejected on Monday 15th October 2018 - reason: irrelevant
Legalise the personal use of cannabis
Rejected on Monday 15th October 2018 - reason: duplicate
Ban Animals Performing in Circuses Across the Globe
Rejected on Monday 15th October 2018 - reason: irrelevant
Force producers to display a climate value from production/transport emissions
Rejected on Monday 15th October 2018 - reason: duplicate
For the Churches to open there doors as a emergency provision.
Rejected on Monday 15th October 2018 - reason: irrelevant
Plant trees to tackle air pollution in London
Rejected on Monday 15th October 2018 - reason: irrelevant
Turn back on our street lights all night in uttlesford
Rejected on Monday 15th October 2018 - reason: irrelevant
Introduce a ban on plastic packaging for fruit and vegetables in all UK shops
Rejected on Monday 15th October 2018 - reason: no-action
Give teenage girls free sanitary products
Rejected on Monday 15th October 2018 - reason: duplicate
Please urge Fife Council to put back our grit bins, before Winter.
Rejected on Monday 15th October 2018 - reason: irrelevant
Allow schools to have rights to be able to celebrate black history.
Rejected on Monday 15th October 2018 - reason: duplicate
Make the Army and Navy flyover, in Chelmsford, two lanes to ease traffic
Rejected on Monday 15th October 2018 - reason: irrelevant
Enforce the Laws Passed on ‘DOGS’ in Public Spaces, Nobody Does at the Moment.
Rejected on Monday 15th October 2018 - reason: irrelevant
Make food packaging state all ingredients used separately & all allergen info.
Rejected on Monday 15th October 2018 - reason: duplicate
Strip the UK citizenship of all HKSAR gov officials, pro-Beijing legislators.
Rejected on Monday 15th October 2018 - reason: no-action
Ban homework from all schools in the UK
Rejected on Monday 15th October 2018 - reason: duplicate
Mcdonalds breakfast extended during normal hours or until 12pm
Rejected on Monday 15th October 2018 - reason: irrelevant
Driving licence holders to be retested for theory and eyesight every 10 years
Rejected on Monday 15th October 2018 - reason: duplicate
Require a license to purchase and set off fireworks
Rejected on Monday 15th October 2018 - reason: fake-name
Steve Fulcher should be praised by parliament for catching a serial killer 2011
Rejected on Monday 15th October 2018 - reason: no-action
Reduce the rent increases and make rented accommodation more affordable
Rejected on Monday 15th October 2018 - reason: no-action
Treat all UK persons entitled to State Pension, but now living abroad, equally
Rejected on Monday 15th October 2018 - reason: no-action
Rejected on Monday 15th October 2018 - reason: duplicate
Get Vauxhall to sort out the piston 4 issue with Vauxhall Corsa vxr’s
Rejected on Monday 15th October 2018 - reason: irrelevant
Take action against housing developers providing low quality new build homes.
Rejected on Monday 15th October 2018 - reason: no-action
To certificate television adverts during afternoon and prime time viewing.
Rejected on Friday 12th October 2018 - reason: no-action
Grant Gibraltar special designated status within the EU.
Rejected on Friday 12th October 2018 - reason: no-action
Further controls on the sale of fireworks.
Rejected on Friday 12th October 2018 - reason: no-action
Pedohiles to be removed from society permanently.
Rejected on Friday 12th October 2018 - reason: no-action
Reject the Chequers Plan as it does not deliver Brexit we voted for
Rejected on Friday 12th October 2018 - reason: duplicate
Make rick and morty immune to being taken off of Netflix
Rejected on Friday 12th October 2018 - reason: irrelevant
Lower £50000 low-skilled workers policy to be realistic of real skilled salaries
Rejected on Friday 12th October 2018 - reason: no-action
Remove School Uniform.
Rejected on Friday 12th October 2018 - reason: fake-name
Politics must be made a compulsory subject for all students from the age of 11
Rejected on Friday 12th October 2018 - reason: duplicate
Under the Terror Act 2000 make it illegal to use terrorist propaganda .
Rejected on Friday 12th October 2018 - reason: no-action
Make it a criminal offence to sack Jose Mourinho as Manchester United manager
Rejected on Friday 12th October 2018 - reason: irrelevant
All parties and MPs work together to get the best deal possible for Brexit
Rejected on Friday 12th October 2018 - reason: irrelevant
Introduce a compulsory class in schools about bullying and it’s consequences
Rejected on Friday 12th October 2018 - reason: duplicate
Put Pressure on ‘ALL’ police forces to Stop and Search for ‘Knives’ .
Rejected on Thursday 11th October 2018 - reason: no-action
Heavy ‘Fines’ to People who Leave their Waste Packaging Behind on Beaches ect.
Rejected on Thursday 11th October 2018 - reason: no-action
MPs should attend a service of thanksgiving in St Margaret's on November 11th
Rejected on Thursday 11th October 2018 - reason: irrelevant
Save Lever Causeway
Rejected on Thursday 11th October 2018 - reason: irrelevant
Make more parent and toddler spaces in all car parks
Rejected on Thursday 11th October 2018 - reason: irrelevant Mon, 03 Mar 2025 19:35:01 +0000