All the petitions which were submitted in March 2020, irrespective of whether they were accepted or rejected, sorted by submission date from newest to oldest.
Note that petitions will only show in this list once they have been either accepted or rejected. Petitions still waiting to be checked are not made public until they have completed the moderation process. That's because publishing them before then would defeat the object of the support gathering phase, as well as risking the inadvertant publication of something defamatory or otherwise unlawful.
Change the 2020 Easter Bank Holidays until after the pandemic due to Coronavirus
Submitted on Tuesday 24th March 2020
Rejected on Wednesday 1st April 2020 - reason: duplicate
Lockdown food shops to stop spreading viruses
Submitted on Tuesday 24th March 2020
Open from Friday 24th April 2020 to Saturday 24th October 2020
8 signatures
Reimburse International Students Of This Years Fees Due To COVID-19
Submitted on Tuesday 24th March 2020
Rejected on Tuesday 31st March 2020 - reason: duplicate
Treat construction workers the same as everyone else in the UK and shut work
Submitted on Tuesday 24th March 2020
Rejected on Tuesday 14th April 2020 - reason: duplicate
Ensure all NHS staff infected with COVID-19 receive full pay if unable to work
Submitted on Tuesday 24th March 2020
Rejected on Thursday 30th April 2020 - reason: duplicate
Submitted on Tuesday 24th March 2020
Rejected on Friday 17th April 2020 - reason: duplicate
Stop all non essential work places opening during the Covid-19 crisis
Submitted on Tuesday 24th March 2020
Rejected on Friday 17th April 2020 - reason: duplicate
Offer 80% financial support to persons in the 'Construction Industry Scheme'
Submitted on Tuesday 24th March 2020
Open from Thursday 7th May 2020 to Saturday 7th November 2020
147 signatures
Close none essential construction sites and compensate self employed
Submitted on Tuesday 24th March 2020
Rejected on Friday 27th March 2020 - reason: duplicate
Put uk on full lockdown reduce the spread of covid 19 no one is listening
Submitted on Tuesday 24th March 2020
Rejected on Friday 17th April 2020 - reason: duplicate
Pass all first year university students due to the disruption of COVID-19.
Submitted on Tuesday 24th March 2020
Rejected on Tuesday 31st March 2020 - reason: irrelevant
Provide proper PPE for healthcare workers.
Submitted on Tuesday 24th March 2020
Rejected on Tuesday 31st March 2020 - reason: duplicate
Have an annual bank holiday to celebrate our frontline services such as the NHS
Submitted on Tuesday 24th March 2020
Rejected on Wednesday 1st April 2020 - reason: duplicate
Cancel Accommodation fees for Private Hall University students due to COVID19
Submitted on Tuesday 24th March 2020
Rejected on Friday 27th March 2020 - reason: duplicate
Income tax exemptions for all key workers in the NHS for the next ten years.
Submitted on Tuesday 24th March 2020
Rejected on Thursday 30th April 2020 - reason: no-action
Cancel rent, mortgage payments and council tax during covid-19 pandemic.
Submitted on Tuesday 24th March 2020
Rejected on Tuesday 31st March 2020 - reason: irrelevant
Require schools to allow children the option to retake their year next year
Submitted on Tuesday 24th March 2020
Open from Tuesday 14th April 2020 to Wednesday 14th October 2020
1,832 signatures
Vote no confidence in Boris Johnson’s government for pandemic handling of Covid
Submitted on Tuesday 24th March 2020
Rejected on Tuesday 31st March 2020 - reason: honours
Suspend all council tax charges for minimum of 3 months during COVID-19 pandemic
Submitted on Tuesday 24th March 2020
Rejected on Tuesday 31st March 2020 - reason: duplicate
Provide alternative means for conducting weddings during Covid Pandemic
Submitted on Tuesday 24th March 2020
Open from Thursday 30th April 2020 to Friday 30th October 2020
305 signatures
Suspend council tax bills for 3 months throughout Coronavirus pandemic
Submitted on Tuesday 24th March 2020
Rejected on Tuesday 31st March 2020 - reason: duplicate
Pay all key workers the equivalent in cash that everyone else has benefited to.
Submitted on Tuesday 24th March 2020
Rejected on Wednesday 15th April 2020 - reason: duplicate
Force Student Accom. to release students from tenancy agreements (Covid-19)
Submitted on Tuesday 24th March 2020
Rejected on Friday 27th March 2020 - reason: duplicate
All retailers to close except supermarkets over a certain sq ft amid covid19
Submitted on Tuesday 24th March 2020
Rejected on Friday 15th May 2020 - reason: no-reply
Donate student tuition fees from universities to the NHS.
Submitted on Tuesday 24th March 2020
Rejected on Thursday 30th April 2020 - reason: irrelevant
International Students Fee Refund or Visa Extention due to COVID-19
Submitted on Tuesday 24th March 2020
Rejected on Thursday 30th April 2020 - reason: duplicate
Close all non-essential factories in the UK
Submitted on Tuesday 24th March 2020
Rejected on Friday 17th April 2020 - reason: duplicate
Pay self employed people 80% of there wages
Submitted on Tuesday 24th March 2020
Rejected on Friday 27th March 2020 - reason: already-happening
Carers/support workers are UNSKILLED workers now in the FRONTLINE OF CORONAVIRUS
Submitted on Tuesday 24th March 2020
Rejected on Wednesday 29th April 2020 - reason: duplicate
Move all bank holidays to a time after Coronavirus Lockdown
Submitted on Tuesday 24th March 2020
Open from Wednesday 1st April 2020 to Thursday 1st October 2020
603 signatures
Make mortgage companies pass on the BoE base rate for fixed rate customers
Submitted on Tuesday 24th March 2020
Rejected on Tuesday 31st March 2020 - reason: irrelevant
Due to unforeseen circumstances of Covid-19 use first term university grades
Submitted on Tuesday 24th March 2020
Rejected on Tuesday 31st March 2020 - reason: irrelevant
Give clarity and bursary’s for student nurses during covid-19 outbreak!
Submitted on Tuesday 24th March 2020
Rejected on Thursday 30th April 2020 - reason: irrelevant
Pay self-employed workers 80% of gross income during Covid-19
Submitted on Tuesday 24th March 2020
Open from Thursday 30th April 2020 to Friday 30th October 2020
414 signatures
Cancel/postpone all deadlines and exams for university students!!
Submitted on Tuesday 24th March 2020
Rejected on Tuesday 31st March 2020 - reason: irrelevant
Support regular hours of pay for zero hour contractors during Corona-19 crisis.
Submitted on Tuesday 24th March 2020
Rejected on Tuesday 14th April 2020 - reason: duplicate
Provide grades without exams and assignments for university students- COVID-19
Submitted on Tuesday 24th March 2020
Rejected on Tuesday 31st March 2020 - reason: irrelevant
Extend the UCAS deadline for Oxbridge and Medicine applications due to COVID-19
Submitted on Tuesday 24th March 2020
Rejected on Tuesday 31st March 2020 - reason: irrelevant
All frontline and supporting staff in our NHS to be awarded a campaign medal.
Submitted on Tuesday 24th March 2020
Rejected on Tuesday 31st March 2020 - reason: duplicate
Recognition for Key Workers during COVID 19 outbreak
Submitted on Tuesday 24th March 2020
Rejected on Wednesday 29th April 2020 - reason: duplicate
Implement a windfall tax on UK billionaires to fund effort to fight Covid-19
Submitted on Tuesday 24th March 2020
Open from Friday 1st May 2020 to Sunday 1st November 2020
946 signatures
For all private accommodation to cancel tenancy agreements
Submitted on Tuesday 24th March 2020
Rejected on Tuesday 31st March 2020 - reason: irrelevant
Prosecute and fine public servants if not complying with direct duties and law.
Submitted on Tuesday 24th March 2020
Rejected on Tuesday 19th May 2020 - reason: no-action
Suspension of Council Tax payments for 3 months due to the Coronavirus Pandemic
Submitted on Tuesday 24th March 2020
Rejected on Tuesday 31st March 2020 - reason: duplicate
Provide nurses and hospital ancillary workers with a generous payrise.
Submitted on Tuesday 24th March 2020
Rejected on Tuesday 31st March 2020 - reason: duplicate
Make inhalers free for people with asthma
Submitted on Tuesday 24th March 2020
Rejected on Friday 24th April 2020 - reason: duplicate
Repatriate the British nationals stranded in India
Submitted on Tuesday 24th March 2020
Rejected on Thursday 2nd April 2020 - reason: duplicate
Require Student Letting Agents to charge half rent to those who vacate early.
Submitted on Tuesday 24th March 2020
Rejected on Tuesday 31st March 2020 - reason: irrelevant
Scrap income tax for all NHS workers during the COVID-19 crisis period
Submitted on Tuesday 24th March 2020
Rejected on Tuesday 31st March 2020 - reason: duplicate
Submitted on Tuesday 24th March 2020
Rejected on Tuesday 31st March 2020 - reason: irrelevant
Extend Tier 4 visa to 2 years for 2019 International students amid COVID-19
Submitted on Tuesday 24th March 2020
Rejected on Friday 24th April 2020 - reason: duplicate
Provide urgently adequate PPE for all the NHS frontline workers.
Submitted on Tuesday 24th March 2020
Rejected on Tuesday 31st March 2020 - reason: duplicate
Provide the necessary PPE for those working in a healthcare environment.
Submitted on Tuesday 24th March 2020
Rejected on Tuesday 31st March 2020 - reason: duplicate
Suspend payment in all Pay and Display areas for the duration of the lockdown
Submitted on Tuesday 24th March 2020
Rejected on Friday 24th April 2020 - reason: irrelevant
Ground all flights in and out of the country to stop the spread of Corona.
Submitted on Tuesday 24th March 2020
Rejected on Thursday 2nd April 2020 - reason: duplicate
Reimburse student maintenance loan!
Submitted on Tuesday 24th March 2020
Rejected on Tuesday 31st March 2020 - reason: duplicate
University Students to Be Graded on Completed Work Due to the COVID–19 Pandemic
Submitted on Tuesday 24th March 2020
Rejected on Tuesday 31st March 2020 - reason: irrelevant
Force hoseasons & other holiday companies to give refunds for cancelled holidays
Submitted on Tuesday 24th March 2020
Rejected on Tuesday 31st March 2020 - reason: irrelevant
Include the UK's Volunteer Police officers in Schedule 7 of the Coronavirus Bill
Submitted on Tuesday 24th March 2020
Open from Thursday 30th April 2020 to Friday 30th October 2020
28 signatures
Make power companies lower their prices during the Lockdown.
Submitted on Tuesday 24th March 2020
Rejected on Tuesday 31st March 2020 - reason: irrelevant
Freeze Rent and Utilities, and give financial aid to all citizens
Submitted on Tuesday 24th March 2020
Rejected on Tuesday 31st March 2020 - reason: irrelevant
Grant Predicted Grades to BTEC Students as well as A-Level and GCSE Students
Submitted on Tuesday 24th March 2020
Rejected on Wednesday 15th April 2020 - reason: irrelevant
University students need more clarity and support during the Covid-19 pandemic
Submitted on Tuesday 24th March 2020
Rejected on Tuesday 31st March 2020 - reason: irrelevant
Urgently arrange repatriation for UK Citizens stranded abroad by Covid-19
Submitted on Tuesday 24th March 2020
Rejected on Thursday 2nd April 2020 - reason: duplicate
Review COVID-19 business relief to consider company founders who operate alone.
Submitted on Tuesday 24th March 2020
Rejected on Wednesday 29th April 2020 - reason: duplicate
Lockdown all remaining industrial and private workplaces to contain COVID-19.
Submitted on Tuesday 24th March 2020
Rejected on Friday 17th April 2020 - reason: duplicate
Suspend Vehicle MOT requirements for the duration of the the lockdown in the U.K
Submitted on Tuesday 24th March 2020
Rejected on Tuesday 31st March 2020 - reason: already-happening
Calculated grades for Undergraduate degrees, as implemented for GCSE and A Level
Submitted on Tuesday 24th March 2020
Rejected on Tuesday 31st March 2020 - reason: irrelevant
Provide financial support to self employed private hire taxi drivers amid crisis
Submitted on Tuesday 24th March 2020
Rejected on Tuesday 31st March 2020 - reason: already-happening
Close all construction sites due to covid-19
Submitted on Tuesday 24th March 2020
Rejected on Friday 27th March 2020 - reason: duplicate
Protect workers looking after us during lock down. Supply/Postal/Retail sectors
Submitted on Tuesday 24th March 2020
Rejected on Wednesday 29th April 2020 - reason: duplicate
Instruct all local Councils to suspend all live planning applications submitted.
Submitted on Tuesday 24th March 2020
Open from Thursday 30th April 2020 to Friday 30th October 2020
42 signatures
Stop the payments of student accommodation due to COVID-19
Submitted on Tuesday 24th March 2020
Rejected on Friday 27th March 2020 - reason: duplicate
Test people arriving in the UK for COVID-19 and quarantine if necessary.
Submitted on Tuesday 24th March 2020
Rejected on Tuesday 31st March 2020 - reason: duplicate
Set up NHS campus shops, so that staff can get essential food supplies at work.
Submitted on Tuesday 24th March 2020
Rejected on Thursday 30th April 2020 - reason: irrelevant
Close all non essential factories
Submitted on Tuesday 24th March 2020
Rejected on Friday 17th April 2020 - reason: duplicate
During the Coronavirus epidemic stop all non-NHS construction work in the UK.
Submitted on Tuesday 24th March 2020
Rejected on Friday 27th March 2020 - reason: duplicate
Declare a national Bank Holiday the day after pubs, clubs and restaurants reopen
Submitted on Tuesday 24th March 2020
Rejected on Wednesday 1st April 2020 - reason: duplicate
Stop online auction sites allowing the sale inflated prices for essentials
Submitted on Tuesday 24th March 2020
Rejected on Tuesday 31st March 2020 - reason: duplicate
Self-employed and those on zero hours contracts to be paid Critical Income.
Submitted on Tuesday 24th March 2020
Rejected on Thursday 2nd April 2020 - reason: no-action
refund all payments made to NMC by nurses this year
Submitted on Tuesday 24th March 2020
Rejected on Wednesday 29th April 2020 - reason: duplicate
Close down construction sites during Covid-19 outbreak
Submitted on Tuesday 24th March 2020
Rejected on Friday 27th March 2020 - reason: duplicate
University accommodation rent to be lowered or cancelled for the final term
Submitted on Tuesday 24th March 2020
Rejected on Friday 27th March 2020 - reason: duplicate
Request Banks and Building societies to suspend repayments for 3 months.
Submitted on Tuesday 24th March 2020
Rejected on Tuesday 31st March 2020 - reason: irrelevant
Enforce company to make guarantee for work done by them transferable.
Submitted on Tuesday 24th March 2020
Rejected on Thursday 30th April 2020 - reason: irrelevant
Interest rates on student loans need to stop whilst coronavirus is occuring
Submitted on Tuesday 24th March 2020
Rejected on Wednesday 1st April 2020 - reason: duplicate
Self employed / agency staff to received a wage during COVID-19
Submitted on Tuesday 24th March 2020
Rejected on Thursday 30th April 2020 - reason: already-happening
Visa Extension for International Students in UK due to Covid 19.
Submitted on Tuesday 24th March 2020
Rejected on Wednesday 29th April 2020 - reason: duplicate
Lock down the construction industry that isn't essential during COVID
Submitted on Tuesday 24th March 2020
Rejected on Tuesday 14th April 2020 - reason: duplicate
Allow universities to give predicted grades for assignments due to COVID-19.
Submitted on Tuesday 24th March 2020
Rejected on Tuesday 31st March 2020 - reason: irrelevant
Introduce voluntary COVID-19 policing scheme to the public
Submitted on Tuesday 24th March 2020
Rejected on Thursday 30th April 2020 - reason: no-action
Ask universities to cancel exams
Submitted on Tuesday 24th March 2020
Rejected on Tuesday 31st March 2020 - reason: irrelevant
Don’t use GCSEs to determine A-Level Grades
Submitted on Tuesday 24th March 2020
Rejected on Tuesday 31st March 2020 - reason: irrelevant
Close the construction sites to protect people from COVID-19!
Submitted on Tuesday 24th March 2020
Rejected on Friday 27th March 2020 - reason: duplicate
Give iminent danger pay to all MOT and service garage employees or close garages
Submitted on Tuesday 24th March 2020
Rejected on Thursday 7th May 2020 - reason: duplicate
Give Student Nurses Pay
Submitted on Tuesday 24th March 2020
Rejected on Tuesday 31st March 2020 - reason: irrelevant
Pay Company Directors of small businesses during pandemic.
Submitted on Tuesday 24th March 2020
Rejected on Wednesday 15th April 2020 - reason: duplicate
Cancel all exams/assignments for university students due to a lack of resources
Submitted on Tuesday 24th March 2020
Rejected on Tuesday 31st March 2020 - reason: irrelevant
Protect nannies and childcare workers health.
Submitted on Tuesday 24th March 2020
Rejected on Friday 15th May 2020 - reason: no-action
Fine companies for forcing workers to travel who are not key workers
Submitted on Tuesday 24th March 2020
Rejected on Thursday 30th April 2020 - reason: duplicate Wed, 12 Mar 2025 05:15:53 +0000