All the petitions which were rejected in August 2020, sorted by rejection date from newest to oldest.
Stop UK professional football clubs from behaving immorally
Rejected on Thursday 13th August 2020 - reason: duplicate
Introduce a cap on football wages for all professional footballers.
Rejected on Thursday 13th August 2020 - reason: irrelevant
Emotional self-regulation to be compulsory within the national curriculum
Rejected on Thursday 13th August 2020 - reason: already-happening
Revoke ALL laws created as a result of COVID-19 when the emergency is over.
Rejected on Thursday 13th August 2020 - reason: no-action
Remove and ban racist language in media
Rejected on Thursday 13th August 2020 - reason: irrelevant
To have 2 birthing partners not just one.
Rejected on Thursday 13th August 2020 - reason: irrelevant
A Football Fans Charter or Constitution.
Rejected on Thursday 13th August 2020 - reason: no-action
Change the way CSA money is calculated.
Rejected on Thursday 13th August 2020 - reason: duplicate
Universities should accept non-paid internships for international students
Rejected on Thursday 13th August 2020 - reason: irrelevant
Reinstate face-to-face mental health services during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Rejected on Thursday 13th August 2020 - reason: irrelevant
We demand the cross-party Covid-19 Task Group set up, work with the government.
Rejected on Thursday 13th August 2020 - reason: duplicate
Open meadow road car park in Royal Tunbridge wells
Rejected on Thursday 13th August 2020 - reason: irrelevant
A free 24 hour anonymous helpline for people on illegal drugs who want to stop
Rejected on Thursday 13th August 2020 - reason: already-happening
Allow makeup artists & beauty techs to return to work definitely on the 15/8/20
Rejected on Thursday 13th August 2020 - reason: duplicate
Review the Communications Act; in contradiction with Competition Law for TV fee
Rejected on Thursday 13th August 2020 - reason: duplicate
Build a skate park in Steyning west sussex
Rejected on Thursday 13th August 2020 - reason: irrelevant
Put in speed control measures on Doe Bank Lane.
Rejected on Thursday 13th August 2020 - reason: irrelevant
Close all UK beaches until further notice
Rejected on Thursday 13th August 2020 - reason: duplicate
An independent investigation into the Premier League and the Newcastle takeover.
Rejected on Thursday 13th August 2020 - reason: irrelevant
Make English ethnicity in ethnic monitoring forms compulsory in England
Rejected on Thursday 13th August 2020 - reason: no-action
Allow birthing partner to support mother throughout the entirety of her labor.
Rejected on Thursday 13th August 2020 - reason: irrelevant
Reconsider the new strategy on tackling obesity in the UK.
Rejected on Thursday 13th August 2020 - reason: duplicate
Introduce a Body Shaming Act
Rejected on Thursday 13th August 2020 - reason: duplicate
Hold an independent public inquiry into COVID-19 and BAME communities in the UK
Rejected on Wednesday 12th August 2020 - reason: already-happening
Stop referring to the State Pension as a Benefit
Rejected on Wednesday 12th August 2020 - reason: no-action
Support the Gym & Fitness Industry through a Work Out to Help Out Scheme
Rejected on Wednesday 12th August 2020 - reason: duplicate
Work out to help out! Government to pay 50% of gym and wellness classes.
Rejected on Wednesday 12th August 2020 - reason: duplicate
Keep gyms open instead of pubs if lockdown measures need to be reimposed
Rejected on Wednesday 12th August 2020 - reason: duplicate
Reopen gym facilities in England!!!
Rejected on Wednesday 12th August 2020 - reason: already-happening
Allow gyms to open on 4th July
Rejected on Wednesday 12th August 2020 - reason: already-happening
Open Gyms in the UK with safety measures in place.
Rejected on Wednesday 12th August 2020 - reason: already-happening
Re-open Gyms and leisure centres
Rejected on Wednesday 12th August 2020 - reason: already-happening
Let the gyms open .people who have health problems . depend on the gym 100%
Rejected on Wednesday 12th August 2020 - reason: already-happening
Reopening Gyms and Leisure Facilities, as well as the recent re-opening of pubs
Rejected on Wednesday 12th August 2020 - reason: already-happening
Reopen gyms and leisure facilities across the entire UK
Rejected on Wednesday 12th August 2020 - reason: already-happening
Re-open gyms following the change of "2 metres rule" to "+1 metre rule"
Rejected on Wednesday 12th August 2020 - reason: already-happening
Open Gyms in the UK with immediate effect
Rejected on Wednesday 12th August 2020 - reason: already-happening
Reopen Gyms & Leisure Centres on 4th July
Rejected on Wednesday 12th August 2020 - reason: already-happening
Open indoor gyms
Rejected on Wednesday 12th August 2020 - reason: already-happening
We want the government to reopen gyms on July 4th 2020
Rejected on Wednesday 12th August 2020 - reason: already-happening
Open gyms on the 4th July
Rejected on Wednesday 12th August 2020 - reason: already-happening
Allow gyms and sports clubs to re-open on July 4th.
Rejected on Wednesday 12th August 2020 - reason: already-happening
Mental and Physical HEALTH for society by REOPENING GYMS!
Rejected on Wednesday 12th August 2020 - reason: already-happening
Allow gyms to re-open adhering to covid 19 measures
Rejected on Wednesday 12th August 2020 - reason: already-happening
Open gyms
Rejected on Wednesday 12th August 2020 - reason: already-happening
suspend male MP arrested for raping a female parliamentary researcher
Rejected on Wednesday 12th August 2020 - reason: honours
Publicly release details and suspend Tory MP being investigated for rape.
Rejected on Wednesday 12th August 2020 - reason: irrelevant
Give bin men recognition and a pay rise!
Rejected on Wednesday 12th August 2020 - reason: irrelevant
Create an Online Poll system for Public votes on policies, SpAds and Ministers
Rejected on Wednesday 12th August 2020 - reason: no-action
More than 1 birthing partner in delivery room during the pandemic
Rejected on Wednesday 12th August 2020 - reason: irrelevant
Make it mandatory for CPS to provide all victims of abuse with trauma therapy
Rejected on Wednesday 12th August 2020 - reason: duplicate
Change the liability law to protect vulnerable road users.
Rejected on Wednesday 12th August 2020 - reason: duplicate
Stop racial injustice committed by Police toward ethnic minorities in the UK.
Rejected on Wednesday 12th August 2020 - reason: duplicate
Ban compulsory branded uniforms due to Covid19's impact on families
Rejected on Wednesday 12th August 2020 - reason: duplicate
Remove aptitude examinations (UCAT and BMAT) for Universities for 2020/21 entry.
Rejected on Wednesday 12th August 2020 - reason: irrelevant
Pet owners should be held legally responsible if there animal causes harm.
Rejected on Wednesday 12th August 2020 - reason: no-action
Allow 16-18 year olds to be under children’s medical care in the NHS
Rejected on Wednesday 12th August 2020 - reason: irrelevant
Ryanair should issue refunds for areas the FCO say are 'essential travel only'
Rejected on Wednesday 12th August 2020 - reason: duplicate
Passengers with Non Essential Flights to be refunded money or voucher
Rejected on Wednesday 12th August 2020 - reason: duplicate
Flights departing against FCO advice
Rejected on Wednesday 12th August 2020 - reason: duplicate
Make travel companies refund the total cost of a package holiday due to COVID-19
Rejected on Wednesday 12th August 2020 - reason: irrelevant
Hold a public inquiry into institutional racism in the Police Forces.
Rejected on Wednesday 12th August 2020 - reason: duplicate
Introduce a Primary/Secondary school curriculum for Prejudice & Equality Studies
Rejected on Wednesday 12th August 2020 - reason: duplicate
Hold a Referendum in Scotland to end Devolution
Rejected on Wednesday 12th August 2020 - reason: duplicate
New law's and funding for the prevention of human trafficking & child slavery.
Rejected on Wednesday 12th August 2020 - reason: no-action
Extend Financial Support for Sectors Unable to Return to Work due to COVID-19
Rejected on Wednesday 12th August 2020 - reason: duplicate
Greater punishments for anyone committing acts of animal cruelty
Rejected on Wednesday 12th August 2020 - reason: duplicate
Overhaul the EWS1 form to make selling and buying flats in the UK possible again
Rejected on Wednesday 12th August 2020 - reason: irrelevant
British veterans to have there own regional independent representative for HoP
Rejected on Wednesday 12th August 2020 - reason: no-action
Make UK Law, that ALL cyclists in the UK MUST USE HIGH VISIBLE garment or BAND.
Rejected on Wednesday 12th August 2020 - reason: duplicate
Enable MPs to exchange salaries with Nurses for a 12 month trial period.
Rejected on Wednesday 12th August 2020 - reason: irrelevant
Do NOT strip Wiley of his MBE over an opinion!!!
Rejected on Tuesday 11th August 2020 - reason: honours
Put David Attenborough's face on the twenty pound notes before he dies!
Rejected on Tuesday 11th August 2020 - reason: irrelevant
Give more funding to mental health services in the North of Ireland
Rejected on Tuesday 11th August 2020 - reason: irrelevant
Introduce British Sign Language into the schools curriculum.
Rejected on Tuesday 11th August 2020 - reason: duplicate
Give EU citizens with Settled Status the right to vote in all elections
Rejected on Tuesday 11th August 2020 - reason: duplicate
Harsher penalties to peadofiles longer jail terms
Rejected on Tuesday 11th August 2020 - reason: duplicate
Make 2020 GCSE grades have no effect on university admissions for all students
Rejected on Tuesday 11th August 2020 - reason: irrelevant
Require all shops to accept cash up to the legal tender limits.
Rejected on Tuesday 11th August 2020 - reason: duplicate
Defund the BBC.
Rejected on Tuesday 11th August 2020 - reason: duplicate
A mandatory prison sentence for those who assault emergency service personnel
Rejected on Tuesday 11th August 2020 - reason: duplicate
Stop plans to build large row of flats on Beehive Lane communal area.
Rejected on Tuesday 11th August 2020 - reason: irrelevant
Allow wedding receptions from 15th August 2020.
Rejected on Tuesday 11th August 2020 - reason: duplicate
Review the current guidelines for weddings / receptions and make them viable.
Rejected on Tuesday 11th August 2020 - reason: duplicate
Allow wedding receptions to go ahead following hospitality guidelines.
Rejected on Tuesday 11th August 2020 - reason: duplicate
Bring back full Dental Treatment on the NHS
Rejected on Tuesday 11th August 2020 - reason: irrelevant
Allow one accompanying adult to attend antenatal scans.
Rejected on Tuesday 11th August 2020 - reason: irrelevant
Online influencers declare baby photos are staged
Rejected on Tuesday 11th August 2020 - reason: irrelevant
Stop the Drysalters public house from being demolished for a Costa coffee
Rejected on Tuesday 11th August 2020 - reason: irrelevant
Say NO to face masks at wedding receptions
Rejected on Tuesday 11th August 2020 - reason: no-action
Place an age restriction for the sale and usage of disposable barbecues
Rejected on Tuesday 11th August 2020 - reason: duplicate
The UK should pause the exporting of policing & security equipment to the US.
Rejected on Tuesday 11th August 2020 - reason: duplicate
To take a moral and legislative stance on BAME inequality.
Rejected on Tuesday 11th August 2020 - reason: duplicate
You take a picnic to a beauty spot! Take it all home with you including rubbish!
Rejected on Tuesday 11th August 2020 - reason: already-happening
husbands / boyfriends should be allowed to attend appointments at hospitals
Rejected on Tuesday 11th August 2020 - reason: irrelevant
Remove temporary traffic restrictions for pedestrian social distancing.
Rejected on Tuesday 11th August 2020 - reason: irrelevant
Create minimum mandatory custodial sentences for assaults on emergency workers.
Rejected on Tuesday 11th August 2020 - reason: duplicate
Stop migrant boats from France landing in the UK by escorting back to france
Rejected on Tuesday 11th August 2020 - reason: no-action
Hold News Publishers responsible for sensational and inaccurate articles
Rejected on Tuesday 11th August 2020 - reason: duplicate
Send Medical, Monetary aid and Support to Lebanon
Rejected on Tuesday 11th August 2020 - reason: duplicate Mon, 03 Mar 2025 23:02:54 +0000