All the petitions which were rejected in June 2019, sorted by rejection date from newest to oldest.
Cancel ALL MPs leave until the Brexit impasse is resolved
Rejected on Friday 21st June 2019 - reason: duplicate
Help stop global warming. Plant more trees. Cut down the UK's Carbon footprint.
Rejected on Friday 21st June 2019 - reason: duplicate
General Election - Add the selection... None... to every ballot paper.
Rejected on Friday 21st June 2019 - reason: duplicate
All Parliamentary recesses between now and 31 October are to be cancelled.
Rejected on Friday 21st June 2019 - reason: duplicate
Suspend 2019 parliamentary summer recess.
Rejected on Friday 21st June 2019 - reason: duplicate
To remove or reduce Parliament’s recess dates whilst there is a national crisis
Rejected on Friday 21st June 2019 - reason: duplicate
Rejected on Friday 21st June 2019 - reason: no-action
Allow the deniedmyvote EU voters a vote
Rejected on Friday 21st June 2019 - reason: duplicate
Make British Citizenship Fairer & actively help the integration of all eligible
Rejected on Friday 21st June 2019 - reason: no-action
Residents of the UK should have a vote on remaining in the EU or leaving.
Rejected on Friday 21st June 2019 - reason: duplicate
reduce working week from 5 to 4 days with same pay, same hours.
Rejected on Friday 21st June 2019 - reason: irrelevant
Nigel Farage, Must be included in any talks on Brexit with Conservative.
Rejected on Friday 21st June 2019 - reason: honours
Cancel MP summer holidays until Brexit is debated and the UK crisis is resolved.
Rejected on Friday 21st June 2019 - reason: duplicate
Stoke On Trent City Council to listen and act on residents concerns.
Rejected on Friday 21st June 2019 - reason: irrelevant
Take Love Island Off Air
Rejected on Friday 21st June 2019 - reason: irrelevant
We do not support Theresa May and her approach to Brexit. We want her to resign.
Rejected on Friday 21st June 2019 - reason: honours
Make cannabis legal for recreational use in the UK.
Rejected on Friday 21st June 2019 - reason: duplicate
Make David Attenborough Prime Minister
Rejected on Friday 21st June 2019 - reason: irrelevant
Increase MP turn out to the house with a minimum attendance requirement
Rejected on Friday 21st June 2019 - reason: no-action
Add Cultural Awareness/Knowledge to all Primary School Curriculums from Year 1.
Rejected on Friday 21st June 2019 - reason: no-action
Ammend rules of Parties, so a small % of the country can't elect a new PM.
Rejected on Friday 21st June 2019 - reason: duplicate
Keep the NHS as a publicly-owned body, free at point of delivery
Rejected on Friday 21st June 2019 - reason: duplicate
Ban the sale of single use plastics at all UK festivals
Rejected on Friday 21st June 2019 - reason: irrelevant
Put a Primark in the empty space in the antonine town centre in Cumbernauld
Rejected on Friday 21st June 2019 - reason: irrelevant
Hold second referendum on Brexit after EU election votes show favour for remain
Rejected on Friday 21st June 2019 - reason: duplicate
Investigate on why EU Nationals were denied to vote?
Rejected on Friday 21st June 2019 - reason: duplicate
If an MP leaves party they got their seat in they have to hold a by-election
Rejected on Friday 21st June 2019 - reason: duplicate
Leave the EU on 31st Oct with or without a deal
Rejected on Friday 21st June 2019 - reason: duplicate
Legislate to make it compulsory for all eligible & able UK voters to vote
Rejected on Friday 21st June 2019 - reason: duplicate
Make billeting all backbench MPs with randomly selected UK families, mandatory.
Rejected on Friday 21st June 2019 - reason: irrelevant
Vote of no confidence in government + a new public Brexit vote on leaving the EU
Rejected on Friday 21st June 2019 - reason: honours
Stop Uber coming to our disricts
Rejected on Friday 21st June 2019 - reason: irrelevant
Scrap universal credit and move back to the old system.
Rejected on Friday 21st June 2019 - reason: duplicate
National Insurance Contributions, why not do you have to keep paying after 65
Rejected on Friday 21st June 2019 - reason: no-action
Amend the fixed term parliament act for when a change of Prime Minister happens
Rejected on Friday 21st June 2019 - reason: duplicate
Allow EU citizens and expats, denied a vote in 23 May 2019 elections, to vote
Rejected on Friday 21st June 2019 - reason: duplicate
Allow EU citizens in UK their Democratic right to vote in the European election!
Rejected on Friday 21st June 2019 - reason: duplicate
Ballot paper must be completed in pen and not pencil.
Rejected on Friday 21st June 2019 - reason: duplicate
Hold an urgent inquiry into the denial of voting rights in the EU elections
Rejected on Friday 21st June 2019 - reason: duplicate
Call a Snap Election.
Rejected on Friday 21st June 2019 - reason: duplicate
Discuss: the UK Government is unable to deal with the Climate Emergency.
Rejected on Friday 21st June 2019 - reason: no-action
We demand that the UK government declares a climate emergency
Rejected on Friday 21st June 2019 - reason: duplicate
UK Government to meet Extinction Rebellion to discuss averting climate breakdown
Rejected on Friday 21st June 2019 - reason: no-action
Make Premier League football players give 1% of their wage to chosen charity
Rejected on Friday 21st June 2019 - reason: irrelevant
Protect the rights of LGBTQ+ People from harmful far right views and hatred.
Rejected on Thursday 20th June 2019 - reason: no-action
Bring back coursework to every GCSE
Rejected on Thursday 20th June 2019 - reason: duplicate
The Electoral Commission is not fit for purpose and should be replaced.
Rejected on Thursday 20th June 2019 - reason: no-action
Petitions web site searching is difficult
Rejected on Thursday 20th June 2019 - reason: no-action
Ensure all ice cream van persons are CRB checked and have a licence
Rejected on Thursday 20th June 2019 - reason: duplicate
Legalise party political placards on street furniture during an election
Rejected on Thursday 20th June 2019 - reason: irrelevant
Pass a law that will reclassify Member of Parliament Expenses as a State Benefit
Rejected on Thursday 20th June 2019 - reason: irrelevant
Let people who rely on plastic straws have a say in policies regarding the ban
Rejected on Thursday 20th June 2019 - reason: no-action
Stormzy/Grime music introduced into Schools.
Rejected on Thursday 20th June 2019 - reason: irrelevant
Longer sentencing for cat/animal killers and those stealing for dog baiting
Rejected on Thursday 20th June 2019 - reason: no-action
Grant permanent right to live and work in the UK visa to Roman Abramovich
Rejected on Thursday 20th June 2019 - reason: irrelevant
Provide domestic abuse information in sanitary products such as pad/tampon boxes
Rejected on Thursday 20th June 2019 - reason: irrelevant
Rejected on Thursday 20th June 2019 - reason: irrelevant
Ban the manufacture and sale of fossil fuel cars within 10 years.
Rejected on Thursday 20th June 2019 - reason: duplicate
Openly Audit the European Unions Accounts to ensure there is no corruption
Rejected on Thursday 20th June 2019 - reason: irrelevant
Reform transgender healthcare services in the UK as a matter of urgency
Rejected on Thursday 20th June 2019 - reason: duplicate
Make voting legally mandatory for all eligible voters
Rejected on Thursday 20th June 2019 - reason: duplicate
Petition the Botswana Government to uphold the ban on Elephant Hunting.
Rejected on Thursday 20th June 2019 - reason: duplicate
Legal aid for dad's who want to be In There
Child's life
Rejected on Thursday 20th June 2019 - reason: no-action
Investigate denial of EU citizens ability to vote in the 2019 EU Election
Rejected on Wednesday 19th June 2019 - reason: duplicate
Provide the right support for individuals with mental health
Rejected on Wednesday 19th June 2019 - reason: no-action
Mandatory Vaccines for everyone unless they cannot physically have them
Rejected on Wednesday 19th June 2019 - reason: duplicate
Do not remove Section 21 (no-fault) eviction procedure completely.
Rejected on Wednesday 19th June 2019 - reason: no-action
Restore Democracy. Make the media fully accountable for misleading the public.
Rejected on Wednesday 19th June 2019 - reason: no-action
Add 'When Hitler Stole Pink Rabbit' by Judith Kerr to the National Curriculum
Rejected on Wednesday 19th June 2019 - reason: irrelevant
Show the symbol of the political party in power on any parking ticket issued.
Rejected on Wednesday 19th June 2019 - reason: no-action
Make all animals/pets to be microchipped and registered with a chip company.
Rejected on Wednesday 19th June 2019 - reason: no-action
Name storms after England fast bowlers in this Cricket World Cup year.
Rejected on Wednesday 19th June 2019 - reason: irrelevant
Make the British constitution a written one.
Rejected on Wednesday 19th June 2019 - reason: duplicate
Hold a referendum for the legalisation of cannabis
Rejected on Wednesday 19th June 2019 - reason: duplicate
ban homework
Rejected on Wednesday 19th June 2019 - reason: duplicate
Stop M.Ps from supporting demo's against invited foreign leaders who visit U.K.
Rejected on Wednesday 19th June 2019 - reason: irrelevant
Understand why Eu Citizens living in the UK were turned away from Voting
Rejected on Wednesday 19th June 2019 - reason: duplicate
Make US companies and Trump, Trust Huawei. There's no evidence against Huawei.
Rejected on Wednesday 19th June 2019 - reason: irrelevant
Make statutory adoption leave available for the self employed.
Rejected on Wednesday 19th June 2019 - reason: no-action
Arm all UK front-line Police Officers with firearms
Rejected on Wednesday 19th June 2019 - reason: no-action
Remove The Ban on phones on all schools in london
Rejected on Wednesday 19th June 2019 - reason: irrelevant
Reduction of IELTS band score for doctors (Foundation Programme) and accept OET
Rejected on Wednesday 19th June 2019 - reason: irrelevant
Prevent food waste
Rejected on Wednesday 19th June 2019 - reason: duplicate
Invoke Article 49 of the TEU: (re)Joining the European Union
Rejected on Wednesday 19th June 2019 - reason: no-action
All Convicted Animal Abusers To Be Placed On A National Animal Abuse Register
Rejected on Wednesday 19th June 2019 - reason: duplicate
make bonfire in the residential area a criminal offence.
Rejected on Wednesday 19th June 2019 - reason: no-action
Get Parliament to condemn the 8 American states that have banned abortion.
Rejected on Wednesday 19th June 2019 - reason: duplicate
Include the count of spoiled ballot papers for all elections.
Rejected on Wednesday 19th June 2019 - reason: no-action
Autism Training for all public transport staff
Rejected on Wednesday 19th June 2019 - reason: duplicate
Prosecute politicians that lied when they said we would leave on the 29/03/19
Rejected on Wednesday 19th June 2019 - reason: irrelevant
Change the British national anthem to the LazyTown song 'We Are Number One'.
Rejected on Wednesday 19th June 2019 - reason: irrelevant
Prison for tax-avoiding ceo's.
Rejected on Wednesday 19th June 2019 - reason: no-action
Don't announce any new MEPs until wrongly blocked votes are also counted
Rejected on Wednesday 19th June 2019 - reason: no-action
Remove the glass windows from the front of the leisure centre in Darwen.
Rejected on Wednesday 19th June 2019 - reason: irrelevant
Joel and Lorna to continue presenting Heart breakfast radio show.
Rejected on Wednesday 19th June 2019 - reason: irrelevant
Let the public vote on what to do about Brexit.
Rejected on Wednesday 19th June 2019 - reason: duplicate
UK should not extradite Julian Assange to the US While Donald Trump is President
Rejected on Wednesday 19th June 2019 - reason: irrelevant
Insist petitions receiving more than 2,000,000 signatures are considered fully.
Rejected on Wednesday 19th June 2019 - reason: duplicate
Give D-day veteran Harry Billinge a knighthood
Rejected on Wednesday 19th June 2019 - reason: honours
Make it the law to report a cat being hit and left in the road
Rejected on Wednesday 19th June 2019 - reason: duplicate Mon, 03 Mar 2025 19:29:23 +0000