All the petitions which were rejected in September 2018, sorted by rejection date from newest to oldest.
To let Chris brown into the UK to do a tour. He was banned in 2009
Rejected on Wednesday 12th September 2018 - reason: duplicate
Create a pride event in Southport
Rejected on Wednesday 12th September 2018 - reason: irrelevant
Install a speed camera/traffic calming measure on the Beith Road, Johnstone.
Rejected on Wednesday 12th September 2018 - reason: irrelevant
Change to the old A B C GCSE grades instead of 1-9
Rejected on Wednesday 12th September 2018 - reason: duplicate
UK Councils & Highways: Fix all the potholes across the UK.
Rejected on Wednesday 12th September 2018 - reason: irrelevant
Raise the Mp's retirement age in line with normal working tax payers retirement.
Rejected on Wednesday 12th September 2018 - reason: irrelevant
Prosecute headteachers who suspend pupils based on their clothing or appearance.
Rejected on Wednesday 12th September 2018 - reason: irrelevant
Reveal identities of children that are charged with gang and knife related crime
Rejected on Wednesday 12th September 2018 - reason: irrelevant
Give Carl cox a knighthood
Rejected on Wednesday 12th September 2018 - reason: honours
UK Government to Coordinate with the Citizens Advice Spain and British Expats.
Rejected on Wednesday 12th September 2018 - reason: irrelevant
Stop the government plan to allow vaping in offices and enclosed public spaces.
Rejected on Wednesday 12th September 2018 - reason: duplicate
Reintroduce full mortgage interest relief
Rejected on Wednesday 12th September 2018 - reason: duplicate
Make Adult Fair On Public Transport Start From The End Of Year 13 Not At Age 16
Rejected on Wednesday 12th September 2018 - reason: no-action
Make the wearing of cycling helmets compulsory for all cyclists on public roads
Rejected on Wednesday 12th September 2018 - reason: duplicate
Change wordings for current GP Fit Note form.
Rejected on Wednesday 12th September 2018 - reason: no-action
Introduce a new uniform for London Academy
Rejected on Wednesday 12th September 2018 - reason: irrelevant
Build a basketball court at St Andrews park in Uxbridge
Rejected on Wednesday 12th September 2018 - reason: irrelevant
Allow doctors to issue a temporary disabled blue badge for people with injuries
Rejected on Wednesday 12th September 2018 - reason: duplicate
The death penalty should be brought back to the UK in order to reduce crimes.
Rejected on Tuesday 11th September 2018 - reason: duplicate
Make the sale, use and production of cannabis legal in the UK
Rejected on Tuesday 11th September 2018 - reason: duplicate
Impose a vehicle noise limit on all motorised vehicles, including motorcycles
Rejected on Tuesday 11th September 2018 - reason: duplicate
Reduce the income requirement for a spouse visa
Rejected on Tuesday 11th September 2018 - reason: duplicate
British Sign Language to be part of the school curriculum
Rejected on Tuesday 11th September 2018 - reason: duplicate
Strip parental rights from abusive parents using children with coercive control
Rejected on Tuesday 11th September 2018 - reason: duplicate
Debate hate crime & Islamophobia & attacking Islamic Beliefs.
Rejected on Tuesday 11th September 2018 - reason: no-action
Provide mandatory education on consent in all primary and secondary schools
Rejected on Tuesday 11th September 2018 - reason: duplicate
Petition for Cumbria NHS to re-open Gill Rise Dementia unit
Rejected on Tuesday 11th September 2018 - reason: irrelevant
Treat abuse of agricultural and rural businesses as a hate crime.
Rejected on Tuesday 11th September 2018 - reason: no-action
We the people no longer have confidence in the Government's handling of Brexit.
Rejected on Monday 10th September 2018 - reason: no-action
About a travellers site being put in a residential area of Knutsford
Rejected on Monday 10th September 2018 - reason: irrelevant
Gender parity:50/50(women/men)in parliament/government,public institutions.
Rejected on Monday 10th September 2018 - reason: irrelevant
Make TFL & gov traffic bodies legally required to contact people by e-mail
Rejected on Monday 10th September 2018 - reason: irrelevant
Ban Netflix adverts!
Rejected on Monday 10th September 2018 - reason: irrelevant
Stop BCC allowing Poolway Shopping Centre in Garretts Green to become a 'museum'
Rejected on Monday 10th September 2018 - reason: irrelevant
Make a claim on one car insurance policy apply to that policy only.
Rejected on Monday 10th September 2018 - reason: irrelevant
Make Gwynedd Council abide by the RNLI's 2014 survey,lifeguards for Tywyn Beach
Rejected on Monday 10th September 2018 - reason: irrelevant
Reverse the Planning Decision made by NSDC at The Old Library, Edwinstowe.
Rejected on Monday 10th September 2018 - reason: irrelevant
Travel Cost / Season Ticket Loans should be a Tax Free allowance
Rejected on Monday 10th September 2018 - reason: no-action
Provide financial benefits for sufferers of SICKLE CELL ANAEMIA who cannot work.
Rejected on Monday 10th September 2018 - reason: no-action
Give the UK people the choice betweeen meat and halal meat
Rejected on Monday 10th September 2018 - reason: duplicate
Give fathers equal rights to their children.
Rejected on Monday 10th September 2018 - reason: duplicate
Lower the price of school uniform in secondary schools and academy schools
Rejected on Monday 10th September 2018 - reason: duplicate
Clean up litter on Manchester’s streets and keep a regular litter pick routine.
Rejected on Monday 10th September 2018 - reason: irrelevant
Re-introduce common law offences of blasphemy and blasphemous libel for UK & EU
Rejected on Monday 10th September 2018 - reason: no-action
Make hygiene ratings mandatory in the UK.
Rejected on Friday 7th September 2018 - reason: duplicate
Include adult grooming within the Sexual Offences Act 2003
Rejected on Friday 7th September 2018 - reason: duplicate
Stop all Councils in the UK giving out commercial dog breeding licen
Rejected on Friday 7th September 2018 - reason: no-action
Revise LA’s treatment of statutory law for vulnerable children and SEN children
Rejected on Friday 7th September 2018 - reason: irrelevant
Keep Parkway, New Addington (Special Care Dental Community Clinic) OPEN!
Rejected on Friday 7th September 2018 - reason: irrelevant
Stop politicians renting out their property to claim expenses on hotels.
Rejected on Friday 7th September 2018 - reason: irrelevant
Invite the government to have a debate on current forced adoption practices.
Rejected on Thursday 6th September 2018 - reason: duplicate
stop the loop hole of non paying self employed fathers through csa
Rejected on Thursday 6th September 2018 - reason: no-action
A law that allows anyone to buy a property when shown they can afford a mortgage
Rejected on Thursday 6th September 2018 - reason: irrelevant
Stop the closure of Solihull School K2 - 200 students now misplaced
Rejected on Thursday 6th September 2018 - reason: irrelevant
Ban disrespectful videos about the Holy Prophet Muhammad PBUH on YouTube.
Rejected on Thursday 6th September 2018 - reason: irrelevant
Rejected on Thursday 6th September 2018 - reason: duplicate
Prevent the use of e-cigarettes/vaping on public transport and public areas
Rejected on Wednesday 5th September 2018 - reason: duplicate
MCA to be held accountable for their failings to deliver acceptable service
Rejected on Wednesday 5th September 2018 - reason: no-action
Free sanitary pads and tampons every month
Rejected on Wednesday 5th September 2018 - reason: duplicate
Start making cyclists put some form of identification on the cycles.
Rejected on Wednesday 5th September 2018 - reason: duplicate
Stop attractions charging adult prices for children under the legal adult age
Rejected on Wednesday 5th September 2018 - reason: irrelevant
Block a 2nd Brexit vote.
Rejected on Wednesday 5th September 2018 - reason: duplicate
Help other debilitating neurological diseases
Rejected on Wednesday 5th September 2018 - reason: no-action
Fly the LGBT flag in Abingdon
Rejected on Wednesday 5th September 2018 - reason: irrelevant
To allow private rail firms to re-open and own railway lines for public service
Rejected on Wednesday 5th September 2018 - reason: no-action
more support available for children with disabilities ,in schools and fairly .
Rejected on Wednesday 5th September 2018 - reason: no-action
Carers Register for all carers in adult social care in England
Rejected on Wednesday 5th September 2018 - reason: duplicate
Make replying to petitions with a copy and paste reply from DExEU an offence.
Rejected on Wednesday 5th September 2018 - reason: no-action
Respond specifically to the ‘broken electoral laws’ issue on petition 223729
Rejected on Wednesday 5th September 2018 - reason: duplicate
to scrap the ban against “tyler, the creator” and let him into the UK
Rejected on Wednesday 5th September 2018 - reason: duplicate
New build dwellings should have rainwater recovery systems fitted.
Rejected on Wednesday 5th September 2018 - reason: no-action
Do not change the law to allow vaping/e-cigatettes on buses/public transport.
Rejected on Wednesday 5th September 2018 - reason: duplicate
Stop the government from allowing vaping in public places.
Rejected on Wednesday 5th September 2018 - reason: duplicate
Bring Cllr David Owens to account for his abstention regarding Princes Parade
Rejected on Wednesday 5th September 2018 - reason: irrelevant
Force The Goverment To Subsidise Sanitary Products
Rejected on Wednesday 5th September 2018 - reason: duplicate
Abolish The BBC license fee. The whole organisation is no longer fit for purpose
Rejected on Wednesday 5th September 2018 - reason: duplicate
Stop using Health & Safety legislation to justify Disability Discrimination.
Rejected on Wednesday 5th September 2018 - reason: irrelevant
Not allow vaping in public places or on buses and trains
Rejected on Tuesday 4th September 2018 - reason: duplicate
Install red light cameras on all sides of Radford Road/Valley Road jct in Nottm.
Rejected on Tuesday 4th September 2018 - reason: irrelevant
No confidence vote as Theresa May is a threat with authorative tendancies.
Rejected on Tuesday 4th September 2018 - reason: honours
Make the education system more accessible to people with mental illness
Rejected on Tuesday 4th September 2018 - reason: no-action
FREE PARKING for Beckside Area residents Beverley and surrounding areas affected
Rejected on Tuesday 4th September 2018 - reason: irrelevant
Stop Northampton residents being financially punished for council spending error
Rejected on Tuesday 4th September 2018 - reason: irrelevant
UK aid budget be used to help disasters, health and education.
Rejected on Tuesday 4th September 2018 - reason: no-action
Keep Truro’s homelessness charity and shelter open
Rejected on Tuesday 4th September 2018 - reason: irrelevant
Ban halal slaughter and the sale of halal food in the UK.
Rejected on Tuesday 4th September 2018 - reason: duplicate
Stop gambling adverts on tv
Rejected on Tuesday 4th September 2018 - reason: duplicate
Legislate UK Abattoirs to declare whether Religious Slaughter methods are used.
Rejected on Tuesday 4th September 2018 - reason: duplicate
Provide better out of hours mental health services
Rejected on Tuesday 4th September 2018 - reason: no-action
Lower the compulsory age of cervical smear test screenings to 18
Rejected on Tuesday 4th September 2018 - reason: duplicate
Review childcare allowances for working parents.
Rejected on Tuesday 4th September 2018 - reason: no-action
UK Nationals living in the EU should have compensation after losing rights.
Rejected on Tuesday 4th September 2018 - reason: no-action
Allow Chris brown back into the uk
Rejected on Tuesday 4th September 2018 - reason: duplicate
UK Govt should decry caricature of Muhammad SAW
Rejected on Tuesday 4th September 2018 - reason: duplicate
Reject MP’s request for expenses budgets rise to cover Brexit costs
Rejected on Tuesday 4th September 2018 - reason: irrelevant
Overturn the draconian prison sentence handed to British citizen Jonathan Nash.
Rejected on Monday 3rd September 2018 - reason: irrelevant
Stop holiday prices increasing during UK School holidays.
Rejected on Monday 3rd September 2018 - reason: duplicate
Give me my Bus pass I paid my way I worked all my life im entitled to it..
Rejected on Monday 3rd September 2018 - reason: duplicate
Ban the practice of slaughtering unstunned animals for Halal or Kosher meat.
Rejected on Monday 3rd September 2018 - reason: duplicate
Stop the rail fare increase of 3.2% in January 2019.
Rejected on Monday 3rd September 2018 - reason: duplicate Mon, 03 Mar 2025 19:54:42 +0000