All the petitions which were rejected in March 2016, sorted by rejection date from newest to oldest.
To make it compulsory to wear a helmet when cycling on roads in the UK.
Rejected on Thursday 31st March 2016 - reason: duplicate
Better inform the public as to the implications of where they spend their money
Rejected on Thursday 31st March 2016 - reason: no-action
Make it law that all drinks containers carry a refundable deposit
Rejected on Thursday 31st March 2016 - reason: duplicate
Consider reducing the number of recess days MPs get from parliament.
Rejected on Thursday 31st March 2016 - reason: duplicate
Reinstate the death penalty for people convicted of terrorism against the UK.
Rejected on Thursday 31st March 2016 - reason: duplicate
To reverse its decision on forcing schools to become academies.
Rejected on Thursday 31st March 2016 - reason: duplicate
Scrap the Infrastructure Act 2015, which facilitates public land to be grabbed.
Rejected on Thursday 31st March 2016 - reason: duplicate
Should we have an additional bank holiday for the Queen's 90th Birthday?
Rejected on Thursday 31st March 2016 - reason: duplicate
Pay every UK adult citizen a basic universal income of £900 per month Tax Free
Rejected on Thursday 31st March 2016 - reason: duplicate
Give small refunds on returned plastic bottles.
Rejected on Thursday 31st March 2016 - reason: duplicate
Overturn decision to repeal farm animal welfare codes
Rejected on Thursday 31st March 2016 - reason: duplicate
Stop animal welfare codes being written and controlled by the agri-industry
Rejected on Thursday 31st March 2016 - reason: duplicate
Do not repeal farm animal welfare codes, enabling industry led deregulation.
Rejected on Thursday 31st March 2016 - reason: duplicate
Stop your plan to repeal animal welfare codes.
Rejected on Thursday 31st March 2016 - reason: duplicate
Block plans to repeal an array of official guidance on animal welfare standards
Rejected on Thursday 31st March 2016 - reason: duplicate
Keep animal welfare standards the responsibility of the government not industry
Rejected on Thursday 31st March 2016 - reason: duplicate
Do not repeal government animal welfare codes for farm animals
Rejected on Thursday 31st March 2016 - reason: duplicate
Stop the UK Government Repealing the animal welfare code
Rejected on Thursday 31st March 2016 - reason: duplicate
Keep Animal Welfare Codes for Chicken Farming
Rejected on Thursday 31st March 2016 - reason: duplicate
Stop the government repealing animal welfare codes
Rejected on Thursday 31st March 2016 - reason: duplicate
Stop changes to animal welfare reform
Rejected on Thursday 31st March 2016 - reason: duplicate
DEFRA to 'deregulate' meat industry, at the expense of animal welfare standards.
Rejected on Thursday 31st March 2016 - reason: no-action
Stop the British Grandprix to be aired on Pay-Per-View from 2019
Rejected on Thursday 31st March 2016 - reason: duplicate
Abolish Daylight Savings Time in the UK
Rejected on Thursday 31st March 2016 - reason: duplicate
Save The Land Registry Campaign
Rejected on Thursday 31st March 2016 - reason: duplicate
The public demand that Parliament reject the Infrastructure Bill.
Rejected on Thursday 31st March 2016 - reason: duplicate
Stop the privatisation or giving away of any British Asset.
Rejected on Thursday 31st March 2016 - reason: duplicate
Consumers should not be forced to do business with private companies.
Rejected on Thursday 31st March 2016 - reason: no-action
Faster mental health diagnosis,more support and faster treatment.
Rejected on Thursday 31st March 2016 - reason: duplicate
Repeal the firearms amendment act 1997,1988 and amend the firearms act of 1968.
Rejected on Thursday 31st March 2016 - reason: duplicate
Bring back the Leeds German Market tent, with Live Music
Rejected on Wednesday 30th March 2016 - reason: irrelevant
Place expiration dates on TV adverts. No advert airs longer than 18 months!
Rejected on Wednesday 30th March 2016 - reason: irrelevant
Keep Formula 1 live on free to air TV !
Rejected on Wednesday 30th March 2016 - reason: duplicate
Mr Hunt must attend a live TV debate on the imposed Junior Doctors' Contract.
Rejected on Wednesday 30th March 2016 - reason: duplicate
in the light of the budget fiasco propose a debate of no confidence
Rejected on Wednesday 30th March 2016 - reason: duplicate
Non-resident parents who fail to pay child maintenance should be criminalised.
Rejected on Wednesday 30th March 2016 - reason: no-action
Stop funfair taking place on Milton Forge!
Rejected on Tuesday 29th March 2016 - reason: irrelevant
Petition Govt to have all goods made in occupied Palestine clearly labelled.
Rejected on Tuesday 29th March 2016 - reason: duplicate
Make dental nurses more recognised for the job they do and pay them more an hour
Rejected on Tuesday 29th March 2016 - reason: irrelevant
Make Formula 1 a category A event in the Ofcom Code on Sports
Rejected on Tuesday 29th March 2016 - reason: duplicate
I want to make cannabis to be legalised for the uk we can make so much tax on it
Rejected on Tuesday 29th March 2016 - reason: duplicate
Make housing a priority for the armed forces. Time to help those that help
Rejected on Tuesday 29th March 2016 - reason: duplicate
Stop MPs shouting over the person speaking in Parliament.
Rejected on Tuesday 29th March 2016 - reason: duplicate
Make all companies declare clearly on packaging whether they animal test or not
Rejected on Tuesday 29th March 2016 - reason: duplicate
Change the way the CSA calculates the amount None resident parents pay
Rejected on Friday 25th March 2016 - reason: duplicate
Enforce minimum wage salary to reflect hours worked in motor sales industry.
Rejected on Friday 25th March 2016 - reason: no-action
Set a national 'child' age in the UK especially for buses and trains #UnFare
Rejected on Friday 25th March 2016 - reason: duplicate
Penalize MPs at the dispatch box for the refusal to answer questions.
Rejected on Friday 25th March 2016 - reason: duplicate
I need a law to make fathers pay the child support they owe.
Rejected on Friday 25th March 2016 - reason: no-action
Ravensdale Project One Playgroup Is Closing This July 2016 Due To Funding!
Rejected on Friday 25th March 2016 - reason: irrelevant
Make Road Tax payable daily NOT monthly
Rejected on Friday 25th March 2016 - reason: duplicate
Call to re-nationalise our NHS, removing financially driven private companies.
Rejected on Friday 25th March 2016 - reason: no-action
Leave clocks on British summer time, stop putting clocks backwards and forwards.
Rejected on Friday 25th March 2016 - reason: duplicate
Change the education system to reduce depression and mental illness in students.
Rejected on Friday 25th March 2016 - reason: no-action
To make all toilets in public places free to use.
Rejected on Friday 25th March 2016 - reason: irrelevant
Increase funding for student nurses
Rejected on Friday 25th March 2016 - reason: duplicate
Stop HMRC from killing contracting in the UK
Rejected on Friday 25th March 2016 - reason: no-action
Abolish Law Training Contracts
Rejected on Thursday 24th March 2016 - reason: irrelevant
BBC to do an Equality Impact Assessment on when it requires "balance".
Rejected on Thursday 24th March 2016 - reason: irrelevant
Hold a judicial inquiry into the overseas sale of Shakespeare's Curtain Theater.
Rejected on Thursday 24th March 2016 - reason: no-action
Decriminalize the production and personal use of cannabis.
Rejected on Thursday 24th March 2016 - reason: duplicate
Introduce signal at bus lanes to alert drivers when a bus is aproaching.
Rejected on Thursday 24th March 2016 - reason: irrelevant
Help People Who Receive Esa In The Support Group To Get The Winter Fuel Payment
Rejected on Thursday 24th March 2016 - reason: no-action
Ban the use of slanderous terms for mental illness in the media now.
Rejected on Thursday 24th March 2016 - reason: irrelevant
Give Young working British family's more of a chance with council properties
Rejected on Thursday 24th March 2016 - reason: no-action
Put a limit on insurance prices for young drivers!!
Rejected on Thursday 24th March 2016 - reason: duplicate
Stop benefits to families who have more than one wife living in the UK.
Rejected on Thursday 24th March 2016 - reason: no-action
Introduce Basic First Aid Training to the Secondary Curriculum
Rejected on Thursday 24th March 2016 - reason: duplicate
sack george osborne immediately
Rejected on Thursday 24th March 2016 - reason: honours
Stop Nottingham City Council campaigning against begging and fining beggars
Rejected on Thursday 24th March 2016 - reason: irrelevant
Condemn the unjust practices of many local councils and Housing associations.
Rejected on Thursday 24th March 2016 - reason: no-action
Require all cars to run on water instead of petrol or diesel.
Rejected on Thursday 24th March 2016 - reason: no-action
Open the Lord Cullen report on dunblane
Rejected on Thursday 24th March 2016 - reason: irrelevant
Make "Travelers" Acountable for their Actions and the Law Equal for All.
Rejected on Thursday 24th March 2016 - reason: no-action
Ensure Sikhs are not forced to remove turban at airport.
Rejected on Thursday 24th March 2016 - reason: no-action
Force people who are charged with animal neglect or abuse to sign a register.
Rejected on Thursday 24th March 2016 - reason: fake-name
Stop the Chancellor from selling off the nation's investment in RBS at a loss.
Rejected on Thursday 24th March 2016 - reason: duplicate
More consideration for the mental health of young adults and teenagers
Rejected on Thursday 24th March 2016 - reason: duplicate
Prevent MPs and their families from using private health and education services
Rejected on Thursday 24th March 2016 - reason: irrelevant
Letting Agency Fee for Tenants to be appropriate and uniform across the industry
Rejected on Thursday 24th March 2016 - reason: duplicate
Debate the real reason the EU wants Assad removed and the ensuing war Qatari Gas
Rejected on Thursday 24th March 2016 - reason: no-action
Call for a vote of no confidence in the Government
Rejected on Thursday 24th March 2016 - reason: duplicate
Intern Hate Preachers and make promotion of ISIS / DAESH unlawful in the UK
Rejected on Thursday 24th March 2016 - reason: no-action
Lift any restrictions on use of Parliamentary footage by satirical TV programmes
Rejected on Thursday 24th March 2016 - reason: duplicate
Give left over food from schools, works, ect... To food banks.
Rejected on Thursday 24th March 2016 - reason: duplicate
Allow students aged 16-18 to pay child fares on public transportation in the UK.
Rejected on Thursday 24th March 2016 - reason: duplicate
Reverse the decision to shelve plans regarding the roll out of PrEP
Rejected on Thursday 24th March 2016 - reason: duplicate
Call a vote of no confidence in the Chancellors ability to continue in his role.
Rejected on Thursday 24th March 2016 - reason: duplicate
Vote of no confidence George Osborne MP.
Rejected on Thursday 24th March 2016 - reason: duplicate
Scrap the upcoming Housing and Planning Bill.
Rejected on Thursday 24th March 2016 - reason: duplicate
Make smear testing age be reduced to the age of 18
Rejected on Thursday 24th March 2016 - reason: duplicate
Help fund NHS operation for british children
Rejected on Thursday 24th March 2016 - reason: no-action
Force the long overdue publication of the chilcott inquiry .
Rejected on Thursday 24th March 2016 - reason: irrelevant
Ban the sale of single use platic carrier bags in the UK. Use paper instead.
Rejected on Thursday 24th March 2016 - reason: duplicate
stop unemployed people being forced to work for their benefits slave labour
Rejected on Thursday 24th March 2016 - reason: no-action
Google to pay tax based on its "profits from sales" in the United Kingdom.
Rejected on Thursday 24th March 2016 - reason: no-action
All new cars to be equipped as standard with a Life Hammer.
Rejected on Thursday 24th March 2016 - reason: duplicate
Free travel for university students
Rejected on Thursday 24th March 2016 - reason: no-action
Lower the cost of breakfast clubs and after school clubs for working parents.
Rejected on Thursday 24th March 2016 - reason: irrelevant
Rejected on Thursday 24th March 2016 - reason: no-action Mon, 03 Mar 2025 13:35:20 +0000