All the petitions which were rejected in December 2021, sorted by rejection date from newest to oldest.
Label country of origin clearly and visibly on all British goods
Rejected on Thursday 16th December 2021 - reason: duplicate
Proof of 10 Downing Street abiding by the Covid rules on 18th Dec 2020
Rejected on Thursday 16th December 2021 - reason: already-happening
Extend the visas for overseas NHS staff on the wake of Covid.
Rejected on Thursday 16th December 2021 - reason: fake-name
Reid’s law - Widening the criteria of domestic violence
Rejected on Thursday 16th December 2021 - reason: no-action
Make Prostate Specific Antigen screening available for men over the age of 60
Rejected on Thursday 16th December 2021 - reason: irrelevant
We want a rematch of the 2019 General Election! Boris vs Jeremy
Rejected on Thursday 16th December 2021 - reason: irrelevant
More support in mainstream schools for children with SEN needs
Rejected on Thursday 16th December 2021 - reason: no-action
Create a robust disciplinary procedure for MPs similar to that of the Police
Rejected on Wednesday 15th December 2021 - reason: no-action
No Mandatory Covid Passport in England.
Rejected on Wednesday 15th December 2021 - reason: duplicate
Allow the public to trigger a vote of no confidence in the government
Rejected on Wednesday 15th December 2021 - reason: no-action
Remove South Africa from the 'red travel list' as Omicron is now in 57 countries
Rejected on Wednesday 15th December 2021 - reason: already-happening
Discuss a vote of no confidence in the UK political system.
Rejected on Wednesday 15th December 2021 - reason: no-action
Ensure better family visiting in hospital & care homes especially at end of life
Rejected on Wednesday 15th December 2021 - reason: irrelevant
Remove Boris Johnson as Prime Minister
Rejected on Wednesday 15th December 2021 - reason: honours
Vote of no confidence get Boris out
Rejected on Wednesday 15th December 2021 - reason: honours
Legalise medical use of Psilocybin in the UK
Rejected on Wednesday 15th December 2021 - reason: duplicate
Demand a vote of no confidence in Boris Johnson for telling untruths.
Rejected on Wednesday 15th December 2021 - reason: honours
Track and hold accountable sources of leaks of sensitive information
Rejected on Wednesday 15th December 2021 - reason: no-action
Introduce a fact check procedure in the parliamentary process
Rejected on Wednesday 15th December 2021 - reason: no-action
Ammend laws regarding NEURO-DIVERSITY human rights and education or lack thereof
Rejected on Wednesday 15th December 2021 - reason: no-action
Decrease amount of tax taken off our wages from tax increase
Rejected on Wednesday 15th December 2021 - reason: no-action
Make Hull the Official second Capital of the UK
Rejected on Wednesday 15th December 2021 - reason: no-action
Refund all PCN fines given out during lockdown .
Rejected on Wednesday 15th December 2021 - reason: no-action
Prosecute dog owners whose dogs attack other dogs
Rejected on Wednesday 15th December 2021 - reason: irrelevant
Order the resignation of the PM Boris Johnson
Rejected on Wednesday 15th December 2021 - reason: honours
Stop discrimination against those who choose not to take the COVID-19 vaccines.
Rejected on Wednesday 15th December 2021 - reason: duplicate
make it a criminal offence to leave children in abusive situations
Rejected on Wednesday 15th December 2021 - reason: no-action
To teach the meaning of LGBT+ in primary schools
Rejected on Wednesday 15th December 2021 - reason: no-action
UK that they have no confidence in our present Prime Minster , Boris Johnson,
Rejected on Wednesday 15th December 2021 - reason: honours
Declare Keanu Reeves a national treasure despite being Canadian
Rejected on Wednesday 15th December 2021 - reason: irrelevant
That the government treat the Covid debt similar to 'war debt'.
Rejected on Wednesday 15th December 2021 - reason: no-action
Change the Law on Poker.
Rejected on Wednesday 15th December 2021 - reason: no-action
Hold water companies accountable for their abysmal customer service
Rejected on Wednesday 15th December 2021 - reason: no-action
Repeal the Coronavirus Act.
Rejected on Wednesday 15th December 2021 - reason: duplicate
HGV insurance caps or help to allow more companies to take on new pass drivers.
Rejected on Wednesday 15th December 2021 - reason: irrelevant
Change the ULEZ charge to individual 24hrs rather than collective 24hrs
Rejected on Wednesday 15th December 2021 - reason: irrelevant
Vote of No Confidence against Boris Johnson and the conservative party
Rejected on Wednesday 15th December 2021 - reason: honours
Teach Sign Language in all UK schools at all levels as part of the curriculum.
Rejected on Wednesday 15th December 2021 - reason: duplicate
Boris johnson removal from office
Rejected on Wednesday 15th December 2021 - reason: honours
Take an under 18-year-old question at PMQ's
Rejected on Tuesday 14th December 2021 - reason: no-action
Change Child Maintenance Services payment system
Rejected on Tuesday 14th December 2021 - reason: irrelevant
Divorce law: change the definition of ‘adultery’ to encompass same sex marriage.
Rejected on Tuesday 14th December 2021 - reason: duplicate
Reward NHS employee 1 additional day off due keeping NHS Running during COVID
Rejected on Tuesday 14th December 2021 - reason: irrelevant
Request the Court to set up a panel to evaluate all evidence of climate change
Rejected on Tuesday 14th December 2021 - reason: no-action
Transition from animal to arable agriculture to protect against climate change.
Rejected on Tuesday 14th December 2021 - reason: no-action
General election, Allow the public to decide who should be running our country.
Rejected on Tuesday 14th December 2021 - reason: duplicate
Nurses who are working here should be exempted from hotel quarantine
Rejected on Tuesday 14th December 2021 - reason: no-action
Reinstate Capital Punishment, for crimes against children
Rejected on Tuesday 14th December 2021 - reason: no-action
Set a 5 year term limit for politicians to end corruption in parliament.
Rejected on Tuesday 14th December 2021 - reason: no-action
Release CCTV from No 10 on the 18/12/20 with regards to the Tory Christmas party
Rejected on Tuesday 14th December 2021 - reason: foi
Ask Universities to provide remote learning methods and assessments in 2022
Rejected on Tuesday 14th December 2021 - reason: irrelevant
Requirement for health & social staff to work reasonable notice period.
Rejected on Tuesday 14th December 2021 - reason: irrelevant
Remove South Africa from travel 'Red List' calling for urgent Government review
Rejected on Tuesday 14th December 2021 - reason: duplicate
Adjust Uni fees based on the amount of facetoface teaching the students receive
Rejected on Tuesday 14th December 2021 - reason: irrelevant
To mandate that vaccinations will never be made compulsory
Rejected on Tuesday 14th December 2021 - reason: duplicate
End all restrictions and guidelines permanently for anything relating to covid
Rejected on Tuesday 14th December 2021 - reason: duplicate
Extend Driving theory test validation - Lockdowns impacted. No refund. Unfair.
Rejected on Tuesday 14th December 2021 - reason: duplicate
Regularization of online course options in the UK
Rejected on Tuesday 14th December 2021 - reason: no-action
Give Men and Women equal pay
Rejected on Tuesday 14th December 2021 - reason: irrelevant
Hold a vote of no confidence in the Prime Minister Boris Johnson.
Rejected on Tuesday 14th December 2021 - reason: honours
Urge the UK government to donate COVID 19 vaccines to poor countries
Rejected on Tuesday 14th December 2021 - reason: duplicate
Boris Johnson and Xmas party guest removed as MP'S with immediate effect
Rejected on Tuesday 14th December 2021 - reason: honours
Allow parents back into nurseries and early learning facilities.
Rejected on Tuesday 14th December 2021 - reason: no-action
Make a new law so sexual predators can be prosecuted on intent.
Rejected on Tuesday 14th December 2021 - reason: no-action
Call a vote of no confidence in Boris Johnson
Rejected on Tuesday 14th December 2021 - reason: honours
Do not make the Covid vaccine mandatory in the UK
Rejected on Tuesday 14th December 2021 - reason: duplicate
Police investigate 10 Downing Street on 27/11/20 & 18/12/20 & establish events.
Rejected on Tuesday 14th December 2021 - reason: irrelevant
Leave European Convention on Human Rights & replace Human Rights Act 1998
Rejected on Tuesday 14th December 2021 - reason: no-action
Boris to resign as Prime Minister
Rejected on Tuesday 14th December 2021 - reason: honours
Provide a "None of the above" option on all election ballot papers.
Rejected on Tuesday 14th December 2021 - reason: duplicate
Remove Boris Johnson as prime minster.
Rejected on Tuesday 14th December 2021 - reason: honours
Save Wethersfield Airfield
Rejected on Tuesday 14th December 2021 - reason: no-action
Give permission for the Queen to remove the present Prime Minister Boris Johnson
Rejected on Tuesday 14th December 2021 - reason: honours
Change the law to Emotional and Intellectual Age of Criminal Responsibility.
Rejected on Tuesday 14th December 2021 - reason: no-action
Make Borris Johnson resign
Rejected on Tuesday 14th December 2021 - reason: honours
Allow a public vote of no confidence in this shambolic Conservative government.
Rejected on Tuesday 14th December 2021 - reason: honours
Vote of no confidence.
Rejected on Tuesday 14th December 2021 - reason: honours
Recognise people vaccinated abroad as fully vaccinated in the NHS COVID-19 app.
Rejected on Tuesday 14th December 2021 - reason: duplicate
Mandatory drug testing for MPs, Civil Servants and Local Councillors
Rejected on Monday 13th December 2021 - reason: no-action
The covid passport should be extended to include 12 - 15 year-olds.
Rejected on Monday 13th December 2021 - reason: duplicate
Ban covid-19 passports against human rights and discrimination
Rejected on Monday 13th December 2021 - reason: duplicate
Flights from Scotland ( Edinburgh or Glasgow )to ( Kosovo or Albania ) direct
Rejected on Monday 13th December 2021 - reason: irrelevant
The prime minister to be removed
Rejected on Monday 13th December 2021 - reason: honours
Revoke the changes to Clause 9 of the 'Nationality and Borders' bill
Rejected on Monday 13th December 2021 - reason: duplicate
Do not impose mandatory vaccinations
Rejected on Monday 13th December 2021 - reason: duplicate
Abolish all covid passports and vaccine appeasement from media
Rejected on Monday 13th December 2021 - reason: duplicate
Call for a general election, in light of the recent Xmas party scandal.
Rejected on Monday 13th December 2021 - reason: duplicate
Investigate the Christmas Parties on 13th and 18th December 2020
Rejected on Monday 13th December 2021 - reason: already-happening
No confidence in the government poll,
Boris to resign
Rejected on Monday 13th December 2021 - reason: honours
Fully & partially vaccinated people coming from Nigeria to self isolate at home.
Rejected on Monday 13th December 2021 - reason: no-action
Ban the infinite scroll.
Rejected on Monday 13th December 2021 - reason: irrelevant
Amend the forced marriage act to include mandatory licenses to arrange marriages
Rejected on Monday 13th December 2021 - reason: no-action
For the Prime Minster to resign or to call a general election.
Rejected on Monday 13th December 2021 - reason: honours
Provide Ladders In All Flats Belonging To High-Rise Tower Blocks.
Rejected on Monday 13th December 2021 - reason: no-action
People's vote of no confidence in the Conservative Government.
Rejected on Monday 13th December 2021 - reason: duplicate
Ask Parliament to debate whether or not the Prime Minister should resign.
Rejected on Monday 13th December 2021 - reason: honours
REFUSE another lockdown. Let the county get back to normal
Rejected on Monday 13th December 2021 - reason: no-action
Get Boris Johnston to resign
Rejected on Monday 13th December 2021 - reason: honours
Start a General Election by motion of no confidence in Her Majesty's Government
Rejected on Monday 13th December 2021 - reason: honours
Scrap the Nationality & Borders bill
Rejected on Monday 13th December 2021 - reason: fake-name Mon, 03 Mar 2025 20:21:52 +0000