Not all petitions are accepted for publication. The most common reasons for that are that the petition duplicates one that's already open for signatures, or that it relates to something that the government isn't responsible for.
Reverse the decision to shelve plans regarding the roll out of PrEP
Rejected on Thursday 24th March 2016
Rejection code: duplicate
Allow students aged 16-18 to pay child fares on public transportation in the UK.
Rejected on Thursday 24th March 2016
Rejection code: duplicate
Give left over food from schools, works, ect... To food banks.
Rejected on Thursday 24th March 2016
Rejection code: duplicate
Lift any restrictions on use of Parliamentary footage by satirical TV programmes
Rejected on Thursday 24th March 2016
Rejection code: duplicate
Intern Hate Preachers and make promotion of ISIS / DAESH unlawful in the UK
Rejected on Thursday 24th March 2016
Rejection code: no-action
Call for a vote of no confidence in the Government
Rejected on Thursday 24th March 2016
Rejection code: duplicate
Debate the real reason the EU wants Assad removed and the ensuing war Qatari Gas
Rejected on Thursday 24th March 2016
Rejection code: no-action
Letting Agency Fee for Tenants to be appropriate and uniform across the industry
Rejected on Thursday 24th March 2016
Rejection code: duplicate
Prevent MPs and their families from using private health and education services
Rejected on Thursday 24th March 2016
Rejection code: irrelevant
More consideration for the mental health of young adults and teenagers
Rejected on Thursday 24th March 2016
Rejection code: duplicate
Stop the Chancellor from selling off the nation's investment in RBS at a loss.
Rejected on Thursday 24th March 2016
Rejection code: duplicate
Force people who are charged with animal neglect or abuse to sign a register.
Rejected on Thursday 24th March 2016
Rejection code: fake-name
Ensure Sikhs are not forced to remove turban at airport.
Rejected on Thursday 24th March 2016
Rejection code: no-action
Make "Travelers" Acountable for their Actions and the Law Equal for All.
Rejected on Thursday 24th March 2016
Rejection code: no-action
Open the Lord Cullen report on dunblane
Rejected on Thursday 24th March 2016
Rejection code: irrelevant
Require all cars to run on water instead of petrol or diesel.
Rejected on Thursday 24th March 2016
Rejection code: no-action
Condemn the unjust practices of many local councils and Housing associations.
Rejected on Thursday 24th March 2016
Rejection code: no-action
Stop Nottingham City Council campaigning against begging and fining beggars
Rejected on Thursday 24th March 2016
Rejection code: irrelevant
sack george osborne immediately
Rejected on Thursday 24th March 2016
Rejection code: honours
Introduce Basic First Aid Training to the Secondary Curriculum
Rejected on Thursday 24th March 2016
Rejection code: duplicate
Stop benefits to families who have more than one wife living in the UK.
Rejected on Thursday 24th March 2016
Rejection code: no-action
Put a limit on insurance prices for young drivers!!
Rejected on Thursday 24th March 2016
Rejection code: duplicate
Give Young working British family's more of a chance with council properties
Rejected on Thursday 24th March 2016
Rejection code: no-action
Ban the use of slanderous terms for mental illness in the media now.
Rejected on Thursday 24th March 2016
Rejection code: irrelevant
Help People Who Receive Esa In The Support Group To Get The Winter Fuel Payment
Rejected on Thursday 24th March 2016
Rejection code: no-action
Introduce signal at bus lanes to alert drivers when a bus is aproaching.
Rejected on Thursday 24th March 2016
Rejection code: irrelevant
Decriminalize the production and personal use of cannabis.
Rejected on Thursday 24th March 2016
Rejection code: duplicate
Hold a judicial inquiry into the overseas sale of Shakespeare's Curtain Theater.
Rejected on Thursday 24th March 2016
Rejection code: no-action
BBC to do an Equality Impact Assessment on when it requires "balance".
Rejected on Thursday 24th March 2016
Rejection code: irrelevant
Abolish Law Training Contracts
Rejected on Thursday 24th March 2016
Rejection code: irrelevant
Stop HMRC from killing contracting in the UK
Rejected on Friday 25th March 2016
Rejection code: no-action
Increase funding for student nurses
Rejected on Friday 25th March 2016
Rejection code: duplicate
To make all toilets in public places free to use.
Rejected on Friday 25th March 2016
Rejection code: irrelevant
Change the education system to reduce depression and mental illness in students.
Rejected on Friday 25th March 2016
Rejection code: no-action
Leave clocks on British summer time, stop putting clocks backwards and forwards.
Rejected on Friday 25th March 2016
Rejection code: duplicate
Call to re-nationalise our NHS, removing financially driven private companies.
Rejected on Friday 25th March 2016
Rejection code: no-action
Make Road Tax payable daily NOT monthly
Rejected on Friday 25th March 2016
Rejection code: duplicate
Ravensdale Project One Playgroup Is Closing This July 2016 Due To Funding!
Rejected on Friday 25th March 2016
Rejection code: irrelevant
I need a law to make fathers pay the child support they owe.
Rejected on Friday 25th March 2016
Rejection code: no-action
Penalize MPs at the dispatch box for the refusal to answer questions.
Rejected on Friday 25th March 2016
Rejection code: duplicate
Set a national 'child' age in the UK especially for buses and trains #UnFare
Rejected on Friday 25th March 2016
Rejection code: duplicate
Enforce minimum wage salary to reflect hours worked in motor sales industry.
Rejected on Friday 25th March 2016
Rejection code: no-action
Change the way the CSA calculates the amount None resident parents pay
Rejected on Friday 25th March 2016
Rejection code: duplicate
Make all companies declare clearly on packaging whether they animal test or not
Rejected on Tuesday 29th March 2016
Rejection code: duplicate
Stop MPs shouting over the person speaking in Parliament.
Rejected on Tuesday 29th March 2016
Rejection code: duplicate
Make housing a priority for the armed forces. Time to help those that help
Rejected on Tuesday 29th March 2016
Rejection code: duplicate
I want to make cannabis to be legalised for the uk we can make so much tax on it
Rejected on Tuesday 29th March 2016
Rejection code: duplicate
Make Formula 1 a category A event in the Ofcom Code on Sports
Rejected on Tuesday 29th March 2016
Rejection code: duplicate
Make dental nurses more recognised for the job they do and pay them more an hour
Rejected on Tuesday 29th March 2016
Rejection code: irrelevant
Petition Govt to have all goods made in occupied Palestine clearly labelled.
Rejected on Tuesday 29th March 2016
Rejection code: duplicate
Stop funfair taking place on Milton Forge!
Rejected on Tuesday 29th March 2016
Rejection code: irrelevant
Non-resident parents who fail to pay child maintenance should be criminalised.
Rejected on Wednesday 30th March 2016
Rejection code: no-action
in the light of the budget fiasco propose a debate of no confidence
Rejected on Wednesday 30th March 2016
Rejection code: duplicate
Mr Hunt must attend a live TV debate on the imposed Junior Doctors' Contract.
Rejected on Wednesday 30th March 2016
Rejection code: duplicate
Keep Formula 1 live on free to air TV !
Rejected on Wednesday 30th March 2016
Rejection code: duplicate
Place expiration dates on TV adverts. No advert airs longer than 18 months!
Rejected on Wednesday 30th March 2016
Rejection code: irrelevant
Bring back the Leeds German Market tent, with Live Music
Rejected on Wednesday 30th March 2016
Rejection code: irrelevant
Repeal the firearms amendment act 1997,1988 and amend the firearms act of 1968.
Rejected on Thursday 31st March 2016
Rejection code: duplicate
Faster mental health diagnosis,more support and faster treatment.
Rejected on Thursday 31st March 2016
Rejection code: duplicate
Consumers should not be forced to do business with private companies.
Rejected on Thursday 31st March 2016
Rejection code: no-action
Stop the privatisation or giving away of any British Asset.
Rejected on Thursday 31st March 2016
Rejection code: duplicate
The public demand that Parliament reject the Infrastructure Bill.
Rejected on Thursday 31st March 2016
Rejection code: duplicate
Save The Land Registry Campaign
Rejected on Thursday 31st March 2016
Rejection code: duplicate
Abolish Daylight Savings Time in the UK
Rejected on Thursday 31st March 2016
Rejection code: duplicate
Stop the British Grandprix to be aired on Pay-Per-View from 2019
Rejected on Thursday 31st March 2016
Rejection code: duplicate
DEFRA to 'deregulate' meat industry, at the expense of animal welfare standards.
Rejected on Thursday 31st March 2016
Rejection code: no-action
Stop changes to animal welfare reform
Rejected on Thursday 31st March 2016
Rejection code: duplicate
Stop the government repealing animal welfare codes
Rejected on Thursday 31st March 2016
Rejection code: duplicate
Keep Animal Welfare Codes for Chicken Farming
Rejected on Thursday 31st March 2016
Rejection code: duplicate
Stop the UK Government Repealing the animal welfare code
Rejected on Thursday 31st March 2016
Rejection code: duplicate
Do not repeal government animal welfare codes for farm animals
Rejected on Thursday 31st March 2016
Rejection code: duplicate
Keep animal welfare standards the responsibility of the government not industry
Rejected on Thursday 31st March 2016
Rejection code: duplicate
Block plans to repeal an array of official guidance on animal welfare standards
Rejected on Thursday 31st March 2016
Rejection code: duplicate
Stop your plan to repeal animal welfare codes.
Rejected on Thursday 31st March 2016
Rejection code: duplicate
Do not repeal farm animal welfare codes, enabling industry led deregulation.
Rejected on Thursday 31st March 2016
Rejection code: duplicate
Stop animal welfare codes being written and controlled by the agri-industry
Rejected on Thursday 31st March 2016
Rejection code: duplicate
Overturn decision to repeal farm animal welfare codes
Rejected on Thursday 31st March 2016
Rejection code: duplicate
Give small refunds on returned plastic bottles.
Rejected on Thursday 31st March 2016
Rejection code: duplicate
Pay every UK adult citizen a basic universal income of £900 per month Tax Free
Rejected on Thursday 31st March 2016
Rejection code: duplicate
Should we have an additional bank holiday for the Queen's 90th Birthday?
Rejected on Thursday 31st March 2016
Rejection code: duplicate
Scrap the Infrastructure Act 2015, which facilitates public land to be grabbed.
Rejected on Thursday 31st March 2016
Rejection code: duplicate
To reverse its decision on forcing schools to become academies.
Rejected on Thursday 31st March 2016
Rejection code: duplicate
Reinstate the death penalty for people convicted of terrorism against the UK.
Rejected on Thursday 31st March 2016
Rejection code: duplicate
Consider reducing the number of recess days MPs get from parliament.
Rejected on Thursday 31st March 2016
Rejection code: duplicate
Make it law that all drinks containers carry a refundable deposit
Rejected on Thursday 31st March 2016
Rejection code: duplicate
Better inform the public as to the implications of where they spend their money
Rejected on Thursday 31st March 2016
Rejection code: no-action
To make it compulsory to wear a helmet when cycling on roads in the UK.
Rejected on Thursday 31st March 2016
Rejection code: duplicate
Amend prehistoric Easter licensing laws in N.Ireland & Sunday trade limitations
Rejected on Friday 1st April 2016
Rejection code: irrelevant
To make event parking at the 02 London no more than £3 per hour.
Rejected on Friday 1st April 2016
Rejection code: irrelevant
Get the B595 upgraded.
Rejected on Friday 1st April 2016
Rejection code: irrelevant
Reject Government plan to repeal animal welfare codes
Rejected on Friday 1st April 2016
Rejection code: duplicate
Offer shopkeeper Asad Shah a posthumous state service.
Rejected on Friday 1st April 2016
Rejection code: irrelevant
Have a minimum charge for mini cabs in London set at £9.00
Rejected on Friday 1st April 2016
Rejection code: irrelevant
Resurface Greetwell Road, Lincoln!
Rejected on Friday 1st April 2016
Rejection code: irrelevant
Stop candidates being drafted into safe seats when they have no local connection
Rejected on Friday 1st April 2016
Rejection code: irrelevant
Label All Halal Food In Supermarkets And Shops Across The UK
Rejected on Friday 1st April 2016
Rejection code: duplicate
Abolish GMT time zone and keep BST time zone
Rejected on Friday 1st April 2016
Rejection code: duplicate
Make BBC/ITV hire Lothar Mattheus as lead pundit on all England games at Euros.
Rejected on Friday 1st April 2016
Rejection code: irrelevant
Rejected on Friday 1st April 2016
Rejection code: duplicate
Make the legal definition of rape apply to females on male rape.
Rejected on Friday 1st April 2016
Rejection code: duplicate Fri, 07 Mar 2025 01:14:02 +0000